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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Update. I did check out the recommendations given on this forum. Wichan's website was impressive. Also checked out other personal recommendations plus studios I found just roaming around. Finally decided on a shop on 2nd Rd near Royal Garden primarily because I often walk by it and stopped in to chat with the owner. The final product was good but not quite as naturalistic as I had hoped. So maybe I should have gone with other's recommendations. For those of you who may be interested in a painted portrait here is some info. All shops seem to have a standard price list based on standard sizes and depending on the number of persons in the photo to be painted. For example: 40 cm x 50 cm/ 1 person = 2500 Baht. For 2 persons = 3500 Baht. Pricing seems to be about the same in all shops although it does vary. Also quality of the final product depends on the quality of the photo. So the best would be a photo taken in a studio where the lighting is controlled rather than by flash or an outdoor snapshot. If desired, a good artist can take a few years off your age; inexpensive cosmetic surgery!
  2. I did stop by and chatted with the ladies. They offered to fxxk me. Same-same you? Thank you, but no thank you ladies. But will stop by and try out the snooker table.
  3. For me this is also good news. Always fun and informative to read various forums and their contrasting styles and members. For me, a moderator with a "velvet glove" would be preferable to one with an "iron fist". Guess I will have to wait and see?
  4. Happy yes, but not quite as happy as a pig in shit. That was a very forthright evaluation and confession, if I may use that term, GB. Years ago I was in a short 2 year relationship that I had to end, but the current one has been much longer than that. Yes happy with the current one and no regrets at all. Oh, always some concerns and problems but no horror stories and no desire to end it. Just the opposite. Till death do us part or until the money runs out. Just a little joke!
  5. Yes, Soi 9. My mistake. So many 7-11s to confuse the traveler. I might add that on opposite side of Thappraya Rd, opposite of Soi 5 is a steak/meat restaurant by name of Enjoy Andre. Casual outdoor seating. Popular with Europeans. Sometimes good and sometimes ??? There is a small sign ANDRE on the corner of the soi leading to the restaurant.
  6. Maybe this has been posted before, but, if not, try Rin Kitchen in Pattaya for some good Thai food at a reasonable price. Easy to find, just turn left at the 7-11. Ok, it is slighty more complicated than that! Take the road from South Pattaya toward Jomtien, Thappraya Rd, and turn left at 7-11 onto Soi 7. Soi 7 is a few hundred meter past the overpass over Thappraya Rd. For reference, Mike's Mexican Restaurant is on Soi 5 and Sansuk Sauna is on Soi 9. So these are easy landmarks. Rin Kitchen is a hundred meters down Soi 7 on the right side. There is an open air section with picnic style tables and benches plus indoor seating but no AC. Popular with Europeans who seem to stay at hotels in that area. Also many farang eat there with their Thai guys. Very popular in high season but easy to find seating during the current low. A good selection of Thai food with reasonable prices. Easy to converse with no loud music or loud customers.
  7. One suggestion is the use of name tags. I belong to a large group of gays who meet once a month at various locations in the USA. Always easy to forget names since different members at different times, so each is given a tag to put his name (real or assumed). Helps to break the ice, or if in Thailand, the heat.
  8. Putting down some newbies as shy and socially inept will no doubt deter them from any type of meet and greet especially if they have to deal with the brash and socially charming. The mark of a good host/hostess is to accomodate all guests and make them as comfortable as possible. What may seem simple takes planning and consideration.
  9. I have a photo I wish to have painted into a larger size portrait. Does anyone have any recommendations as to artists in the Pattaya area?
  10. I agree with you 100 %. That is why I never give to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Care, Doctors without borders, and on and on. Let their own countries take care of their problems and let us alone.
  11. So what if they are not Thai? A beggar is a beggar regardless of nationality. Surely, I don't expect you or anyone else to give to beggars. I realize they are all controlled by the Mafia but I feel good about it. I must be some sort of asshole?
  12. "Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies."
  13. Your question was inappropiate. Perhaps if a close friend but not someone casual. Farang here seem to ask a lot of inappropiate questions regarding age, sex and other personal questions.
  14. This is a good idea which I also tend to practice. However if I do ask a boy to sit with me for more than a few minutes (to see if we are compatable) I then do buy him a drink( to support the bar)and do tip him.
  15. Thanks for the intrepretation GB. I actually thought Heygay's post was some sort of written form of "glossolalia" (speaking in tongues). There is a good explanation of this on Wikipedia.
  16. I suppose we all want to believe the Mafia is running the beggar program, that way we can feel good about ignoring their plight. But, as in all charities, money is being skimmed off the top by administrative costs, etc. The targeted recipients only receive a percentage of the total contributions.
  17. What about the one who is nursing her baby? Fake or real?
  18. HeyGay's response has to be the oddest, most cryptic post I have ever read.
  19. This is a real big NO NO. At a bar yesterday, a farang across from me put his foot on the table near my drink and my bf immediately moved my drink to the far side of the table. Actually not just a Thai rudeness but very rude in any culture.
  20. I hope it was not a second-hand doll. Actually there is a whole culture involving "dolls" which I would not like to think about.
  21. Stupid me. I always thought the stage was higher than the audience to give a better view. Isn't that the way with all stages? For me it is easier to see if the boys are higher up so I don't have to look through my bifocals.
  22. I just spoke with a farang who is a master of GayRomeo, he said many farang just like to chat and chat. He writes, I fxxk you; I have 8 inch; I give you 1000 Baht; you want? Yes or NO. End of conversation until the boy say, "where and what time"?
  23. For me it is always a tip, no matter what. Some bars make it easy as in Sunee Plaza. They show the merchandise and I give a 20 Baht tip. Not sit with you, no drink, no conversation. Oh, ok, I give many tips ! Other bars as in Boyztown is not so easy. They hang on stage and do not expose their wares. I just pick out the one I like best and give him a 100 Baht tip about the time I am leaving. Of course if they sit with me the tip goes from 100 Baht and up.
  24. Having more than one original is a good idea. As an Executor I have seen Wills disappear either by loss or by intention of ill-willed family members.
  25. Perhaps this is redundant? But any of the phone shops in TukCom or elsewhere can extend your time with 12 Call for a small price. Once this feature is set up you usually have six months to a year before the expiration assuming you do some topping up now and then.
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