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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. I suggest you define "top" and "bottom". Many are confused as to just what these terms mean. I had one ex-friend who believed he was a top since he was on top of the guy he was sucking off.
  2. Thanks for your replies. I am beginning to think that my bf is just fussy and not wanting to take leftovers is not a Thai thing. I know even back home some of my friends will not ever ask for a doggy bag nor will eat any leftover food of any kind. I suppose it is personal preference.
  3. Often times at restaurants I wish to take home the leftover food for later consumption. The bf objects to this and says it is a big "no-no" in Thailand. I am not talking about scraps off of plates, but dishes that are basically uneaten. Anyone had similar experiences? Oh, I no, I pay the bin I can do what I want, but no sense in making a scene over this issue.
  4. "JUNK" is now the in-word for what is found by TSA screeners when they pat down male flyers between their legs. It was made famous by a YouTube video in the USA.
  5. I suggest JunkTrunks.
  6. If you didn't go you didn't miss anything except blaring music that disturbed everyone in the plaza. They did have a big crowd, maybe it was the free food?
  7. I think the correct pronounciation is "squalor".
  8. After the pleasant distactions, back on Topic, sort of. Recently in Jomtien Complex a friend and I tried to find a quiet place to sit, drink and converse, but that was difficult to find. Most of the beer bars had loud music which made any conversation impossible. Finally ended up at Ganymede. When will they ever learn....
  9. Am I missing something? I can't comprehend a word of what is said above and what it may have to do with a Birthday at Eros? Maybe a mis-post on another topic?
  10. I have noticed the new signalized pedestrian crossing on 2nd Road seem to be very effective. If someone activates the light and is in the cross walk the motorists do stop and even wait for the green before proceeding. Also noticed that some peds are too ignorant, stupid or lazy to walk a short distance to safetly cross at these signals. Another side benefit is these light cause gaps in the traffic flow up line which makes it easier for motorists to enter into the traffic flow from side streets.
  11. To be fair, I doubt that any food in Thailand is as good in quality or price as that found in our home countries perhaps with the exception of Thai food. Rye bread in the USA or Canada can be just as bad or worse as anything in Thailand. But if you want a great corned beef or pastrami on rye try Schwartz's in Montreal, Canada. Eat your heart out, Firecat.
  12. Like I said, it's only a sandwich. The big question is, "how was the pickle"?
  13. It's just a sandwich, so don't be too hard on a welcome addition to the restaurant scene in Pattaya. I like corned beef so really it would make no difference if it were called pastrami, either would make me happy.
  14. [quote name='fountainhall' t There have also been calls to ban one of the most rightwing talkshow hosts on Fox News, Glenn Beck. Oddly enough, Glenn Beck did praise President Obama's speech. Perhaps he is feeling the pressure for some of his outlandish comments.
  15. It gives new meaning to the phrase "bag it".
  16. I do send handwritten letters on a regular basis to a friend who has no internet connection. But when in Thailand send a letter via email to his sister who then prints it and mails it to him. In return he sends his letters to her which are scanned and emailed to me. Our type of correspondence is much more lengthly and detailed then one might normally seen in an email message, at least the type of emails I am accustomed to. By now I may have written a thousand pages and received the same or more.
  17. I am resolving to not post anything while drinking.
  18. Personally I don't prefer any of them. For me a white card with black printing is a better choice. But voted for 5.
  19. First time I flew Thai Air they upgraded me to Business Class on my return trip from BKK to New York City, a non stop flight. Very nice.
  20. I believe that women are the most careful motorbike taxi drivers. Forget the old timers; one guy in Sunee Plaza was so old that he could have been my father. Not sure what he did but I fell off the bike 2 seconds after I got on it. Well, I did have afew too many drinks.
  21. Never, Rogie! Do you want to look like the blond bombshell or the one with the black shoe polish dye job? Or the 70 yo with the hair color of a 10 yo?
  22. Banning cell phones by law is about the same as banning judges in the USA from applying Shia/Sharia law to US constitutional law. Just some politician doing what they do best, nothing worthwhile.
  23. It is not the norm, it is the abnormal. I have had occasion to visit in prisons and cell phones are not allowed by visitors or inmates. Violations are punished by putting the offender in the "hole".
  24. Cell phones are not allowed in prisons for use by inmates. If they are there they have been smuggled in and likely by correction officers. Same is true for drugs, booze and cigarettes.
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