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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" which is what I immediately thought when I read the post by TJ regarding the child. From the photo of the child and prognosis by the local hospitals it seemed clear to me that there was no hope. I did agree with the substance of that contrarian poster however saw no need to have commented. And yes, best that the thread was closed.
  2. You may want to check out the LEK Hotel or Mike Hotel which are easy staggering distance to Boyztown, about one minute. Google it. But kind of late in the game to be booking a hotel for 9 Jan.
  3. 1975 Lincoln Continentals; what else for a funeral. The Dear Leader got his last ride in an American limo.
  4. Quite possible Thaiworthy. A friend was in the Manila and hooked up with a young guy on GayRomeo. The guy was very fearful and only reluctantly sent his photo. At the time my friend was sure this guy was playing games. Turns out he was a medical student, gay, handsome and craving sex. But could not have sex with anyone that could reveal him to his parents, with whom he lived. A total closet case. Your scenario is probable.
  5. There is a difference. Destruction of military targets and killing of combatants can lead to victory or defeat but the wanton killing of civilians and destruction of cities does not. In WWII it was the Allied bombing of military targets and specifically transportation facilities that crippled the German war machine. Likewise the US submarine warfare against Japanese shipping was a major factor in bringing the war to the Japanese homeland. Fire bombing and atomic bombing of cities was literally "overkill". Killing 50,000 civilians in an instant as was done in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is morally reprehensible.
  6. If some of my friends were asked that question they would say that I am acting like a 14 yo. So the sword seems to cut both ways.
  7. Maybe rape but not statutory. If a 25 yo with multiple personalities commits a crime he will be charged as an adult not a child. On the other hand having sex with someone who has the mind of a 14 yo such as mental retardation or autism, etc, then that could be rape if you took advantage of their mental condition. Having said that,I don't believe in multiple personality disorder and everything I wrote above is likely pure nonsense.
  8. What am I missing? The video clip is no longer available. I somewhat assumed that a farang may have objected to his image on that clip. Only an assumption.
  9. Thank you fountainhall. I entered the contest at very last hour thanks to a post by Thaiworthy which piqued my interest. I first entered Banff on one photo and changed my mind. Also thought of Chicago, but fountainhall is a Brit, and changed to London! And I did leave my heart in San Francisco. I cribbed on the church in Florence although I knew of the exterior dome but not the interior. The rest of my guesses were thanks to Google and some clues by other posters.. Oh, ok, I waited till the last minute so no one would copy my answers! Just joking; I saw the next to last response by Thaiworthy whose posts I like so finally read the challenge and responded. It was so late in the game that I did not have time to even submit some alternative responses.
  10. Just saw this contest and have an hour to go. A. Europe - London B. New Zealand - Lake Wakatipu C. Europe - Matterhorn D. Europe - Lake Geneva E. North America - Las Vegas F. Europe - Florence G. South America - Torres del Paine/Patagonia H. North America - NYC
  11. Why not! Here is something for Pong, Christian and Scrooge.
  12. I am not much into texting so am not familiar with many shorthand expressions such as those Pong sprinkles into his postings.
  13. Pong; I have been wanting to ask just what is your nationality since you are "anonnative"? Your writing style is unique and often tricky to understand. For example, what is "B-lo"?
  14. Even I who studied physics under Dr. Newton, can tell you that particle physics does not apply to black holes. Black holes are in the realm of Einsteinian physics; even Einstein had problems with the quantum mechanics and those crazy particles who don't know up from down or where they are or should be or when they should be.
  15. Christian,here is a blog with photos regarding underwear and boxers and an explanation for wearing both. http://www.ricequeendiary.com/thai-boys-underwear/
  16. Ahemm, it is "spanking the monkey" not the money. Pulling your pudding is similar to the Thai expression "flying the kite". I am sure in German there are many similar type expressions. Enlighten us Christian.
  17. The Bible says that God created Man in His own image; it seems you wish to create your staff in your own image of what constitutes the perfect Thai guy. For me, diversity is more divine. I don't know what the demand for any type of gay bar is in Issan?
  18. I believe that all the tips given above for an upgrade are worthless. I have been given a couple of free upgrades, back in the good old days, however I think they were to tease me to become a loyal customer. It worked, but after that it was all about money and more money. Delta is the worst of the worst and I, same as Michael, will switch allegiance to Thai since they offer good Premium Economy seating, the best in the business.
  19. Christian, are you implying that the soldier was "pulling his pudding" while on duty?
  20. Christian; Eye am knot sew shore ewe are germane butt ewe rite like Ann American? Eye like two reed yore posts. Does this make cents two ewe?
  21. There is another plus and a minus. The minus is there will be a long wait for your luggage since you cleared Immigration so quickly; the plus is there is expedited Customs with none of the usual questions and secondary searches.
  22. The speed limit of those cars is about 200mph so, at 100mph, they were just idling. 555
  23. No, he was embalmed.
  24. It must be that LMTU has been too long in Thailand and has acclimatized to the Thai style of writing. Surprisingly I was able to read what Christian wrote but, for the learner, it must be tricky to read Thai with only a limited vocabulary.
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