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Everything posted by TMax

  1. TMax

    My HERO review

    Apologies fellas, I haven't posted my report yet but it is coming, hope to post something this weekend.
  2. Bonny massage and Bangkok Massage in Soi Twilight come to mind for that type.
  3. No wasn't him (I think he is in Pattaya and this one is Bangkok) but I will say that when I returned yesterday to see their specialist he had it fixed in about 15 minutes (just a few short goes with the drill and all done), I would return to the same dentist again it's just that little mistake that irked me as her work has been good up until that point. I believe we all make mistakes and we should learn from them and not remake the same ones again.
  4. I was determined to get some long awaited dental work done on my current trip and thought maybe about 4 visits will see it all over, generally quite happy with the work except for one little mistake. The dentist reshaped one of my top teeth but after doing it realised that my partial denture no longer fits properly, that partial is thanks to a sporting injury many years ago. Some 4 hours of drilling and grinding / sanding etc (two visits of 2 hours each) and it still doesn't fit properly, okay forget it just make a new denture that will fit as I can't take any more drilling. For that I now have to return this afternoon to see the specialist (two visits in one day oh lucky me), I really do hope he doesn't want to start drilling again because at the moment I have had enough drilling to last a year. My top lip is so raw now that my fun has been reduced quite a lot and there is no way I will let a guys knob past my lips until the rawness goes away and I am missing that bit of fun. I guess it's a lesson learned, although some good work was done that one little mistake can be a real bummer. I'm hoping that in a few days all this will be behind me and I can spend the last week or so of my trip catching up on the missed fun. The dental clinic was one that was recommended on this board and like I said the work was quite good until that one little boo boo.
  5. Yeah even the one I didn't want deleted and one that I wanted gone is still there, today is not my day.
  6. Please delete, don't know why it posted multiple times
  7. Absolutely safe, as long as we stay away from any protest it is safe as houses here, just hoping the night life picks up now the curfew is a bit later. I think maybe too many people panicked and cancelled but that is their choice, this coup is different to the others in that there has been no blood letting.
  8. Makes a bit more sense and at least some of the locals should be able to get their working lives back to normal.
  9. Well as a tourist that has been here for a week I don't see what the problem is, sure there was a coup and the curfew kicks in at 22:00, the bars are closing early but that should only be a minor inconvenience for those that go to the bars (here's a tip, why not go a bit earlier?). Sure the night markets have pretty much been closed off, waste of time setting up only for a few hours of selling, all in all there is no need to panic. I remember the curfews in the Philippines under Marcos and this curfew here is very generous in comparison, just stay away from any protests and you shouldn't have much to worry about. Oh last I saw Soi Twilight was still open early in the evenings.
  10. I must get around all the wrong places, have been out and about most of the day and not even seen a single soldier.
  11. My little bloke will remain wrapped in a rain coat, as will any others that try to shag me, no rain coat no go.
  12. TMax

    My HERO review

    Less than a week to go for my first Hero experience and I'm looking forward to it.
  13. So all planning Thai vacations don't chicken out and just go, stay away from big gatherings as you would to in any foreign country and don't discuss politics with locals, boys included. ____________________________________________________________________ I will be there in about a week and a bit and have no intention of bailing out, going to enjoy myself, protests or not, my focus is to relax and have an enjoyable time. I was in the Philippines in 1986 when a rather large mob were protesting at the US embassy because they reckoned the US had kidnapped Ferdinand Marcos, they were there for more than a week and shots were fired regularly at night time to try and control the mob. That protest was within a hundred metres of my hotel and did nothing to stop me having a good time, I won't let those in Bangkok spoil it either.
  14. So does this mean the mob in Lumpini will disperse, my own answer is no they won't, now the big question is will her supporters rise up in protest (my bet is yes they will). And so it goes on and on, when will it end (?), nobody knows and I mean nobody. What a shemozzle.
  15. Well my expectations for my upcoming first visit to Hero and Senso for that matter (in about 4 weeks) will be simple; I want a massage I want a top to screw me I want to cum afterwards I will be following the sage advice offered from vinapu and that is to trust my gut feeling, if I strike it lucky first time at either of these establishments I will get the phone number of the boy and organise a 4 hands (and two top cocks) massage for my birthday treat later that month. I may even try to get there when Somsak is on and use some of his guidance when choosing but it will all come down to what my gut tells me. I always work on the principal that if I'm disappointed on the first try I will try again but with a different boy. I do have one question for those with experience at Hero, given that they only have a few VIP rooms is it possible to book one in advance (just as they open in the afternoon)? My plan on the first visit is to get there just on opening to try and avoid the crowds.
  16. Actually I'd consider it the other way around, Thai guy doing me whilst I'm doing the girl, meat in the sandwich style.
  17. Haven't had a mixed 3some yet but as I will be trying a lot of firsts next trip I may well be tempted to try it, will be trying a 3some with a couple of hot Thai guys next trip so a mixed 3 sounds good.
  18. Numbers 3 and 4 would make a nice 3some for me.
  19. Agreed, looks obvious.
  20. I remember my first guy massage in Thailand (down in Phuket), as it was the first time with a guy the nerves very active, the massage was very good and the afters were such a delight I was hooked. I've had some good experiences at both Bonny and Bangkok massage but will be going further in a couple of months and visit Hero. ethanx, I hope you find the right guy for your massage and extras but be warned they can become very addictive.
  21. Above in red is my interpretation of the 3 you listed.
  22. I don't think it's cool to do that sort of thing and would have been cheesed off, what if the girl was with him long time, for a few days or week, what if she was his girlfriend or worse yet his wife? I have seen this before in the Philippines, I have many friends that are married to Filipinas and this type of scenario happened to one of them where a parasite actually tried to convince my friends wife to go with him for the night (obviously thinking my mat had bar fined her the night before). He got a very rude shock when it was revealed that he was trying to hit on my mates wife and was told to disappear very quickly or feel a lot of pain. My point, yes we know now that the woman in the op was a lady of the night but for the creep to pass on his number he would have been presuming that she was but she just may not have been.
  23. Another big thanks for sharing Moses.
  24. Good pics Firecat, now I just have to wit until mid may to get there.
  25. A sad loss.
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