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Everything posted by pong

  1. agree with 909, was there some 2 yrs ago and tried out 1 msg-shop, I think it must have been that HiLom (a little far from the Cubao metro interchange, there are supposed to be many more such places in/around Cubao). The place, from what I remember (and an avid visitor of BKK such shops-by now nearly 40), was quite dingy and unkempt, my suggestion to taker a shower before was met with surprise. BOys/''your male therapist''/ were chosen from a fisbowl. During msg the subject of ''special service'' came on and this then lead to a long bargaining session, which i myself not like at all. (I never ever do that in TH). What then happened was also not really to my liking-he turned into a tipical poh-imitator. Agree also with 909 about cost in general and HTLs not just more exp. but also much more scarce as in BKK. That is for MNL-big city, countryside is less so. In provincial towns-if you intedn to do some travel, situation is even much more favorable to the apps etc. and prices lower too. Baguio has some fame to claim and its a cooler mountian city. But its near 7 hrs by bus from MNL and now plane.
  2. pong

    Bangkok Gay Scene

    the ''shows'' all start always later as they state outside-so you can order more epxensive drinks. If its very slow and too few customers, they may not show at all. But OTOH, on popular days/places, if you late means you get the worst seats. Speekee Thai to the touts also usually helps-they'll understand you must be a veteran.
  3. seems the few that do offer that, list themselves on about any available such site. here are also many Thai-language ones, best known is gboysiam69- refreshed every few hours. There is mostly a niche-market for them for well-off Thai receivers. Highly doubt there are many followers on this forum that would go to BKK for that.
  4. Nothing new then here. They have also tried to strat up and failed/withdrew quickly in Japan, Taiwan and moreorless also Phillippines (came back and are now there just a minor player). DK how it is with their Indian brainchild/startup/
  5. No, of course not found by BBC/bought/found at other local source-this very same piece was from BKK-coconuts and widely displayed by Thaivisa- by now at least 2/3 monthes ago. BKK has quite a lot of forgotten shopping centres-many keep on living, but they are not as much museumlookalike as this one.
  6. Just to pass on some info I saw recently in Thai sites. Both are located in west-of-river Thonburi side, likely to far for most of you, except christian (if he is still with us in BKK) and madman. Sauna: after a string of just closures this is on gthat.net: G-Spot, in the old Sai Thai BUSterminal compound, open from 16.00 (14.oo/weekends) till 24.00, entry 150 bt. In this (rather rundown, but now again bustling with life, as the vans/minibuses banned from inner city start from there-to place like Kanchanaburi and HuaHin etc.) is also a long-standing m2m massage; @Pinklao, mentioned by madman in his bkkmassagesblog. Men Care is a newly massageshop mentioned on TGA=travelgayasia, on Ram VIII road (thats the cut-through road coming off the new swanky bridge a little north from the maligned KhaoSarn area. Never ever noted male such places there, but actually there are quite a lot of such female str8 places all around (as is often the case with such places catering to mostly Thai). TGA is often not too clear on what the listed msg places do offer-also mentions a lot of swanky hi-class (but owned by gay, which likely excuses it all) that restrict to massage only. Not new but recently re-started advertising on TMB=ThaiMassageBoy is Ruen Rab Roong, along main road Lad prao, near to soi 33, about 10/12 mins walk east of the MRT stop. Low prices, good place, very helpful owner/manager-very busy weekends and then prebooking needed.
  7. Really would not know that number, but OTH will remember TMOT (that is: old Thai hands and the famous books The Men of Thailand) which -in a century ago, when www was a small toddler, listed those places we like and what they knew about. There were at least in BKK several mentioned that stated ''primarily for women'' and the available guys might be persuaded for a change, but will certainly not lie under. Throughout the years that famous newsppr BKK-post had some articles about police raids or political chenanigans, where these places were also referred to on the side. So history again turns around: many Thai gay bars with serviceboys started as hetero.
  8. there has been a fairly recent report about it in this very forum from -of course- divine madman, who also has a blog about most BKK m2m ''spa''s.
  9. Good luck and still have pleasure! There are some 20-30 floating markets (or there are listed that nr-not all will be in operation) around BKk (no, NONE really in BKK-inner city) and except -12 really overflown with Chinese touristy, all are weekends only and 90% are MORnings only. Only 1-quite far away, is meant for late afternoon/early eve and needing an overnight there (Amphawa, in fact quite close by to the best known touristy one at Damnoen). There is not really that much to see-except that the usual overpriced stuff is sold from boats (or often not even that-then its waterside) and not from the usual stalls. There is (was?) a site like ''bangkok daytrips'' that listed and described a few mostly aiming local Thai. It however lacks info on public transpo. You can of course always try to rent a car/taxi to get there, for me the cost of that would not be worthwhile. Or for the usual touristy stuff go to TA=tripadvisor or the like, it has all and any possible question (and millions of the most unlikely overworried ones) have already been posted. May has about the worst of wheather-mostly like MY too- too hot, very, very steamy humid, just before the rains start to fall-and these thus come as a refreshing downpour.
  10. For those hunking for VN guys: hurry up and go to JEY spa, end of Sukhumvit soi 39, where they sudenly have turned up in big nrs. One is working there longer time, I had one late '17 but the usual, as also reported here so often, lower quality applied. He spoke good english and explained that for them/him SINgapore was the very best place to work: plenty of higher paid jobs and much less hassle from police. In that respect KUL was rated worst. JEY makes the pictures on show himself on the tabelt, so there is at least no fotoshopping possible. Report on another thread in this forum: the new place in soi 4/Silom (nakarat or so) apparently only had VN guys, was raided by the BiBs recently and they were either arrested or at least taken off work there.
  11. Wondered about this myself too recently. In short the answer is: NO, or; not really. Of the many m2m massageshops I know only 1 that does differentiate in advising tips for more skilled/better reviewed staff (urban male). For the rest its just like Thai food-or in fact many things Thai: price does not at all correlate to quality or service level, but much more to image/general standards of the place the guys are working in. In the touristy places the usual rot has taken in since many years: do less for more money (in the view of the guys working). Same for tuktuks, souvenirs etc. Here in the west I know of several toyboy-rating/reviews sites (even on those you can order them-like booking.com for HTLs), but in Thai these are really very hard, if at all, to find. Has also to do with the official ban on all things pros-ty and the general Thai way of living.
  12. pong

    Bars or Apps

    also try the Thai-only site gboysiam69.com, for more direct sx fr sle offers-most with LINE tel.nrs. Many seem to be run by either bayboys/massageshopworkers. Also some smaller m2m massageshops now use this as cheap advertising, notably newly run Hi-Club, Ruan Koon Paen and ban Thai.
  13. Old BKK hands with more interest also outside the Silom area likely know about so-called ''suck-cinema's,, of which there are a few in this big city. One of these in Chinatown was the Rama/Prince (that is, if I remember and locate it well, I am not really a fan of it), closed since some years. In the latest issue of TIME-OUT BKK, a free (and quite thin compared to same magazine for Euro-cities) magazine for tourists was a report about a newly opened hotel in this building, named Prince Heritage (www.princeheritage.com), adress CharoenKrung 441, with retro-style and rooms from a low 500 bt.The bar is still cinema-themed, as it says, but most likely not in the style of its latest actions! BTW-its a remarkable thing that former gay places seem to shun any interest from Thai-it seems they can only re-open in other form aimed at unsuspecting farang tourists. Thus the old MixMan sauna (across from Sake in PraNakorn) is now a hostel (dorm beds), a short-lived M2M massageshop in a Silom sideroad is ditto, the former K-Male (in far away Don Muang/Bang Khen) is very nicely renovated and looks like a boardinghouse-but all closed off. Former massageshops like 88 in Nonthburi and the Bank and Seed are empty and for rent/sale-since quite some years-apprently not takers for that!
  14. Have been there once-by now at least 2 years ago. Not at all hard to find-but then I've very often used the now old Sai Thai busterminal, where it is located. At time of my visit it was deserted (the bus-thing), but its now the newly set up VAN terminal for west and south. it also then had a near deserted night market (trial to move the old one along klong Lot to there, no idea if that has succeeded). Its just a normal Thai shophouse, impressive lobby, the rest rather unkempt, very basic (assuming you know how normal Thai hosues look like). I do remember that the advertised promosyen was not accepted. The guy I choose from a book (probably from a tablet/fone by now) got the fits when he saw me and realised it as a non-Thai whitey, starting to scream he cold not speak the angkrit etc. Me speaking Thai could not really calm him down very much. Anyway, he probably likely got instructions to carry on, I was brought to a room, the msg was just barely more as nothing or zero, was quickly replaced by more intimate handlings, apparently all in the way to end ASAP. For me alltogether bad enough with an enormous choice of such places in BKk (then, by now there are at least 6 less) and nothing in that area to entice me to do more things to go back. And yes, I do realise it was just 1 time. In short: assuming you likely stay near Silom or so: dont spoil your time going there. But if passing there anyway, going/coming south, perhaps I just had a bad draw and you are more lucky. From other Thai Ive never heard anything that this place is outstanding compared to others.
  15. Just to add-for others to explore: the ThaiMassageboySite lists 2 new entries: 69 club, on apparently same adress as long before some m2m places were (Judo, if I remember well), just east of canal near Mall (+tesco)/NgamWongWan, near local PongPetch market MY WAY club, fairly closeby, off the Klong Prapa (thats that long canal-once it brought the water to BKK-city), off from Wat Senamaree (along Vipavadee), both are fairly far north of inner town, but there is a very frequent and fast Expressway bus off Vict.Mon (522). Both are in the local cheapo price range 500/700 bt for 60/90 mins oil/aroma/cream msg. PEAK/ZEED now features prominently on the gthai.net site, pix and faces I can remember from former HISclub in Nonthburi(which is still there and now seems to function as boarding house-entry is barred, but have to call for exact adress/details.
  16. Sadly klong Saen Seap is an open sewer, at least for the inner-city part-splashing water burns holes in your clothes. The part toward Ram-bangkapi can be extremely crowded in the peaks. It also serves places like Farose2 sauna etc. There is indeed by that comp. now a new tourist-boat, mostly same route from beside BigC/Rajprasong to a convenient spot near Khao sarn rd/Faranglamphu, but is only offers 200 bt daypasses! (canalboat.co.th or so). Have seen it 3x and 2 with just the crew and 1x with 2 asean tourists. The Chao PRaya boats DO have number counters at busy times/piers, after a fatal accident some years ago due to overcrowding. There is also a small BMTA sponsored boat from beside Hualampong station via GoldenMount and then branches off/ends at Thevet (market). Only ev 30 mins. ALL boats stop running soon after dusk-between 18-19.00. After that there are pirate boats on Saen Saep, east end only.
  17. Hi, DM , all the best for 2061 en many khap khun prap for this excellent update on the info of former ShLM. It would be informative if you could mention if you have actually been inside or just rely on web-info, I think. You forgot these, SABAIDEE in same garage as Candle-T Signs there also tell of Candle-THAI, but I think this has been renamed JEY in Sukhumvit 39, end of soi RUEN RAB ROONG, along main road Lard prao, between sois 35 and 35/1 RUEN KOON PHAEN, beyond Bangkapi/Newamin road 1 (inside soi?) Now mostly advertises via gboysiam69 BAAN THAI-even further out CLOSED are also former 88, K-male, The bank (all these 3 were part of the ''Him/Seed cluster'', CLIMAX, Handsome, old White House, old Body Club, Uniman, Adonis 101 seems currently to be going through hard times-does not advertise anymore and very few guys, there certainly never have been more as 10 present. Facilities going in rapid decline-incl no hot water (unless fixed by now). New Peak/Seed (RKH soi 39) is ONLY by advance booking on fone-its in a rather upmarket closed-off moo-baan wholly without any sign outside, that does not seem happy with a premise like that
  18. Been there twice now, both times unannounced before and could be cared for in 30/40 mins. Choice out of 3-who clearly had worked shifts before. Place is quite nice, very well kept, looks Japanese in style/service. There Is a minus: as many visits are scheduled by full/half hour and there is just 1 shower/bath for 4 rooms-there can be very long waits for the shower-in my case once >15 mins, where you just sit and look. Both times got well-trained former barboys, both well used to special treatments, but a little bit too business-like for my ideas.
  19. So dear Ryan, you beat me this time with your nice report. Place is around 6/7 yrs old and does not show this age-looks near new. 2 adjacent houses on 1st and 2nd floor, ground floor rooms cab be noisy from passers by. Steep marble stairs-can be slippery. can take shows on till inside-there you get Crocs/slippers. All rooms I had during visits were as said excellently clean, better as usual in these places. For those not knowing local BKK; do not be put off by the way to there, these flats are not low-class for Thai. The soi is also a mile long of so-beloved-by-tourists ''streetfood'' in the eves. 600 is ''soft'' 1000 is ''hard' and that was expected by guys. However, my personal experience was sadly that the full job cannot be expected on, you then have to take what is offered. Their site also offers all kinds of beauty-treatments, I guess these are done on special appointment by A himself. Many guys seem to have been working there for many years. A bit unusual was a pix of a guy selling from a stall.......extra evening job.
  20. This BigC is a former Carrefour. There is also a large and often overcrowded TescoLotus other side of main rd and connected to BTS. This small soi with many massageshops (well remember when it was 100 bt/hr for Thai) is among local Thai well known as also catering for special needs, esp. the ''Takray Howm'' chain. For more discreet pleasure, ask for oil massage, then you usually get private room and shower in corridor. Oh, and yes, short pants are for schoolboys and the like. Sit in a bus around 15/16.00 and admire them. This is THailand!
  21. Buses-but strangely enough the old red ones (that I well remember to start appearing on BKKs streets-around 91/92) first, get 2 different types of electronic thingies: (in EUR/Germany buses usually get discarded after 7-8 years-after which they can still serve people in East-EUR for that amount after) 1.GPS-this is also shown as next stop on top in Thai only of the large screens that endlessly promote that today declared useless ''eticket'' which is in fact money-box payment and no e at all 2.various preparations to make them fit for OPO=one person operation, which is common around the world. Because of its ridiculous mid-doors here in BKK, there are camera's to give the driver a look at them-therefore is another screen for him and those e-ticketing devices-that will not be adapted though. The readers/orange are indeed for the mangmoon and IF working can be used by the poorpeoples govmt. cards that replace the old free buses system. If not working, conductors have kind of Ifones able to get the free travel-amount lowered. It is amazing how few people actually use it-most are elderly who get half fare with Thai ID. (thats 3,25 THb instead of 6,50-with stamina you can go well over 30 kms for that). FREE red buses still run for now to/from Sanam Luang on lines 2-Ekamai-511/516 to SaiThai, 59/509 to Anusawaree and Mochit2 and to HuaLamPong train statiuon. There is also the free 11-wat bus, with large yellow signs that circles most of old town.
  22. Now think forward 1 second: these are all tipical tourist places in the Silom area (except Banana). Half of them do not even offer or just attempt to give something like a real massage. Thats one of the differences between them and Thai aimed places. Though I had an unexpected surprise in that, also keeping on the lights, in a far away place in Nonthaburi-after it transpired he was an ex-barboy still living it up. But would not have been chosen for looks-anyway half of the time you hardly see him when he massages your backside. The NINE looked much Japanese and so were most of the few customers I saw. Fits in with the area there.
  23. All the fora I am/was obliged to read are full of vehement ''death-punishment'' outcries.about these bum-showers. ThaiVisa mentioend they got off with a 5000 THB fine (=around 160US$) plus some undisclosed ban-time to enter TH. They had done the same thing in other ASEAN countires during their trip, as their mobuys showed. Yet another, here not to be disclosed, forum told they were GAY.
  24. Chosen as one of Bk-magazine's top 5 Silom bars- it has apparently gay themed sundays with bare sixpack-men showing off. The last Issue of Brunch of the BKK-post weekend magazine showed sunday 26/11 was its 3d anniversary-with a cabaret show by a katoey. Opening times of that bar are from 8.00-till 2.00-but its unclear when the gay thing should happen-some say afternoon, but the show was evening. Could be a nice spot to meet non-MBs, anyone has been? (PS; do not confuse with JIMMY Choo-which is in fact an expensive lady-shoes brand).
  25. Pre-announcement-for those who may be interested: from the last issue of magazine ThaiPeuan/Desire. In Hall 4 of that giant exhibition complex in Muang Thong Thanee (a big skyscraper comnplex-where a lot of Burmese have found home)-quite far out of town (somewhere near DMK-Airport, Cheang Wattana rd-where der christian started his career in BKK). No idea what it will show- i guess mostly expensive beauty treatments and financial interests?!
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