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Everything posted by pong

  1. @5-confirm, once there as-think a century ago, before 2000. YOGYA may, perhaps, still have it-late eves along main drag, Sosro. JKT was never very renowned for it anyway. However, approaches to same effect were/used to be pretty common along the then bekpek-style low-budget cafe's along that area, close by main station/stesyen Gambir. That and along beach on Kuta, Bali. City of Bandung was (is?_i really dont know, too long ago i was there) was famous for its many, but tiny to small, male massageplaces, effectively acting as hidden BKK-style m4m msg place:= i.e. brothels.
  2. KT is to the far east of Ram IV, and toward, of course, the water/harbour side. A very safe and uncluttered view on it can be had if travel over the Expressway east from Sukhumvit toward Bang Na (= going toward Patters from inner BKK), f.e. using buses 139 or 511ew. A songhthaew, old/red open truck goes in there from the KT wet market, where many citybuses stop just before their garage further on. The general advice is not to go there without Thai knowledgeable guide, about the only place in BKk or perhaps even all of Th where this is indeed safe advice. Besides that, the Mercy center, helping orphans and other disadvantaged kids, set up by a once American christian priest, is also settled there, it sometimes has calls for help in the BKK-post. Oh-and the BKK-post HQ itself are just on the edge of it-across from that songhthaew stop-it also has its very own old truck for workers going there.
  3. pong


    Hi, only see this now. The Thai to the right is not that hard, it simply list the tariff: nouat(=msg) Thai//Namman=oil, cream, which is already translated, and prices are for 60//90//120 mins. In the yellow is says promotion, free scrub with 2 hr msg. Service hours 13.00-1.00The Thai on the left=window I cannot read all, but it mainly says Indira Spa ''staff wanted''. Most translate it as ''INdira'' and Ram Indira is a very long and very str8 road east of Bang Khen toward Minburi, going west its Cheang Wattana. There are dozens of such places all over greater BKK and its unclear with just this if it specialises in more as just msg. Dont bother-as said there are 30/40+ of others, also nearby. The best site for such adverts is thaimassageboy.com, you can be pretty sure all places on there are more for the ''other'' as for the msg. Somehow I recall it may once have also advertised on TMB, but if yes, must have been quite some time ago. An excellent intro to such places with also many listed is by an active member on this forum, google for m4m massage bangkok. IF such a place is mostly for the ''other'' which effectively in very plain+rude english would simply say its a male brothel, then it mostly will have somewhere in Thai its for ''men only''. Just as a comparison: in BKK alone there must be 100s of such places, many of them castle-big lookalike, with ''ab-aam-nouat= shower, treat, msg'' on the str8 side, they always have signs for ''pretty girls/ladies wanted''.
  4. then entry has gone up. Was I think 15 /normal, reduced to 12 on clients day, wednesday if I remember well. Same prices for all other BCN sauna's from same company, receptionists also change working place between them. For any first-timer; dont think too much, there are no set procedures and noone will scold you for any errors. Most boys are eager to help out of also to recommend others if you desires are other. Most are fro either South-America as travelling tourists making some money on the side or from East-Europe. in general though I found it not as nice or service-minded as I encounter in BKk/Thailand in dedicated massageshops. As an aside: has anyone ever used the many BCN-bases private massages by apparent free-lancers? Some even proclaim to be ex service-boys. I'll try to give some url lateer on for this, or perhaps start another thread.
  5. Have been there once for overnight stay (long ago, I think even before that border opened) and many more times in Trat-60 kms onward and gateway for Cambodia and islands. In short; @1.there is no recognised place, use apps/fone. Chances in a Hostel are like the lotteree, not for staff, but for other customers. The genral advice for Th is to avoid hoStels-most charge more for less as thai-style HTls. In the local HTL I certainly got offers for msg. Plus reserving such places week ahead is also pretty daft un-Thai, but seems to be the general norm for todays younger travelling generation. 2.no of course not. and also not even from that border point. the ONLY direct (that mans you leave bus at border for checks but reboard it after) are via the infamous PoiPet from BKK (Mochit and/or Khao sarn) to SReap and even an odd one to PnPn. But there is internet now and plenty of sites like lonelyplanet or .. or blogs on movingtocambodia.blogspot. Gay sites would be the very last ones to ask such details from hi-so bisniscl travellers used to 5* HTLs. (except here der christian). I highly doubt you can even do it in 1 day along the route described. Far better would be to go via Aran/Poipet-faster, better roads and much more offers. But then an overnight in Battambang is well worth it-again BYO or try apps for any contacts.
  6. There are no set rules for this and most HTL-esp. in low season, will have plenty of emtpy rooms. With nowadays everyting online on the fone way of handling this, unexpected/unannounced arrivals to claim your room are very, very rare in the higher class HTLs. And if you are recognised as regular customer you also have priority. I assume-but have no experinece for this in TH, that the bigger and well-known the chain or the more tourgroups they have, the stricter they are on these things. In budget places one simply has to wait till the cleaning lady(boy) has done their job and then roomkeys will be handed over-that might be 7.37 or thatmight be after 15.00. Many budgetteers arive early morning on overnight bus/train.
  7. Long time since, and now that moving house is about complete some more time for update: Closures: men 101-in Lard prao, building completely stripped, only walls standing Former Hi-klup, Nonthaburi, tried some times but apparently failed to set up again and all signs removed from house 2 former advertisers for short time on ThaiMassageBoy: NopNapa, behind Central/Robinson Ram IX: went there and found nothing on nr. listed, but right beside was a house that was definitely closed and showing the dust etc with forefront looking as in ad. MG in RamkamHaeng soi 36, around 1 km (15 min walk) in the soi, when open clearly signed with banner (may be all off when closed) and much looking a makeshift operation, could be completely dismantled in 5 mins or if raided. Worked vey much like old Hi/Klup etc, low price, fast to basics, many former barboys beyond their prime. Interestingly the TravelGayAsia site has done away with listing most of the out of centre places but suddenly (when i rechecked after many monthes) reviews of places listed.
  8. pong

    Roxy Fin Club

    No. never been. This kind of ''club'' though is also quite common in TH and of course aims it own client-group. Its also very common in Japan/Korea for lonely ladies. And once again: bodybuild really says nothing about services rendered, lah!
  9. Old Thai hands will likely know of this long-time blog running years ago (der Christian has it stored somewhere) and just on the well-known other forum I just read he has restarted it! See there for links etc. For newbies and other newcomers: its an Australian who seems to visit TH (and surrounding) frequently and writes blog-style about many M2M-massageshops and its services (with a for many incomprehensible system of describing body of masseurs). The last new one was about ARENA and Sabaidee. So it seems the very good work of divine madman and his site has gotten friendly competition or perhaps coöperation. Bit funny though that noone on this forum had found it yet and spread the news!
  10. Ch-chak? Thats a weekend market and as nearly all BKK parks closes early evenings. Non-pro cruising has nearly stopped in BKK since all the apps and line etc. came on the phone. Also in most of the former renowned loo's.
  11. For SpaBKK divine is your best info. For Dr. Bear-it has 2 saakaa (places) and I've been to the old one behind the tesco/Fortune near R3 sauna. Felt rather disappointed, though I did not order what you say but (forgotten, a bit very-sensual) but it turned out it was worse as what dear old friend would provide for no extra as a normal standard for the normal price etc. plus that after a while he also did a terrific treatment of MH. From what i saw their staff there is older and thus assumed to be more professional etc., do not expect any Thai twinkies. Of course with Thai places you never really know what you get untill its done.
  12. pong

    DM Spa

    Hi, well here at least keeping some old-style notes on paper may help. The adress I have; Ram IX road, soi 60, yaek 5, in 1 seree 8 village. Its nearly right beside the ARL. 023-005279-that looks like a fixed nr-so if its out of order, it would indicate also closure. have never been there, as its too far out and very hard to reach by BMTA. BUT: line is about the essential current lifeline of any Thai bisnis. If its off it may very well mean either temporary (the songkran holidays!) or eternal closure. There is also GM (or maybe MG?) advertising on Thaimassageboy, in a soi off RamKamhaeng, easy to find (its about 1 km-15 min walk) into the soi and well posted (if open), that seems the closest by.
  13. Also the influx of ever more workers/guys from neighbouring countries, not the least Vnam recently also confirms this. And there are fewer and fewer total nr of Thai guys in the required age-band. The gay scene in Th is just a 100% copycat of the str8 ditto. So I wonder if anyone has any info re this for their sisters dancing along poles in agogo style-also too much in decline? At least several of those giant ob-ab-nuat (shower+massage) bunker-buildings along Phetburi rd in BKk have also closed and are torn down. OTOH the nr of Thai massage-shops with more for m2m treatments is still more or less stable-some clsoe, others open.
  14. No, no ikspinsip in OZ, expensive in /en/. Slightly cheaper as TH for same-same things (except booze). Bali however is a lot more expensive as rest of local Indon, its the main tourist drag. Everyday life-quality is frankly also a bit lower as in TH (pollution, traffic!) but not as bad as f.e. Phillpp. or Myanmar. On Bali /en/ widely spoken with that Indo twist. All types of INTernational food widely available. For many Indo's its also a kind of refuge as its Hindu and not muslim and hence much more free as the current wave on the other islands. I have visited with some breaks ev. few yrs since 1990 and its remarkable how much more domestik turist there are now as 20 yrs ago. Also loads of Koreans and sadly also the mainland Chinese now. Untill some 10 yrs ago it was very easy and even advised to make contact on/along the beach just after sunset.........
  15. Well no, its songkran and the water will spash everyting clean, I guess. But now that I read this from near home and very far away from BKK, its still a bit of a shock that this all went suddenly so sudden. Let's see how they fare in that str8 location and for how long. Surprised me a bit that they did not move to the very old gay area, where SuperA and Gld Cock are still located and from what I saw/remember, a fair lot of empty spaces. There used to be far more gay places there long, long ago. Or maybe being that closer they are now able to attract more custom from curious str8ers who were completely unaware about that soi so nearby before?
  16. Neither. Most of those young guys are in PTY very temporarily, have been brought there by friends etc. and stay close by them. It is NOT a Thai virtue to be able how to read maps, nor specific parochialism, they expect to be collected and guided along the way to unknown places, that simple the Thai way. if no relative is @ hand for that, there are the motosy-boys, who you pay more for knowing the area as to sit behind their asses. So that would also nhave solved that problem of reaching Poseidon. But then even Christian took at least 5-6 yrs before he grasped it that this is the Thai way and no sign of backwardness. (perhaps similar to Brits or USAers who are still unable to read the 24 hr clock or what KMs and KGs mean-Thai do).
  17. VCK is mostly for to see (models, which does not take much to gain that status in TH, its a Thai obsession), Gany for the treatment. On my last visit Gany mostly had VNese for standby. They also have more as 1 showerroom, without bath, but with a ''rain-shower'' that is difficult to handle for your spots.
  18. Now-since some 4 yrs, choose from tablet, many guys will be sitting outside, you can talk with them. Pictures say nothing. Ask to see all guys on the tablet, you do not have to ask for a specific one advance, unless you specific want him. Many guys are there for 4-5 yrs. They take cr-cds, some % extra if also tip is done that way. For a while they had a few VNese, but they threw them out due to too many complaints from steady customers, the Khmer and Burmese can stay. JEY (thats the owner, he worked there as msg-guy till some 5-6 yrs ago) has thus again taken up training the new ones and thats good, can also give very good info, but no angkrit. Have several real populair boys who are always taken. Some rooms have shower ''inside'' but not in hallway. In fact I always stayed mute about this place, its better for long-term stayers. Repeat treatments tend to get much better. Its at the very end of that soi (beside a TOPs supermarket, quiet street, some up-market condo's and many JPNese places, they will always offer motosy for free to bring you back to main rd or BTS
  19. Thanks for info-so you just escaped that horrible songkran water-throwing. @shows: in general bars only perform shows when enough customers are there. Your report also confirms what many have stated about prince and UM. No recent info about candle-T (though there are more places with very similar names, I assume you mean the one right next to sabaidee). BTW: ''sit on candle''= nang tien is a real Thai expression for, well just that!
  20. HTLs-same class as TH are slightly cheaper but much more variable in price (season, location, how long you stay,etc.) have also fond memories of Indo, also from Kuta beach(pantai) on bali-and even more from many cities on pulau Java. Some years ago, the thriving beach scene along Kuta was after dusk and all along, but most busy near the Hard Rock HTL/bar. This may/will have changed, i think. Do not expect too many Balinese-most will be guys working there or ''domestik turis''-gay Indo's go there like we formerly to Mikonos or so. Plus that suppression from muslim extremists is now alas also a prob on Java. Also Sumatera was always good hunting ground.
  21. There is NO set rate. it all depends on the place and probably also on the guy-some places do differntiate between popular and less so guys etc. Cheaper or less touristy places: the normal charge for Thai is more like 1000///1500-2000 for sh/lg. So compare and decide what fits you best. As Chinese you must know the practice of suddenly raising prices when an unknown-even foreigern comes along and asks. Thai never bargain about it or even ask.
  22. pong


    its always sundays, on 24 the official and 17 the pre one for registered advance voters. Alco ban from the eve before (why so many farang cry woolf about that escapes me), that means SALE of alco, not consumption, untill close of boothes. This sometimes means that some general use Thai bars close too, as they feel they cannot profit, but for the m2m gay section this has never been so. Several boys who take it seriously may for the day move to their faraway hometown as you must vote where you are registered. Many dont bother-and for the Burmese/Khmer its of coruse no issue. Oh-and another little Thai wonder_right now any street is clogged up by those billboards, like from Ms. Lilawadee (with her car may dee)-by magic these will all disappear in 1 hour after close of vote-booth.
  23. Depends how you define them. There are just a few more as gay sauna's here in BKK and well-known christian has reviewed these about all and makes periodically overveiws. However, the changes of opening/closure of these m2m shops are far, far more as for sauna's and thats the challenge. But it would not be impossible for someone who lives more or less permanently here in BKK and knows the city (or is prepared to shell out for grab etc.) to at least visit the main 40/50 (thats about the nr of those actively advertising and certain of giving the required extra's as selfevident) in say 3-4 monthes. But there are at least the same nr of places that are ''maybe/perhaps'' or just by some of the workers, who may work only part-time. In my personal listing, Ive been to slightly over 40 by now, of which near 20 are closed already. And that still misses out nearly all in the Silom area. Sources that also list them-advertising: gboysiam69, thaimassageboy, tmmsociety, gthai.net. Unless someone known more. Problem is nowadays, that many only do fb-accounts and many also now only open for prebooked clients, via LINE. Those for unannounced walk-ins are slimmer by the day.
  24. AND besides that, several recent reports tell that either owner-that SIN guy Calvin, or others have barred entry and told regular old customers that they do NOT do the special service anymore. In fact another quite good shop is also not listed at all-lets keep it that way. For those wanting to explore and have enough knowledge of Thai: check the ads on gboysiam69.com Was in the outer regions of Nonthburi recently and old HiClub also seems to have drawn the curtains-all signs removed and porter at entry gate of moobaan also confirmed this to me.
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