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Everything posted by pong

  1. and I really do NOT like this advertsising stylising style its all sooooo perfect -makes me suspect its overhyped right from the start choose from a dozen of sixpacks-low prices and do not expect too much. Worn interior, looks like the tipical old-style all-red brothel. All of its many rooms have showers, boys expect to shower with you. Mainly aims at tourists. has active facebook (or so- I do not do such things) with many info on its workers and urgent requests from clients.This plaza is deserted and worn-has some Chinese restrts on ground floor-many other old offices closed. Just round the corner form OmYim lodge.
  2. quiet, not that many boys available-though more seem to be able to be called. Choose from fotobook- only see your choice after!Bit of fair walk from Silom tourist ghetto area.
  3. there is now saakhaa nr 2 opposite Kasert-uni, in faraway Chatuchak district/near Bang Khen. THIS one advertises on thaimassageboy-but has same high prices as Saladaeng
  4. never met or heard anyone having been there. la beg to differ. Taken by sotrm? Thats the usual advertsising for free bla-balh,
  5. sorry, boys, did not know what happened, but after using [return] here- the cursor jumps to above. So try some ingenuity if you will want to read it. it goes per alinea from down to up.
  6. was not to be- msg below average, and much after the quickest of releases. After all i thought they better change it to a factory-type current; have the [many] customers lie on the belt and have them all the guys doing the 1-2 mins. strokes-with But that Funny-suddenly in this KUL place the answer does not seem to work as it should. This comes AFTER the VIP-treatment; I was redd a guy with [name]-a very common name, turned out it was another one. The big choice is if you crave for those 6packs-I do not really-and then the choice is like 32 all the same ones. I had read about the so helpful ''mamasan'' he assured me his msg would be good etc-I always ask for a well-trained one, who knows the tricks. But my visit was less impressive. As you may know-I visit these places, all over town, have done at least 25+ by now. Always thought that Hero would be superexpensive-it is not, the 1 hr oil cost 600+min tip 1000-currently not that much more as many other palces.BUT; in those other palces you get the VIP treatment for that-in Hero youre just at the lowest budget-end.
  7. some EUR countries, I think FR to start, allows people who have national/medical insurance to come to TH for some treatments-non-urgent, as total cost, incl flight, si less as what it would cost at home. I think the country that sends most of its people to TH is Norway and Finland- only half the population of SE and nearly as much visitors. I noted that from HEL they have direct charters to places like Krabi- its only INTERcontinental airlink!
  8. neither of the 2 BEER is most heavily taxed-but varies enormously between countries. I am right now in Penang/MY, and due to its muslim majority, alco is very heavily taxed here-much more as in TH, up to double-but the Tigers come from the very same factory. In DE and CZ its not taxed=except for VAT-and cost less as milk/per ltr. Water is Europe is mainly a luxury item, as tapwater is very safe and anyone uses it-even to fill those mark-branded expensive EvianPerrier bottles! What mostly influenced that BgMac index is cost of labour- now re-adjust for how many minutes one has to work for a BgMc at local minimum wage.
  9. AFAIK the only ones asking for real statements for regular income etc are Thai immigr-for retirement visa. Now do the math: 100k (NO $$ are needed for that, SIR!!),otherwsie it is that here we cannot make the EUR-sign!, nor GBP. equals about 2.500 EUR or about 2200 GBP, and I guess thats meant per month. These are even lower as the median incomes in countries concerned (well-for EUR most of the starters in West-Eur, not so much Slovakia). Mean income in Finland is around 55/60lk EUR/year. And yes- the OAP regular pension in my country is lower-but most get extra pensions from work from companies/govmt etc. beside it. SO: 1.does this mean income made in TH? 2.or does it mean income from pension etc from ''back home''? 3.nothing has also been said about ''maintaining'' Thai BFs out of it. In fact, I think there is hardly anyone with regular income who is a lot below that amount
  10. Bitte beachten=please note. Elsewhere I read her family has requested that ALL fora-postings etc should be removed about this case.
  11. If you have ever spent some time in TH and did a tiny bit more as gay s.x, then you musty have noted that logic thinking is not a Thai virtue. This is the ''blood and bottom''(read earth) issue, that also fuelled many fascist european one-time regimes. PLUS that Thai-KHmer relations have always, always been extremely tense-a bit like the Indians and the Paki's-always suspecting fraud and attack from the other side. Thai-Burmese are nearly as bad (the bUrmese captured and destroyed Ayuttaya!!-3/400 years ago-since then the Thai themselves destroyed it 5/6 times), but there is much more money to be m,ade by the Taksin cronies+supporters at the mo-the Kra canal and that new Dawei big port.
  12. option 2 of z909 is mainly a big timewaster. These ar the 3 most viable ways-there are more IF you know BK very well and can speak/read Thai: 1.Free shuttlebus (exit 8 DMK) to Swampy-then the usual buses from there. 2.CITYBus- 29 or 510-but make sure they do not end at Mochit/old=BTS(or change into BTS there) to Vict. Monument, then the minivans from there to PTY-ev 15/20 mins till around 21.30- less as 100 bt and supposedly going INto PTY and not dumping you at that forlorn busterminal 3.taxi (note that taxis hailed at main road=busstop are much easier-often long for airporttaxi and not 50 bt surcharge!) OR any of the 1000s of upcountrybuses that stop at DMK and all go into Mochit/BUsterminal. There are 2 routes to PTY-direct 48 and motorway=faster-but with also stop at swampy- 9908, with together at least 3/4 buses/hour-untill around 21.00 I suspect the minibus of limo that someone noted is simply a rented van to brig you into another of the regular routevans as -2-
  13. its not just maintenance- but also the abilities of the pilots. Remember that 1-2-Go (since renamed agian ThaiOreint) crash? It was by Indonesian=cheap pliots, who were not trained properly for the job: not using a flightsimulator by themselves-only watching the instructor. Thats why at some time the EU deemed ANY local Indo airline unsafe-since only partly recalled. Remember the Russky pilots who were unable to properly speak english when Russia opened up and they flew anywhere? Remember the Taiwanese (as I recall one of khun FH's beloved destinaions) of China airlines, who were Asian-style too afraid to tell big boss mr Head-pilot he made a clear mistake and the plane crashed? Next aspect is the local hardware-radar and all that. Burma scores below 3d world in that respect-but thats likely to be remedeed pretty soon, I guess, with investment pouring in in all possible ways. In general worlds most Unsafe airlines are in tropic Africa-mostly ex-ex-cast off Tupolevs/Antonovs etc with drunk pilots (rejected from any more reasonable job) from Rus/Ukr. Burma always seemed to have had a love for the Fokker: they were the last to use that old F27 prop-years+more (in the dark years of idiot-minded dictatorship) after any other country had stpped useing them.
  14. Last year-that move was a few years before, it was named as sleaze alley by about any gay CM-expat. Names wont interest you-plus Ive forgotten them all. A jumble of all open air bars, with snookers etc. at the opposite end of some big NtBazaar shopping halls, same alley as once had m2m masssage-also changed direction to 2. Not very far from where it used to be.This assuming there has not been another change since-seems to me you are more informed so would know of a recent new move better as I can. A collection of mostly hilltribe boys who see no other way of earning a few baht with a small collection of farang-spectators and lovers of that kind. The odd illegal Burmese likely too. see gayinchiangmai or nickysgay.... for descriptions.
  15. there is not hing as 100% perfect safe. And as always-it depends. There are a few-well known- streets/small areas where MBs offer their servcies- see those threads above. Standard asking is (still-since at least 15 years) 500 bt+ further expense for taxi and shorttime hotel. Note that in suburban BKK are also dozens of nice massagehouses also offering massage from a male-only staff -plus more, for fixed prices (about 4/500 /hr) +tip- out there most of these places also have a 500 bt min. tip. If you are obsessed with safety-better go there. For the 2: learn the speak this lovely llocal language.
  16. an IDL is NOT a valid replacement. Most people are completley unaware what it is-its simply a translation of what your original DL is valid for and is being fased out (an initiative of the EU-to please the many brits, i guess) as DL's are getting standardised and mulit-lingo. The idea that many USAers have, that the 2 are interchangeable is well, uh, tipical US and does not hold outside that area of this world. If magn was inded never ever stopped for driving a car-good luck, hope you can keep it up- those boys in brown like those purple notes for any perceived -real or not-infringement f some local law.
  17. having just visted VNam last week-only the south, and now happily back in BKK- noone explained on which figures this was based. ON general income it cannot be possible-look at given facts, whcih very much corresponding to my own impression. VN is not dirt poor as Laos-but backward compared to even Indonesia. INfrastructure is ages behind, out of the big cities its the 3d world Asia that TH has left already far behind. MOstly resembles China IMHO. FOund it strange that in big shops (BigC has just opened up there-and its an instant hit) at least half the food on display is made in TH. In fact lots of food cost more in VN as here in TH-plus that the wages there are lots lower. Some were very surpirsed and jumped to emigrate when I told them that the legal min. here is now 300 THB/day, or 10 US$. A MONTHLY of 3000bt=100US is already a princely sum there-teachers earn less.
  18. it all depends-this is TH so there are no set rules 1.on the amount you order 2.how far away from the place that delivers 3.if they use their own messengers or use a hired motosy 4.maybe also if you are regular or not. In fact BKg is quite unknown in TH-it works different here as in that USA/CN. Kentucky is the best known and chain with most shops.There are fart, far fewer BKg as McDon. Last week in Vnam I noted that BKing had just started up-since 2-3 monthes or so and only 2 shops in Saigon, and McDon has yet to arrive there.
  19. can do quicker. 1 that Raillink is 45 bt for cityrail= all stops, crowded, or 90 bt (return valid 2 weeks 150 bt) for express-but expr only runs ev 40 mins or so-if it has just left-quicker to use cityrail anyway. 2. do NOT use skytrain=BTS, but UNDERground=MRT, (rot faay fa taay din), and change at Makkasan-follow crowd, look arrows, luggage will be screened airportstyle before entering, to closest by stop LUMPINI then its walkable, IF you are used to tropics and do not have the tipical ATM-oversized luggage that newbies tend to take. DO print out a local map before trying this-it all seems hidden in dark alleys, that are specially made to learn you that even there its safe enough after dusk.. Of course its safe-these are superfluous Qs from brainwashed Americans, you will be surrounded by 1000s others doing the same-this is Asia. PS-can find any metromap in this world on urbanrail.net, even DC and Atlanta.
  20. maaf mas, (=sporry , friend), see this only now. Of course have been-its about 60 kms from Yogya and floats of tourist and rundown local buses link the 2. Of course there are low-budget, mid-class and the few odd hi-0class HTls neraby, but note that Hi-class HTls in Indo tend to cost far more as in TH. Midclass is quite Ok for most. AA flies now (via KUL-hub) to both Solo and Yogya. Yogya airport is now on the tren=kereta api between the 2. Brbdr is just 1 fairly big clump of stone-with all those everywhere the same carvings and statues etc. but is THE most well-known and important Indo monument. Besieged by Indo schoolclasses from anywhere and also hordes of tourists. Thus it is indeed a wise idea to stay over and visit it as soon as it opens-at 6.00 by crack of dawn. IF you were impressed by Angkor and Bagan-expect a downgrade, as its indeed not more as 1 clump, in a sea of tourist bisnis. Between Yogya and Solo-and quite near to YOG airpt-is another cluster of old style Hindu temples-named Prambanan-it is more subdued and has a little more of the Angkor feeling. @anddy: try the evenings on the open field in Malang, just talk-the boys will find you. Yogya iis THE best known gay town in Indo. Also Bandung is famous for its men-only massages.
  21. there is daft simple and daft Thai answer to this: its a private street and a public. Now guess what is what. BTW-its annoying that (reading only-not logged in) one has to go through the whole meny again to put an answer.
  22. pong

    Grand Palace boyz

    its hit and miss and there is no set rule or best time or whatever. BOys just come and go as they please-most are not good looking and of course hardly any Angkrit. The pest is-HG seems tipically overoptimistic, that often there are scores of underage kind of brawling (or whatever that is named in english-the tipical puber-behaviour of slightly drunk males of 15-16) too young guys. Also you canNOT reckon on those soldiers- most reports tell, that if they come at all are afraid of the white man. So its more like a lotteree-which is in Thai fashion indeed just meters away.
  23. Of course you do not tell that beforehand. Just show some inetrest there MIGHT be an extra-which BTW is NOT as such needed at all. Of course this also depends on the state of the shop, the actual job done and its pricing. And remember-for those of you who seem unable to ever understand how Th works- there is NO need at all for a tip-that means no requirement. Its just sobstories and all that-and the tipical farang having to taker pity on any wage slightly lower as his/her. In basic THai places-charge will be 100-250 for plain Thai massage-100/150 more for oil (per hour), rounding up to next 100 is OK-but give it apart to worker, not at paying. Best compliment is to return-that means youre really satisfied. Higher prices only mean that the place is more luxurious and/or in the tourist zone. BTW-I am back in HCMC=Saigon now-had a good shoulder/back msg a few days ago in provincial Dalat-which came to 30 bt (or 1 US$)-this was for 30 mins, though it lasted about 40.
  24. then you paid 3 times as much as the ''normal'' service via Embassy. From various traveller-fora (alas, i have to follow those to see what trends etc....-blah, buh) it is now VERY important to RESERVE as intrest has exploded for this country and the available HTLrooms etc are simply not enough-prices have also shot up 3/4 fold. For the rest: even Laos seems pretty developed with what you will encounter there. There is not ANY need to travel from PTY to BKK for it-just let an agency do the legwork. Maybe an extra 3-500 THB
  25. pong

    Look OUT!

    1. good marks for the Phuket overviw-one does not see to much about this resort. 2. but bad marks for the BKK-maps and listings-that seem not to be able to get updated. It lists many places closed or moved or changed hands/name in the meantime. Maybe skip/remove that alltogether-the maps are clueless anyway and it also seems not too many people use it for visits either. (and yes_ i know here in TH you can get sued if you say a place is closed if it is not-thats unfair competition, clearly after too much of that in the past).
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