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Everything posted by pong

  1. pong


    Things have changed. You should know, that since a few yrs the govmt.-after an awful lot of complaints etc-has clamped down on the before universal street-touts. This makes it now a lot harder as f.e. Tunisia to contact. Most recommend to go via middelmen and use ''safe houses'' for tourists these are in most beachside towns and the usual tourist-cities (thus not so much in Casa or Rabat, as they are mostly bisnis/govmt. There used to be an informative forum like ''marrakesh.net, but I dontknow if its still alive (and was too lazy too check before this). And as above: its Arab so expect to be bottom and only the hard part of the game. But exceptions there are, of course. Its nowadays often easier to contact Arabs/Morroccons in FR or BE or NL etc for sexual games as in fact there!
  2. Fly back to BKK myself in a few days. BC is closed-ages ago now and the reported new place seems to never have materialised. Suggestion: JEY in Sukhumvit 41, end of soi, lone standing 'villa'', advertises on ThaiMassageboy for more info. Check travelgayasia.com for a fairly uptodate overview of m2m places in the tourist zone-there are dozens more in suburban BKK for local clients. Good and informative report this one!
  3. pong

    Sri Lanka

    Have been twice, but so long ago-well before 2000, it wont say much for now. During their conflicts. Plenty of unwanted self-appointed guides everywhere, at any step, offering anything law forbids. I understand since then there has been a large clampdown on them and the offers. Appears to have now plenty of upscale resorts for well-heeled superrich, ala Maledives. Compared to TH poor, dirty, bad infrastructure, bad to awful food (of course when you read guidebooks etc any country is the very best in thsi humble world for all those matters), but pretty cheap. Think India witha Buddhist twist. Again: it may all have changed- hopefully for the better. I always travel on my own-for the challenge partly of finding it by myself.
  4. As Christian I mainly spend my time in BKK and there are lots+loads of homeless en destitute poor people here. Last week there was free food due to the after 2 yrs death of the main Buddist monk at Wat Bovorn and there were 1000s of people turning up. There was even more food-evenings they gave it away to anyone. The joke (rice porridge) was OK. Also it seems at least some few 100 of people only live of the stuff tourists just thrown away-incl cartons, cans, plastic bottles etc. Christ lives near Klong Toey slums and must see the same. Have recently been to Cambodia and there it is noticeable that there are many more really poor people. Strangely wages are maybe half of TH but prices of most things (even the local noodlesoup or rice) double. About any place here has signs telling they have vacancies for staff, many buses only run infreqeunt as they cannot find staff, etc. About all the low-grade work is done by Burmese or Cambodians with a few Laotians.
  5. Do first make yourself familiair with a few more Thai peculiarities: notably Songkran, the water-smashing Thai New year on and after 14/4-which put everything to a big stop. Plus the wheather is at its very worst then. There is usually also a gay gymbunny Singy-style string of events around BKk-Rajprasong that time. JUst take first a few mins to read the many answers on this forum-everything you ask has been told and repeated and reviewed many times. If you stay a few days more, you have enough time to also visit all the other bars etc in same small street as DB. BKK has at least 7000 Hotels/places to stay and probably also at least that amount of shopping malls/markets. For a cursory other overglance visit travelgayasia.com and click on the right buttons for BKK-everything selected for you for accomm/bars etc. in the tourist belt.
  6. As my followers will know-I only do BKK, so no comment on PTY. As for your last remark: many of the BKK-places DO have that info-most have now it all on tablets-the finer details can/may be shown on a locked portion of it if they know you well. Better places also tend to have very well informed receptionists-though such intimate details may only be understandable in Thai. It does help to become regular-and yes, of course I know thats a bit hard for the short-time tourist. This stick to agenda and booking is not generally the way things work in TH-will only lead to deception. But with my current (who I indeed met in such a place years ago) it just works fine-all the time. I scored more being late as he did. Other mark: most of the places in BKk aiming higher-classs public now take Cred-cds-mostly with the usual surcharge. Some will even offer it to tip your boy, no idea if and how often that would be used that way. i never do. best way to get smaller notes is to buy cf/wtr at a 7 with a 1000-note.
  7. Remark @prince: it was mentioned soon after opening-on another forum, and the verdict then was that it was just pure and absolute money-gauging-with the (then?) lady running it discussing loudly in Thai with the boys when any non-Thai looking customer came in, betting how much he would spend and tip. Plus that most reports of services then were also of the type: get them in+out asap and with ammap (=as much money as poss).
  8. TMB that Chris mentions is an advert-site-those who do not pay get deleted. There are at least 20+ more such shops in BK. Outcall in Thai style from such shops is mostly done by clients they know of and who most likely already know for which boy to ask. This is/can be the same as outcalls from gogobars. Outcall from such tourist-advert magazines or hotel-adverts is likely to cost tourist prices for mediocre and unpredticable quality. Most such shops have a variety of boys and what OP=ryoryo describes here can lead to much interpretation. Thai ask for actions wanted, not faces. But it may be different in Pattaya, though this city as being the unrivalled biggest brothel in this world noone will even blink at you going out and inspecting what is on offer.
  9. Why go there? Place has a very bad rep for cheating and ripping off tourists. Dozens and more of other places where you get what U like=the real stuff, without all that cheating and bargaining.
  10. There used to be for sale-neatly divided in west=farang, Thai, Yipun, Korean,at the evening/nightmarket near to sanam Luang, also near to Saran Rom boy pick-up place. Stalls selling had a large Thai P. Was 20 bt each/ some did 6 for 100-so now you know the Silom mark-up. had quite a few bel_ami DVDs from there, but what was on offer was changing all the time-and not the latest from US/EUR. Also had Thai, and some JPnese-which was tried to remove the JPnese decency filters. Christian has found this market has set up now in some place over the river in Thonburi Also sale along Pradiphat rd=the main rd along Sapan kwai places.
  11. repeat some remark re Camb from not long ago; as this country is much poorer as TH and thus the use of those smarteyfones is much less. Those good old NOKIAS still reigns here! That makes most of those westey-style gadgets near worthless-or you are sure to hit someone with an OZzie friend or so well versed in ripping of barang-barang to be able to buy AND keep it alive (those fees are also much, much higer as in TH). One would expect the same for Laos-it also seems that any enterprising gay Laotian has already moved to BKK/PTY anyway. But thats just guesswork. I have since many years also planned a next trip to Camb later in the year, but what I saw/remember of reports in essence boils down to a gay massageshop with 2-3 well trained guys in PnPn and even less in SR. Which is less as a provincial Thai town can offer. Traditonially Camb/Khmer have never been well known for our kind of pleasures of the flesh.
  12. As its AirAsia that has the best known direct flites to that far away new airpt there-they have their own connecting shuttlebus into town precisely for that.
  13. You- frankly said-might better ask how to become a millionaire in 1 day. Its-at least to the normal standard Thai idea/teacher of it, IMpossible-the shortest courses I ever saw advertsied in BKk or TH were 1 week-and thats just rubbish for tourists giving them the idea to have spent some time. Of course pre-experience will also count. Never also have seen anything about specific gay msg courses. However, I do know for sure that some of the older established and highly rated such msg-shops DO give kind of ''training courses'' to masseurs already qualified in general msg-Thai style. Many other shops hold like weekly or so ''working exchange hours'' where older/more exp. staff teach the youngies how to. I have even sometimes heard (I ask a lot to masseurs when being treated and speak enough of Thai for that) that those hoping to get more jobs and better pay have also taken such ''courses'' in other shops as their own. I highly, highly doubt if a farang walk-in would be made welcome to such sessions. The best thing in advice is to learn Thai asap and hope/pray/find a well-qualified masseur for that you are comfy with, willing to give you some ''lessons'' and pay him for the day.
  14. Nonsense. IF they are indeed good at selling, then any place can do. Now its mostly the battle of whom has the \biggest mouth and can play best friends with the BiBs. Thats the source of the prob: in the years of red the police thought they could do anything-they rented out streetspace, and those pesky vendors ''thought'' they had it for the month or the year. Now soldiers, or rather the BMA, shows off their strength with their thessakit and of course those pesky BiBs do not return money paid advance. And that klong Thom market is a big mafia-run cheating joint, though it does offer ''jobs'' to a few hundred likely illegal migrants (not the least from mainland China). Vendors with a bit more clout do not sell-rather they sub-rent their space to another one, and after a while on a good spot s/he does the same-some spaces at Siam, owned by Chula-uni, are subrented well over 20 times. Ditto for the now cleared out Bo_bae market. You do not make much money with standing all day in the sun with T-shirts that another few million places also sell. You make money that way. Same prob at the weekend market. Oh-and if you read Thai: about ANY shop, bisnis, HTL or whatever here in BKK has open places for new workers. Sometimes up to 20 in a midsized HTL. Choice enough for those pushed out. Fixed income, fixed hours too. Cheating-both in bisnis, in selling and in creating pitiful looking newsppr, reports is a major Thai way to pass time.
  15. llz.blogspot.com A Frenchman, but good english. By now a bit dated, as most trips/reports are from years ago. The there was the bao-bao, but I did not check that one a long time. Xiandarkthorne also tried/had one, again dont know if still alive (the blog, that is) Others may spend more time as me to find the links.
  16. Have also sent in some adjustments years ago-they never, other as was promised a few times, appeared on the maps. Most people can accept an outdated thing from maybe 1-2 month ago, but YEARS old (closed since) gives reason to what khun GB shouts out, I guess for Pattaya. After maybe 2-3 times I just give up. BUT what nicky /Up2u here tells also applies very much to the BKK maps on that nicky-site-also STILL lists massage places closed by now 1 year ago. And nicky seems to delight in reprint+reprint the same old info in its 'weekly'' all the time. Remember: this was one major reason why those old faithful travelguidebooks have fallen by the wayside. Besides that I am constantly annoyed by the advertising boys speak that everything is only the very best, there is no negative whatsoever, -cpome on, any westerner realises this world is not perfect.
  17. @Jack: its unwise to just post a different Q under another topic. In BKK its very much the same as elsewhere for local Thai. The tipical farang-aiming MBs are out nightly and do not have off-days (think DJ). Read the blog of christianpfc.blogspot.nl for many visits to out of the way local Thai places in the last years. Expect deafening music, Thai in groups doing ''table dance'' and closing at 2.00-earlier if the police decides to do yet another aid for getting boys to pee. Not much amusement for those >30 and single. You can find various glorious reports of older people telling/trying to convince us its sooooo funny-they all went in tow with the BF of the day and were paying for all the dri/unks (think Johnny black+mixers). This is for BKK-Pattaya may be another story.
  18. You should have specified to where, but most 1st timers seem have no idea that Indo is bigger as Bali. Due to the religion, balinese think of anyone from else as dirty/kasar or whatever. Certainly, if you speekee the bahasa, lots of good fun can be had, though suppression is also getting harder the last years. There are many hidden codes that insiders know/recognise. About any provincial java town has some well known meeting spot, mostly in parks or so. And its certainly not just MBs, and even if, out of Bali their expected fees are much lower too as in TH, or on bali. Less as half a million. Remember that Dayakboy (maneater!) from Kalimantan who whispered he was in for some change from his fixed partner. or the guy who told me was so glad with his present after 1 week of company (not by me) with a complete new outfit from a real neat deprt.store-total cost (then) about 60/70US$. Several Java big cities are among PLU very well known for their many massagehouses+more. As an aside, just the other day I stumbled, searched a bit on GR here for BKK and found dozens of suddenly moved to here Indo's, claiming to come from Jakarta and offering massage. Had some replies-in bahasa, but their pix are certainly all fotoshopped or just borrowed. maybe they follow up the enterprising VNese in ASEAN/ACE.
  19. To inform you, this comes from advertising in free Thai magazines-check yourself if willing to explore: FUSION is newly opened in the Silom touristy comfort zone- on Suriwong, about opposite from Hotmail, in the lower basement of Wall Street Tower, only opens at 22.00. This may be the xyz--d form of a late night bar for MBs/barboys, that had 3 or 4 times the place beside Golden Cock. (The Thai reads like F/a/u/shion-a very serious object for most Thai gays) NEED - a bit unsure what the format is and the place is also very unlikely: 18th floor of GMM-Grammy Place in Ratchaphak building, along Asoke (Sukhumvit 21), about opposite from Soi Cowboy. Big opening on 21/10-with free bar. No changes noted in soi Hotmail last week since last reports. In the Ram places, christian has reported-name chnages and also 1 or 2 bars temp. closed and up for sale/rental.
  20. IMHO Racism is mostly only in that modern western wolrd comdened-not at all in Asia, nor are most of the statements above 100% true. EWhat is not mentioned may be of small comfort: yes, in the past black GI-men were common in TH, not anymore. What is common now are quite a few blacks from Africa living on very small expense and alas more known for other a bit illegal activities-just witness the scenes around the girlie bars Nana etc. How can those poor motocybous discrinate between all those?
  21. never ever seen or heard of. IF sauna's have some theme evenings/nites its always: no underwear, naked (in a certain zone only), small towel or only underwear. Some may offerr shows, which hardly differ from what you see in the worst bars. Most Thai do not even wear socks, as its also quite impractical with the flipflops.
  22. was thrown out of the BKK-post=-after his columns were reduced in size several times, due to this changed to family-aimed direction. More-all his columns after a while seemed to consist of the same frases: keep them coming, please (readers tips), TiTs, mosey-on-over, and he rode the buses. Wondr how much he got paid/donated by the bisnis he favored. He did once in a while write about gays-usually excusing he was not into it, I only remember he only once gave an anti-advice for Midnite cowboy in Sapan Kwai (whcih at that time ws well-deserved, as it did indeed was in a temporary dip then). But failed to mention the recovery after. Most of his columns were bundled some time-maybe still for sale in forgotten stocks.
  23. and after so many years you still think that all is printed is true? Even wat clearly is paid advertsiing? But there is indeed a rather enthusiastic review on a site I trust more for these kind of pleasures: the cfs. Besides this one, some 3-4 other new ones have also opened in BKk this year- and also 2-3 closed or renamed. As for sauna"s: BKK has around 30-40 of them - IF they are busy at all, its mostly weekends with special activities. Read Thai sites for that.
  24. oToKo=beside Ch-chak ist mostly same as Ram(kamHaeng) and/or RCA=Royal City. Frankly: as a westerner you will not like it. Deafening music, table dancing, groups of kids around a large whiskey bottle-and the final 5 mins of cruising after the bars have closed (2.00 am sharp now, due to generals instructions). Also a few around sidesois of Ratchda-very raucous. Read christianpfc.blogspot.nl, it has several reports on visits to such places. Not strictly uni (those guys have not so much money).
  25. here in this part in EUR they cost about 250/300 EUR (x44 for THB, x1,36 for US$), there are just 3 basic brands, HP, Samsung, Toshiba. They just look like 400-500 € notebooks/laptops. The main MINUS is that they only work when you are online so you must always have access. You must have or create a G/mail/google account to have the full use for inthecloud storage-this may offset some who have other accounts or fear the NSA too much. in BKK at least there is much more free wifi as many of you think-even in many cityparks and around govt buildings like schools. Thus you do not need to pay for expensive **$$ coffees to have access for wifi. Safety in it is quite another matter though. I would seek more info re the safety aspects for online banking if your bank is in another country- am intrested in that too.
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