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IF that would be the explanation-about all of the countries here in EUR hard hit also have general health coverage and mostly free or as a sidebonus with any job or pension. Just remind the Brits about their Nat. Health they are so proud of. But this morning I heard the Uk is nr 3 or 4 in total deaths due to this virus in the world. Yes, more hard hit are US and Brasil-without such a nationwide coverage, but with also much higher population.
Now that at the moment we can only enjoy pictures and sights on www I wonder if anyone happens to know how these porn-labels are related (or not). This as the ´cute boy in Praha´ thread is so enormously long its hard to find something in it. We probably here all know Bel Ami. It seems that Luca Visconti (for the more mature guys) and Duca di Mantua( Young twinks, at the start mostly Italian?-but now also a happy Swiss sailor) as offshoots or perhaps training courses for them Then there is also Lukas productions, more mature guys and sadly now mostly heavily tattood. Also seems to specialise in larger groups. On a free site like boyfriendtv.com you can find several of them. LV and DdM are mostly shorter 20/30 mins. Also some years ago there was the Manś Best series, by Rolf Hammerschmidt from Germany, mostly also shooted somewhere in Czechia and with a few stil young later BelAmi stars. Wonder if this has simply ceased or transferred into something else?
Temples are often gathering palces for streetdogs. Since then also the ELEPHANT is in search for food-they eat up to 10% of their weight per day (say 2/300 kg) of all-vegan veggies and fruits. Since tourism has collapsed, all the normal tourist shows/ridesetc have stopped. I once saw an elephant in hungry mood seizing a fruitcart that just moved by in BKK and eating the contents.
Was there some 2-3 yrs ago for a short while. Myself not that much interested in such types, so just general info. Manilla does have (had, no idea about how corona works out there) several gay saunaś and massageplaces, not so much anymore in the sentral/downtown area but in Quezon, which is a separate area but just part of the same mega-city. If there are any sauna;ś that would offer more in commercial offers I dk. I visited a msg place which works much the same as in BKK (which I visit very frequently since many yrs) or Pnom Penh- you select a masseur and once in the cubicle you make an arrangement for ´special extra´ services-which one generally does not in BKK (it just comes naturally there) and which/what/how muth etc. Do not expect (contrary to general description) that all Pinoy guys are fluent in english. I remember i choose from an ´aquarium´ where the guys stand behind a glass screen. If some of these shops specialise in your type of guy I also dk. On the old shamelessmack blog (part 1-now long ago) and on travelgaysia you can find reviews and listings. Most other postings etc i saw on the other well known fora recommend the usual moderntimes contact sites to make a selection. If youre still in doubt, also consider Bali/Indonesia.
The KHmer govmt rather wants their citizens to stay in TH, and there are near a milion of them. There are BUSes by the dozen and this is the usual way about any Khmer travels back home. Do I really need to explain this will also be the cheapest option by far? It also seems there si now some special respite from Thai immi for those who have to overstay due to canceled flutes or border bands, etc, but I DK if/how this effects Khmer.
Noyes, can do. Its more there are plenty of different types of MB and also many are part-time. A populair and in fact by many much liked type is the follow-up of many short-time friendhsip-like relations (or 2). Many a book has been written on this (many more about str8 ditto) and mention specifically TH as having the ultra-thin distinction between ´love ´and ´paid s..x´. Or, to pass on a well-known former bar-owner in the PTY: IF you want love here in TH, buy it!
same as in so many places: well over 30 and with a bulging beer-belly?
In the rest of this world many countries hit by the virus are now also closing/ordering to close bars/restrts etc. Now sit in a Swiss HTL where CNN is blaring out such special news to await a rebooked flight onward tomorrow morning. After the initial shock in fact TH seems to be doing quite well compared to many countries.
@ Jun: Babylon is well-known to give out free passes/vouchers for young Thai to encourage them to come back again and thus provide what the farang are looking for. Most of recent reviews tell there are more farang as Thai. There is also a rumour it is to close by end of this yr-land is worth millions. NOTE that Ratchada (R3) and S-mania ( also Macho in Pinklao) and some others are in a group with same owner and charge MUCH higher entry to farang and to all those over 40/50. The prob with saunaś in BKK is more that there are far, far too many-compare that with the nr of ditto in big cities like Paris/London/Berlin. That means on average far fewer visitors and then you land under the threshold where you are more or less certain to find someone interested. Quite a few seem only to thrive on 1 or 2 days/wk due to some special show. Or only during some really odd times (like that awful dirty Farose) But thats a prob that applies to about anything in Th where someone sees that another makes money and does copy-cat.
No, you were too early, Since at least 1 yr now the carts & all that are only allowed in after 15/16.00. But the works seem to be done quite rigorously and the whole streetsurface gets rebuilt, incl all the pipes etc. Was intended to be finished before the infamous Songkran water-wars, but these are said to have been cancelled. The magic of KSR for young bekpekkers were also the said to be thousands of nice&willing Thai girls for interracial meetings. An awful long time ago (probably still <2000 and the beach) there was even a small gay such scene. Its fading glory is also speeded up by the new generation not reading guidebooks anymore and the ready supply of 1000s of assumed cheap hoStels now about anywhere in BKK listed on the well known booking sites. In the past you had to go there for cheap beds. Much better food&entertainmant however can be had in the side streets, Rambuttree and its continuation ´hlang wat´=behind the wat. KSR is more deafening loud music and emptying green big bottles of Chang.
A liittle explanation: in IT there are pockets of a lot of Chinese (doing small shops.bisnis etc-so this explains the infection source) and It is among the countries in Eu with highest % of elderly people. The main source of infection in SoKo was a religious group, which had not many elder people, but younger, and in their gatherings they had very close contact. Due to some reason SoKo has many, many a bit weird religious groups of all kind of directions. I wondered about why Iran was such a source, but then read they also mainly deal with China since the US-boycott, understandable. Plus they were likely completely unprepared and did not have the proper tests etc to start with. From what I know from other sources, many of the infected people in Germany+Netherlands are also of Chinese descent. Alltogether this kind of confirms the picture that its mostly the elder and already sick/weak health who have a far higher chance of ´this being the final drip in the bucket´ to pass away. As for BKK; when entering a Centran dept.store last week, instead of the gate with the luggagecheck there was now a pretty lady doing electr. temp.check, I was declared OK In the BMTA citybus they now have a brandnew clip on those screens that show how thoroughly their buses are cleaned with disinfectant OTOH in no msg shop or gay place whatsoever I´ve been into, there were any masks. Lets keep it this way. The last issue of ThaiPeuan free mag did show a guy with masks and SM-type of clothing, I guess sponsored by Tawan, but that simply looked completely ridiculous.
Same Q was posted recently-other forum? or perhaps some hidden advertising? The red banner here says: rab ngeun sot=offer money cash, duan=fast. took sanit=every type. Think saw that fb page (from other forum linked?) and kind of remember it does not says HOST, but HOUSE., though in Thai this looks very, very similar. Could even be a Thai-origined mistake. My conclusion would be, as its also not listed anywhere on the best known such listing sites, its a brand new venue now in the process of trying to hire staff. In the past we always had very informed posters from that cool city far up north (bonton or so?), perhaps they are still there and able to pass on local info. There is/was also a dedicated site for all things gay-in-chiangmai. The latest issue of the free mag ThaiPeuan also has an enlarged section about CM, but this place is missing.
Start with some logic thinking: so hte mother is married to a farang and thus must be exposed to western funny customs for a few yrs-at least as long as your guy is old+ 9 monthes. I guess she then must be very well used to those funny customs like handshake or ´howdoyoudo´. I would assume she even speaks a tiny bit of the phaasaa angkrit too. Praise the skies that they are so open-minded as to have no objections and are willing to meet you. As you say its in the HTL so offer them the obligatory drinks and perhaps a meal. And yes, BF would know best and I assume youre also beyond the stage where his only answer is ´uptoyou´.
Chances it will again be cancelled at the very last minute due to some remaining redshirt threateners? (this is NOT a ChMai thing! was the outcry the last times!).
assuming ´85 is your birthyear, I would rather advice to use any of the well known apps-most likely you already know these from home. They offer definitely more choices and searches and also a far higher chance on a free meet. Forget massageshops for topping by yourself. Also forget pain-I hope this is not meant as intention, as mild spanking or whatever many Brits seem so fond of is a total NO for any Thai.
The white haired guy pictured above somewhere: On SUNs the BKKpst has on its last page, lower half, an overview of Thai gossip of the Thai dao=stars in movie,Tv etc. Mostly about endless quarrels about money or lost relations. Some 1-2 weeks ago a gay guy with very white hair and a very sweet face was presented, being HIV+, playing in some Tv or film, and stated to have had at least 1000+ sex partners in the last 2 yrs. whilst dallying around in the Silom area. Somehow I remember there was an interview about PreP or if safe sex would be required or so. So far for taking it seriously.
@Thitipoom Techaapaikhum. Mentioned above as player in Waterboy and dark Blue kiss and before in Room Alone: was featured int he latest=now current issue of free TimeOut BKK. (6-20/2/20, often to be found in *beks cf). This may surprise you: NIckname is NEW. he was a student at Chula (among the best of a real UNI anywhere in TH) and has MBA in engineering. Now also plays the stockmarket and is mesmerised by nrs.. Tries to be as honest as poss to the many fans and says he never pretended to be anyone other as........... NOw has a role in a movie Classic Again. Should have reached the cinema by now. That way he discovered the old slow pace of life and the meaning of written letters.
Define good. And just a HJ? I dont go for that. As this is mostly centered on the Silom area (ghetto): about any of the millions (nah, yah, 100s at least) of msg shops all around, and more those staffed mostly with guys, will offer a chance of at least 90% this will be offered. Try soi 6 linking Silom with Suriwong. Then follows mostly the price haggling, which puts me off a lot. The general verdict is that the sooner this is offered, the less ´good´ the msg as such will be. But then what is thought of as being a really good msg in the Thai sense for a Thai (no oil) msg is alien to many a farang-and many of them dont even like it that much. Perhaps the tipical masochist more as Joe 6pack. There IS a rather practical thing to consider: I am pretty sure you will appreciate the privacy, or as far as this is possible in a place where there are no real private rooms, or at least the guy will. The key to that is to order not Thai, not foot/back, but OIL msg. You will have to undress fully and shower before. There will be a modesty towel draped over you whilst the job is done. The rest of possible changes in the protocol is then up to you. Div.madman posting above here has produced an excellent blog about this for places that will offer more, have only male staff etc. he even did not link to it. (in some places an update is already needed-things change fast here in BKK) As for me: IF the wish is for a good real msg, then use my preferred shop/masseur as far away from Silom as possible. If more is wanted at the time, go for a dedicated m2m place and do not expect the msg to be really good, but sometimes surprises happen and a really erotic, sensual and slow skilfull heating up and followed by the deed can be enjoyed. Places offering this as a matter of fact mostly state far higher tips in the 1000+ range. PRIME has somehow made it on the bucketlist of ASEANs, and/or Chinese after the WatPo experience (not at all rec. by others) and now wants a MIn 100 bt tip (so an average masseur doubles his daily normal income). There are isolated reports that the ´boss´ has forbidden staff to offer anything more as the msg.
Interesting read, feminds me of former job-had something to do with hosp. and tourism etc. now in pension as as many may remember mot at all a fan of staying in that area or even visiting often. So this is mostly for the record or for the (praise them!) ´cheaposkatos. YELLOW INN is above an Indian restr on Suriwong, close to Tarntwn, rooms around 7/800 (Booking) and a complaint in review: guest friendly (lady) but the place was condoned as they wanted to hold ID at reception of the lady. Looks like a converetd shophouse and must be noisy, I think. There is even 1 hidden in the subsoi across Super A; KINNON hoStel, also does dormbeds. In soi 6/Silom end: the FAH, around corner of Prime Something named like UK-Thai guesthse, same corner, never ever read something about it. HEAVEN (not the sauna!) is a place in the centre where ARENA is, left hand and also advertises a hostel. More hoStels in that road where the BTS turns in along Skywalk Mahanakorn. There must also be a nice rooftop(beer)garden, but I could not see how to enter that. Under construction to help alleviate the apparent shortage of rooms in this area: IBIS STYLES along Silom, roughly opposite Patpong, to open mid 2020. Expect lower introdct. rates. BUT IBIS is alas famous for very noisy (chinese) tourgroups. A rather large HTL in the mid of soi 6, beside MANGO restrt. UNIQUE? or whatever. Some remarks re above: BBB now definitely all closed and in near state of being dismantled Also at least 1 of the 2 hoStels that were around there. Both Pavillion and the one on the corner at Tawan were previously only short time rooms. From many moons ago I remember Pav as hospital -sterile all white. The former OmYim, praised here many moons ago, is still operating as cheapo placeo under other name. Red Planet used to be AirAsia HTL, here is also one near Term21 across near Sukhumvit, just like the EASY HTLs in EUr. In the past you paid-just as with tix-the base price and could add for extra what you wanted: AC, sheets, towels, WiFi, etc. This would not work in Asia. Re booking things: as above, in general many Thai HTLs are not that familiair (yet) with all the US technicalities of those sites. Agoda often seems lower, as it omits taxes-in the end you pay samesame as bkg, bkg has bought agoda a few yrs ago. In the EU this is not allowed at all, but here anything goes. same applies to airlines. This is a warning from inside: IF a HTL offers (some) notorious cheaper rooms this may mean they dump off their bad rooms for that that noone in the know wants. Its generally not possible to ask to see rooms etc on such an advance bkg. Once a HTL knows you, just mail them, ask for your favorite rm and propose/ask a price. May not work in really big chain HTls though. Key deposit is not just for a new key, but for exchange of wholelock etc. For keycards for the readers etc. Or-at least-that is the explanation. You may not really have lost it and come back later to steal from the next guest if just key replaced by locksmith. And yes-experience- the cheaper Thai style HTLs do not maintenance, some do not even know how to. It just fades and gets broken here and there etc. Staff is or maybe brilliant nice or wont give a hink or even know what to do. ANY cheaper HTL (say under 600-local rate) will have some hidden notsonice things. Complaining wont help a penny. In the 600-1200 band it maybe or may not. Above 1500 you can expect normal service and that things work etc.
Re harga (=price): on the average for the things a normal tourist wants a lot to bit lower as TH. Alco is more ikspinsip, smokes less, but the horrible kretek smelly. If you speak it and go local, it can be much cheaper as TH, but I would not rec that to anyone. And then realise Bali as a whole is much pricier as rest of Indo. Sad thing is however, that Kuta is about the only such gay place remaining in Indo, it used to be (80/90ies < 2000) nearly anywhere like that. However do not really expect to meet many real Balinese, its mostly domestik turis/workers and MBs from Surabaya or Jakarta. Major drawback for the quite developed part of Kuta etc. is the bad infrastructure-narrow gangs (=sois) and also roads, jammed with loud traffic D+N, sepeda motor=motosai, TRanspoRt screamers anywhere, in the (now on) rainy season muddy or overflooded. I speak the lingo so that helps a lot-but dont fear in these touristy parts anyone speaks Strine (english with the OZtwist for those not knowing). Also not been there for a good many yrs now-many more Koreans/Chinese reported, but as for now ban on CN.
Its been said so many times now-for the real gems of Khmerland simply stay in BKK or PTY. The carrots of higher pay and more customers are a real draw. My last visit there was by now some 3-4 yrs ago and I found it about as dirty/backward in many respects as Burma then. Indeed-somehow their style of msg pales compared with Thai. Later reviwes say Hata (=hands) Khmer has gone much downhill. But in general here in BKK my meets with Khmer are generally quite good to excellent. IF they speak english, they do it far better as the average Thai working in touristy things. As an aside: the trains run again (mostly around weekends, incl. to Thai border now, also daily to airport), there is now a cheap/free (for any >70) citybus in PnPn and also a cheap (20 bt/2000 rl) boat service along the river close by PnPn. Check for blogs movetocambodia.com
So that must have been the old location-nearly a year gone by already. So you like to watch guys who only intensely look glued to their fonescreens only? I no like real, I only like onscreen?
Dont worry so muth, mate Mack, it was well worth waiting for, esp the hilarious confusion re this magic place (by mr. T, as it says in all reviews). Ganymede has more as 1 floor-you should have met the tastefully groomed owner (I remember from Nongh Khai, but that may have been wrong). On my visit they had mainly guys from VN-this may also explain why the rotation/changes are so frequent. was there quite some time ago and also do not remember if they had the division for more exp. b2b-I think not (Its pretty common in KUL). The soi with the magic tree leads to Sam Yan MRT stop and via the tunnel to the brand new SamYan shopping centre. Some reviews say it only gets properly staffed after 18/19.00 or so. But I too would not have thought it to be further on to go to when I passed by last time.
FYI; that is Cambodia. There is a separate SUBforum for all other ASEAN countries nearby-just scroll down first from main menu. Check that first. Though for a nice selection of Khmer guys you do not need to leave BKK, TH or Pattaya at all-some even claim all the better talent has already emigrated.
pong replied to tassojunior's topic in European Men and Destinations
Its not a total then yes and now no. Its gradually, like so many places, slowly vanishing so more and more luck is needed to find something going on. Also due to extreme tourist popularity these bathes have been upgraded and became much more pricey, so the nr of locals going has reduced. The current probably best site for uptodate listing of gay places etc seems to be travelgay.com, then click on for city etc. Check reviews if they are also not that old. And yes, for every pro here is some con, nothing is perfect and nothing is always totally dependent. It seems there may also be a more warm welcome for those who know the local rules and customs.