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Everything posted by mahjongguy

  1. The seating looks good but I couldn't find a price like that for LAX-BKK. Even the price you mention of $2,100 is twice that of EVA Air premium economy. Many people I know really like EVA's SFO-TPE-BKK service. Good connections, good value.
  2. My only participation in the "gay scene" was going to DJ Station once a week. The b/f and I would get plotzed on the very generous drinks and have a great time. That was for the three years we lived in Bangkok. Then we moved to Pattaya four years ago and pay no attention to gay establishments.
  3. And now we are coming up fast on Chinese New Year. It's January 23rd this time. To/from Asia will be busy busy.
  4. I rarely have any problems with the post here but the floods definitely caused havoc. I have a small appliance that I need to send in for service. The repair shop is somewhere in Bangkok and it's on a list of postal codes that are temporarily unavailable. That was 10 days ago. Tomorrow I'll go to the post office and try again.
  5. You're right, massage has a higher priority than food any day, but that particular shop is staffed by distaff only. It's called the Pretty Lady Parlour.
  6. Okay. I've now been informed that "its in the Garden of the Massage Parlor". That makes sense, as the Ritz staff can stand on their porch and look left directly at it.
  7. Thx, but no. The Garden Cafe is a new offshoot of the Ritz Cafe, supposedly somewhere quite nearby.
  8. Others wrote that it was somewhere near Dick's but that doesn't seem to be right. I'm hoping I can go there and just get the cheesecake.
  9. "...I could basically sign my condo over to the family members..." That's different from my suggestion of making them joint owners with you. If you are all on the chanote then you retain sufficient control and I think the 7 year wait should be eliminated, but those are issues for a UK attorney. As a Yank I would look into some sort of trust to handle the situation. If the UK has similar structures, you might benefit from the way that they can help minimize estate taxes.
  10. "...want to ensure that this income is not taxed as gifts to individuals before being put in the pot." Taxed by Thailand or by the UK? Random thoughts: - Would it suit your purposes to add those family members to the chanote as joint owners? - You can designate family members as beneficiaries to your bank accounts if you want. - You could mention in your GayRomeo profile that you are seeking an heir.
  11. Stay at TubTim. In the evening, walk a few meters to the next beach, have drinks at the Silver Sands.
  12. That article erred in referring to safety. The issue involved is noise abatement for the benefit of those who live near the airport.
  13. PM sent.
  14. I'm a married guy and there's very little that distracts me, but... Out here on the beach I often see slim guys with a waist string nestled on their hips. Usually there's an amulet in the front, the most common being phallic symbols. I dunno why but it makes me nuts.
  15. Mexican and Tex-Mex food is based on cumin. That flavor goes well with poblanos and such but not well at all with Thai chilies. On a trip back to California I made my b/f some crispy tacos. For me it was heaven but he didn't like it at all.
  16. I'm just repeating what I was told (about a month ago) by the staff of a nearby host bar. At that time, it matched what I had always observed about the place.
  17. The DD Inn is primarily known for providing short time rooms. Their staff are hosts.
  18. EZTV has chronic technical problems. It's always been like that. They'll be back. It's a useful site, but you don't need it. All they do is post a filtered list of tv show torrents taken from The Pirate Bay. To see the full unfiltered list, just go to http://thepiratebay.org/browse.
  19. The residential rate is roughly 4 baht. It is typical for serviced apartments to charge 6 baht. That doesn't sound too bad, but it's worse than it seems because management may be getting the commercial rate, which can be a low as 1 baht per kwh. It's also common to charge 500 baht a month as a flat rate for water, even though the actual cost is usually less than 100 baht per person. Anyway, nothing to be done about it. Just think of the surcharge as part of the rent.
  20. Notes - Ganymede's sauna opens at 3pm. The bar opens at 4pm. Sansuk opens at 3pm (but who wants to be the 1st to arrive?). Dick's Cafe is open all day. Bondi on the beach is open all day.
  21. A lot of the people around us (maids, security guards, massage guys, etc.) will go upcountry for Songkran. If you haven't been slipping them tips on a regular basis then now (b4 the 10th) would be a great time to be a little generous. All those folks who go to visit their families are expected to bring cash from their "big jobs" in the "big city" and it stresses them that they can save up so little.
  22. I bought the Belkin Skype phone at IT City in Tukcom. It was about 2,000 baht. Love it.
  23. Likely so. Someone should open a massage shop in Sunee. It would attract customers from noon to midnight. Maybe that would be the beginning of some afternoon foot traffic in the area.
  24. mahjongguy


    They actually would have no way of knowing that. If the phone line to your house has a partial/intermittent connection somewhere along the way, the ISP would not have any way to detect it. Only a line analyzer located at your house could prove or disprove that the line is at fault. But, there is one way to find a clue: talk on the phone. Call someone from your landline to theirs, talk a while. If the line has static then call someone else. If the static persists, then it's on your line and you can report it to the telco as "noise" rather than to the ISP. Sometimes you end up having to insist that they switch you to a different cable pair. My early years with AT&T were spent outdoors, with duties that included chasing intermittent line faults. Frustrating work. And then I wander around here and see the condition of the phone wires and terminals! It's a nightmare.
  25. mahjongguy


    The best-selling home router is the Linksys WRT54GS. What specifically causes you to blame the router? Couldn't the frequent disconnects be the fault of your ISP?
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