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  1. My Thai friend speaks English well enough to have moved beyond the sort of Thai-based constructions mentioned above. But he just cannot pronounce the letter V. I've tried to convince him that there are simple methods to learn consonants that don't occur in Thai (e.g. put your upper teeth on your lower lip...) but as is often the case he just doesn't believe me. So I get wacation and wery and wisa. And Wolwo. Ten years ago I told him if he could say Volvo I'd buy him one. We're still driving the same old Honda.
  2. And the peacocks! It was a lovely place to stay.
  3. "Proof: case 2013 http://www.tripadvis...e-Thailand.html" If you read the comments posted on that TripAdvisor page you will see that the 90 per 180 rule was voided in Nov 2008. That person's request for a Tourist Visa was denied at the Singapore Embassy because the staff there have powers of discretion which they are well known to enjoy to the max.
  4. >> "rule is "90 days stay per each 180 days". There is no such rule. Nothing even close to that. As z209 recommends, information on how to stay in Thailand for extended periods can be found on ThaiVisa.
  5. Usually, depending on the tides, there's no longer enough beach in that area to play volleyball. So, there is a mostly-gay group that plays down at the end of Dong Tarn beach next to the rescue station in the late afternoon. At the same time, another group plays at the beach courts across from the Jomtien Night Market just before Beach Road soi 9.
  6. Sure, you can adapt in a civilized country. Here you've got motorbikes coming at you on or over the yellow line. My friend drives over to Laos but he always brings along a passenger who can lean out and tell him when it's safe to pass.
  7. There's a Corvette I see on Jomtien Beach Road. Be great to have one but how can you drive it on the left without killing someone?
  8. "Bangkok has a population of roughly eight million people; about 25 percent of them are citizens from other countries, including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, and Japan. About a third of the total Western population of the city is American." I have to wonder where the author got numbers like that? Couldn't figure out how to use Google so she just hit random keys on her calculator?
  9. My Thai friend watches a show with a title that seems to translate as "Gay or Man?". On each episode there is a cute young guy who is teased and sexually harassed by the hosts who then vote whether they think he's gay or not. It's very very odd.
  10. "...the same plump lady that has collected the money for the last few years was there @ new year. " Really? I walk by every day, haven't seen her there for at least half a year, was told she was ill and then told she was "no more".
  11. All Immigration offices are closed on Saturdays. Sundays, too. If your Permission To Stay expires on a weekend then there will be no penalty as long as you show up on Monday. At worst, the Immigration officer might suggest that you get yourself a calendar.
  12. In a society where even Thai people with tan skin are treated poorly, this should be no surprise. Still, I have to wonder, is this an early signal of what's to come when Ebola comes to Thailand?
  13. Two hours ago I had a root canal. Thank God I wasn't born in some other century.
  14. Did I not seem to understand that?
  15. If you want to reach EZTV itself rather than the alternatives mentioned , just go to https://eztv-proxy.net/
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