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Everything posted by bkkguy
if you look at all the IP addresses I have used to access your forum since it started you will find that most of them are owned by Thai ISPs with just a few from other countries for short periods of time when I was on holidays. and in all of our discussions about retirement extensions I have always been more than willing to show you my extension but you where never willing to show me yours - but then you were never one to be interested in letting the facts get in the way of you and your "expert" opinions bkkguy
but you where expecting the moon so you are not coming out during the day any more? bkkguy
and then I suppose it depends what you have a right to expect when entering a massage venue like Montara Massage Spa that does not promote itself as a gay massage venue or even as a sex massage venue! as surprising as it may be to some people here not every place in Thailand is a front for prostitution and sex - just because you are a sex tourist or sexpat doesn't mean the server at McDonalds is going to offer a blowjob with that burger rather than fries or that every masseur is going to offer a happy ending - some massage venues are just places that only offer massage and spa treatments, some offer massage but some staff may unofficially offer more, and some only exist to offer sex with massage as foreplay it doesn't take that much skill and experience to tell the difference, so if you want a blowjob with your burger go to a hands-free restaurant and if you must have sex with your massage then go to a sex massage venue rather than publicly castigating a massage venue for not offering sex! bkkguy
I have read your posts ad nauseam with your pontifications about places you have been to in Thailand, bars, restaurants, your experiences etc and you don't seem particularly interested in any posts that do not agree with your opinion so why should I bother - and even when I do you selectively block them out and claim I have never posted them and no I am not going to provide you a list - look it up for yourself, you are the claiming they are not there! bkkguy
next it will be a hydra accusation and another new user's career will be successfully nipped in the bud and all the usual suspects can continue to build their own egos in safety in an environment supposedly based on "straightforward mature behavior, civility and courtesy that you find in a neighborhood Pub or Tavern where neighbors and acquaintances joined by occasional strangers come together to socialize in good temper, to share conversation" - we have certainly NOT seen a lot of that in this thread and despite some opposition claims this forum is an old boys club, the occasional stranger is NOT welcome! and "occasional stranger" is not my words, it is straight from the Message Center policies - obviously the old boys feel threatened by too many strangers invading their territory! bkkguy
Like Prakanong I won't adopt that condescending tone of yours, but I am reminded of a recent US study that showed that different (US) regional accents can have a significant impact on the speaker's perceived credibility - I have never heard you speak so don't know your accent ... but then I don't think I really need to anyway! bkkguy
on your own web site would you use your iron fist to edit/delete a post where a Thai bar boy or GR member is named and defamed? or is that reserved just for falung bar owners who are more likely to sue? and if you would delete it then what is the point of demanding the OP post such information here? silly question - you have acknowledged in previous posts here that you are happy to do things on other forums that you would not personally allow on your own! I am fairly sure you would delete this post on your own forum, will be interesting to see what happens here where your iron fist does not reach! but anyway are the rules that much better here? there are pages and pages in the policy about what personal information you can reveal about a member of this site and what comments you can make about them, what pictures you can post, etc, but we have explicit threads and even whole forums devoted to posting and discussing intimate details, sometimes with identifying information and pictures, about Thai guys - but it's OK, they are just money boys, just toys for our pleasure! how long do you think posts from Thai guys about how good a fuck or how good a tipper the members of this forum where would last on this forum? particularly if they included pics of the forum member in the shower or suggestively on the bed? - perhaps we should all chip in and supply some of firecat's offs/GRs a camera! and Michael having read the rest of this thread do you still think this forum is not an "old boys club"? bkkguy
I have no comment on the authenticity of the original post, but I find it interesting that we have some 20 posts here from all the usual suspects and another 100 or so posts on two or three other forums castigating this guy and one or two others as fakes, many of you feeling compelled to offer your wisdom on these threads multiple times, some of you even having the audacity to tell this guy to "get a life"! if you are all such experts why have you all failed to grasp the one fundamental principle of forums by now - DON"T FEED THE TROLLS bkkguy
yes - "This video is not available" does tend to squeeze tears of frustration sometimes bkkguy
I am very intolerant of people posting crap in discussion forums hence I take shots at such posts - I think it was fountainhall in his glory days that suggested the tag, but I don't think he was being complimentary for many of my falung friends the more Thai they understand the more the blinkers fall away and they are no longer so easily conned into believing that Thailand is a "gay paradise" where gay lifestyles are more readily accepted than in the west the boy has probably done nine trips in the last week, but him enjoying the area I can almost accept but your original post was "in company of ugly but baht saturated farang" !!! or are you suggesting he is speculating that you will pay for your prostitute's prostitute? see above about intolerant, and I am willing to admit that my sense of Political Correctness is permanently broken, so perhaps you can enlighten me on the difference bkkguy
how much Thai do you understand? how much do you notice people's reaction as you walk down the street? how much do you understand about how much he cares about people's impression of him in these circumstances? probably not much as after all the only people he knows around there are his prostitute workmates and foodstall owners - but would he consider he would lose face if observed by a holidaying relative or friend from his home village? in your original post you said "if we are in somebody's company way we dress reflects on them", hence my comment this is a serious comment is it? "entertaining for them"? I could understand if you said it was full of potential to divert you and some of that baht into presents, but "entertaining"? soap operas beckon on TV more entertainingly I think! bkkguy
so you have picked up a prostitute and are about to parade him through the center of prostitution in Bangkok and your walking up Surawong Rd with him while you are wearing an un-tucked shirt reflects badly on him? that fact that you are wearing shorts and are going to "escort" him through the hallowed porticoes of a known short-time hotel on a major public thoroughfare probably already cost you enough brownie points, which may explain why he "told" you to tuck in your shirt to reclaim at least some dignity in the situation rather than" asking" you politely bkkguy
Uncle Fester, Lurch and Thing - or am I showing either my age or signs of a misspent youth? well if we are going to get tacky, and extending John Irving's "fourth hand" meme, I suppose a double amputee could experience 6 hands all by himself a bit like the Oscar Pistorius trial - some people said he didn't have a leg to stand on! and there was an even more tacky comment at a global warming summit recently about the size of his "carbon footprint" bkkguy
The General's comment was reported as "They think our country is beautiful and safe, and do whatever they want to do, walking around in bikinis. Do they think they will be safe in bikinis, except if they aren't beautiful?". The statement was met with outrage overseas but there was little or no reaction in Thailand and you want to claim this is about "slight difference in culture" and "political correctness"? Rubbish! in 2006, after a series of brutal rapes in Sydney a local Imam compared women who wear revealing clothing to meat left outside uncovered being attacked by cats - the uncovered meat was the problem, not the cats. The reaction in the local press was outrage but at least the local Muslim community did not hide behind a response of "slight difference in culture" and "political correctness", their repose was the Imam's comments "lacks intelligence and common sense" and he "clearly has no understanding of the nature of sexual crime" for a more recent and local example - Durex Thailand has just removed a facebook advertising campaign based on a claim that "28% of women who resist finally consent". This did at least cause some outrage in social media in Thailand but the company's initial response attributing the uproar to a "misunderstanding" was pathetic from the editorial pages of the Bangkok Post today: No one asks to be raped http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/433039/no-one-asks-to-be-raped your suggestion that this is about "slight difference in culture" and "political correctness" is I think crass and simplistic! bkkguy
or perhaps the new crop of tourists are just younger and slimmer and don't need to rely on the presence of the old dead wood to sprout? :-) bkkguy
Watch my lips - you cannot extend a visa, you can only extend a permission to stay One of the definitions of insanity, either by Albert Einstein or Rita Mae Brown or someone else, is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results, so I suppose I should give up on flogging this obviously dead horse. bkkguy
I am 56 but I have the body of an 18-year-old - I keep it in the wardrobe but I am worried that the maid will find it one day! bkkguy
I forgot to say in my post above that your basic assumption here is flawed - once again the disagreement stems from the fact that "some people" don't understand what a visa really is and how the system works! for Thailand a visa is neither a permission to enter the country, a permission to stay in the country, or a combination of both! the rules and regulations governing the issue of visas at embassies and consulates outside of Thailand, and the enforcement of those rules and regulations, is the responsibility of the Foreign Ministry. The rules and regulations governing entry to the country, permission to stay and the issue of visas inside Thailand, and the enforcement of those rules and regulations, is the responsibility of the Interior Ministry via the Immigration Police. this is an import distinction because Immigration Police at a border entry checkpoint can grant or refuse entry to the country and/or grant a standard or shorter permission to stay based on their assessment of the circumstances surrounding your current entry into the country - the visa you may or may not have in your passport is just one of the pieces of information used to make that decision simply put a visa is a confirmation of your stated reason for being in the country, the number of times you can attempt to enter the country using the visa, and the last day on which you can attempt to enter the country using the visa again people will accuse me of just being pedantic but anyone who has followed immigration issues here over the last few years will know that the two departments are rarely consistent with their policies or their enforcement and while most "legitimate" tourists and retirees are not usually affected many seduced by the dark side of borderline or blatant workarounds of policies and enforcement get burnt regularly and I think you need to expand the selection of Immigration Police that you talk to or perhaps try asking different questions! bkkguy
the officers on the front information desk at the Immigration Division 1 office in Bangkok have a "falang baa" attitude as well - they tend to ignore falung that ask for non-existant forms to extend their retirement visa, instead they check what you need from your passport and give you the correct form you are not supporting my argument here but you may be supporting Bob's - my statement above was a visa cannot be extended or renewed, but there is obviously no confusion in your mind and everybody understands you A man who buys a gun to protect his family sees it as a weapon for self defense, a bank robber or soldier with a gun sees it differently but this does not cause them to confuse a gun with something else. Similarly consular officials at embassies, Immigration Police at border checkpoints and Immigration Police at Immigration offices all deal with visas in different ways for different reasons but they don't have a problem differentiating between a visa and a permission to stay stamp and I don't really see why it is so difficult for some falung, particularly retired falung on discussion forums, to come to grips with this! "I am going to do my retirement extension" is no more difficult to say then "I am going to renew my retirement visa" yet it seems to be anathema to some people, almost on principle bkkguy
I am one of those "some" though I would say you need to obtain an extension of your current permission to stay before it expires I don't have a Retirement Visa (Non-OA), I have a Non-O Visa and it expired 10 years ago and there is no procedure that I know of at an embassy or consulate overseas or at an Immigration Police office in Thailand to renew or extend a visa be it a Non-OA, a Non-O or any other visa class my current permission to stay expires in May 2015 and when I go to the Immigration Police office next May I will fill out a TM7 form "APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY STAY IN THE KINGDOM" and in the reason for extension I will state "Retirement" and produce the necessary supporting documentation. The officer will then stamp a new permission to stay till May 2016 into my passport I would argue that the distinction between a visa and a permission to stay is important and if people understand the distinction and use the correct terminology then fewer forum threads would descend into confusion and misunderstanding. the same applies to the distinction between a Retirement Visa (Non-OA) and an extension of permission to stay based on retirement using a Non-O visa. others (not necessarily you) claim that this is just being pedantic and it does not matter what you call things - I don't really understand this line of reasoning! similarly re your point 1 - a "retirement" visa does not become "null and void" when you leave the country, it or any other class of visa becomes null and void when you have used all permitted entries into the country or the expiry date has passed. if you have a multi-entry Non-OA Retirement Visa valid till 1 January 2015 and a current permission to stay till 1 December 2015 you don't need a re-entry permit if you plan to exit and return before 1 January 2015 (you will get a new permission to stay of 12 months from date of arrival), you do need a re-entry permit if you plan to exit and return after 1 January before 1 December 2015 (you will get a permission to stay of 1 December 2015 on arrival), and you do not need a re-entry permit if you plan to exit and return after 1 December 2015 (you will need a new visa). if you have a single entry Non-O visa valid till 1 September 2014 and a current permission to stay till 1 December 2015 you do need a re-entry permit if you plan to exit and return before 1 December 2015 (you will get a permission to stay of 1 December 2015 on arrival), and you do not need a re-entry permit if you plan to exit and return after 1 December 2015 (you will need a new visa). again I would argue that people need to understand how re-entry permits work in relation to visas and permissions to stay. wile I know you where talking about a specific case I think your statement is inherently confusing, and I don't think "everybody needs to remember that they need a reentry permit whenever they leave or their retirement visa (one-year extension based on retirement) is null and void upon exiting the country" really helps people understand how things work from the responses of various posters here and other gay forums I am obviously flogging a dead horse on this but anyone who regularly reads threads in any forum on these issues, particularly including the "Thai visas, residency and work permits" forum on ThaiVisa, will I think quickly agree that correct terminology reduces confusion dramatically bkkguy
and those changes would probably destroy most of what most expats and tourists (and Thais) love about Thailand - so isn't it time for the western democracies to stop preaching to the Thais about how to run their own country and stop frightening their citizens from traveling here? bkkguy
less risk of being caught by police for purchasing an illegal product or less risk of dying from using an unknown source potentially unsafe street copy of a relatively dangerous drug? in my home country the sale of alkyl nitrites as room orderisers is "legal" and there are a couple of local brands and local outlets that I would trust to buy from if I was interested, after 20 years in Thailand there is still nowhere that I would consider "safe", but I am cynical and conservative and your mileage may vary - though if you never post here again you may seriously damage the sale of poppers in Thailand via gayromeo! bkkguy
one letter is not really important is it, and perhaps I am just being needlessly pedantic as usual, but in medical use nitrates are usually taken orally, taking liquid alkyl nitrites orally will probably kill you, other common nitrates are used to make fertilizer and explosives and I am sure you don't want to be encouraging others to shove those up their noses! the alkyl nitrites group (not amyl nitrite, a few letters different there, so perhaps too confusing) include the butyl, isobutyl and other common nitrites so I am not sure what other "concoctions" you are referring to bkkguy
no - they are amyl nitrite no - they are alkyl nitrites they are but that of course does not stop them being openly sold here, and if you use the correct terms it is not hard to find links to the actual laws in Thailand, and you may find the article in the Bangkok Post today about bar hours helpful for a current update re import of these substances into Thailand bkkguy
New Constitution Gives Thai Junta Sweeping Powers
bkkguy replied to TotallyOz's topic in Gay Thailand
and here I was thinking that everyone on the forums - and the forum owners - where self-censoring because of the junta's sweeping powers to "disappear" anyone critical of their actions on social media and discussion forums! bkkguy