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Everything posted by bkkguy

  1. if trying to find a relationship in the bar scene in Thailand is "looking for love in all the wrong places" then sitting on a stool outside a massage place in Silom transfixed by your mobile phone or begrudgingly breaking away from chatting with your friends to dis-interestingly shove a price list into a passerby's hand is "looking for customers in all the wrong ways", though a gaggle of robots shouting "you want massage" at everything that passes by - including sometimes the cars on the street out of sheer reflex action - is not much of an improvement bkkguy
  2. oral is not real sex - just ask Clinton (not her, the other one - maybe before your time) and using sex toys is not real sex either - just ask Clinton (again not her, the other one: "Monica I am never going to be able to get this thing to light now") and email is not like anal sex even if it does turn out to be a pain in the ass - just ask Clinton (this time her, not the other one) then bypassing anal or oral altogether there is the old Turkish proverb - "A woman for duty, a boy for pleasure, but a melon for ecstasy", though I am sure Portnoy would complain about the fruit choice bkkguy
  3. I am also sick and tired of this bullshit - the Thai prime minister expressed a similar belief just before the police arrested and charged two itinerant Burmese workers over the Koh Tao murders, indeed it is an often heard refrain from Thai people and their rose-coloured glasses supporters since it is so obvious that the always perfect Thai Buddhist man's burden is to educate the rest of the uncivilized world on morally correct behavior (and I assume the recent repatriation of Uighur refugees to China was an example of that - regardless of whether you view it as an act of "ass leaking" or not) I am surprised that the rest of the world just doesn't get it! bkkguy
  4. meanwhile there is a veritable flood of "gay" movies coming to Bangkok including a gay vampire movie Red Wine in the Dark Night (started yesterday) and a gay ghost murder mystery The Blue Hour (starts August 6), both with interesting heritages - Red Wine is the latest from the director of Insects in the Backyard and It gets Better, and Blue Hour is from the director of Down the River The Bangkok Post interview with Josh Kim linked above is classically bad (Your film has gay characters. What is your most favorite gay-themed film?) and their interview with the director or Red Wine today is not much better: http://www.bangkokpost.com/lifestyle/film/633192/pushing-boundaries but as usual Wise Kwai covers it all fairly well: http://bangkokcinemas.blogspot.com/2015/07/bangkok-cinema-scene-movies-opening_23.html http://thaifilmjournal.blogspot.com/2015/01/how-to-win-at-checkers-blue-hour-and-so.html bkkguy
  5. This is currently playing in Bangkok, I saw it last night, and I am surprised at how this is presented and discussed internationally as a "gay-themed movie" - it is anything but! yes there are some gay and transgender characters and hence some gay aspects to the storyline but "gay" is irrelevant to the moral and social issues being examined in the film, and it is I think misleading for the review site linked to include "Discrimination, Gay, Homophobia, Sexually Explicit, Transgender" in the Genre/Subjects keywords if you read the key two short stories in the book Sightseeing by Rattawut Lapcharoensap that "inspired" the film - the brothel scene and the conscription lottery draw - there are no gay characters. it is perhaps cynical to suggest that the director re-cast these as "gay" to attract just this type of attention and a wider audience overseas! having said that, see this film - it is a classic and very depressing Thai coming of age story that captures the (as it says in the review) "devastating disillusionment of an adolescent striving to understand a world that is deeply unjust despite all of its beauty" and read Sightseeing - there are a number of very good Thai short stories in this collection. Wise Kwai has an interesting review of the movie: http://thaifilmjournal.blogspot.com/2015/07/review-pchai-my-hero-how-to-win-at.html bkkguy
  6. I am too polite to comment on your IQ but if you knew anything about the Bangkok gay scene, you would know that you are again (obviously deliberately as a troll) missing the point in the Silom and lower Sukhumvit area, the areas most commonly frequented by western gay tourists and expats - even the 25yo blond Adonises - you could count on one hand the number of non-commercial gay venues that attract regular non-commercial Thai gays, but using both hands and even taking off your shoes and sox you could not count all the commercial gay venues, yet outside this area, scattered all over Bangkok, even using both hands and both feet twice you could not begin to count the number of non-commercial gay venues attracting a regular local gay crowd. these venues are largely unknown or ignored by western expats and tourists - even the 25yo blond Adonises - because often there is little English spoken and they are in remote or difficult locations for transport. so while many western gay tourists and expats complain about the lack of a non-commercial scene there is no shortage of "regular" "genuine" "true" Thai gays who would never consider engaging in commercial sex and are quite happy having fun in a local gay scene that is mostly full of other local gays and don't feel any need to seek out free (or paid) sex with a European Adonis! I don't think we need a straw poll on that at this stage as I said I am too polite to comment on your IQ for posting such "dump" questions and I beg to differ with your IQ assessment to appreciate them so I will leave it to others to keep feeding your trolling need for attention bkkguy
  7. Eddy's in the space time continuum perhaps? bkkguy
  8. congratulations - you have set up your straw man and now you have demolished him to your own satisfaction I think the real issue here is for most western gay tourists and expats in Pattaya what percentage of sex encounters are commercial? what percentage of venues (bars/massage/sauna etc) targeting this group are commercial? what percentage of Internet hookups by this group are commercial? what percentage of this group are/were attracted to Pattaya by the ready availability of cheap commercial sex workers of they type they lust after compared to the price of comparable sex workers back home or compared to the selection realistically available to them for free at the bars, the baths or online back home? so discussions about the semantic differences between gay money boys and gay for pay boys and the relative percentages of each in Pattaya and is Pattaya therefore gay for pay don't I think get us very far, the reality for most of the group is more of the "No money no honey" variety - i.e. most are going to have to pay for sex most of the time, but the sexual orientation of the sex worker has little to do with it! of course all the above comments apply to the "fat/ugly/old falung" stereotype of western gay sexpat/sex tourist - but then I don't know that too many western gay 25yo blonde Adonis types end up in Pattaya and those that end up in Bangkok usually complain about the lack of a "real" (i.e. non-commercial) scene! bkkguy PS I am posting this against my better judgement - I am surprised that everyone's "troll radar" has not gone off already!
  9. gosh, hundreds of thousands - well at least 466 rated it on AsianWiki so I suppose it must be a major contender for Best Foreign Film at the next Oscar's I think the fact that the best you could manage to say to recommend the movie was "the plot is crap but it will make you cry and the leads are cute" says quite enough about the movie, and if you want to dispute the comments here about such movies being targeted at an immature audience I don't think the "fans" at AsianWiki are helping your cause! bkkguy
  10. it wasn't a scapegoat for gay behavior, it was a scapegoat for homophobia bkkguy
  11. the dialogue in the scene where Tong's mother visits Mew is straight out the standard western Christian handbook - "I want my son to grow up normal", "he should be looking for a wife and have children", "don't interfere with him, one day you will understand" etc it is of course also straight out of the middle class Bangkok Chinese-Thai handbook, but then the Thais are not usually good at examining a situation and finding fault with themselves - it is always much easier to have a foreigner, or at least a foreign influence like Christianity as in this case, as a convenient scapegoat interestingly a lot of the original promotion coyly focused on the two girl/boy pairs implying a straight teenage angst movie that then got a far greater initial cinema audience than a gay coming of age movie would have I don't know of too many Thai people who view this as a "positive" gay movie and I am still constantly surprised at the number of western gays who latch on to this as an iconic and beautiful gay Thai movie - I thought we grew out of the wrist-slashing coming of age genre in the 60's! but it gets worse - I lost interest in My Bromance halfway through, it was just so full of stereotyped characters and situations, and yes Love's Coming was obviously targeted at 12 yo girls/ladyboys with just enough plastic doll "cuties" in the cast to attract the DOM perhaps it just shows how far Thailand still has to come in accepting modern gay lifestyles - and most western gay sexpats/sex tourists probably think they already do or don't care either way! bkkguy
  12. I am sure Mr Barnes is bitterly disappointed that you two could be so frivolous about such an important issue - surely you know the level of respect he has garnered for the depth and erudition of his knowledge of gay thailand as shown by his posts in this forum and the appeal his gay lifestyle magazine has to such a wide gay thai audience and if he says we should be supporting this group then I am sure he could list at least five things "they" don't want you to know about it to support his request bkkguy
  13. and what exactly is your point? what is this "pride" that Thailand "deserves" that you vow to support? because all I see in your article, and in Bangkok/Phuket/Pattaya pride in the last 10 years is an imported superficial commercialisation of "pride" driven by vested interests rather than grassroots support for gay rights and gay issues there is no denying that the Bangkok/Phuket/Pattaya pride groups have raised significant funds for AIDS and other charities, and have garnered much international and local publicity for the "events" but how many local gays do you seriously think find a parade of scantily clad barboys from venues they would never think of visiting are relevant to gaining acceptance of gay lifestyles in Thailand? how many local gays do you think seriously believe it was a "national and international tragedy" when Bangkok Pride was scrapped, Pattaya Pride was re-organised, etc? Bangkok is the "gay capital of Asia" and had a "fabulous gay Pride every year"? take the tourist oriented gay venues, the sexpats and sex tourists out of the equation and what do you really have? if you want to know about the "pride that a country deserves" perhaps you would be better served looking at Taipei and how its gay pride events and gay rights movement has evolved over the past few years, look at the cultural similarities and differences between the two countries and then perhaps you could try a real article asking "why is there so very little Pride in Thailand" from a more considered perspective rather than this shallow attempt! bkkguy
  14. it's fat ugly old falung - like a sexpat's dick in a moneyboy's mouth, it just slides over the tongue so easily! bkkguy
  15. how do they define rough? having to submit to having sex with fat ugly old falung? or working on the rice farm at home? bkkguy
  16. a can or small bottle of Coke, a small bottle of soda or a small bottle of water all cost about the same at 7-11 but people seem to get their knickers into a much greater knot about what bars charge for water rather than for Coke/soda - I've never understood why bkkguy
  17. in Thailand as well as many other countries the current junta is being vilified for just such a belief - do we take it you support their actions? bkkguy
  18. I currently have 2 warning points and I earned them with pride, and I am sure most people can work out how! and as for how many points for a toaster, it is more the other way around - the more posters you toast the more points you get! bkkguy
  19. your January 2015 print edition includes numerous ads for massage venues that, based on the ad content, many of your (admittedly no longer important to you) sexpat readers would have assumed included a "happy ending" as part of the massage before we waste our Baht on visiting these venues and being disappointed, could you please confirm for us oyster eyed oldies that all of these venues do not offer sex services for a "tip", or at least clarify when exactly this new advertising policy was impilmented and could you also confirm that this new advertising policy also applies to not promoting "businesses that sell sex" by including them in the venue listings. I assume obviously not because your current online "Gay Guide to Bangkok" page introduction and Silom listings include "NB" (a notorious Silom Soi 6/Naratiwat Soi 1 commercial sex bar), a 2015 Reader's Choice Winner indeed - or will you be removing all the Reader's Choice votes from sexpats voting for sex venues? this sudden transition from not being dependent on aging sexpats is obviously not easy! and could you also confirm that this new advertising policy and this new-found realization that your future does not depend on aging sexpats means you will no longer be distributing the magazine in most of the venues it was in before - I mean you wouldn't one of your enlightened new target audience to find his copy disfigured by an aging sexpat's fingerprints - or worse drool! bkkguy
  20. if that is the case then why do you keep resorting to junk marketing 101 tricks like click-bait teasers for shock-horror revelations and promos for your exclusive articles (whatever James wants to define "exclusive" to mean) in forums like this that are popular with the "ageing sexpats" you claim you don't depend on? and why are most of your distribution points, advertisements and venue listings for places obviously fronts for commercial sex and/or targeted at or popular with the "ageing sexpats" you claim you don't depend on? bkkguy
  21. the site is not being blocked by the Thai government - the 403 Forbidden message you are seeing is generated by the Asian-Ephebes server, so it would appear they are blocking Thai IP addresses, obviously not something they thought was worth mentioning here! and Djib posting links with URLs like http://http//www.asian-ephebes.com/ won't help many people find your site but you are at least to be congratulated for effective monitoring of your logs, or at least gay Thailand forums - you managed to register and post here just an hour after colmx first posted a link to your site here after trashing a competitor web site! bkkguy
  22. from Yingluck's post impeachment statement: as is usually the case one needs to be careful what one wishes for bkkguy
  23. I suppose it depends on who you are most worried about VPN traffic repositories used by NSA to find keys, crack encryption of target traffic bkkguy
  24. James perhaps you can explain what "EXCLUSIVE" means in this context - the interview appeared in the Sunday Telegraph in July 2014 and is also on the interviewer's web site, so this is just an "EXCLUSIVE" re-packaging for your magazine? or "EXCLUSIVE" for Thailand? or "EXCLUSIVE" for gay magazines? or "EXCLUSIVE" for people who don't own a dictionary? bkkguy
  25. you very carefully cropped the photo before posting so it showed just the red "Retirement" stamp but nothing else then claimed it proved it was a retirement visa and then refused to post the full image because of course it was not a visa, it was an extension as you now concede, but were unwilling to do then and I bet this "last word" retreat when things are not going to your liking when playing away from home is not as satisfying as wielding the "iron fist" in the safety of you own dominion bkkguy
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