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Everything posted by bkkguy

  1. carpentry - it is said Eve made Adam's tool stand
  2. non-B visa and work permit or non-o visa and annual retirement extension satisfies "long stay" status for both Citi and AMEX Thai Baht denominated platinum cards, though these are usually "invitation only" (invitations issued liberally once you pop up in their marketing databases) but usually also requiring 1Mil (AMEX) - 3Mil (Citi) Thai Bht in a Thai bank. AMEX has a Thai Airways co-branded platinum card where "points" earned can only be converted to Thai miles but you also get bonus points/miles for charging Thai tickets to the card, otherwise AFAIK both offer platinum cards where "points" can be converted to Thai miles or used for other local business services - I don't know if either issues non-platinum THB denominated cards to non-Thai residents in Thailand with lower money in the bank requirements local Thai banks usually give away debit cards to falung as easily as ATM cards but with few if any benefits, but credit cards for falung are more difficult even for "long stay" falung, usually full payment on statement and/or requiring a term deposit or insurance policy to cover the max value of the cards, most local credit cards earn "points" but not sure if any can be exchanged for Thai miles as always with Thai banks , your mileage may vary! bkkguy
  3. In a universe far far away there exists a utopian society known as the Land of Smiles where if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is the duty of every citizen to refuse to publicly acknowledge that it is a duck, and the ducks pay the necessary fees as part of their role in this facade. Every few months one duck annoys another duck or someone in authority feels it is time for another sacrificial duck to maintain the facade and the press is full of shock horror headlines about some non-duck that is now shown to actually be a duck, but within a few days the facade wheels are oiled again and everything is back to being non-duck and all is well with the universe .... I have listened in admiration as many venue owners have chanted this sanctimonious crap with a straight face, but when you make statements like this are you just trying to be a good citizen of the Land of Smiles?, or do you seriously expect us to believe that you, hand on heart, do not think these venues are fronts for prostitution? that the venue owners, the police and all the readers of this forum do not know these venues are fronts for prostitution? that all the posts I have read on all the forums over the years about getting agreement with the boy about exactly what sexual acts he will perform when you take him back to your room, about the mamasans who know in great detail the sexual proclivities of each boy in the bar, etc, are all just cross posts from alternate universes that do not understand the duck/non-duck facade? bkkguy
  4. to be fair the Nation lost its way years ago when they decided they were now a business news publication not a general news publication and the Bangkok Post (and other local press) seem to have no problem keeping an interesting stable of op-ed, editorial and even news journos bkkguy
  5. blame the publishers, the local printers or whoever you like but the International HT/NYT is no longer printed in Thailand and the subscription rates and delivery times for the print edition from Singapore are not likely to win them many customers here! bkkguy
  6. sometimes nothing, but you have about as much understanding of and respect for evolutionary theory as the Creationists do - perhaps you and your "scientific" friends here should get together and start a group to pressure governments to start teaching your "theory" in schools! bkkguy
  7. pot and kettle anybody ... Darwin must be spinning in his grave - a handful of aging sexpats trying to justify their personal preferences as scientific theory and while we are all having it off with 25 year olds we are I assume all on a Paleo diet as according to our genes are all still hunter/gathers? bkkguy
  8. if a male animal wants to maximize his chance of reproductive success he will choose a partner with suitable attributes, one of which may be youth; but given that most human sex these days is not for reproduction I am not sure what "fact of nature" you think supports your case - particularly for gay men, and particularly for gay men more interested in a long term relationship than a quick fuck just because you are not attracted to same age or older partners, taking the anecdotal evidence of a small number of older gay people on a small forum who happen to enjoy paid sex with younger sexy Thai guys does not support your outrageous claims such as "If a 60 year old has sex with another 60 year old, it most probably is because he cannot find anything better" and if you really think this statement is a "fact of nature" then I suspect you may have a very limited understanding of the world around you bkkguy
  9. Your response was continue to read what? the text that you claim doesn't exist and has never existed on this web site? as for the exemption - "All GoGo and Host work-related information is exempt provided the guy, with intent, has made that information publicly available or has given tacit approval for such information to be made available", there was no indication in the original post or any other post before my first post that this actually applied, then there was a vague memory from you that you had seen a profile somewhere - and we all now know how reliable you are with what exists or does not exist on web sites - but the OP has at last finally said the picture is from a public profile without confirming that the said profile identified the guy as a "great bottom" bkkguy
  10. Anyone interested just scroll to the bottom of this page and click on Message Center Policies on the right hand side of the page. There you can read the actual policies I was quoting from with the text exactly as I quoted I gave you the link to the page I was quoting from in my last post but you didn't bother to read it so for you to claim that "it does not exist nor did it ever exist" is I assume at the least disingenuous and at most criminal as well? just because the site owner cannot keep links on his site up-to-date is no justification for your vitriolic attack, which is anyway a violation of the Code of Conduct on the page you so joyfully promote - or do you consider your posts above show "mature behavior, civility and courtesy" - and no I am not making those words up, they are on the page you linked to bkkguy
  11. I have read the forum details thank you very much but as even firecat claims to understand there is a difference between someone who has posted an explicit profile online and someone who may have been more protective of his privacy bkkguy
  12. so by your own standards you wouldn't post such pics here but in the original post or any post since then there is no evidence that this Thai guy had or had not posted his pictures elsewhere but you still find the original post perfectly acceptable I don't know where you claim to be reading but I was reading this page which is the link at the bottom of every page as "Message Center Policies: http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules and it definitely does include the text I quoted above including the specific reference you claim is not there! I quote again bkkguy
  13. To quote from the Message Center Policies why is this thread still here and after his first post does Visseanage still have his forum priivileges? bkkguy
  14. duplicate post - please delete
  15. duplicate post please remove
  16. 4 sq m - though your bed is 40 cm wider and there is a tasteful couch and table and chairs that consume most of that extra space that at high season prices you are paying an extra 100 Baht per night per sq m for though to be fair you also get a slightly less crappy TV and superior (though surely that should be deluxe?) bedding, whatever that means - an unspecified number of extra threads in your bed linen? or maybe just fewer holes and stains? or a mattress that hasn't already collapsed? the perhaps more interesting question is what is the Superior room "superior" to - it is the lowest priced room listed on the website! bkkguy
  17. I don't know the actual cost but in Thailand as in most countries a taxi license/plate/medallion (for the vehicle) is both expensive and supply is limited by local authorities - while Thai taxi drivers have a public transport drivers license most rent a licensed taxi vehicle for a shift from the owner, an oft-quoted fee was 100 Baht per shift plus petrol the UberX and UberBlack services where officially declared illegal in Thailand late last year for using improperly licensed vehicles and drivers, not charging meter rates and allowing credit card payment. Fines of 2,000 Baht for drivers and possible fines for the company were to be imposed as well but they are still operating GrabTaxi as I understand it is not illegal in Bangkok because they use standard taxi vehicles and drivers, use meter rates, and the rider pays the driver the meter fare (plus a "booking fee") in cash rather than GrabTaxi by credit card Some cities in Australia ae looking at legislation to legalise UberX type services with some regulations and compensation for existing taxi owners for the loss in the value of their license that will result but no compensation for loss of income for drivers who I suppose then have other options if they want to drive a taxi or taxi-like vehicle bkkguy
  18. but you are not comparing apples with apples when making comparisons based on price you have to consider the tradeoffs and differences in what you are comparing - I can use a public non-aircon bus and it is cheaper than a taxi too but is that how I want to travel? a public bus is not cheaper because it is run by the government and UberX is not cheaper because it is Internet based and they are good guys trying to help passengers, they are out to make money just like the taxi companies but they want to do it by ignoring the costly requirements of being a licensed taxi operator if I use UberX I get a driver that does not have a public transport license, does not have public passenger insurance and is driving a vehicle that is not licensed to carry passengers and is not inspected to meet Land Transport Dept requirements so it is no surprise that it's advertised rates are cheaper than a registered taxi with a licensed vehicle and driver, insurance etc - again is that how I want to travel? the more reasonable comparison is to compare UberTaxi or GrabTaxi (where they are using licensed taxis) with local taxi rates - they are usually not cheaper because now there is a middleman to be paid as well as all the usual taxi overheads! I am not saying that the incumbent taxi industry is perfect and not in need of a shakeup and there is a case to made for an UberX type service - and indeed some markets are moving towards legitimising such services, but there is more to it than just published rates bkkguy
  19. heads will roll at the Numatic International marketing meeting tomorrow for not getting that to market first! bkkguy
  20. according to a study led by Doctor Gerulf Rieger from the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex (and reported on in just about every newspaper - mainstream or gay - in the last few days) all women are "either bisexual or gay, but never straight" though that is probably a bit beyond most of our fields of interest, and the study didn't include ladyboys! bkkguy
  21. "ladyboy" is a term as much abused as ladyboys themselves, it means different things to different people and sexuality, sexual preference, gender and gender disphoria are difficult and often misunderstood concepts so it is no surprise there is confusion over gay Vs transvestite Vs transexual Vs transgender Vs just plain kinky etc - not just in straight society! to know what assumptions may or may not be justified in this case we would need to know was the "girlfriend" an effeminate male? a pre-op M-F transgender? a post-op M-F transgender? and I suppose who put what where during intimate moments? does a "straight" man who gets fucked up the ass by a pre-op transgender need to think a bit more about his position on the sexual orientation scale? does it make a difference if the fucking is done by his "straight" (born a) female wife wearing a strap-on? is a "straight" man with a post-op M-F transgender partner perhaps just a misogynist (as suggested by Germaine Greer) for thinking trans men make "better" women? or do we go the whole ultra-feminist hog and claim that hormone tablets and plastic surgery does not make a man a woman? (though I have never seen anyone on either side of this debate define what is a "woman" - leaving aside Greer's "having a big hairy smelly vagina"!) if I take meds to make my skin yellow, have facial plastic surgery and start quoting Confucious should we expect this to end my Chinese boyfriend's mates ribbing him about dating outside his ethnic group? or am I just being transphobic for thinking this is a reasonable comparison? bkkguy
  22. actually no - the first clinic trials for Viagra were for the treatment of high blood pressure and angina. even though it was not effective in treatment of either of these conditions many of the male participants in the original trial wanted to continue taking the drug because of an observed "side-effect" which prompted Pfizer to switch the focus of their trials and viola Vitamin V was born but yes you are right Viagra does not affect libido - not sexual arousal, no erection bkkguy
  23. I was having lunch at Noodie in Silom today, there are two massage places in the sub-soi next to Noodie and both have a lot of masseurs out aggressively shoving advertising into the faces of passers-by while eating I noticed the two "cute" (personal preference) guys only tried to attract females but the "older", "more plain" (personal preference) guys mainly tried to attract older western men - it would be interesting to see how "interested" the two cuties would become when in the massage room with me! bkkguy
  24. I read two surveys recently, one said straight couples have anal sex regularly, the other said most surveys are poorly designed and do not produce reliable results - the first one I think was from Playboy magazine, the second was if I remember correctly from the National Institute for Statistical Sciences large packets of salt are available cheaply so there is no need to be parsimonious with the grains while doing one's daily "news" read bkkguy
  25. I am used to reading in the straight press about the porn industry degrading women, and now this for balance ... all I am waiting for now is an analysis of who exactly is being exploited in porn depicting pre-op ladyboys fucking straight guys and did you hear about the retired gay porn star that was sacked from his job at a gas station? every time he was pumping gas and the customer's tank was almost full he would pull the hose out and spray gasoline all over the car! bkkguy
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