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Everything posted by bkkguy
how many "non-fair use" pieces of text does it take to break a camel's back? I will put up with so much abuse of the law then I crack - look for news stories soon about a falung arrested in Bangkok for "pedestrian crossing rage", it will be me and before the "cone of silence" definitively descends or my bar stool collapses under the weight of the mixed metaphors I should perhaps sneak in an equally interesting quickie to GB - you have posted news stories for years based on your previous legal advice but now are willing to change this without seeming to know or care if I am right or wrong - why? bkkguy
two reasons - this has become a much more significant and widely discussed issue over the last 6 months (at least in the tech press) and recently here there seemed to be more and more posts on more and more threads with multiple news articles and it got very boring having to scroll past all this pasted text just so you can go back to being something other than ears! bkkguy
the copyright issues I originally raised here where that reproducing in full a copyright news story on a forum site like this even with an attribution was a breach of copyright and the correct procedure would be to either obtain permission to reproduce or else quote extracts with discussion or opinion and attribution to the original source which would be covered by fair use provisions nothing I have seen posted on this thread or on the thread about the legal advice GT received indicate that my original statements were wrong I don't know the entertainment industry and what "official" or "working" relationships there may be for "permission" to quote a review in full and most copyright issues never see the light of day in court, I am not a lawyer, you are not a lawyer, I have given my opinion (and you have ignored the fairly significant point in my post about what a news story's "value" is), you have given your opinion, we are never going to take this to court so I think we should stop hijacking this thread! bkkguy
fortunately "holier than thou" is an expression that is flung about with gay abandon in many of the "neighborhood Pub or Tavern" that I bore people silly in when pontificating from my bar stool so I don't see this as a "personal attack" that I should report to a moderator! I will not take your "yes" as an answer is silence from now on bkkguy
in the last few months there has been a significant increase in the range of legal releases of DVDs of western movies available at shops like MangPong and Gram, all studio quality with some bonus materials, all with Thai subs or Thai soundtrack available and most at very reasonable prices of 100 - 300 Baht OK there are few new releases or TV series but I think this is a significant step in the right direction in trying to address the piracy issue rather than the typical actions of the studios etc in the USA! bkkguy
yes more and more news sites are starting to pursue this - a point that I made in the other thread! so you will do the right thing because you are "small potatoes" and are not a likely legal target, or because it is the right thing to do? I am really disappointed that the emphasis here seems to be on avoiding litigation rather than what is fair and reasonable in relation to current copyright law! bkkguy
the situation is changing now as news sites need to make more money from their web offerings - but it has always been about mutual benefit and who is worth prosecuting and who isn't! if I have a restaurant or produce a play and get a review in the Bangkok Post and I print that and put it on the window or in my portfolio the Post lawyers will not care, if I only quote from that review in advertising I am well within fair use anyway if I add the review in full to my restaurant or play web site at best the Post lawyers might send me a polite reminder to obtain permission or only quote from it if I print 1000 copies and stand on the street corner and distribute with a flyer for my restaurant/play the Post lawyers may be interested enough to send me the reprint rates for an article but if I am just a small player ... if I am a major restaurant chain or production house I probably already have a working relationship with the major press outlets and thus have "permission" to use their content anyway however if I run a movie or restaurant review site and I start reproducing the Post reviews in full for every restaurant I add I am sure I will be hearing from their legal department as soon as they hear about it for most news web site the "value" is the advertising revenue that could be earned from the reader visiting the news web site to read the story, and that is not significantly impacted by the age of the story - a news archive I manage has not had new stories in 10 years but still generates significant ad revenue! by reproducing the article in full on a forum site like this you are depriving the news owner of that advertising revenue - who is going to click on the link if they have already read the full news article? but as GB says we should get back to the original topic of this hijacked thread - this weekend could be a very depressing time for Bangkok residents! bkkguy
p2p and torrent protocols and software are generally as safe and reliable and legal to use as are protocols like http and software like a web browser in the same way as you can access both legal and illegal or malicious content via your browser you can also access legal or illegal or malicious content via p2p and torrents and torrent listing sites to be safe always use a browser you know and trust, don't visit web sites you do not know and trust without adequate protection, and similarly use p2p and torrent software that you know and trust and don't use torrents from untrusted sites if the content you are acquiring via torrent is legal content from a reliable source then the quality should be good, if the content you are acquiring via torrent is pirated or from an untrusted source then the quality could be anywhere from terrible to terrific same as if you were acquiring it via a web browser or buying it on the street in Silom! to download using torrents you need a program like bittorrent or utorrent, once you have downloaded the content if will usually be a format that will play in common media players (mpg, avi, mp3 etc) bkkguy
the fact that you keep asking this question at this point in so many of our discussions implies that I should just give up! you have been posting full articles for years based on your belief in the advice of your attorney years ago, now because I have been so difficult you will change your policy - not because you believe it is right but because it is is the easy way out and will make me stop complaining, and you expect me to respect this? it is not about who is "right" and "wrong" - it is about the moral and legal issues and which are worth fighting against and which are not and this has always been the end-point (and the final point of disagreement) in most of our discussions - but then I am just a pedantic bastard! bkkguy
it is obvious that you are "not a lawyer" and you need to re-read your own quote (the same site I quoted from) - the key text is "The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole" - which you seem to have ignored in your underlining! and you also need to be considering "The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work" - specifically in relation to advertising revenue sales for the news web site in 20 years of following discussion of "fair use" in US, Australian, European or Asian jurisdictions I have yet to see a legal opinion or judicial decision that supports reproduction or republication of 100% a copyright article without permission is not a breach of copyright - if you have other information I would love to see it what GB has been doing here is not "quoting" from a source but republishing 100% of the original article - and you can miss-quote and re-interpret information for your own purposes but this does not change a substantial body of legal opinion prostitution is illegal in Thailand but the law is rarely enforced, so don't try to claim that some artists "quoting" newspaper reviews from the Bangkok Post supports your view - I am interested in real legal opinion, not what untested cases have gotten away with in the past! bkkguy
so I suppose I should just graciously accept this with no acknowledgment from you, GT or your attorneys that you now finally acknowledge and understand what fair use is all about? at least I don't need to keep scanning past articles I have already read at the original site (with paid ads) bkkguy
then I suggest you check this again with an attorney that is familiar with copyright law or at least read the official US government Copyright Office web site - the links and quotes I included in my post were from there, what better authority do you want me to quote from? If you don't believe the US Copyright Office then try a google search for other authorities, they will give you the same answer: citing source is not sufficient and fair use does not allow reproduction of the complete article without permission no I am not trying to cause a problem, I am trying to save you/GT from one - many news sites are starting to crack down on such blatant copyright infringement I have already given my opinion on what would be allowed under fair use and you don't seem to like that opinion so if you want to reproduce articles from the Bangkok Post then I suggest you read their Republishing Policy which is on their web site - I did include a link to it in my previous post which you seem to have ignored, similarly for the Nation etc, after all the copyright owner is obviously a more authoritative source than I am! bkkguy
not under US copyright law and it is the same in most other jurisdictions - to quite from the US Copyright Office: and you should read their guidelines on "fair use": U.S. Copyright Office - Fair Use specifically fair use allows I am sure the editor of the Bangkok Post, the Nation or any other major news site would not agree with the liberties you think are legal to take with copyright material - by reproducing the full article you are far exceeding "fair use" so the correct procedure would be to request permission to repost the articles on the forum if this is what you want to do, or quote the headline and some key text and include your opinions or comments then include a link to the full article indeed the Bangkok Post has expressed their views very clearly in their stated Republishing policy. Even if you are not concerned about it I think the site owner should be as you are violating US and Thailand copyright laws and the express wishes of the copyright owner! And it should be part of the standard forum rules that quoting full news articles is not allowed! copyright laws are not perfect and don't get me started on DRM and RIAA lawyers but I think the newspaper sites have a reasonable case here! bkkguy
increased newspaper sales? decreased traffic at the Nation and Bangkok Post web sites thus depriving them of advertising revenue because copyright material is being reproduced verbatim on discussion forum web sites? bkkguy
if the only time voldemar or anyone else is allowed to post is to offer "realistic, workable" solutions to problems that have challenged the greatest minds of the world then traffic on this board will be greatly reduced! and perhaps "reducing poverty in this country and putting an end to its endemic corruption" is not the best or only solution for Thailand? but then I don't want to be tarred with voldemar's brush ... but I probably already have been even though making bold disruptive statements is often a useful tool in keeping discussions "interesting" bkkguy
some people just don't get it - how can you be a true Apple fanboi if you are just going to do things the same way as you can on "normal" phones I usually get people to write on my hand's best friend instead - it makes it worth using the camera attachment then, and if they have a really long name they have to get me excited before they sign! bkkguy
so you are a ladyboy or "BF" does not mean what I think it does? bkkguy
these type of intermittent problems are always a pain to solve but if all of the problems are in Thailand it is most likely a cache server setup problem at a local ISP - most of the ISPs here use different pools of cache servers for different geographical locations and different service packages they offer and the servers are often set up differently and have had patches and censorship blacklists etc applied inconsistently even within a pool and thus sites can behave quite differently depending on which cache server you happen to hit, leading to confusion when some people using an ISP have problems with a site when others with the same ISP (but different location or packages) do not! you really need to get detailed info of ISP/location/package to isolate where the problem is going to be, then good luck because most of the support staff at the local ISPs are not competent enough to understand and/or deal with these type of problems and getting a problem escalated to someone competent is usually fairly difficult! bkkguy
Dramatic new development as reported in not The Nation: ---------
as naming disasters go, I think the Wii is up there with the iPad for the range of tasteless jokes that readily spring to mind bkkguy
NADZ are in Silom (ITF Building - also have shop in Siam Sq) but will also do online orders, reasonable prices, good service, can supply (shock horror) modded or unmoded units and (shock horror) copy games as well as legit games or you could always just wait for Sony's new PlayStation Move add-on for the PS3 - decent graphics and Wii style interaction! bkkguy
I have a Jatukam Ramathep amulet I would like to sell you, or maybe London Bridge? and who was it on another thread that was wondering "how so many people could be fooled so easily" by Taksin! bkkguy
why do you even need to ask this question? what is the headline when a female teacher has sex with a 14,15,16, and even 17 year old girl? that may give you some idea of what is more acceptable to mainstream media - the male student with the older female teacher is just "sowing his wild oats" and is not "harmed" by the sex while the other cases are obvious child abuse by a person in a position of trust! I am not saying I agree with this, but the distinction is I think fairly obvious for the straight mainstream media! this was interestingly explored (with a twist) in Notes on a Scandal (imdb) (2006 Judi Dench, Cate Blanchet) and there is always the classic joke: whether you get a laugh or not depends on who you tell it to! bkkguy
an interesting quote from Google in a recent article on machine translation in The Economist - "If you sound like a EU parliamentarian we can translate you quite well" Google's service "learns" by analysing large numbers of documents that have been human-translated - things like the European parliamentary documents are routinely human-translated into 11 languages but there is not such a large database of Thai documents that have been human-translated, and by human volunteer corrections to their output, but again not a lot of that from Thai/Eng text and mostly what people here are trying to translate are from gay romeo profiles that are full of "colloquialisms, idioms and outbursts of self-absorbed teenagers" - never likely to be a strong point of machine-translation! NECTEC has demonstrated some fairly good mobile phone software for real-time voice translation between Thai and other Asian languages (but not English), but again the more standard and formal the text the better the translation this does not help you with your search but may help you tone down your expectations! bkkguy
Perhaps if more people read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins we could all give up on religion altogether! bkkguy