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Everything posted by Smiles

  1. . . . . those lithe and graceful Asian bods. Check this out: I don't think the guy in this video is a professional (and the whole video may not be the same guy), but the riffs and spins he pulls off are pretty impressive. (it's rather lengthy for a YouTube video, but stick with it as it just gets better & better) Cheers ...
  2. 1600 cameras! Is that all?? Dearest GayButton .... Thailand can hold but a very dim candle to .... ENGLAND!
  3. You go Aunty! I laughed my ass off at the above comic pomposity but have ~ sort of ~ promised GsyButton to be 'nice' (and bland). So ... I sit here in the coldest winter I can remember, waiting for Kreggle to make just another silliness. Almost better than playing the horses at The Kal, but it's a half mile away in weather hovering at around 15 below. To be honest I'd rather be dodging car bombers in Siam Square. Cheers ... PS ... regarding Kreggle being a troll, I agree with GayButton ( ). He ain't. A Luddite maybe, but troll, never.
  4. Smiles


    [attachmentid=164]A better map:
  5. Hmmmm . . . that went well (Oh God!) Cheers ... And the visual on that concept is attached below:
  6. .... had no idea you were talking about an event (which will decidely NOT go down in history) which happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you could combine your ...Button handle with that of ElephantSpike. He remembers little, yet gets along. You forget nothing, yet can't get along (if you were paid!). I suggest a mutual transplant. OK ... so-called "attacks" are heretofore suspended indefinitely. Cheers ...
  7. Oh dear Pretty predicatable answer, as usual. First of all, I'm not angry about anything. Not sure where you are able to extrapolate that from, besides your own fantasies. Simply noting your participation on this Board as it's leading poster as well as it's Moderator is just that ... an observation and nothing more. Some folks like that, many don't particularly, but it is hardly an anger thing ... neither on their parts, or mine. Secondly, there is a link to Sawatdee on this website, so could I be upset over that. To be honest, I can't recall a thread where such a problem has ever raised it's head. Can you? And thirdly, Sawatdee is not 'my' Board. I haven't had anything to do with Sawatdee administration or moderation for nearly 2 years now. Chill out GB ... you've got lots of posting opportunities to be 'wrong' regarding other issues (and you will bite at every one, I'm sure). Don't let little ol' me get in the way ... Cheers ...
  8. Frankly, I'd just like to participate on a message board where there is Less-of-GayButton and More-of-Everyone-Else. I don't think GayButton is any better or any worse than any other (human) Moderator on any other Board. Just far too much of him, is all. (Do I think that's going to change? No ) Cheers ...
  9. Is EarWig Suzie Size or is he/she not? Heeheeheeheehee. Another post (and now dilemna) to bump up the hits on yet another EarWig topic. Thank god the man is doing it here and not Sawatdee anymore. To be honest, if EarWig is actually Suzy, and the adventures above are actually true (EarWig always having problems with tough concepts such as "truth" etc etc), then may I admit to a confession: having EarWig/Suzy discuss "sex" in general and then elaborating on it is truly off-putting ... bordering on nauseating. Rather like Don Knotts wandering unknowingly into a full tilt S&M orgy. I can handle the plagiarism thing (I don't much give a flying f***, as it is a Hedda construct as bogus & phony as, well, "You-Know-What") . . . I can handle the constant & tedious self-promotion . . . I can guffaw at the childish & churlish shoulderblade-shivving of Niddy's Nook (amongst others) . . . I can be mildly bemused at the overwrought and breathless touting of the most mundane & hackneyed gay 'entertainments (i.e. drag shows and their ilk). But .... SEX!!? Thinking ~ and god forbid ~ reading about EarWig actually having SEX?! No no no no no no no . . . not for these eyes thank you. EarWig/Suzy honey ... stick to what you do best, i.e. bull****. We love the bull****. Cheers ...
  10. Smiles


    ... the surf's up. AND . . . . Just ask Hedda. Could there BE anything more vain than naming an entire Forum after one's self? Just Cheers ... (coz I know ya luv me)
  11. Not Shakespeare . . . Sir Walter Scott. From Marmion: "In brief, my lord, we both descried (For then I stood by Henry's side) The Palmer mount, and outwards ride, Upon the earl's own favourite steed: All sheathed he was in armour bright, And much resembled that same knight, Subdued by you in Cotswold fight: Lord Angus wished him speed." The instant that Fitz-Eustace spoke, A sudden light on Marmion broke: "Ah! dastard fool, to reason lost!" He muttered; "'Twas nor fay nor ghost I met upon the moonlight wold, But living man of earthly mould. O dotage blind and gross! Had I but fought as wont, one thrust Had laid De Wilton in the dust, My path no more to cross. How stand we now?--he told his tale To Douglas; and with some avail; 'Twas therefore gloomed his rugged brow. Will Surrey dare to entertain, 'Gainst Marmion, charge disproved and vain? Small risk of that, I trow. Yet Clare's sharp questions must I shun; Must separate Constance from the nun - Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive! A Palmer too!--no wonder why I felt rebuked beneath his eye: I might have known there was but one Whose look could quell Lord Marmion." Cheers ...
  12. Smiles


    Fabulous stuff!!! I doubt that I have read more pompous and spurious bullsh*t on a public message board since ... well, let's think now ... Hedda (the silly ass) conjoured up the Hydra Theory. EarWig actually thought anybody thought of him as anything but a noisy clown, or... Khun GayButton decided he didn't "really" give a damn whether the long-ago-defunct GayButton Message Board had any posters or not. Pearl baby, you're right up there with the Masters. I'd LOVE to hear more ... ! Cheers ....
  13. Smiles

    Honest Thais

    RULE #1 (regarding the use of taxis in Thailand, and Bangkok especially): always take a street-wise Thai Guy with you!!! One of those older body builders from Tawan Bar would do quite well but in general, you and your treasure will be safer with a Thai speaker sitting in the back seat (necking) with you. You just shut up. Cheers ...
  14. Good god man, where on earth have you been hanging out? Corruption ~ the petty variety & the Big Money stuff ~ is as endemic, and as much a part of Thailand's social "workings" as is eating and sanook. It's so pervasive it's almost quaint. There are two ways for Thai people to 'get things done' ... the slow way and the fast way: the latter being Baht under the table. My old man received his driver's licence the same day (as opposed to taking a drivers test and a longer wait): He bought it. It's the massively corrupt underbelly of the beast . . . and it's bigger than you or me. Cheers ...
  15. What the hell ... one goes to where life is happy, especially at Christmas. At least I don't shop at the Baht-Mart. You know, I heard a rumour the other day that the Store Manager there demands a personal, written apology from customers who leave their shopping carts out in the parking lot instead of returning them to designated spots. And then ~ after receiving the apologies (if you can imagine!) ~ the old goat thumbtacks them to the store bulletin board for an extra dose of degradation. The Brave New World of customer appreciation, if you ask me. Cheers & Merry Christmas, Sweet Cakes ...
  16. Why I love Sawatdee Forum (XVLL) http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum...p?p=97944#97944 http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum...p?p=97945#97945 " ... Good night, Tiny Tim ... " " ... Good night, you bloody old Pedo ... " Cheers ...
  17. . . . . but then there was the issue of the long strand of hair (who's we do not know) floating lonely in one of the dishes at the Maharani. No problem, it only enhanced the conversation (" ... should we say something? Should we sue? Should we ignore stoically? Should we be quietly innocuous or raucously offended in our (possible) complaint? ... "). We decided ~ in the end ~ to quietly mention the extra & unwanted protein and make no noisy row, or farang style drama. That's one of the side benefits of dining with Khun Peter . . . the winding conversations are memorable, and as far as the pubic-hair-in-the-soup is concerned, deliciously snicker-makin'. Cheers ...
  18. Smiles

    Black Tuesday

    Thank you GayButton, and "Joyeaux Noel" to you as well. Your quotation above is well-known, but the author is long lost in the misty past. I do think however that the mechanics of the thought can be applied to so much in life . . . especially the "so much" the denizens of gay message boards hold so dear. Are you a "go up" or a "come down" kinda guy? (If I may be so bold). Cheers ...
  19. Smiles

    Black Tuesday

    Another analysis of the Thai (temporary!?) stock market crash, and a discussion of the recovery the next day. Some crash ... some recovery. (that's from Winston Churchill ... for the benefit of Mr GayButton who has taken to regurgitating evey hoary old cliche he can find in his Famous Quotes edition, to cover every conceivable situation he chooses to make moral judgements upon ~ which is, like, everything). But I digress. To the Dismal Science and the point of this thread: From: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...?query=thailand And a follow up article: Thailand's battered stock market bounces back: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...y/Business/home Cheers ...
  20. EarWiggy!!! You mean (GASP!) that your 'apology' was simply bullsh*t ... said only to attempt smoothing troubled waters, but meant in vain. I (for one) am SHOCKED!!! Cheers ... PS ... you could try Googling the phrase "laughing stock". 2,400,546 hits ... at least
  21. A very good friend of ours took us to the MAHARANI Indian Restaurant at the Royal Cliff Hotel ( http://www.royalcliff.com/restaurant.asp ) last April. The meal was quite excellent and was even enjoyed by my guy (Thai) who is not particularly easy to please when the chow ain't Thai. I am not at all experienced with Indian cuisine, but my friend is ... Indian food is at the very top of his favourite cusines, and the MAHARANI is at the top of his choices for Indian food in Pattaya/Jomtien. Nice ambience, quiet, rather small, not cheap but not over the top price-wise. I'd definitely go again if the opportunity arises. Cheers ...
  22. Perhaps they saw you first (Sorry ... joking. Couldn't help myself). Cheers ....
  23. Why not? Photos of reasonable size enhance the message board ... make it more interesting, more vibrant, less white bread ... give it some joie de vivre. So why is that rule a rule? What sense does it make? What difficulty does it obviate? (I'd prefer the answer to be from Stef ... the man in charge of Rules) Cheers ....
  24. Spoken like a true fat guy. (Not that there's anything wrong with that) Carry on & cheers ....
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