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Everything posted by Smiles

  1. I would venture a guess most everyone has read (ad nauseum/infinitum) this pack of cliched generalizations about Thai guys at one time or another. But they seldom come attached with the deliciously cloying paternalism above. Thanks for caring. What has your post got to do with the book mentioned above in the opening post? Cheers ... PS ... go out and grab this book. It's wonderfully written, and well-worth the effort to hunt it down.
  2. Smiles

    Thai Street Food

    . . . and most of the posting. Cheers .... back to Thai street food topic, which I enjoy. The street food, that is.
  3. Not wrong . . . he's attractive in a kind of untouchable way. But is he Thai, or even Asian? He doesn't look it close up. Watching Thai soap operas and you might notice that many of the younger actors have distinctly Caucasian features. Almost makes one think that ~ in Thailand's show biz or modeling industry ~ the more western he/she appears, the better. Not sure about that ... but whatever, this guy looks more like a pouty young California skate boarder. Cheers ...
  4. Test. If this new wide look is being contemplated, I say please stay with it. Much preferable to that designer-look skinny little message area in the middle of the page. IMHO only of course. Cheers ... OOPS ... my avatar has disappeared.
  5. Sorry bud, I prefer to think of that as "sarcasm". Cheers ...
  6. American Heritage Dictionary af·fec·ta·tion (āf'ěk-tā'shən) noun A show, pretense, or display. Behavior that is assumed rather than natural; artificiality. A particular habit, as of speech or dress, adopted to give a false impression. Cheers ...
  7. Well Stef, delicately sifting through most of the extraneous blather above, at least I've found out what I wanted to know (none of the other wankers answering the question): It's All About The Money You have learned a great from Hedda as to the use of the word "Dear" as a general (and very queeny) put-down when there is no other argument which makes sense. But whatever. I accept #1 and am not surprised. Any port in a storm I guess, when the wind which blows ... is blowing money. #2 of course is pure affectation, and something you should work on. Cheers ...
  8. Thanks Steve. But if course, your post doesn't address my question in any way. Perhaps The Boss(es) could answer the question? Cheers ...
  9. Why is the main group of scrolling adds above full of what appears to be young Russian or Ukrainian ~ or at least Slavic ~ prostitutes? I foolishly clicked on one the more handsome dudes there (one of scant few such I might add) and it crashed my 'puter. I'm not putting you on. It died. Since then I've steered completely away from the Volga Boys. So, what logic lies at the bottom here on this Board for gay guys who I assume love Thai ~ or at least Asian ~ men . . . often to the exclusion of most other desires. I easily understand a page-load of Thai prostitutes. But this? .... ... I don't get it. Cheers ...
  10. Maybe he just likes the way they look on him. (Also gives him a chance to quietly say " ... screw you ... " to judgemental farang). Cheers ...
  11. Then congratulations ... how about if we check back in 6 months? Actually, it's more than half the battle. That 5 mile run 3-5 days a week (5 is best!) will go a huge way to keeping you on track, and in fact will easily allow you to eat pretty well anything you want except for over-indulging in fat-laden food. You can probably also toss the personal trainer now as well. I'm not being facetious GayThailand, I'm very happy to hear that you are keeping to your plan. So many don't. I started running in 1977 (30 years ago this year, and still at it), and to tell you the truth (and looking back on it) it's probably the #1 best thing I ever did for myself. I wasn't overweight then, but certainly out of shape. I like to think that if I'm unexpectedly faced with the prospect of being mugged or robbed or raped (well ... that might be OK ) one dark night, it'll take the f*cker 10 miles at a decent pace to run me down For those who can manage it (you have to have good knees, and a good back) running gives the best bang for the buck in terms of cardiovascular health. You're on the right road, so good for you and keep at it. It's good to hear stories like yours. I'm sure your boyfriend(s) notice! Cheers ...
  12. Is a chauffeur really a good start? So ... how's this going? Has the weight stayed off? Are you still exercising? Are you still eating the smaller quantities necessary as well as getting rid of ALL the junk food and the artery-cloggers etc etc etc? How about the Coke habit? Broken it? You may have guessed that I am incredibly sceptical about not only your choice of method, but anyone's ability to carry this kind of regime over into everyday life after the original high wears off. If you have, then all the more power to you, but the fact remains that the success history of faddish methods such as you have chosen is pretty abysmal, in fact almost always doomed to failure. The success rates for permanent weight loss and a healthier life in general are much higher if the methodology chosen is kept simple and clean: i.e. eat better, eat less, exercise longer and harder and do it at least 4 times a week (5 or 6 times ever better). If you can get to a place in your own mind where you can successfully accomplish those few simple things then the pounds will slip off as easily as overly-lubed condom. But, I don't mean to preach. The point of bringing this thread back to the top is to get a progress report. How are you maintaining, and are you finding your new life easy to maintain . . . or are you struggling? Have you fallen out with it completely? Has your weight gone down dramatically? Has it leveled off? Has it gone back up? Cheers ...
  13. Penang receives a few unkind comments: http://www.huahinblog.com/2007/03/11/malay...ersus-thailand/ Cheers ...
  14. Who was the more mature? Cheers ...
  15. Well 'tall' anyway. I have never heard the word 'sophisticated' uttered in the same sentence in reference to LMTU/Earwig/Whoever. Even he ~ I would guess (and hope!) ~ would not be willing to accept such an honour . . . so far distanced from the truth that it is. Cheers ...
  16. A synopsis seems rather appropriate about here: NEWS FLASH All the old codgers on the Gentleman's Board (i.e. GayThailand.com ... as opposed to the leaden and rabidly anti-semitic REALLY-Serious-Men-Only Board, i.e. Baht-Stop.com ) are completely freaking out over the police events in Pattaya over the last day or so. Read all about here ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum...pic.php?t=10885 ) ... how ....... Things in Thailand are deterioratin' at a rapid pace !!! ... old farts with walkers hauled into paddy wagons!!!! ... Passorts? to carry or not to carry?!!! ... It ain't like it used to be!!!!!!! ... Police crackdowns on well-heeled PAYING GUESTS!!!! ... Gaybutton tries to calm the waters by ~ CONFIRMING RUMOURS!!!!! ... Wowpow adding fuel to the fire at EVERY TURN!!!!! .... Off fees inflating OVERNIGHT!!!! to 8000 baht per half hour + taxi ride home and "no-I-don't-bottom" ..... Beach Road to be re-paved AGAIN!!!!!! ..... Fecal matter sightings at Jomtien Beach 500% greater than last year at this time ..... It's all so UNFAIR!!!!! ... Frankly, I think I'll take a page out of the Fat Bald Old C*nt's book and admit that I'm only in it for the laughs. Cheers ...
  17. Probably everyone can learn something from everyone else dear Kregger, no matter their status ... kind of what message boards are all about, eh? For instance, from this thread I just learned that you are a silly twit. See, the system works. About your second point: the esteemed sex tourists of Thailand are 'Rice Queens' ( definitely not a denigrating term in my books ... myself being of that ilk ) and are attracted to 'Asian men', often to exclusion. I seriously doubt there would be a tsunami of old overweight Europeans and N American Asian-lovers flooding the beaches in Rio just because the price of an off goes up a bit in Whore-On-Sea. Cheers ...
  18. Hi Dale, I have forwarded your message here to ElephantSpike (AKA "Bob") by PM. Perhaps he can reply to your problem and give you the latest technical stuff on how best to access Sawatdee from within Thailand. Cheers ... & hope all is well with you & yours
  19. Smiles


    please delete
  20. Smiles


    So, dear EarWig, LMTU, etc etc etc (and any other names) ... where exactly DO you live? Is it Pattaya, or somewhere else in Thailand? Did you in fact get run off for debt non-payment ... or is that simply an urban myth? I have no knowledge of this whatsoever, but seeing as how you are the Board big mouth and apparently knowing so much and all that jazz .... just exactly what is your connection to The Whorehouse-on-Gulf now-a-days? Or are you just a big bag 'o wind emanating from Blackpool or Prague or Barcelona ~ or some other pretentious dump ~ and not really having any connection to Thailand whatsoever? Cheers ....
  21. Smiles

    Gay clothes

    Translation: "I still wear short shorts on every occasion possible, and I really don't understand why anyone would think them tacky or unnattractive". Cheers ...
  22. Smiles

    Gay clothes

    Thank you Sen Yai, I had hope upon hope that I was wrong, but sadly I think that ghastly so-called 'style' is what the original post is all about. It lives as well-dressed-for-a-beach in small pockets of eastern Bavaria, certain fiords of Norway, and is highly popular amongst the holiday-makers of Swindon and Blackpool: just cut off a pair of jeans at about the point where your balls hang down ( this will be a different point for all, so don't buy 'em "pret a porter" ) and sally forth with the denim strings flapping in the breeze. I had a pair once in 1973 when they were all the rage in the Castro and Greenwich Village. R.I.P I say. along with torquoise Nehru shirts, Davey Crockett suede coats, and big flares. Lest I be accused of negativity, I offer for your appreciation the Best Little Pair of Shorts to be found on this green earth ... and stylish as well: the fabulous Lee Dungaree Cargo Short, and they come with the belt! Soft cotton, the perfect length (sitting smartly at the tip of the knee when seated), fits like a glove. They are a bit hard to find, though can be purchased on the www, but search around ... you won't be disappointed with these puppies. (And no horrifying wedgie! ... as in "short shorts". See above) Cheers ...
  23. Smiles

    Gay clothes

    What are 'gay' shorts? How do they differ from 'straight' shorts? Cheers ...
  24. Hi topmanb, My take only .... in response to a query of mine which raised the issue of publising Allen's intimate & personal medical problems in order to add to the necessity for the "need" of the fund raising campaign. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Ronan, I am not trying to be insensitive to the medical travails of Allen in these sad days, but my comments have nothing to do with the various money-raising posts which are at the moment flooding the Board(s): frankly. I hope they do fabulously in the money-raisin' department. My questionings were strictly regarding the personal dignity being left behind ( in this case, Allen's ). Sorry, but were I very sick, and very public, and very admired ~ and perhaps even very broke ~ I doubt I would enjoy having my innard's bloodied entrails (both physical & psychological) splayed all over the WWW, much like on an episode of 'CSI', or 'General Hospital', or the graphic depiction of hangin' drawin' & quarterin' in the latest edition of Helen Mirren's wonderful depictment of 'Elizabeth I'. There is something in the many breathless postings of TraverlerJim and jinks, and etc etc etc which (unfortunately) smacks of a Jerry Lewis Telethon in all these posts, on all these message boards ... and I just wonder what Allen thinks about it all, considering that it's his heart, his cranium, and his life. Frankly I couldn't give a fiddler's f*ck about the breast-beatings one reads on Gay Thailand or Baht-Stop where the general ~ altogether frigid & bureaucratic ~ spin is to question the methods or greed or decency of Pattaya's gay business elite ( which is all just phony 'Kissing-Hedda's-Ass' IMHO) in their rush to charitarize. To be honest, I doubt very much whether any great profit is being taken from this sad occurence (some snowy Members here would gush otherwise-enjoyable bodily fluids over discovering such smoking guns) . . . I'd just like to know if Allen is aware of the rapidly-growing institutionilization of his name, and his awful ~ and one would think private ~ predicament. Is all. Cheers ....
  25. Has there been any thought to asking if Allen/GayPattayan is content with details of his very personal ~ it seems to me ~ medical condition(s) being splashed all over (at least) 3 public message boards? For me, this orgy of discussion over details of an individual's sicknesses, treatments, invasive procedures is hugely intrusive, bordering on voyeuristic ( e.g. " ... the Cranium Tap seems to be working ... " ) Cheers ...
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