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Everything posted by Smiles

  1. Ignoring the risk of being accused of meanspiritedness, there is always the observation (hovering overhead, in lonely darkness, usually ignored, often denied) that the last thing in the world which the extravagantly overweight and exercise-free Farangs-of-Pattaya should be mourning is the demise of yet another food trough (i.e. The Buffet).
  2. Today it is sunny. Yesterday was a bit cloudy. Today is ~ wait for it ~ also hot. Tomorrow might be cooler, but maybe not. Cheers ...
  3. I always thought it was the Balmy Army (not 'Barny', or 'Barmy'). Just doublechecked on a web thesaurus and found this: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/balmy Sounds very much like what those guys GT's talking about. Anyway, 'Barny' is spelled 'Barney' with an 'e', so as far as I'm concerned ~ on this one (and a few others ) ~ GayThailand is obviously balmy. Cheers ...
  4. That's correct Bob ... and that's why he was awarded the 10.5 million. But in the beginning it wasn't the government (as in elected reps, ministers, or Prime Minister) who gave information to the FBI (CIA? Homeland Security?), it was our own secret service/RCMP, acting alone (at the time ... although they were sooner or later supported in the secrecy by a cabinet minister, mainly by him ignoring the evidence for a long time that "something has happened". During the Canadian inquiry all this shit came out and it became obvious that arms of the Canadian government had treated one of it's own citizens very badly indeed, and very much against our own constitution. Subsequently he was awarded the money. Cheers ...
  5. Mr Arar, a Canadian citizen, was awarded (sometime in the last 12 months if I recall, and after a full inquiry) 10.5 million dollars by the Canadian government for his encarceration, torture, mental suffering etc etc in Syria after being handed over to them ~ in secret ~ by the US government. I believe he is currently suing the US government. His story, and probably many others, is the dirty little secret (one of them anyway) left over from the paranoid and mindnumbing over-reactions brought on in the US by the 2001 WTC terrorist attacks. Probably on going. After writing the above I found a very recent article (June 30) which indicates that Mr Arar's lawsuit against the US gov't has been turned down in court (with the good old When-in-Doubt "Citing national security" card given as reason): http://www.alternet.org/rights/90052/?ses=...d4a39cb6f21d3d7 As it is a case just ruled on in the last day or so there is no mention of what Mr Arar may do in the future. Maher Arar's Story in Brief: Cheers ...
  6. Smiles


    When you're dehydrated it's best to drink ... er ... water. Hey H2O cheap in Thailand ... down a litre for 20 baht. It's called rehydration. Cheers ...
  7. Love it!!!! GayThailand, forget about insulting me, I'm immune: ( " ... to think that calories in and calories out is the only method used for all people really does not become a man of such natural intelligence as yourself ... "). Obviously you have embraced an 'idea' regarding your weight loss struggle ... but the wrong 'idea' on every possible level. So I'll say no more, but just take a look at these links and read for yourself: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health_advice/f.../loseweight.htm http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/exerc...ic_exercise.htm http://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/preven..._wtcontrol.aspx http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-the-Best...s?&id=35405 http://www.exrx.net/FatLoss/Exercise.html Cheers ...
  8. GayThailand, Asmerom is absolutely right on with these comments. Losing weight is all about calories in and calories out . . . believing in much else is a waste of time and ~ probably worse ~ contributing to the Orpra-ization of intelligence in general. Eat less, eat better, exercise more (mostly aerobically): do that every day of your life for a minimum of 40 minutes or so ~ OK OK, but at the very least 4 times a week anyway ~ and you will succeed (slowly and surely) taking off the weight you want, and, more importantly, keeping it off for life. All else is smoke and mirrors (in your case, obscenely expensive ones) and a rather neurotic 'need' to believe in any weight loss concept except for the simplest (and most obvious) formula. It does apply to everyone. The issue is that you are having no success using other methods and then deciding to complicate the reasons for the lack of success. Simply put, the doctors who you've been listening to on this are quacks. Waste of money. One of the great side benefits of (almost) everyday aerobic exercise is that soon after starting you'll inevitably start getting a much better sleep. The body will do this all by itself without need of doctors or sleep pattern analysis. Cheers ...
  9. . . . . and then there was the guy on Sawatdee ('Mai Cow Chai') who posted this same news (call it 'scoop' if you wish) just this very day who asked (ever so perspicaciously): . . . . to be answered (ever so sarcastically) by one of our Board trolls (but whom I might just forgive for Witt Beyond the Call of Duty): Another "Ya Gotta Luv It" moment in Boardie Land. Cheers ....
  10. Well imagine that . . . what could be a more perfect segue into a story I read this very morning in the Globe&Mail here in backwards BC, Canada (in terms of "Thailand Happenings" that is): So the Thailand legal process begins, and who knows what will happen. I believe, though not 100% certain, that this case is happening now in Chiang Mai. I would just hope that the all those folks on these gay Thailand Boards who salivate over seeing pedophiliacs behind every corner can keep their judgements civil until after the case is ajudicated in a court of law . . . rather than before, as is so often the case. For somewhat more detail, click here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ernational/home Cheers ...
  11. Well, it's red letter day in my books! Today is the first day in quite a long time I've opened up GayThailand message board where the posts have NOT been all centered. So it looks as though the guru(s) behind the scenes have finally figured out the glitch. Cheers ...
  12. . . . but I love ya, faults and all. On the balcony at Bondi ... at Christmas ... in front of Sweet Young(ish) Thai Guy referees ... rotten durians at 12 paces ... invite GayButton if you want (could give new meaning to the phrase 'collateral damage'). 68 days and counting!!! Cheers ...
  13. I think the real question remaining unanswered is how long the members of this Board have to wait until the Moderator doesn't feel the need to reply to every single post, in every single thread. But ... carry on & cheers ...
  14. Seems some here get confused with directions. Much easier to make up a map: You're welcome, no charge ... and cheers ...
  15. Smiles

    Hua Hin

    . . . . and now ~ having been discovered ~ it looks as if I'll have to put up with GayButton cruising the place every few weeks. Oh, joy. Cheers ...
  16. Later at night, when the bars start to close, taxis on Silom & Suriwong Rds charge what the drunken tourist market will bare . . . and that means turning off the meter and trying all manner of inflated flat rates. This rarely happens in areas away from Silom/Suriwong, and in fact if you would have wandered just a few blocks away up to Rama 4 (and other roads) you would have easily picked up a meter taxi with little problem. Most knowledgeable Bangkok folks know & understand this scam is happening, and simply don't even bother to step up to a taxi on these two roads during later night hours. Cheers ...
  17. Well, that's quite obvious. You were, after all, at one time "in the business" (so to speak). Cheers ...
  18. Let's hope not. There's something about a western sex tourist drooling lasciviously over even the remotest possibility that another Asian country might be opening up as " ... the New Pattaya ... " which ~ besides boggling the mind ~ makes one feel awfully dirty. And if that comes to pass I have no doubt you'll be pushing 'lil old Thai ladies out of the way to grab the earliest visa just after sun up. Cheers ...
  19. Thanks for the correction llz, I've changed the map in the thread above. A mis-labeled map is more confusing than not having one at all. Cheers ...
  20. Not far. A 15 to 20 minute walk. This map should give you some perspective . . . really the Night Market borders the south-east side of Lumphini Park. Just cross the road from there. (Oh geez, the powers that be have automatically reduced the size of the image for some ungodly reason. How helpful. Apparently you can view the original size photo by clicking in the top left corner. At least they may be content to keep the Board in this 'Test' feature. So much better, but I doubt it. The Board's owner(s) seem to enjoy making things difficult for the Members.) Cheers ...
  21. Smiles

    Help Please

    Got it ... thanks. The Board looks 100% better in the 'Test Default' mode. Full screen, no ads ... perfect! Hope the Admin leaves it like this. Cheers ...
  22. Smiles

    Help Please

    The caning post from Sawatdee: This everything-centered thing is not for the faint of heart either. Is the Admin ever going to do anything about it? Cheers ...
  23. A tragic occurrence in anyone's books. Both for this young man, and yourself. No one, on this big old (& sometimes cold) world, deserves what happened to him . . . and then, later ~ as heart-busting byproduct ~ what happens to those close to him. Earwig (et al), please take care of yourself. David [smiles]
  24. . . . . including the forum listing page, all topics and all messages within topics. Pretty off-putting if you ask me (you didn't). " ... Mai ow, kap ... " Cheers ...
  25. You have to understand one thing about Earwig/LMTU. Bottom line is that he is a message board troll. Now I understand that such an accusation is fairly common on message boards when one does not like the contribution of another, but the fact is that if you take a good look at the first page of this message board you wiill see that of all the topics, only 2 have received replies in double digits ... more than 10 or more. One being this one, started by EarWig. The very fact that EarWig receives replies to his topics is all that matters. It's his 'raison d'etre' . . . and it doesn't matter one way or the other whether his topics receive positive or negative feedback. Just the fact that they receive any feedback at all is good enough for Earwig ~ and all message board trolls. It's the only reason they post to Boards in the first place. Earwig is interested solely in the replies ... and much more importantly, the number of replies. The content of the replies is neither here nor there. And that fact (i.e. that he is a classic message board troll) equals "lonely" in my books. The board owner here can go on and on about how wonderfully friendly, how gregarious, how uproariously funny here his . . . but I would suggest ~ IMHO only of course ~ that by that he means the loud, bellowing, back-slapping, usually half-drunken (or full-on drunken) cocktail party mode friendly. As a corollary to that, I would also suggest that Earwig would make a very shallow "real" friend . . . a person totally out of his element outside the bar, or the beach chairs, or the boring-but amiable host-to-an-event (any old event) with the microphone permanently scotchtaped to his very large mouth. ( I shall breeze by the fact that EarWig is also ~ deep down ~ a thoroughly vicious character, one who revels in the cheap shot and the knowingly false accusation. We can leave that detritus for another day. ) Amateur psychiatric analysis offered completely gratis ... Cheers ...
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