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Everything posted by fedssocr

  1. I posted my horrible experience at Adam's Apple on another message board back in December. Too loud. Weird "meeting" before the show with patrons in the bar which was incredibly unprofessional. Strobe lights that gay me a terrible headache. Some very cute boys but too many negatives for me to have any interest in going back.
  2. There was another survey the other day that said BKK is the best airport in the world http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/aviation/344738/travel-firm-cites-suvarnabhumi-as-world-best-airport Not sure how PEK rates so high. I absolutely hate it. Transferring through is a total pain in the butt. The two times I have traveled through there the place has seemed virtually empty.
  3. The hotel thing is definitely an issue. It will take some time to get the supply to meet the demand. Those longyi are definitely a good reason to visit. They really show off their butts well. And it is indeed true that no one wears underwear in the country. I remember that one of my boat drivers gave me quite a show when he pulled up his longyi hopping off the boat.
  4. There is a balloon operation in Thailand. http://www.balloonadventurethailand.com/index/ I thought about getting more info about them before I spent some time in CM last December. But ultimately had enough other things going on. Balloons Over Bagan operates for several months out of the year during high season. So it's not a "festival" per se. Interestingly according to our captain they pay the local employees year round and jobs with the company are high sought after in the community as a result. So they get their pick of people to hire. He also mentioned that the Myanmar guys are very strong for their size but because they tend to be fairly small they need more of them compared to the operation he works for in Turkey.
  5. I did. It is spectacular. Worth every penny to me. You can see photos I took in this trip report http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/trip-reports/1444298-myanmar-burma-couple-weeks.html The balloon pics start in post #7
  6. The Love of Siam is my favorite movie ever. Find the Director's Cut if you can. It adds about 20 minutes but makes the story make a whole lot more sense. I didn't love Bangkok Love Story, but I did enjoy seeing a grittier side of the city in it. I saw a very good Thai film on my flight home last year called SuckSeed. It's not a gay movie exactly but it's very much a coming of age film with the relationship between two high school boys at its center. While they are both chasing the same girl (I'm not giving too much away there), the film is really about their friendship. I liked it a lot more than I was expecting to. I thought it was going to be just another dumb Thai teen rom-com but it had a much deeper level to it.
  7. fedssocr

    Returning to Laos

    Nice report. Pakse and that part of Laos has been on my list for a while now. Maybe next year. I have seen some interesting trip options that include a cruise on a nicely restored old boat. I really loved Luang Prabang. I know some people think it's too touristy, but I am a tourist after all. I thought Vientianne was a bit of a letdown after LP.
  8. I was actually kind of disappointed by HK. Might have been the crappy weather, but people there looked unhappy. And so much smoking! Just walking down the street I felt like I was getting lung cancer. OK, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe people are under too much stress there or something. I did like the HK History museum and the science museum next door which were good rainy day places to see. I enjoyed Taiwan more. I have also seen the same gayhk.com website. I think all of the questionable places advertising there are in Shenzhen. The massage places in HKG seem to all be more above board. I had a nice massage at a place in HKG. The escorts listed on that website are pretty much all only in Chinese. Lots of gorgeous guys though. My massage experience in Taipei was much less interactive. Which was a bit disappointing.
  9. Have they cleaned up the mold in the showers? I visited on my first trip several years ago. Lots of cute boys then. But I am sensitive to mold so the dirty shower was a problem for me. My boy also used way too much pressure so I was in pain for a couple of days. We weren't able to communicate well enough for him to understand that he was killing my calves. The happy ending part was pretty good though from what I remember.
  10. fedssocr

    K-Pop Groups

    They seem to put a lot of make up on those boys too. But honestly how "macho" can those pretty boys really be? My FiOS TV recently added a new channel called M-Net which is all Korean stuff all the time. Mostly K-pop videos and shows plus some anime and soap operas. They seem to focus too much on the girl groups though.
  11. I will certainly be there with my camera. :-) I was there last year for a week in mid- to late- Nov and it was rain almost constantly. A little rain might actually make it more fun...
  12. Just booked my ticket to Taiwan for 2013 pride...as long as it happens the last weekend of October as usual. Hopefully the weather will be improved over my trip last Nov.
  13. For sure the infrastructure is an issue. Apparently weather and likely pilot error were to blame for the Burma crash, but we'll see what the report and data recorders tell us. I flew one of those F100's on that same route W9 flight 011 from Mandalay to Heho last year...or I guess 2011 isn't last year any more. After having been on their turboprops for all of my other flights it was novel to be on a jet. I never felt unsafe on any of my flights. Although the one from Sittwe to Yangon via Thandwe didn't have functioning air conditioning so it was very hot. Is it as safe as the West or the bigger countries in Asia, clearly not. Is it "unsafe"? I don't know about that. You're probably in more danger trying to cross the street in most big Asian cities than you are on a Burmese airplane.
  14. I posted my bar reports on other boards, but I can summarize them here... I just got home after spending about 2 weeks in Thailand. In Bangkok I only went in X Size and Fresh (Beach?) Boys. X Size was fairly pushy. Lots of boys (maybe 15-20) with a few customers. Several more would reach the top of the stairs and turn right back around. One of the people running the place was smoking which was not pleasant. I had one cute boy sit with me for a little while. First visit to Fresh Boys was fairly quiet. Only about 5 boys. A few other customers. Show was not great, I left during the second act. I allowed myself to be ushered in there for a second time the other night. Many more customers, it was basically packed at show time. A few more boys on stage. The show was OK but went on a bit long. When they allowed another customer to start smoking I left. In Chaing Mai I went to New My Way and Adam's Apple. I started a thread that got a lot of traffic on my experience elsewhere. Things in CM get started late. After 10 at the earliest. NMW was a bunch of boys staring at their phones. The show was nothing special with the usual lip syncing lady boys and a few not so attractive guys showing off a bit more. The regular boys would go on stage shirtless looking very uncomfortable from time to time. A few of those guys did a little "dance" in their underwear at one point. More like the shuffle you see in a gogo bar. Did not stay to the end of the show. A group of 4 women came in shortly after the show had started which perked up all of the boys a bit. Adam's Apple was a disaster. Constant strobe lights gave me a headache. Some cute boys though, more on the teens to early 20s side of things. Lots of customers though. In Pattaya I spent time in a few places. Really enjoyed X Boys Land. The boys have a good time. Show time was generally a good crowd for the early show. The one night I stayed for the late show there were only a couple of customers. That was my favorite bar on this trip. I spent a little time in Sunee as well. Magic Boys had about a dozen guys on stage. More on the girly side. Two or three other customers. Pushy mamasan. Didn't stay long. Mic My has a small collection of boys. Several very girly "gay" boys. Big crowd. First visit was not too pushy. Second visit the owner literally would not leave me alone. She plunked herself right down next to me and kept coming back even though I thought my body language and short answers to her questions made it obvious that I didn't care to have her sitting there. Probably would not go back here. Nice Boys had a big collection of guys on stage. Lots of customers. Not much interaction between the boys and the customers. There were several boys in jeans at the back of the stage were really dancing which I enjoyed. Something about the vibe there just seemed a bit off to me. Stopped in Krazy Dragon briefly. Only a few boys none of whom I found attractive. A couple of other customers. A couple of the boys tried hard to get me to agree to have them sit with me but I wasn't interested. I also went up the stairs to Jet Set Boys to take a look but turned right back around. About 5 or 6 guys on stage. None really attractive to me so there was no point in staying. The door guys were not happy at all that I left so quickly.
  15. and of course that all assumes that you walk around with your phone unlocked
  16. I always carry mine with me because I figure that is the safest place for it. I got a nice leather passport cover which helps keep it from getting damaged. And with the heat and humidity here the cover helps to keep it from getting bent up.
  17. I've never been to Phuket. No interest in going either really. Was just in CM. It's a very interesting area. Besides the city itself there are lots of things within a short drive of the city as well. The other day I did a nature day. Hike up this multi-level water (Mae Sa I believe it is called). There are several orchid farms. Went to the Siam Insect Zoo which is filled with butterflies in an enclosed area. It's great if you like taking pictures since butterflies are often hard to shoot in the wild. Then we went to this cave shrine thing that was also interesting but a bit of a climb. Made for a bit of a tiring day. This time of year is it is warm days and cool nights. And there are some boys to see there too if the urge strikes.
  18. Tons of escorts and massage places in HK. There's a website gayhk.com that has lots of listings. For some reason though there are many listings from Shenzhen as well on that site. I did a massage in HK last week. The massage itself was pretty good and the "extra services" were quite good for just HK$400 more. However the low price quoted for the massage didn't include a pre or post shower so that basically doubled the price. Lesson learned there.
  19. Having a guide can be very useful, especially if you're a first time visitor. Even in Bangkok. As long as he's a licensed guide who knows his stuff anyway. Bt2000++ seems about right for a regular guide. The ++ is usually things like admission fees, transportation, maybe lunch.
  20. I am a big fan of public transport too. But taxis are so cheap in Bangkok they shouldn't be discounted. The time and hassle are worth something too. I use the BTS for getting around town once I am in place for most of my trips. I even just got a Rabbit card even though I don't spend too much time in Bangkok. But I think it's better than having to deal with change and until the end of the year they are available at a discount price. Also usable at a number of food and retail places. www.rabbitcard.com Now, if they would get the MRT integrated into the system already it would be perfect. It is basically the same as the stored value cards as used in Hong Kong or Taipei or I am sure a number of other places.
  21. Just take a taxi. My ride to the airport from Sala Daeng Soi 1 was about Bt220 on the meter plus 70 for the tolls. From the airport you also have to add the 50 baht airport fee. Of course if you are arriving at rush hour you would pay more and it would take longer. In general the public transit system is great.
  22. Frankly I am a little shocked at TG scoring so high. Having flown on CX for the first time in the last couple of weeks I was mightily impressed. Never been on SQ since they are so stingy with their award seats. Flying Emirates tomorrow night on the A380 F class. So I will get to experience the gaudiness first hand. Apparently Virgin America is in big financial trouble. Everyone who flies them seems to love them, but I think their limited route network and lack of partners hurts them.
  23. The "Big 4" are as noted above: Yangon/Rangoon, Bagan, Mandalay and Inle Lake. It's a shame there is so much trouble in Rakhine state at the moment and it is basically off limits still, I think. I really enjoyed the time I spent in Sittwe and Mrauk U. But I agree that the real must sees are Shwedagon in Yangon and Bagan. I was surprised a bit by how much I enjoyed Inle Lake. Much cooler up there in the mountains. I was not really a fan of Mandalay.
  24. Didn't see those particular pieces. I think they rotate things frequently since the collection is enormous and the display space is surprisingly limited. Saw a great exhibit of old maps though. Went to Royal Spa for a massage. It was pretty good. The massage itself was quite good. But a little too strong I think. The happy ending was pretty happy. Not sure if it is the same everywhere or just my particular masseur but he wouldn't let me do much with him. A bit pricey. Nice place though. I think I might try out another spa next time.
  25. Thanks for the hot spring tip. Unfortunately it's been a couple of rainy days. Today even rainier. Tomorrow I head out with my guide to the east coast and down to Taroko for a couple of days. Was planning to daytrip down to Tainan on Monday on the HSR, but might skip that and just stay in TPE. The weather isn't looking too great for the rest of my visit either unfortunately. Off to the National Palace Museum today.
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