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Everything posted by fedssocr

  1. Don't know what your budget is, but over the years I have traveled around SE Asia quite a bit using the services of Purple Dragon. They are a travel agency based in Bangkok, run by an expat American. www.purpledrag.com You have a guide to show you around. It's especially nice for the sights to have some one who can interpret for you. You basically have your own private tour. If you venture further afield you'll have your own private car/driver as well as guide. I am headed back in December and will use them for my time in Southern Laos and around Siem Reap and northern Cambodia. My time in Thailand and Luang Prabang I will be on my own. Once you've been to Bangkok or Pattaya a time or two it's easy to navigate it all on your own.
  2. I agree that Nicky has good info http://www.nickysgaypattaya.com/gay-pattaya/ I went to Smart Relaxation a couple of times on my last visit and had pretty good massages there.
  3. the guy in the red shorts is gorgeous. Myanmar going through a tough time with lots of flooding at the moment.
  4. I was in Sukhothai for Loy Krathong a few years ago. I'd say that's the time you want to be there. They have this cool parade full of hot guys in period costumes. And they do a laser and "sound and light" show telling the Loy Krathong story with a giant cast of locals. Everyone comes from miles around. There's a contest for the best krathong with some gigantic ones. Many decorated with seeds and other small things that must take an enormous amount of time to put together. There's another old ruined town nearby at Si Sitchanalai national park. It grew up shortly after or contemporaneously with Sukhothai. Lots of ruined old temples and so forth. It's about 15 or 20 minutes away from Sukhothai. Phitsanulok is not far away as well and I liked being there as well at LK. They have the neatest decorations there. When you said "cruising" and then started talking about the river I expected you to say you took a boat ride. More people should get out and see more of the country. There's so much more to Thailand than Pattaya and Bangkok.
  5. I agree the BP interview was very poor. I loved Insects in the Backyard. Thanks for the news
  6. It's been to a bunch of gay and Asian film fests around. My guess is that it will be out on VOD and DVD before too long. Here's an interview with the filmmaker http://www.bangkokpost.com/lite/topstories/625768/ain-t-no-one-nationality-movie And here's their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WinAtCheckers?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser
  7. Nice start. Those guys are certainly very handsome. Look forward to the rest.
  8. Maybe it's a self-selecting sample? That is to say, the only ones you happen to meet are the ones who are interested in foreigners. My guess is that there's a much bigger cohort that you would never have an opportunity to meet who are into other Thais.
  9. Panthip Plaza used to have DVD sellers all over, especially on the ground floor. I haven't been in BKK for a little while though. My experience walking down Silom was always of guys with little signs saying something like "SEX DVD".
  10. That's a good report from the ground. Mandalay was not my favorite place. It was there that the old (and I mean OLD) van I had been driven around in died. It certainly couldn't compare to Mrauk U and Bagan...or even Inle Lake. I had arranged my trip via Purple Dragon and their in-country partner agency. This was 4 years ago so I am sure things have changed a lot since then. My guide in Yangon was pretty obviously gay and he mentioned a couple of gay areas but did not take me to any. In other places I did not even really ask about gay entertainment/venues. But that wasn't my primary purpose there anyway. It's a shame that the "reforms" have all been such a sham. All of those international brands might rue their rush in. Or it's possible they won't care as long as they are making money.
  11. how did you find the university boys to follow on FB? Just curious if you had some sort of system or just took a chance on anyone who looked cute. :-) I'll be in LP for a few days without a lot planned in December. ETA: Actually just doing a search for Luang Prabang brought up plenty of cute gay guys. Thanks to the whole rainbow profile pic thing it makes identifying people easy.
  12. It's been playing festivals all over. And winning lots of awards. I think Wolfe has picked it up for distribution/video
  13. So, just for fun I did a user search of PlanetRomeo for all of Laos there are 220 users 26 and under who have logged in in at least the last 3 months. For Cambodia it is 480 spread between PP, SR and Sihanoukville. Clearly that's not a huge number of people. For Thailand that number is much larger probably by a few orders of magnitude. I am headed to Laos and Cambodia at the end of the year. While I do hope to have a little fun while I am there, gay sex isn't my primary aim of these visits.
  14. considering all of the big cocked twinks from Colombia on Chaturbate I certainly have had my interest piqued.
  15. I had my eye on him as well, but ended up meeting two other guys. I just returned from 2 weeks in Spain. I enjoyed my time very much. Seems like the most escort boys are in Barcelona. But Madrid has a big selection as well. I met two guys. One was very sweet and fun, the other a "porn star" who charged way too much for the service provided. But as you say, still much less expensive than US escorts would charge. The first boy was 100 euros and the second was 150. At the current rate of 1.11 to the dollar those were a good value. Boy 1 - Felipe https://www.planetromeo.com/auswertung/setcard/index.php?set=20168218&secure=LHJ8YSdJpIQKD%2Frjt7%2BjCQ%3D%3D (who is not 5'10, more like 5'7). I guess I should have read the whole thread first as I see Firecat met him as well. I agree his English and personality are top notch. really sweet kid. Boy 2 - Angel https://www.planetromeo.com/auswertung/setcard/index.php?set=11711470&secure=GQmRpLg8emxCUWLGxN9xfQ%3D%3D (also more like 5'7 or 5'8) Lots of guys on Grindr as well. Some obvious rentboys. I tried to be very obvious that I was looking for cute young guys to hire. But the only ones who ever contacted me were older and not my type. Lots of guys with those "almost" beards/stubble which does nothing for me. Did you try to hook up with this boy in Barcelona? https://www.planetromeo.com/auswertung/setcard/index.php?set=18333195&secure=5kb5nSOvzFt4PGjKNl5epA%3D%3D I was kicking myself for not going to BCN when I saw his ad.
  16. Yes. Young girls all over Asia love boy-boy love stories. It's the whole yaoi thing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaoi And they love their Korean boyband "skinship"
  17. Teacher and Student was posted to YT by some one. I don't know how vigilant GThai is about quashing these posts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WfYRPUZuNU PS - It's very creepy
  18. The impression I have from reading a good bit about South Korea lately is that it is not exactly a gay mecca. Lots of homophobia thanks to the strains of Christianity Americans brought there. If you're into the whole Hallyu thing at all though I think it's almost a must-visit. I think 4 days in Seoul is probably not too much time, but in general I am not a big fan of going to too many places in a trip so that is just a personal preference type thing. The country seems to have a lot of nice natural sites as well. I hope to spend some time there in the next couple of years.
  19. I always say no one can make you cry like the Thais. Those insurance commercials that keeps popping up on FB all the time just won't go away. :-)
  20. No, I wouldn't call it a happy ending. But I think it could have been more tragic. Pitch certainly is a good crier though! I read that he said in some interview that he doesn't want to play any more gay parts because now everyone thinks he's gay! Sweetie, it's not the gay roles that make everyone think that! I just want him to be happy. If I am reading the Google translation correctly the "real" Boss will be featured on this week's Club Friday program talking to the two hosts. Hopefully that will be translated at some point as well.
  21. the ending was less sad than I expected
  22. The season finale is here
  23. In keeping with my recent theme of everything on Thai TV being gay, I just binge-watched a Thai youth drama series from last Fall called Love Sick the Series. All 12 episodes are on YouTube with English subtitles. The actors are mostly first-timers but the leads are very good. The first episode is a little messy and there are too many peripheral characters but it gets better as it goes along. I don't want to spoil the story too much. Basically it's set in an all-male college (hs) in Bangkok along with the girls' convent school next door. There are 7 gay/queens who are mostly provided as comic relief but there are other gay or maybe-gay characters. I thought I would just watch a couple of episodes today but ended up watching them all. Series 2 is supposed to start at the end of April with the same characters and (mostly) the same cast. It will be interesting to see what direction they take things in as apparently it's a new production company otherwise. I think it ended up being a bit of a hit. http://youtu.be/k7VSUOCeRcU http://youtu.be/HPzBjzkodvo
  24. Most of them are probably Lao, Cambodian and from Myanmar.
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