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Everything posted by fedssocr

  1. Isn't the whole point of Buddhism that all of life is suffering?
  2. I stopped caring what busybodies I don't know think a long time ago. I am happy to spend time with my much younger friends/sugar babies in pretty much any venue. It's been my experience that most other people are too caught up in their own issues to care about how much younger my companion happens to be than I am. It's not like we're fucking in public so our relationship could be all sorts of different things.
  3. good luck with that. Unless they can start controlling the weather it will be a tough sell for most people from temperate regions to visit when it is a billion degrees and the air is full of pollution or when there's a lot of flooding. Although I think there are probably plenty of people who would prefer the quieter locales over the crowded cities if they had the right kind of infrastructure support
  4. The digital nomads and YouTubers are interesting cases. I think some of them are on student visas or they teach English part time so they have a work visa. Some have other businesses that they manage to get work visas for or they work for companies that arrange visas for them. Some are on retirement visas. Thailand keeps talking about offering digital nomad visas but I don't believe that's actually been created yet. There was a gay travel YouTuber based in Thailand who was told he was exceeding the 180 day limit after several exits and re-entries.
  5. I think I have many of these same photos 🙂 I did the Bergen to Flam ride on one of these local ferries - also in September about 5 years ago. Gorgeous scenery. I think it was about 5 or 6 hours. Then took the train from Flam to Oslo the next day.
  6. Thanks for your detailed post. You are obviously a very generous person. I found at Zoo that I had to be a bit more aggressive than I would normally be to get what I wanted. Although the first boy I saw there provided B2B massage as part of the package and I got what I wanted out of that encounter. I will agree that things there are a bit more trouble that it's worth. They do have a lot of pretty boys who cycle in and out of their stable though.
  7. I can't add anything recent, but I stayed at the Siam Heritage on my first trip in 2006. Very strict no joiners policy there at the time. I was staying there during the coup that knocked Thaksin out of office and they would not allow my tour guide in that night when things were pretty chaotic.
  8. what's your budget? I'll be staying at the Crown Plaza Lumpini next month. Very well-located for the gogo scene and close to BTS and MRT for seeing the rest of the city.
  9. See I don't really like people, so meeting new ones doesn't hold a lot of attraction for me. The entertainment doesn't really change much. The ships do the same itineraries over and over. I suppose it's better than a retirement home, but if you require a lot of care the ship isn't going to be equipped to provide it for you. I haven't priced retirement homes but cruises aren't exactly cheap. The doctor on board can handle some emergencies but it's not like your primary care doctor's office. If you're in good health it's fine. But if you need nursing care the cruise line isn't going to help you.
  10. I did my first and only cruise on Virgin last year. Definitely very gay. Plenty of obviously gay crew and guests. I had a fine time but ultimately it didn't really comport with the way I prefer to travel.
  11. just a lot of nudity and very-near nudity in public places that could have gotten them into a good bit of trouble if they'd been caught
  12. One big hunky Czech boy I follow on social media was in Thailand with his crew of hotties several months ago. He posted lots of content that was really pushing the envelope of things you can do in public. It looked like he had some sort of accident while he was there - maybe he fell off a motorbike or something because he had a pretty bad road rash and spent some time in the hospital.
  13. Apparently there is a small group of people who essentially "retire" to mainstream cruises. The way most cruises operate I think it would get incredibly boring fairly quickly. But I guess they figure that having a room and food is enough. I have read lots of downsides though, especially if you are in need of medical care. And as people age and require more specialized care it is not something the cruise line is able or willing to provide. People who should be in assisted living are trying to stay on cruise ships instead. It also seems like there are plenty of lines doing long-term 'round-the-world itineraries that this new, untested company would need to compete on cost with the big lines. I have friends who took a 6 month around the world cruise on one of the large lines. I don't know how much they paid though.
  14. but HK isn't Southeast Asia, right?
  15. I think it's largely a result of internalized issues
  16. I've never understood the foot thing, but I've never really gotten drag either. The older I get the less dogmatic I am about types. However, I would say that I am also visual first - a cute (to me) face and nice haircut get my attention. And a fit athletic body is nice to look at and explore. If I'm paying for it I think I have a bit higher standard when it comes to looks and body. But for sure I'm also very much in the tactile camp when it comes to the sexy things and gravitate more towards massage as well. I've never been into the buttsex thing so that part is all lost on me. But I am happy to oral all day long. There's definitely something to be said for simple cuddling/body contact. I think it's good for your soul and certainly releases lots of endorphins.
  17. Maybe things are slowly improving? https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/social-and-lifestyle/2693024/championing-change When Jasmin* transferred to Pibulwitthayalai School in Lop Buri, Sutep Upayak, a guidance counsellor and admissions committee member, learned she had been diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a psychiatrist....
  18. it's several years since I've been there. gayhk.com still has lots of spa and freelancer listings. I used to visit Aloha spa in Kowloon. They have a sister location called Apollo which I believe is on the HK side
  19. I saw that post too. Obviously some drama. I think if you just tell them you are a visitor without a Thai bank account it won't be a problem. Just make sure you show up on time. I had to cancel an appointment once due to illness and the shop was not happy about it telling me that in the future I would need to pay a deposit.
  20. he jumped out at me too
  21. The ignore function works well. Just sayin'
  22. the 5000 seat theater/concert venue is fairly exciting though
  23. near Emporium and Emquartier and Benchasiri Park
  24. "his school friends"!?!?!?!?!? Whoever wrote this article needs to resign
  25. I only ever bother coming here anymore. And I think I had accounts on most of the ones listed. My guess is that people don't read. And they don't necessarily feel like communicating via this medium. Given how many Youtube channels are devoted to travel if you are just looking for general travel info there are plenty of places to get that info. And probably other media like Instagram or Tiktok get lots of views. The nomadicboys can only cover so much on their own since they can only visit so many hotels I wouldn't expect them to have comprehensive lists or complete venue information. I know most people don't like travelgay.com but I've found it useful from time to time. Keeping venue listings up to date would be a big job probably without much reward. Which is part of why I really appreciate this place and the frequent posters who share information with all of us.
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