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Everything posted by fedssocr

  1. the Korean entertainment machine makes everyone give up having a private life or makes them keep it all very hush hush. I'll put Jay Park on your list. Maybe a few too many tattoos, but I find him very sexy. I'd never heard of him before seeing him on Asia's Got Talent.
  2. new series with pretty Korean boys starts next week
  3. after seeing more of that one featured on one of the BL round ups on YT I was more interested in giving it another try.
  4. so much awkward product placement! It's very soapy in that Thai soap opera way. Quite different from the shows I'm used to watching
  5. it will need to be the Thais organizing things. Wasn't the old BKK pride largely organized by foreigners? I saw on a popular Twitter account yesterday that some one placed a pride flag on a prominent statue of a certain person in Bangkok. It's a shame that that person's sexual orientation has been swept under the rug for all of these years. Thailand is a complicated place (as most places are). It seems like GLBT rights are two steps forward, one step back. Certainly visibility is higher than ever. And younger generations see being gay as much less of a big deal in most of the world. Hopefully they'll keep those attitudes as they age and take over from the current dinosaurs and demagogues.
  6. that one's on my list. I just need to find some time to watch it
  7. it's interesting that Phuwin and Pond are both engineering students IRL
  8. Yes, I've generally liked FUtS quite a bit. But the stalkerish/controlling behavior of Pond's character is problematic. I think Louis (Meen) is the best thing about the show. The acting has gone up a notch in the last few epiosdes. The fantasy sequences in Ep 11 were great. For sure the Duean/Meen story has been much more fun and interesting. And I like Duean's posse.
  9. this could be interesting
  10. In my case I think he just had a lot of experience and knew what he was doing. He was a handsome guy, just not my usual twinkish type.
  11. it's certainly a good lesson. I recall going to a massage place in BKK several years ago in the late afternoon. I was leaving early the next day. The guys on offer weren't my usual type but I picked an older, compact but muscly guy. Turned out to be one of the best experiences I've had at a massage place. His technique was a bit different but very relaxing and erotic. The happy ending was great too.
  12. they're cute. the acting seems unpolished
  13. I started working with a financial planner about 15 years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. I've been contributing to my workplace's retirement investment scheme which has a 5% matching contribution and that has accumulated quite nicely over the years. But for the rest of my money the financial planner has been very helpful in figuring out where to invest given my risk tolerance and needs. He's good for making sure I don't make any rash moves when things start going south, but I'm also a quite rational thinker so I don't let emotion take over. Having him layout the projections for the future in a relatively conservative way has been very eye-opening and I expect to retire earlier than I had expected to and should have more than enough money to last the rest of my life. It also helps that I work for the federal government which includes a very good pension given how long I've been working there. I know I've been very lucky, but I think I've made pretty good decisions - partly on my own and partly thanks to his advice. Depending on what you need services like this don't necessarily cost a lot and they can pay off. If you have the time to invest in learning about all of this stuff you can do it on your own of course.
  14. I think I probably said something similar in the earlier thread. As we age we lose some cognitive abilities - typically. And there are plenty of scammers out there looking to separate elderly people from their money. I see my 82 year old mother going downhill. Her memory is very poor. Luckily my brother lives with her and can help deal with some things around the household and with bookkeeping, but he's got his own issues. Unfortunately I am 800 miles away and couldn't travel for the last 15 months. But did see them recently. She has an elderly brother nearby and my cousin is there as well. But they're not especially close. She is fairly socially isolated. So I think faranglaw is on the right track.
  15. the location doesn't look very useful
  16. are those outdoor bathtubs?
  17. We have an outdoors store here in the US called REI that sells clothes for hiking and other outdoor activities. I have several pair of their lightweight trousers and shorts. I believe they are nylon material but have a nice finish. They are extremely light and quick-drying. The one drawback is that they do pill a bit where my camera backpack hits my waist. I'd imagine that there are similar products in most shops that sell these kinds of clothes. I've been addicted to Marmot brand button shirts of travel for several years. Very light fabric that is sun-blocking and fast-drying. And they look nice. Lots of color options. They are expensive but I usually buy them on end of season clearance.
  18. the markets are overheated in much of the country. But I agree that checking on those other expenses is important. I was just visiting my mom in St. Pete. Over the years she has had issues finding insurance coverage. I think there's a state run program of last resort for people who cannot find any companies willing to cover their property. Of course coastal areas in hurricane zones will be problematic. Just make sure you are going in with your eyes wide open. My brother is retiring to an area between Tampa and Orlando. I'd imagine that the tax thing is a big driver of the state's population growth. I spent 4 years in Florida for university and that was more than enough for me. I can only stand a week or so at a time. :-)
  19. I recently stumbled on this YT channel all about gay Tokyo. Here's a sample They talk about all sorts of topics and seem like sweet guys.
  20. link? Nevermind I found it. There are just too many platforms. I'd heard of Gagaoolala but hadn't ever bothered to sign up. Luckily this one is on the free channel. Ep 1 moves a bit slow and feels a bit subdued. Seems lower budget than GMM's shows
  21. the ending to the last episode didn't seem to make any sense, but I guess that's par for the course. I still want more Duean/Meen story! I read some place that the actor who play Pi is still only 17. He does seem older
  22. this is the study linked on the previous page by 10tazione that I was referring to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6002055/
  23. thanks for the TST link. I thought the idea of it looked interesting. How do you guys have time to watch all of these things? I guess the short episodes help. Right now I'm just watching Fish Upon the Sky. I like that it's light and fluffy. But I have a feeling that the second half is going to take a bit of a turn. For me the Meen/Duean storyline is more fun and interesting. Louis plays innocent so well with those big puppydog eeys.
  24. mydramalist.com is a good site if you're looking for discussion on all of these shows
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