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Everything posted by fedssocr

  1. is that because there aren't monitor lizards (yet)? I'm really looking forward to visiting all of these new parks
  2. Lula wins by the thinnest of margins.
  3. I have to agree that finding out what the straight guy wants to do makes the most sense. I am guessing that not everyone enjoys the whole gogo bar/commercial sex experience. And the being treated like a walking ATM thing isn't something everyone wants to go through. And if this guy is as attractive as OP says he probably doesn't need to do those things to get laid.
  4. something I read said there's a big party congress meeting in March and that the speculation is that would be the earliest they would change policy. It's really crazy what's happening in there right now. Obviously the whole world economy is pretty well fucked right now, but I've been seeing a lot of reporting about how bad things have become in China. So even when things do reopen I wonder how many people will be traveling outside the country
  5. While I don't doubt increased demand, it could also have to do with QR's issues with their A350s. They've been putting their 380s back into service to make up for the loss of the 350s. My original QR flight changed from an old config 777 to the 380. Then they canceled my originating flight so I'm stuck back on the old 777 for now. We'll see how many times that changes again between now and March
  6. looks like it was a rainy Taipei Pride today
  7. No idea why it's Japanese on the map. It's probably just some odd quirk related to whoever created the listing. The male brothels in Japan are around US$100 for an hour, so I guess if you add up the costs of drinks, off fee and short time fee it's comparable. Maybe they prefer Thai (or Vietnamese or Cambodian or whatever) boys to Japanese boys?
  8. Intramara Soi 27. Saphan Kwai/Sutthisan-ish
  9. anyone interested in a 4 hand massage with twins? 27M spa on Twitter @bkboyboy
  10. I presume there's a reason they prefer the current system. Or maybe it's just tradition? But I suspect you've hit on the main reason
  11. Maybe a reaction to the big bust of that Chinese club a few days
  12. I'm sort of dating a cute young Indian student here in DC. I say sort of because its more of a "seeking arrangement" kind of thing, but we've been enjoying each other's company quite a bit. He's happy to be away from India and his homophobic parents. He's very sweet, smart and driven. And very fun in bed. You need only see all of the horrific stories that come out of India frequently to see how messed up their society is in general. Yesterday it was a 12 year old girl raped and left at the side of the road that all of the men had their phones out video-ing instead of helping that caused widespread outrage. It seems that women in general are very poorly treated. And of course you have the caste system that sorts people out into classes so it's probably no surprise that a middle class Indian person would feel superior to mere prostitutes and think they can get away with treating them poorly. I hate painting with such a broad brush, but I think there are some generalizations one can make.
  13. so, will not apply to most foreigners who are interested in buying property in Thailand
  14. I agree with using ATMs if you have a good bank account that rebates fees. I opened an account at TD Bank (TD Premier Checking) just for this purpose when traveling. And even many years later that is still one of the benefits of this account. You have to actively seek out these kinds of accounts. I also take a few hundred US$ in cash just in case. I've never stayed at a hotel that demanded cash.
  15. and from France24
  16. I prefer MahaNakhon at sunset so you can see the city in daylight and then as the lights come on. I think the Grand Palace and surrounding area including Wat Po is also a must even though the tickets aren't cheap. These days it's easy to reach via MRT or by river boat. The public transport is fairly straightfoward if you have any experience with such systems. You'll have a great time. I love the chaos of Bangkok.
  17. Might be too niche for his more general audience.
  18. Australian documentary about the situation in Myanmar
  19. He definitely does his homework. I really enjoy his channel. If you're interested in Bangkok history he always has some good tidbits.
  20. coincidentally Bangkok Pat has a new video about Saphan Kwai...including an old theater that is apparently a gay cruising spot?
  21. I was looking at the Tokyu Stay chain that looks promising. https://www.tokyustay.co.jp/e/hotel/SE/
  22. Actually I discovered that if I do a multi-city itinerary BKK-HND-IAD it's way cheaper airfare wise. Any suggestions on good locations to stay for a first-timer?
  23. airfares are kind of nuts right now but I'll keep checking
  24. I'm not sure exactly how I came across this place... But it's a male massage place that's sort of Saphan Kwai area on Intramara Soi 29. Looks like lots of hot boys. Might be a bit out of the way for most of us though. But their tweets do say on-site and off-site service available https://twitter.com/spagay31 http://lin.ee/aM4m4IS
  25. To me $100 for an hour session with a cute boy doesn't seem so expensive. But I am in the US where escort prices are fairly high and the sorts of guys I like are difficult to find (here it's mostly older muscle guys). I think this thread has encouraged me to make a stop in Tokyo instead of Seoul next Spring
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