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Everything posted by fedssocr

  1. I'd imagine there isn't really a surplus of baggage service providers waiting to step in and take over, so firing this company is likely to make things even worse. I guess maybe the minister has a brother waiting for a big government contract. This seems like it would be a good job unless of course the company isn't paying the workers a living wage in which case the shortage of workers would not be a surprise.
  2. Wow. Neo's been working out
  3. Pretty much total introvert here. I like to watch and observe. I often say I don't like people but I'm not sure that's entirely true. I am able to hold a conversation if necessary, but tend to be fairly guarded with strangers.
  4. no. Laws against consensual sodomy were nullified by the Supreme Court (Lawrence v Texas). Of course they might end up re-instating those laws at some point.
  5. I've long thought that the most virulent homophobia is internalized. It's so completely irrational otherwise. The boycott issue has always been thorny. Much like the old Burma boycott I eventually came to believe that supporting the people on the ground was valuable and exposure to the outside world was a good idea.
  6. They seem to update Line daily
  7. I've never found that to be the case. Essentially you get the rate that the banks charge each other. Get an account with a bank that rebates ATM fees and that is covered as well
  8. Or just use an ATM
  9. I recently took my first cruise as well. Mine was a Mediterranean cruise on Virgin. Tons of gay couples and small groups of gay friends. Lots of lesbian couples as well. Very gay crew. They even have drag shows. I was traveling solo. Didn't feel obligated to interact with anyone. It was worth doing once but not really for me.
  10. There's such a huge oversupply of hotels in Thailand that it helps keep prices down. Bangkok has so many very nice hotels that are not all part of the big international chains.
  11. some accounts are cheaper or have special offers from time to time, but in general I agree that most accounts are not worth it. Sometimes they start out with good intentions of posting frequently but quickly peter out. Or there's just no variety and how many times do you just want to watch one guy j/o by himself. And anyone who considers himself an "influencer" is just going to be a big tease and not show you anything. Tyler Wu at least does tons of collaborations with lots of different guys. There's so much free porn on Twitter (for now) and elsewhere that it generally doesn't make a lot of sense to pay unless it's just some one you want to help support.
  12. The YTers I've seen doing the trip on this train seem to be organizing tickets via an agent to iron out the difficulties.
  13. I believe this handsome, huge hung boy is a Thai student living in Japan. https://onlyfans.com/darkzone9 https://twitter.com/Markmystic9
  14. I've never been to any of the saunas so I'm afraid I can't help you there. And I haven't been back since the recent reopening so I can't add anything related to that. You might try something like Flyertalk.com to get the lowdown on current entry requirements. I enjoyed Kaohsiung on my last trip. That was 3 years ago. There's not nearly as much to do as Taipei but it's a nice little city. I think Tainan is more interesting from a historical perspective. If you're asking about gay fun I can't help you there either as I was recovering from being sick pretty much the whole time I was there. I stayed at the Indigo hotel though which I thoroughly enjoyed. Great service, big room, gorgeous bathroom with a shower big enough for at least 3 or 4 people. Nice location across the street from central park and the subway.
  15. My massage spa experiences have almost always been positive. I think there was only one place where I didn't have the happy ending I wanted and that was the first one I visited. It was one of the big ones Royal something maybe... Very handsome hunky guys, but the one I chose would only go down to his underwear and didn't do any real hanky panky. Otherwise the others I have been to always had at least a handjob ending. Most would do a body to body type of thing at the end which I always enjoy. I mentioned Mudan spa above. It's a bit of an outlier in that you go to a fairly upscale condo building where your masseur meets you outside and takes you up to the condo where they have a massage table set up. It looked like some one actually lived there so I'm not certain about how many units they might have available. The masseur I had didn't speak much English but we used Google translate when necessary. He was quite interactive and very sweet. I really wanted to go back again before i left town but I got a cold in the meantime. Lots of hot guys listed in their staff who I would like to meet some time. Other spas around town I have visited are more of what you expect from a spa as far as the set up and layout are concerned. Certainly a bit more expensive than Bangkok but I still thought it was reasonable.
  16. travelgay.com is always a great resource https://www.travelgay.com/destination/gay-taiwan/gay-taipei/
  17. There are several massage places. I really enjoyed Mudan spa - lots of handsome guys on staff. But there are several. Now that the train goes all the way to the airport it's much easier to get into the city relatively quickly. It's a great city, worth much more than an overnight
  18. looks like they now have an associated host club/karaoke bar called Hi Club nearby at Intramara 11. They posted a couple of short videos on their Line. Looks like the TikTok account hackza29 and harksaotai386 are attached. Cute boys.
  19. if 1 out of those 5 boys is The One then maybe it's worthwhile
  20. I guess it makes sense to just contact the shop and ask questions about location before you set off. They should be able to give you some directions. I know Japan also is well known for having undecipherable addresses. I think some of the massage and houses of boys will give you a meeting point and send some one to get you.
  21. https://en.hi-na.com/cast/ This thread has good info
  22. It's probably still worth asking if that's what he's actually interested in. I doubt that fucking a bar girl is going to make him get over the girlfriend he's hung up on, but I suppose you never know. I'm also not sure it's fair to you that you are being required to come up with things to occupy your time together. Make him do some of the work and research.
  23. It's probably still worth asking if that's what he's actually interested in. I doubt that fucking a bar girl is going to make him get over the girlfriend he's hung up on, but I suppose you never know. I'm also not sure it's fair to you that you are being required to come up with things to occupy your time together. Make him do some of the work and research.
  24. did you visit the new Chong Nonsi park yet?
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