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Everything posted by fedssocr

  1. Talk about serendipity! Congrats. Sounds like a great time.
  2. maybe use a VPN?
  3. Hidden Agenda starts next week.
  4. is there a reason why you aren't putting all of this in one thread instead of making new ones?
  5. I have seen some speculation - I think from Andrew MacGregor Marshall - that it might be smart for MF to allow themselves to get squeezed out this time so they can win an overwhelming majority next election. I think that presumes a new constitution being drawn up to get rid of all those military-aligned Senate seats i the meantime.
  6. fedssocr

    The 13

    they've really gotten big in 5 years. It would be nice to hear what they're all doing now
  7. as with pretty much every country that has a large middle class and a reasonable amount of education And given the state of the world and the general economic precarity of a large portion of the population it seems exceedingly sensible for people to be having fewer children in most places
  8. are there really homophobic straight people visiting those places? I'd think that it would be a live and let live sort of attitude
  9. I have flown DL a few times in the past several years. Their planes are a little more comfortable than this US competition (on short haul domestic routes anyway). Their crews are pleasant. They are one of the few that still provides seatback entertainment rather than requiring you to use your own device connected to wifi. And my flights have been on time. Although they have had some pretty big issues with various outages at ATL which is their main hub. If they offered direct flights on the routes I fly I would much prefer them over AA, but having to connect in ATL adds a lot of time to my trip when I can just fly AA nonstop.
  10. that is quite a meticulous system! I suppose once you get used to it, it's second nature. Is that for a day or do you replenish your pockets every time you go out?
  11. QR gets high marks because their business class "suites" product is quite good. But other airlines are certainly catching up in that department. I think people also like DOH airport as well. Their lounges there are pretty spectacular. Skytrax isn't exactly known for objectivity so there's probably a decent amount of cash changing hands. I like ANA a lot too. Will be even better when they finish replacing their older seats with a better product. Their business class is fine except for the complete lack of storage which I make it a point to complain about every time I fly with them. 🙂
  12. I agree that LGW to New York and LA seems like a recipe for disaster. Too much competition already on those routes. This doesn't really sound serious to me. Since there are no new A380s to be built it will be interesting to see how long these planes keep flying. I'm guessing that spare parts and maintenance will be the biggest issues for most carriers. Given the current pilot shortage issues, large aircraft like this will be important for the industry. And with the 777-X so far behind schedule there's going to be problems for several years to come.
  13. fedssocr

    The 13

    https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2023/06/22/the-cave-governor-has-died-at-58/ includes a statement from the football academy
  14. fedssocr

    The 13

  15. for me it's usually about 24 hours one way. So at least 2 weeks and more like 4 makes it worthwhile
  16. fill out their customer service form and you should at least get some extra miles compensation. Better than nothing
  17. Was Dick really visiting girly bars? This is completely off-topic, but Tim Newton's Sunday YT show with Steve Rosse is entertaining mostly because Steve is a pretty good story teller.
  18. I just came across this place on Twitter. It's in Osaka https://izakspa.com
  19. maybe you should start charging admission Lots of tall buildings now-a-days. Got some great shots at the Ashton Chula roofdeck, but of course it is not open to the public. I also went to the roof deck at SIAMSCAPE by Siam Square but was a little disappointed. There is a bit of view to the west but it was fairly popular at sunset so the best spots were taken
  20. this was essentially my experience at 15M as well. I wrote about it a couple of months ago. So I think one does not go there for a good massage. They do have quite a stable of guys. If I was just looking to fool around I think I would go back. There are a couple of newer guys in their listings who piqued my interest. This guy would be my next choice I think:
  21. what Western country are you in where 4000 baht is the going rate? Here in the US it's more like 7000-10000 depending on your location but most big cities are in that range. If you factor in drinks, off fee and paying the boy isn't 4000 around the price in Bangkok? I did pay quite a bit at Zoo Spa for the super package that included massage, etc.
  22. He gave a great interview on Scott Galloway and Kara Swisher's Pivot podcast a couple of weeks ago as well.
  23. certainly if the new government manages to outlaw recreational use there will be some big changes
  24. several videos up on YT from opening day
  25. There are the TokyoBTMs. Their channel is entertaining to me. https://www.youtube.com/@TokyoBTM But I agree that there is a huge number of Thailand vloggers out there so you would think there would be at least some covering gay things. Ethan Lusby has some decent videos and a lot of click bait. But he's been forced to leave Thailand because he had too many entries and exits. https://www.youtube.com/@ethanlusbytravels/featured
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