Thanks Min for responding and sharing. I wish you well with this arrangement.
I have one point to which there is no need to respond. There are some Thai guys that would definitely not be attracted to other asians. J isn't one of them given his "international"boyfriends! If you think there is a possibility of a long term relationship I would give some leeway if you are away for any lengthy period for non customers.
The nights can get cold(obviously not literally in Pattaya!) for horny young men. And better J has that freedom(and you also) on the condition that you share this information with each other. Better a relationship built on reality rather than deception.
J has a small circle of friends at the bar at the moment, but he sounds social so his social circle will enlarge.
On the other hand if your priority is that you should have exclusive access to J's body for the fees that you are guaranteeing him that is understandable, but really you are making him an employee, perhaps that is what you want.
Anyway please keep us updated as you describe the situation from your viewpoint very well, it's an interesting read and you sound like a good guy.