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Everything posted by bedbugy

  1. bedbugy


    i was made redundant in 1987 age 37 i have never worked since i moved to thailand after touring india nepal singapour maly then thailand in 1992 i toured every province for 6 months went back to uk sold up and moved to songkhla 1993 where i have lived since you only have one go at life live it
  2. hi my latest boy friend just loves to be fucked as many time as i can manage i would love to give him a blow job but i cant get him hard even whilst fucking hes soft question would half a viagra do the trick
  3. this may interest you https://thepiratebay.vg/torrent/12113374/Secrets.Of.The.Gay.Sauna.PDTV.x264-CBFM
  4. more on the haze MAE HONG SON, March 18 - Illegal 'slash and burn' agriculture in Thailand's North has worsened the air quality in this northern province where dust particles have reached the record level of 200 microgrammes per cubic metre, a health official said today. Mae Hong Son health officer Paisal Tanyavinitkul said the smog and dust from forest fires has covered this northern province for over a week and the health office has provided 30,000 masks for distribution to people. People have been told to wear masks when they leave homes and refrain from outdoor exercise, said the doctor. An air quality survey by the Office of Natural Resources and Environment found 31 hot spots throughout Mae Hong Son, including the tourist town of Pai where an average 24-hour dust level was measured at 205 microgrammes. Children and elderly people at risk at this dust level, according to the office. The standard level is 120 microgrammes. During March 3-10, hospitals in Mae Hong Son treated 1,049 patients for heart and coronary artery diseases, and 923 people with respiratory diseases. (MCOT online news)
  5. from bangkok post Wide areas of Lampang, Mae Hong Son and Phrae provinces have been blanketed with haze that the public health office says could be hazardous. The recorded levels of particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10) in those areas have exceeded the safety limit of 120 microgrammes per cubic metre (ug/cu m), said Prayad Ananpradit, secretary of the command centre in charge of tackling air pollution in the nine upper northern provinces. Phrae had the highest level of PM10 on Thursday, with dust particles reaching 205 ug/cu m, followed by Lampang with 159 ug/cu m and Mae Hong Son with 142 ug/cu m. In Lampang, intense smoke was reported to have spread to most parts of the province. The public health office said the air pollution could aggravate breathing problems for residents. Suvit Kattiyavong, director of the Regional Environmental Office 2 in Lampang, said the agency restricts fires lit by farmers on their farmland. However, people are continuing to slash and burn in local forested areas. The fires contribute significantly to the haze problem. its every year 4/5 months id forget it
  6. at the embassy in penang they have a notice on the entance gate no flip fops /shorts
  7. you can translate here yourself for free http://translate.google.com/
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1811 they're all dead
  9. recently had my cateracts done at my local government hospital 18500 baht each eye with top lens 1 night stay no problems here in songkhla to go to see the doctor is 50 baht plus pharmacy if any is needed
  10. could the reason for the changes many farangs are scanning the documents and changing the amount recieved to quallify and re printing with new figures not showng the correct amount if fraud it wont be long before all married and single farangs on fixed income who say they quallify must show the bank book every 3 months when reporting to the immigration if the sums don't match deportation and prison term and fine will be order of the day
  11. bedbugy


    who's keeping up appeances all the episodes can be found on www.veoh.com
  12. i go to haty ai every saterday went to tesco and carfour had heaps off fun i love haty ai
  13. i said i made a mistake what do you want blood
  14. ok i made a mistake i put !!!!!!!!!!!at the end as of firstdisco like the first poster confucion did
  15. had a look at www.gaydar.co.uk and the user name firstdisco!does not excist
  16. well you can forgert malaysia for beer ect it's cheaper in europe than malaysia 7ringet 90 cents for a small can of tiger beer at 7/11 wow
  17. so every one like liptons yellow label tea try the french stick from big c its the best of the suppermarkets
  18. can he sing a song and check bin
  19. you tube is blocked here in thailand however if tou click this link and put in www.youtube.com you can get access http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html
  20. http://gayboythailand.com/bangkok-thailand/ go to this site enter sawadee on siloms links your in silom always keeps a tidy board and links
  21. bedbugy

    Gay clothes

    big c
  22. the best way and cheapest way to phone any where is skype on the computer
  23. bedbugy


    lock your cash away beware what you drink if it was me i would forget him and not bother
  24. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=863ce7d4a3 vid of saddam hanging
  25. you should look the menu if you not like walk out
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