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Everything posted by Bob

  1. Hmmm...please delete (not sure how I did this).
  2. We could spend hours (months?) debating how Thailand got to this pathetic point. Regardless, I'd love to see the next elected leader at his/her first speech say the following: "The military is very valuable and necessary to the country's defense and I will support the military in completing its proper mission. Regardless of all that, the military needs to learn that it is subservient to the civilian government, takes its orders from the civilian government, and has no right whatsoever to operate within or without the borders of Thailand without the permission of the civilian government. And I might add that any action in violation of the orders of its civilian commanders let alone a military coup overthowing any civilian government is what any sane government would clearly call it, namely: treason."
  3. I don't know of any court that has allowed that. Must be a new age type of thing. With respect to the original post, by law nobody (including a US citizen) is "within" (or "in") the United States until they have cleared immigration and customs and the officers do ask questions of US citizens attempting to re-enter the US. I believe they generally ask the questions they were trained to ask although surely there's a possibility of a rogue officer or simply somebody having a bad hair day. I've never had a hassle or what I felt was an inappropriate question during the approximately 40-50 times I've gone through immigration and customs in the US. Two weeks ago in Chicago, I got the usual "welcome home" from both the immigration guy and the customs gal collecting my "nothing-to-declare" card.
  4. Alright, alright, I heard about the alleged curfew from the beloved in CM. On the other hand, maybe he has ESP as you sure as heck have a curfew now! Now remember, you toads, be home by 10PM or I'll send Sgt. Gomer Somchai Pyle out to get you!
  5. What's incredible to me is that a leader of a country is thrown out of office because a court says that the leader with the approval of the cabinet improperly fired (well, re-assigned) some department head. Incredible. In fact, almost as incredible as the ruling that the legislature can't amend the constitution even though the constitution gives it the power to do so! In any event, all these skirmishes await the big battle that will unfold after certain unmentionable events occur. By the way, via a google search, I learned there are 34-35 cabinet ministers including the PM herself. That leaves about 25 of them to muddle through this mess.
  6. Maybe because Michael had 37 suitcases, a retinue of valets, and the monkey that was screaming "help me! help me!"? (Just kidding, Michael) Speaking of customs, on one of my first returns to the US from over here about 15 years ago, I was flying out of Tokyo on a loaded 747 and, as it turns out, I was the only person on the plane to declare anything. When I gave the form to the customs dude, he began to examine my list of items (stupid things I bought for relatives) and I asked him: "Am I really the only one on that plane to have anything to declare or am I just the dumbest person on that plane?" He just grinned at me with one of those smiles that said: "Way to go, Einstein, you sure figured that out quick!"
  7. Don't disagree with most of the comments here but maybe it's time for what I now consider a fairly humorous story of the TSA at work. In 2005, I was flying to southern Michigan to visit one of my best friends who was hospitalized for a liver transplant. He and his wife went down there in a hurry and I flew down the next day. The wife's mother at the last moment gave me a carry-on for her daughter (as, given the sudden notice, her daughter flew down there with only the clothes on her back). That carry-on was the problem. So I went through the screening in my dinky northwestern Michigan city and, after the screening, two TSA guys came up to me smiling and announced that I was randomly chosen for some extra screening (they really did say something to the effect that "don't worry, we do this several times a day, and we're not targeting you for any reason"). They then started going though both of my carry-ons and the rest of it went something like this: Q: Are these your items? A: (without thinking too much): Sure. Q: Are you sure these are your items? A: Sure (but maybe said a little less strength, being puzzled as to why I was being asked twice). Q (While pulling out of the daughter's bag a small pair of red panties, holding them up high, and almost shouting - all in the presence of maybe 30 other passengers...a couple of which knew me): And these are yours!?! A (Rather red-faced): Well, no..... Q: Is this your bag? A: Well, yes and no.... (My mind is beginning to panic watching the guy start pulling out stuff from the daughter's bag and wondering what the hell her mother might have put in there.....I'm imagining scissors, tampax, etc....) Q. (While all the TSA people have converged on me and all 30 of the passengers are watching intently): These (the red lace panties he's still holding up high for all to see) don't really look like they fit you! A: Hmmm....(I don't really know what to say....I'm still wondering what else is in that damn bag). Then I tried to quickly backtrack and explain how it came to be that I was carrying the bag for my friend's wife. Q. Well! Did you pack this bag??? A. (Knowing damn well my answer could cause further consternation): Well, no, my friend's wife's mother packed it for her daughter......but I was right next to her when she packed it! (that last part was a lie but I figured I better say that). Q: Well, what else is in the bag then? A. (Fuck! This ain't gonna be easy): Mostly her clothes. (A guess on my part as I sure as hell didn't know) There's a little more to the story but, thankfully, there were mostly clothes in there....I discovered that then because they unloaded the bag and checked everything. After a few more minutes, they pretty much bought my story and let me go, albeit a bit red-faced (and thanking god/buddha the mother hadn't planted a grenade or sharp object that would have really screwed me over). I laugh about it now but also remember the panic I enjoyed (not) for a short while. I'll think twice in the future before carrying another bag for anyone!
  8. The TSA is an agency of Homeland Security and they are at every airport everywhere (even my dinky home city of 15,000 people). At MSP, a rather large city and important airline hub, there's likely hundreds of them. I believe somebody checked one of my cameras several years back but I don't ever remember being hassled at all going out of or into the US the approximately 40+ times I've done that over the last 15 years. I can't remember a single question being asked when I left and typically I only get a "welcome home" when I go back for summer hiatus.
  9. By your statement, I suppose he ought to ignore your advice too? The OP said he was going to consult with a Thai lawyer so what else is there to add? On the other hand, if "business-wise" he is only doing online work, there are many, many, falang doing that here in Thailand and a whole lot of them have no work permits (probably because there's really no mechanism for them to be caught violating any technical work permit rules). The OP will figure it out.
  10. Bob

    Moving to Thailand?

    If you want to know about an investment visa, just google it (investment visa Thailand). The only investment visa I've ever heard about or read about involves 10 million baht or more and, it seemed, there was a fair amount of convoluted rigamarole in addition to the amount. As TJ said in his prior post, most of us have the good sense not to invest in this country at the present time (the government is a mess, the economy is not in good shape and lately has been heading south, etc.). Plus there's the old adage (which I think is fairly true) that any foreigner who wants to make a small fortune in Thailand only needs to invest a larger fortune. Where are we from? I only know a few posters here and they are from the US, Canada, the UK, and Germany (and I'm probably forgetting an Aussie or two). Never met any Taiwanese or Hong Kongians (I'm not sure if that's the proper term) here in Thailand but I'd guess there must be some here somewhere.
  11. Smart move - the consulting with a Thai lawyer on all these issues. I don't think you necessarily need a work permit just to work online (technically you might need one but who the heck would know) but my concern is you hiring somebody to help with your business such as your personal assistant. That might raise a flag somehow. But the lawyer ought to be able to help you sort that out.
  12. Hua Hin might be a better match for you. Not that far from Bangkok and a lot nicer beaches. On the other hand, if it's the gay bar scene you're after, perhaps better stick with Pattaya as there is almost none in Hua Hin. As to how/where you recruit the assistants you mention, I don't have a clue but I doubt if it will be easy to find the PA you describe (with those qualifications, I would think he/she already has a decent job somewhere far from Pattaya). You don't mention what visa status you expect and/or whether you might need a work permit. Something to consider (up to you).
  13. Bob

    Moving to Thailand?

    You've posted a few things that have made no sense to some of us but at least it now appears understandable that you're trying for an educational visa. You can check on ThaiVisa or even the Thai immigration website and find out the requirements for that (which are different if you're in the country or out of the country when applying). Oftentimes, the Thai school in which you've enrolled will help you get that done. Now....as to what an "IETEL" is or might be, neither I nor Google can figure that out. What is it? And in one of your more recent posts you stated "I am from Hong Kong and so the capital per person is 2 mil." I'm guessing you're again talking about an investment visa? If so, where might one find authority for that figure?
  14. You know, I can't really tell you that. When I go to Secrets, I usually go alone or with a falang friend looking to have a couple of drinks, chat with Oh and/or Ray and/or whoever, and simply to relax. I see some of the same boys there from time to time but, like I said, I'm not really there looking for anything (besides, if I ever took something home with me, the old man of 14+ years would kick my ass).
  15. The peak bars were wiped out 5 years ago and that left the 4-5 bars on Soi 1 (Thapae Road) just behind the D-2 hotel. A year+ ago, only two bars survived - Secrets and CU - and they moved just south of the old place. Now Secrets (Oh, the manager, is a super guy) and CU have moved to the east side of the old City just outside the moat (approximately 100 yards north of Chang Moi). We've lost about 8 or 9 gay host bars up here in the last decade but Secrets and CU still thankfully march on. If/when you're up here in the boonies, stop and have a beer. Michael, Secrets did take the pool (well, snooker) table with them and now the lean (hehe) heads west versus the old east (I need to bring them a level and/or a chainsaw so I can enlarge the pockets....).
  16. Nah, can't be as the federal income tax came about because of a constitutional amendment in (I think) 1916, 50+ years after the end of the civil war.
  17. Let's see, you've now got 8 posts and almost all of them are ads that might better appear on Gay Romeo or in some personal ad sections elsewhere. This board typically isn't used for cruising.
  18. Hell if I know. But I do try to avoid Ford Theater on tax filing day! I am having difficulty understanding the difference between the old timers and history buffs. Anybody who knows about about the assassination date could be described as a history buff. But there ain't any old timers around that were alive back then (well, with the exception of a couple of posters here....). P.S. I will admit I cheated a bit as I did "google" "duckduckgoing." Damn, never heard of that search engine before!
  19. I have no idea but I'm hopeful that nobody will ever locate the black boxes....
  20. Thanks, Scooby. [The thanks being given for the removal of a link to a virulent anti-gay website - especially given that the person who linked it did so in his usual style of simply being a smart ass trying to piss people off.]
  21. Bob

    Ambiance Hotel

    Now that most definitely would be libelous. Now, as to who has the cause of action, I won't say...hehe. (humor guys.....and the kind of humor that ought to disappear with the entire thread).
  22. So be it. There's a lot more I could have said [e.g, regarding your offer to let him sleep in the spare bedroom or your bedroom and your acknowledgment that even you knew you were on "thin ice"] but it was unnecessary in my view as the stupidity (in my view) began when you allowed him to live with you in the first place (at a time when you new his age and already knew that the other guy was allegedly making sexual demands of him). Always admirable to help out somebody but that doesn't excuse what happened here. That's my view of it (and I do presume that, by posting your story, you were soliciting or expecting some comments?).
  23. Presuming the story is true, you knew the kid was 16 and taking him into your home was an act of sheer stupidity. I personally have no sympathy at all for whatever happened to you after that. You're lucky you haven't been charged with something.
  24. Bob

    Ambiance Hotel

    I can't see anything libelous at all in the thread; regardless, there's no reason for the thread's existence (given there's been no sale) and maybe it'd be wise just to delete the whole thing. Perhaps the OP, if he is willing, ought to state exactly why he posted the question (and, if he doesn't respond or fails to give a reasonable answer, then let the moderator do his job).
  25. Probably wise, Mr. Pong, not to disclose your nationality; otherwise, somebody with equally bad taste might consider providing as stupid a stereotypical statement about your fellow citizens as you just offered about mine.
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