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Everything posted by Bob

  1. While I wholeheartedly agree with your first point, I don't agree with the assumption you make in your second. Scooby doesn't say that the guy was banned here because of what he posted elsewhere. He was banned, as Scooby said, as the owner/moderators determined that he would ultimately cause harm to this website. And he's proven here (and, admittedly, elsewhere) that he's earned that treatment. He's been banned on most of the other gay websites under both the LMTU handle and other guises and, importantly, let's not forget that what Scooby has done now is at least the second time he's been banned from this very website (a prior owner banned him too - for very good cause in my opinion - and that's why he returned here under his new guise).
  2. Bob

    Life of Pi

    I just called it and I should have known. It was a pie shop.
  3. Bob

    Life of Pi

    Saw it yesterday with Khun Khortose and others and really enjoyed the movie. It's the first time I've ever been to a 3D movie and, while it's not all that important to the movie itself, I was fairly impressed right from the beginning with the technology. One reason I went to the movie is I saw the trailer last week and thought, based on that trailer, that the cinematography would be superb. It definitely was and deserves at least an awards nomination for that alone. As Michael notes, the lead actor, Suraj Sharma, was also superb. While I'm a big fan of some of the prior work of Gérard Depardieu, I thought his role (which, folks, is very minimal in this movie) and appearance only distracted from the originality and freshness of this movie.
  4. Where the heck is the OP that started this? Perhaps, as an assistance to prevent little or big assumptions, he might fill in some of the details so that there actually might be an ability to provide the informed advice he is seeking. Like: (1) Was the boy a barboy and, if so, is he still working there? Or, if not a barboy, is he working anywhere? [since you mention he "never asked for money", that doesn't sound like a barboy. And, if he spent 10 days with you, that also sounds like he isn't working. What's his background if you know it and how has he historically earned money for food and housing?] (2) You mention you gave him 4,000 baht as a "birthday present." Did you otherwise pay him for the 10 days you were with him? (3) Does he live in Bangkok and does he live alone? (4) Did you have any discussion with him as to what might happen in the future (that you wanted to be his boyfriend or see him again or whatever)? Without some of those details, I'm doubtful that you (BigTopMe) are likely to receive much relevant advice.
  5. I don't think any of us has a problem with the moderator reviewing (or doing whatever he chooses to do) with the original thread that was here. Unfortunately, the need for the moderator's actions was due to the fact that the "other" forum has died out (an event likely merciful to and consistent with Darwinian theory) and this forum has become the only sandbox left that one (or two, actually) can leave their droppings. Watch where you step, gentlemen.
  6. Had you bothered to read Koko's immediately prior post (which part of my comments concerned), you might have understood the thinking. Or, if you bothered to read the rest of my post which dealt with the original post as I noted, that might have helped too. Regardless, I understand your statement that you don't like making assumptions, a comment you made right after you made a fair number of assumptions. Neither you nor I (or maybe even the OP) knows enough to suggest one way or the other whether any payment should be made (which, of course, was the point I was trying to make relating to the original post). If/when the OP chooses to fill in the details (presuming he even knows the relevant details), then perhaps somebody can choose to offer an informed opinion as to the wisdom of the payment or whether others' views are "cynical" or whatever.
  7. That might be about right for Bangkok but it's very high for either Pattaya or Chiangmai. As I understand it, many of the boys have rooms for 2200 to 3000 baht a month and often there's 2 or 3 sharing that. My bf's apartment here in Chiangmai was in the standard apartment builidng and cost 2,300 baht a month (plus utilities) whereas, when he worked in Bangkok for 6 months, his room there was almost half as big but still cost 7,500 per month. As to the original post in the thread, I can't fathom how any of us could offer advice given the paltry information given. He's known the guy all of 10 days? What arrangements/agreements were made before the OP left Thailand? Is the boy a barboy and going out with other falang? Does the OP know the boy well enough to be aware that he doesn't have other falang sending him money? If the OP has only known the kid for 10 days and there were no agreements prior to the time he left, I see no obligation at all nor can I believe the OP even knows enough to actually make an intelligent decision as to whether to send money or not. On the other hand, even if the OP knows precious little, he at least knows more than the rest of us and I suppose whatever he does is up to him.
  8. Have you googled the topic? If not, you can start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppers If, as you claim, somebody sent you a message that you thought was a "threat", you owe it to yourself and everybody else here to provide that message to the moderator. I can't fathom, however, any of the board regulars sending any threats to anybody.
  9. Yes, a terrible tragedy. And I thought that President Obama's comments at the vigil on Sunday were most appropriate for the occasion of trying to deal with the deaths of all these little kids. He, like almost all of the Newtown folk, have been incredibly compassionate and kind to each other.
  10. Without (please) getting into the alleged details of what he printed, my problem with the alleged "journalist" is exactly what you said - the "veracity of his claims." You see, according to his own words on his own website, he said he wasn't claiming anything and that he had no personal knowledge one way or the other as to the events he printed about. Yet, as was obviously his design, he sure as hell got a whole lot of people (including yourself, apparently) not only to believe he was making claims but also got a fair number of them to believe those claims he said he wasn't making. Classy (not) journalism.
  11. Bob

    The Rose

    I stayed at the Rose when I first came to Thailand in the late 90's and, back then, it was basic (okay, okay, a lot of people would have called it a dump). But the staff was exceptionally friendly and I stayed there several times. About 8 or so years ago, they remodelled all of the rooms, the lobby, restaurant, and added a pool.....all very nicely done. I stayed there again (3-4 years ago) and one thing I noticed was there were several of the friendly staff still working there....a big plus. So, I can recommend it. Good location for a lot of bars (Soi Twilight) and a short walk down to Silom for the bars around there.
  12. We falang are typically the senior/elder/superior side of the cultural equation and Thais naturally defer to us with regards to almost anything involving a choice. It's just fun (at least to me) to irritate the beloved by getting the "up to you" out before he can say it.
  13. The trick to frustrate many a Thai boy is to learn to say it first. Leaves them flummoxed. Of course, they're highly unlikely (almost near impossibility?) to understand latin so give 'em the home town phrase: แล้วแต่คุณ
  14. Give you can read, I rather expected you'd know each and every question; however, I think Khun FH was looking for the answers.
  15. Yo, Mysteryman. I asked three Swedish expats (didn't know my Swiss buddy was bringing two compatriots) yesterday about whether they knew about or ever heard of a Swedish/Thai keyboard or stickers. They all said that they were sure that such things didn't exist (and all said they'd buy same in a second if they ever found them). So, sounds like a Thai keyboard (or, maybe better yet, a Thai/English keyboard - which are easy to find) is your only solution. [On a somewhat related issue - and I may have mentioned this before - Windows, of course, can handle many languages and there is a way (I don't remember how but I did it and I'm no tech genius, for sure) to set Windows so a language icon sits on your lower task bar. To switch between languages, you simply click on the permanently displayed icon and select the language you want to use in Word, google, email, or wherever.]
  16. Bob

    Hey Pattaya experts

    Suggest you contact the hotels directly (and quickly). I understand that some retain a few rooms open even though the hotel websites show them fully booked. Good luck.
  17. Yes, rather frustrating. Even when Thailand is handed an air-tight prosecution case on a silver platter, they seem to not do anything about it. One wonders whether they care at all; however, I happen to believe that nothing happens in cases like this because of "connections." But there have been many other, much more serious cases (one, for example, involving the sexual exploitation of over 70 Thai children as young as 8, that they do nothing about even when another country furnishes them their entire case file. Rather disgusting, really.
  18. With language class, various holidays lately, and other things, I just haven't found the time. Sorry, won't even be venturing a guess. And Khun Kortose has been traveling and won't be around until early next week. No loss.... I wouldn't have known more than one or two anyway. Good luck to whoever wins.
  19. Sorry, Mysteryman, I have no clue if they have Thai and Swedish stickers (or even keyboards). I'm going to a movie in a couple of hours with a Swedish pal (he lives here in Chiangmai too and is a classmate in the same language class) and I'll ask him if he has one or knows where to get one (either stickers or a keyboard). Will advise later.
  20. Bob

    Back in Pattaya

    Thanks. Guess I know what they are, just didn't know what they called them.
  21. There are stickers you fit over the keys that have your standard English/QWERTY (I'll let you google that one if you don't know) and Thai.....the same as many of the Thai keyboards you find in the stores here. Don't remember the cost, but I think under 100 baht (don't remember). Just carefully put the stickers over each key and you're done. Has worked fine for years for me. I would guess they also have stickers for German with Thai and whatever....but I never paid attention to that as I was only looking for English/Thai. I'm only guessing the German as some of your weird letters have those nasty umlauts. โชคดีครับ
  22. Bob

    Back in Pattaya

    Welcome aboard. I have no clue about Pattaya (I live up north in the boonies) but, out of curiosity (and I'd guess I'm showing my age), what the heck is a "BBoy type?"
  23. I asked in a prior post as to what the point was about resurrecting the very old posts about somebody who didn't post here, knowing full well that the poster was eager to tell us about the Rhodo poster without actually saying it. Khun Koko was at least candid in his posts about it. A guy died and my view is similar to Khun FH's above. Let it be and let the guy rest in peace. Taking potshots at him, providing an after-death critique of his posts, and saying "who cares" - especially when you have no personal clue about the guy or his loved ones whatsover- is rather boorish in my opinion and reflects more about the poster than the deceased.
  24. A couple of notes: (1) You can buy a Thai keyboard anywhere that has computers for sale. Pantip Plaza (Bkk and Chiangmai), Computer World, or wherever (I actually am unfamiliar with what stores Pattaya has but it must be several). (2) Rather than buy a keyboard, why not just get the dual stickers and put them on the existing laptop keys? Rather simple and extremely inexpensive. That's what I did with my laptop 3-4 years ago and have been writing away (in English and Thai) ever since. I've got Windows Vista on my laptop and it's easy to switch between English and Thai (somehow I got a symbol on the bottom bar and I just hit it to switch back and forth). ฉลาดไหมครับ
  25. If all the Lewinsky matter involved was two consenting adults having sex, I fully agree with you and the incident wouldn't have mattered (hopefully) to most Americans. But you're unfortunately skipping the only critical parts - this was a workplace incident (and the Oval Office itself) involving an intern by her boss. (I hope our sidetrack discussion on this topic isn't seen as sullying the Secretary of State who we both admire.)
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