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Everything posted by gerefan

  1. But a Malaysian Airline
  2. Firecat, my bf advises me that some of the dancers are only dancers and not gogo boys. Same applies to BB boys. Thats why they dont appear on stage later.
  3. gerefan


    The fucking Racketeers at the Hilton Hotel Bar
  4. gerefan


    Too right, if only I'd known how awful it was going to be....
  5. Well a lot of Hotels make them mandatory for Chinese New Year as well. I was cought by this Scam, a few times and complaimned to reception that I do not celebrtae Chinese New Year. Was let off the mandatory meal. I think this Scam, because thats what it is, is more of a try on, and, if you complain they will probably back down.
  6. gerefan


    Lucky you. I had the misfortune to take 2 boys there. Never ever again. We went to eat first and found ourselves near the Hilton Ah! I thouight lets go up to the the free rooftop bar. None of it ...tonight 3000 Bt per person with a minimum drinks bill of 2200 bt. Total 11200 Bt... Fuck that...even the boys agreed. So down to Beach Road which was jammed from end to end. Closed to traffic so only way back was walking in the 35C heat of the evening. Took the best part of 45 mins trying to get back to near Boys Town to try the Pattaya Beer Garden promenade (where they have the boxing, near Walking Street)...no joy...full. And to add to the misery one firework show at about 8 pm and nothing else till gone 10 pm or so. So in the end we went to Boyz Boyz Boyz for the Sexy Man show!
  7. Me neither ...and dangerous late at night on the road opposite near the bottom of the hill. Cant be worth half the cost of the Marriot either!
  8. I went into Lucky 777 the other evening and the place literally stank. Maybe they hadnt cleaned it since it closed years ago. I dunno Anyway there wasnt much to select from and so I left before i puked up. Wont be back.
  9. Last night one of the waiters showed me a video taken immediately after the event. It did not look good.
  10. Back to the orinal question. I used to only go to Pattaya in high season but for the last 2 years have also visited in June/July. I think I now prefer low for a number of reasons... 1. Not so crowded 2. The stunners are not offed so quickly 3. Easier and quicked getting fed in restaurants 4. No horrendous traffic problems (can get to Nab in far less than 1 hour which one poster mentioned) 5. Room rent cheaper 6. MORE boys available (per customer) 7. Slightly cheaper airfares. The wather doesnt worry me, in fct it hardly rained last year when I was there and I dont do the beach anyway. So overall I prefer it. For xample tonite 2 January I had to visit 3 of my favourite resatauants before I could get a seat with a chance of getting fed in less than an hour!
  11. Nope, he is just a Retard!
  12. Actually it only happened a few days ago...29 April. The date on the camera is wrong.
  13. Believe it or not I was actually going to do this. However, the shipping clerk made such a cock up of the ticketing and routing that I cancelled it. Its not cheap at 100 US$ per day and its is 20 days to Thailand! The other problem is that there are now no ships going from the UK to Thailand (or the Far East) any more so you have to start from Europe (Hamburg or Hook of Holland).
  14. Those bastards always try that on regarless of the day of the week. I just give them 100 Bt and dont discuss it any further.
  15. You could save yourself a lot of detective work! Anyone can write a false good review of their own hotel. No one will write a false bad review of their own hotel. Therefore, ignore all positive reviews and just take note of the bad ones. If there are plenty of bad ones AVOID. Simple!
  16. Im sure we have all seen, if not read, the topic HeyGay started about the owner of La Cage... Was he right to divulge this?
  17. So you arrive at Suvanabumi 3 hours prior to departure, as requested, where the hell do you sit??
  18. Bangkok Savanabumi. Long queues for Immigration (bothways) and NOWHERE to sit, except in Business Class lounges. No other lounges which at leastHeathrow has! If you can find a seat its a steel one in a corridor. Thai Dump! Don Muang was much better.
  19. Sounds suspicious!
  20. You sure you got the facts right here? The Big Raid in Sunee was Tuesday 18 January. That article you refer to is dated 12 January and says he was taken into custody on 1 January. I beleive that Good Boys was raided previously. The shithole is still operating,god knows why or how.
  21. mmm... 46 arrested for drugs or underage...yet all bars and gogos appear to be operating normally tonight. Story and pix here... http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/18877/justice-ministry-lead-raid-on-sunee-plaza-area-in-south-pattaya/
  22. Good Boys was busy shutting up shop about an hour before the raid! How did they know?! They obviously were not raided. I saw every venue (including all beer bars) being raided and EVERY member of staff at every one was being inspected (IDs). They were even in the Dom Plaza Hotel!Im not sure if the staff at Beer Bars were pee tested.. Certainly they were at the Gogo bars. They set up pee stations at several places and they were all very busy. There looked to be a high ranking officer being escorted around the Plaza during the raid and his every move being filmed by the media! Quite a show!
  23. Am I right is assuming that Street Life and New Orleans share the same kitchen? From the street you can see directly into the kitchen and there are serving hatches either side...presumably one for each restaurant. Also they appear to have very similar menus!
  24. Throb (now Copa)have padded bills for years. There was a 4 page thread about this a few years ago on Sawatdee. If you are subject to this you MUST complain to the owner (not the head waiter who may well be in on it). If you dont then it will just continue. The usual scam is added items, incorrect addition and short change. It only happens with large rounds, especially when customers have had a few. The answer, as always, is to pay for each round as you order, and to hell with what the waiters thinks. I KNOW they dont like it.
  25. gerefan

    Krazy Dragon

    That reference on Sunee Plaza Info makes a total of 10 bars for sale in Sunee and that together with another 5 closed gives a total of about 15 bars for sale and/or closed. I have just counted approx 30 bars/gogo bars in total. That's quite a large proportion in anybody's reckoning. G
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