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Everything posted by gerefan

  1. I have just been issued a new card by the Natwest bank in the UK and enclosed was a leaflet outlining their exact costs for exchange of foreign currency... and it is horrifying. So, to exchange 10,000 GBP to Baht the costs are: 34 visits to cash machine: 34 X 220 Bt = 7480 Bt .....£178 Nat west Bank Charge per visit 34 X £5 = 7140 Bt......£170 Natwest Foreign Xchange fee (2.75%)... 10,000 X 2.75% = 11550 Bt... £275 Total ......................................................................................... 26170 Bt.....£623 I'm somewhat speechless, so def continuing with cash and my Thai bank account! Didn't realise quite how much I was saving.
  2. gerefan


    I rent. The only way I could buy would be to sell my UK property which I am not prepared to do at present. The rent is quite cheap. For a condo in Yensabai Condo I pay 690 per day, but have been staying there a long time.
  3. I would never carry an expired passport. I know why you are doing it but the average Thai Police man will look at it, not understand and could cause you endless grief. Current thinking is a photocopy of it and of the visa will suffice. Even the Police in Pattaya said this was sufficient last year.
  4. If they want to see mine they are quite welcome to come to my hotel. That’s where it stays, especially as I am not often in BKK, where I can get another one if I lose it. I carry a photocopy and will not,ever, carry the real thing as I spend most evenings drinking....!
  5. For a 3 month stay I get through a total of Approx £10,000. At a max of £300 withdrawal this means 34 visits to the cash machine. So the 220 baht withdrawal fee becomes approx about £178. Plus the reduced rate of exchange, say another £200 lost. Total exchange costs are therefore £378 or the equivalent of 15800 Bt. Cash and Thai bank account for me too!
  6. gerefan


    I have been retired for about 16 years. I left work at 54 (actually made redundant but took early retirement) highly recommended! I have a house just outside London and really have no incentive to sell it as I want to have some bolt hole if needs be. So I travel to Thailand for 3 months over the awful UK winter and also one month in July/ August. Atlthough last year I stayed 4 months for the first time but found it too much. Three months is usually my max before I need to leave! I stay in Pattaya. I have often thought about selling the house and moving permnatly, but if I do it is a one way ticket as I would be unable to re-buy near London. So I’m still doing the 3 month/1 month thing!
  7. I'm amazed, in this day and age, anybody believes anything they read in a newspaper
  8. “Significant wounds to his right leg? Heavily intoxicated.” I’d say neither looking at the video. Then it is a quote from a newspaper....
  9. Any more news? Wasn’t this place closed by the cops a couple of years ago for underage?
  10. If there were Gogo bars in Jomtien there would be no Boyztown or Sunee. Fact .
  11. And I always thought he was saying “which size you like, which size you want” !
  12. I’ve been going to Pattaya for 14 years and never knew they had a room!! Is it in the hotel?
  13. I went to the website in your post and selected several dates. Why is the Senior Discount never available?
  14. Not what it used to be. Rather like the downturn in Sunnee and Boyztown. I have now taken to counting the number of motor bikes outside to see whether it’s worth going in! Often it isn’t.
  15. Return Flights from the UK , direct with Eva Air, from London are currently £455. This over the busy Christmas New Year. Www.traveltrolley.co.uk
  16. There was a boy who worked in Toyboys for a couple of years. I think he may have gone now. Anyway his reputation amongst farangs was the same. A complete dud. He was a cute looking twink, short, about mid 20’s but looked 19. He kept changing his number and was one of those who spent time ( not all of it) outside. No tattoos. Don’t know his name. At one time I think he was number 29. He was always being offed. If posters had taken him, and many farangs did, then that would have skewed the impression of boys from Toyboys.
  17. I too went to Screwboys and would never have paid 450, I would have left! Can’t remember the price though.
  18. Le Cafe Royal, probably the largest hotel in Boyztown..
  19. It was still in bits when I passed there last week. Sorry no pics!
  20. Not sure that's right. The bars make an ENORMOUS amount of money on drinks. A small bottle of Singh beer is about 45 Bt in 7/11 and they sell drinks for 450 to 500 Bt in some bars. Regarding the 1200 off fee. It only takes 2 guys to refuse to pay the 1200 and the next guy to accept...then they have made the 1200 they wanted in the first place!
  21. Wont be any time soon...
  22. That's a 25% increase.... And makes them 50 baht more per drink than Jupiter 2018 in Soi 4, Bangkok, where ALL the guys are shirtless.
  23. No. Go now it will never be cheaper!
  24. Then you are wasting your money!!
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