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Everything posted by gerefan

  1. I am now coming to the conclusion that Thai regulations are similar to market prices. You go to a market to buy something and there is no price on any of the goods. You make an offer, there is a counter offer, and another, and so it continues. Haggling. After all this Covid nonsense I’m sure the same applies...it being Thailand. One office invents a rule...it’s haggled by another..and another..and so it goes on. Eventually it reaches the Big Boss who makes a decision, overruling all the Hagglers. Numerous examples now exist: All restaurants closed New Years Eve.... All restaurants closed, except takeaway...nobody allowed in from the UK...All visa renewals require a covid test...and so it goes on. Each one overruled. Just wait until the Official Announcement. TiT.
  2. Other ones I have known over the years...Topman, All boys (Soi Yensabai), Look (Soi 17) Kaos, Sundance and another upstairs next to Forest House (TomYum?).
  3. While we are at it ..what’s Agogo?
  4. I went there last night (26 December). Should have been the height of the high season in normal times. I was the only customer and the “show” consisted of one bored boy at a time on the stage. I drank up and left.
  5. Get out of your chair, move towards the kerb and take pictures of them. They get REALLY embarrassed!
  6. Won’t give me a quote as a future tourist. Even though it is one of their options! All It says is i am not allowed to travel. I know that! Not much help
  7. I know this guy Chin too. Always very off hand and just ignores most of the customers. One night I was with some of his friends from his Sunnee bar (Diamond) and we bumped into him in Marine Disco in Walking Street. I bought him a drink and didn’t even get a thank you. I was just totally blanked. Really strange. A few years Previously I was thinking of an off with him but just couldn't break the ice. That, and his awful smoking habit, finished matters. Just as well! amazing how first impressions are always right. A lot of the problems discussed above I put down to the Thai trait which I call “Cling on”. Some guys just don’t get the message that you do not want to off them again and just won’t leave it alone. I could name a few ”Cling Ons” in Sunee!
  8. So little mask wearing despite all the horrific warnings and the commentator implies the midnight closing is ignored too. hopefully it won’t be long before all is back to normal...and they let us back. TiT!
  9. 600 In quarantine for one case. At that rate how many cases would you need before the whole country is in quarantine? and where are you going to quarantine all these people? As someone else said Thailand has lost the plot.
  10. We are starting to see demonstrations around the world against all these Covid restrictions and they will only get more vocal. Thailand included. In years to come it will be seen as the worlds worst own goal. The Media is the Virus.
  11. Sounds to me like a scheme to get the Chinese in...NOT for me!
  12. With no cases in the last month, what are you going to catch?
  13. That will be the killer for Western tourists. Imagine the USA and the UK being on any “approved list”. And who is going to be able obtain the medical certificates? In the UK all doctor surgeries and hospitals are effectively closed to anything but life threatening problems. As for covid insurance...forget it!
  14. Have you ever thought that the world is far too complex nowadays to be run by humans? It did ok for billions of years before we arrived to ruin it.
  15. It’s not Silom, Patpong, Boyztown, Jomtien, or Sunee. Its Thai Immigration which is going to be the problem. No doubt they will view all Farangs with a great amount of suspicion and invent all sorts of “suitable entry requirements” . Lord knows what they could invent but you can rest assured they will see these restrictions as preventing a recurrence of Covid 19. Whilst the reopening and restocking of the bars may be a simple matter, getting back into the country again may become an insurmountable problem for some. And would you be willing to sit in a 400 seater aeroplane for 12 hours so shortly after this epidemic? Its going to be a very very long haul.
  16. How are expat farangs going to return to their homes in Thailand?
  17. That’s why I said Pattaya!
  18. I sent money by Western Union on Monday and it was picked up in Pattaya no problem.
  19. Still goes on in Sansuk. Often see people climbing up trying to see over the walls. There are even some cubicles with viewing holes, on the second floor near the toilets, but those cubicles are rarely in use. It might be prohibited by management but TiT...
  20. ...and pay for it like we have had to?
  21. That article said...” The Guardian has seen a list of 34 diagnostic tests and treatments that in future patients will only be able to get in exceptional circumstances as part of a drive to save money and relieve the pressure on the NHS.” Point is NHS doctors only get a very basic grounding of the multitude of ailments and diseases during their training. My Cancer consultant was not at all surprised my GP missed my cancer as they only spent a few days with the Cancer specialists in their training. They then had to go on to other departments, and there are many, in order to finish their training course in the time allocated. So it seems to me that these tests are in fact required if GP are expected to correctly diagnose patients problems.
  22. An example of our wonderful NHS. Over the last year I had been to see my NHS doctor two or three times about passing blood. Each appointment took over a month to schedule. They were probably about 3 or 4 months apart. Each time he said to come back when the bleeding started again as he suspected piles. Of course with the months delay getting an appointment this was impossible as the bleeding only lasted a day or two. In the meantime I had my other regular blood tests and got a text message from the doctors to make a “non urgent” appointment. When I phoned and made this appointment,5 weeks hence, I asked what it was for. The reply was a prescription review. I thought no more of it and eventually attended late September. When I went in the Staff Sister, who I had to see as there was no doctor available, but who can do anything a doctor can do, was busy looking at my records. She said the blood tests indicated Anaemia and said I needed a camera job to see if I had internal bleeding. She said she would fast track me. I asked about the prescription review and was met with a blank stare. Next day I got a call for an Endoscopy and was immediately told I had Colon cancer and that it was blocking my Colon. So much so that the consultant couldn’t get past it with the camera. CT scans, blood tests, briefings, and a meeting with my team followed immediately. I had another meeting with my consultant the following Friday and he said he would operate the next Wednesday but, if I had any pain at all to come in over the weekend, as I was very close to having my intestines burst because of the blockage. He said he would operate there and then if required. After the operation I was released from hospital the following week. Total time from the edopscopy to hospital release was 12 days. Thank god it hadn’t spread. The treatment by anyone higher than Staff sister was good. By hospital doctors and Consultants outstanding. By general nursing staff, cooks, medication dispensers and other lowly paid staff appalling. None were even English. The food was inedible and friends bought in hot soup and other beverages. My first proper evening meal, the day after the operation,was a banana, a sandwich and a small saucer of crisps.... So, overall was I impressed with my NHS doctor his staff and most of the hospital staff? Well no, they bloody nearly killed me.
  23. I having trouble spotting this guy.plenty of links but apart from one photo early on none describe exactly which boy he is. Not even the one above! Just says something about being with other models! Another poster says he has been on their Facebook for some time but again no direct link..help please So which one is he ? there are plenty of review sites for “working boys” with photos, descriptions and reviews on the web. They have been around for decades. Some of the three Gay Thailand review sites even have dedicated boy review forum! whats new?
  24. Correct!October and May are low season and best as far as I’m concerned. more boys per customer. less people in restaurants..quicker service. same for bars less traffic, especially in Pattaya Cheaper hotels and more choice Cheaper flights saunas not so busy with falang, so more choice of thai boys! weather may be rainy...irrelevant as I do not go to the beach! less queueing ta the airport...flights invariably not full i could go on.....!
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