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Everything posted by KhorTose

  1. KhorTose

    Ed Snowden

    Too follow up on Anonone, I can easily see why an European journalist would consider snooping on allied countries leaders to be extremely important information to release. In the four years I spent in the Army Security Agency, which is a military branch of the National Security Agency, I can tell you that spying on our allies was definitely a no-no. So when did we start doing that, and Bob, why aren"t you asking yourself, "why we are doing that?" I strongly agree with Anonone that this sound all to much like a branch of government that is totally out of control and frankly I am appalled that they are holding private information on American citizens without a legal court oder. If Snowden could get it, who else has tapped into it. Have we forgotten that in Nixon we once had a Paranoid President who could and would use such information against his domestic enemies?
  2. KhorTose

    Ed Snowden

    I don't completely agree Bob about he should return. The same elected elected officials who passed these laws also used torture to extract information, and killed an American in Yeman (and his 16 year old son) without any kind of trail. Can Snowden get a fair trail from people who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the US and failed to do so? I really have my doubts that any evidence they present would be reliable. These are oath breakers and yes, that includes Obama who promised us one thing but has taken another darker path on this issue.
  3. Okay, but the map under the pictures can help even more.
  4. You could call this a night Bazaar bar, but it is really in Kalare gardens which is opposite of the old night Bazaar bar area. This is a new bar, recently opened by Mai who use to work at Adams Apple in Chiang Mai. Small but friendly bar with boys eager to meet Farangs. Active late at night when some of the Adams Apple boys stop by to visit. Location: http://www.chiangmailocator.com/chiang-mai-hangouts-6077:orion-kalare-night-bazaar
  5. This bar has also moved our of the night bazaar area and is now next to CU Bar on Chayapoom Rd which is on the East side of the moat.. However the small soi off the road is not marked so the best way to find it is to ask to go to the Disco Spicy, when you reach spicy walk with the flow of traffic and you will see this sign next to what looks like a dead end alley. Trust me it opens up and there you will find both bars filled with customers.
  6. This bar has also moved our of the night bazaar area and is now next to secret on Chayapoom Rd which is on the East side of the moat.. However the small soi off the road is not marked so the best way to find it is to ask to go to the Disco Spicy, when you reach spicy walk with the flow of traffic and you will see this sign next to what looks like a dead end alley. Trust me it opens up and there you will find both bars filled with customers.
  7. Absolutely great gay owned and ran Thai fusion restaurant in Chiang Mai. http://www.chiangmaicitynews.com/restaurant.php?id=85 http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g293917-d6159139-r205017942-Casa_Diverso-Chiang_Mai.html https://www.facebook.com/pages/Casa-Diverso/273920516091253
  8. KhorTose

    Koh Samed

    Yes, safe as far as the coup and politics are concerned. Nice beach, plenty of boys. CAUTION: Many scams starting with the taxi service down to jet ski rentals. Best to book a room ahead and have the hotel, guesthouse pick you up. Great info on Phuket here. http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/forum/38-gay-phuket/
  9. Today the gay community lost one of its greatest advocates for equal rights. However, our loss is miniscule compared to the loss to the nation and the world. This women could insert concepts and pictures woven in a web of beautiful words that were capable of touching the hearts of a person made of stone. Hyperbole like this is TRULY the only way to talk about her truly remarkable abilities. . I had the greatest pleasure of hearing Mary at a Unitarian Unilateralist General Assembly where she read many of her poems and talked of her life. When she finished no one in the audience of thousands remained untouched. I am truly saddened by her passing.
  10. For a while in Chiang mai we had problems, now okay. The military is probably testing their equipment.
  11. You did not declare your Hill Tribe frog? Seriously, i got this from having lived in California where they are allowed if both sides agree, It is up to a jury then to determine their worth. "States like California, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Florida allow the tests if everyone agrees to them, but may put different emphasis on the test's accuracy. California lawyers, for instance, can present the results to the jury, and allows them to draw whatever inferences from it they wish." http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/admissability-of-polygraph-tests-in-court.html Of course, customs is Federal and that is a different ball game. Nevertheless, I think this lawyer was correct that you DO NOT have to answer to get back into the USA. Like you, they always great me with a smile, even when, I have my young finance (32) in tow.
  12. Actually you can prove it by taking a lie detector test. Many courts will allow such if it show innocence.
  13. I do not know about Michael's drinking habits, but i DO drink to much Diet coke. My doctor told me that a little bit won't hurt you, but I did have to cut down as too much Caffine is bad for the kidneys at our (my) age.
  14. Does't sound bad to me either. Michael can you find out if they plan a Chiang Mai visit?
  15. Pom me fan leo krup. ฉันมีแฟน
  16. Well, I guess that is better then :"Heil Hitler", but we seem to be getting closer and closer to that point. We need more Snowdens and Mannings. Yes, draconian measures can make us feel more secure, but to me, the rights granted us as citizens are far more important to maintain even at the cost of some loss of security. I find it sad that most Americans feel the opposite of how I do on this subject. In the long term, I think people who feel as I do will be proven right. Both Lincoln and B. Franklin spoke eloquently on this subject and laid out, to me, what the clear consequence could be of choosing security over freedom.
  17. I love starbucks also. The mango cheese cake is second to none and the coffee is good is if you know what to order. Actually, there may be a connection between diet coke's disappearance and the coup. Last time someone who came to power during the coup held all of a certain oil product off the market, got the government to limit imports and then when the price was high enough dumped it all on the market and made millions. Maybe some general is going to do the same with diet coke. In Thailand no matter how insane, it may be true.
  18. Absolutely the right thing to do as i agree with the author that customs works for you and it is always the safest not to say anything to an sworn officer who can arrest you for a false statement. However, not sure i want to be held and bitched at for over an hour after a long flight. I would probably answer the questions, but admire this man for not doing so.
  19. 555. Exactly what Hitler and Stalin once said, but you don't have to be in the military just able to control it.
  20. Glad to hear that. The curfew was announced on American Television and I got a line message from Bob telling me about it. He must be watching Fox news again.
  21. The military just imposed a 09:00 PM curfew on Thailand. Last time in Chiang Mai it was not enforced. What is going to happen to soi4 in Bangkok? It looks like many of you will be stuck with diet coke.
  22. Z is correct. This voids most travelers insurance policies. I just checked my blue cross and it seems to void that if I am hurt in a demonstration or civil uprising. Well thanks to Vietnam we will probably get a lot more Chinese visitors.
  23. CeeJay, US law is very different in this regard then English law. Michael. as for trafficking, they do mean human trafficking, and it is very old news that it is rampant in Thailand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking_in_Thailand http://www.humantrafficking.org/countries/thailand I still wonder if what happened to you is legal, and what they would do if you told them "none of your business". Stop you from leaving the country based on no probable cause. Seems very unlikely to me.
  24. I with you Z. I do not understand the whole thing as it is not only illegal, but makes no sense at all. I recently returned from the USA and saw nothing like that. Not only that but I know of no law that allows you to be questioned when leaving the USA without probable cause. I would have told them nothing except, " why i travel to Thailand is none of you business". Why answer their questions at all? Are they going to arrest you or stop you traveling without :real " probable cause. What would a real trafficker say or do? More then likely he would co-operate as they would have something to hide. Don't get me wrong I believe Micheal's story--although I am very surprised he does not know about Thailand's severe trafficking problems--but none of this makes real sense to me, nor have I heard this from anyone else leaving the USA for Thailand.
  25. I too usually only go with my finance, but I am allowed to look. Yes, the boys are still there. In fact, there are now more then ever. I think this is due to three things: There new site is more private allowing boys who did not want to be seen by their friends to come to a gay bar, The owner of CU bar is now managing the very gay friendly Karaoke bar Barocco and may be getting boys from there. The clubs are near the gay Paradise message and spa, and also near the gay friendly disco Spicy. I think when the word is totally out these bars will do very well at their new location,.
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