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Everything posted by KhorTose

  1. I always do this when in Europe and agree it is fun and a great way to see things you would never find. The only time it went wrong was when I took a bus in Utrecht and it got on the freeway to Nieuwegein. Definitely further then I wanted to go. However, the buses and riders are much better in Europe.
  2. LOL You got me. Unlike you I can't cheat and I am only able to handle one boyfriend
  3. You might want to consider this in your plans: http://bangkokbois-gay-thailand-blog.com/2014/06/12/who-is-prayuth-chan-ocha-and-why-does-he-hate-my-penis-so-much/
  4. Yeah, like we didn't already know or guess this: http://www.chiangmaicitynews.com/news.php?id=4025
  5. KhorTose

    Ed Snowden

    I posted this to show some interesting poll numbers and the difference between what young and older Americans think about Snowden. Gore gave a very good answer and I like his assessment. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/10/edward-snowden-nsa-leaks-important-service-al-gore
  6. Well the Aussie's could make some changes and we would have three teams, but in the spirit of fun we now know the truly rugged men are in North America. Oh, by the way. Bangkokbois on the world cup: http://bangkokbois-gay-thailand-blog.com/2014/06/10/now-theres-a-reason-to-cancel-your-trip-to-bangkok/
  7. Well one good thing about America's version of football is that they will probably not put the FIFA games on pay TV Does this affect people who have a contract with true vision?
  8. Mine is thrilled also. He plans to watch every single match. Hard to believe but he know nearly every player on every team. Yes Michael that is soccer or faux football for men in shorts.
  9. To sum up, you recognize that Neal was both good and bad, but you only saw the bad so you feel justified in taking revenge on him by coming on this board where you seldom have posted lately and besmirching his name now that he is dead. You clearly see nothing wrong in doing this. Sad, very sad I put report on your post to get Scooby's attention as I now think the topic should no longer be Neal has died but we should start a new topic from Michael's post. I have some suggestions for this new topic. 1. The ethics of speaking ill of the dead 2. What is class and what isn't 3. What constitutes a lack of compassion These are just ideas and Scooby you can pick your own
  10. I had to chuckle at this. I tangled with Neal often and when i realized there was no good way to deal with him I moved on long before you and some other posters. The answer to an unreasonable or difficult personality is indifference not hate. Hate is an emotion as strong as love and shows how Neal, even in death, has a hold of you and at least five other posters. Why you would give a personality like Neal's that kind of power over you amazes me. Yes, Michael is correct and I applaud him for his compassion. Bashing someone that is dead, for any reason, does no good, is not considered acceptable or showing any kind of class in most societies, and for the religious who believe in God's judgement it is a sin. Your mother and father should have taught you this.
  11. That is especially true in Chiang Mai where the bars traditionally were best after midnight. A lot of tourist, but the bars and discos are nearly empty.
  12. Alexs advice is sound. Things are quite now and seem to be getting better, but no-one has a crystal ball--especially in Thailand. We could have a smooth transition or a bloodbath. In the last 19 coups we have experienced both, so best to go with was Alexx said.
  13. There are far more then 57 and I can name them without googling, but who would care. I guess I should mention that I had 22 years in food production starting at Heinz as a foreman and ending up at SK Foods as a Production/Maintenance Manager. The Avatars should be okay on a IPAD, maybe not on a mobile phone. As an added Bonus I can tell you that Heinz stock has always done good, but now that Berkshire-Hathaway has bought the company and fired the top management at Heinz, it will do even better. This is a great stock to hold.
  14. Duhhh to post this on a gay board is probably insanity, but the answer to democracy may be more democracy. I give you Roberto Mangabeira Unger and empowered democracy. Not an easy read, but if you are interested scroll down to the part about empowered democracy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto_Mangabeira_Unger
  15. No, that is a perfect description of the whole Neal/Surf fight, and I am not the only non-bitch poster to say this. Note, that I said this on SGT's board to both of them and I still believe it. However, I have to agree with Bob the whole he said/she said crap belongs on SGT where it started. As for me, I wish Neal the peace in death he never seem to achieve in later life, and I hope when you pass away others do the same for you.
  16. KhorTose

    Ed Snowden

    I thought i did by naming the treaties with UN and explaining how we were recruiting other allied countries to do our spying for us. A treaty has the force of law according to many supreme court rulings. If we are going to make a treaty and then not abide by it, what does that say about our word. Yeskspy on the UN, but don't say you are not doing it when you are. One correction is that Snowden revealed we are spying on our allies, unknown until now. Everyone knows we spy on everyone else. That secret is long gone.
  17. I can see the headlines now. "TEN THOUSAND BOY SCOUTS ARRESTED BY THE THAI MILITARY FOR USING THE THREE FINGER SALUTE." Michael if you ever left Manhattan for Brooklyn, you would know they don't use one finger but hold up their fist while grabbing their elbow above or below.
  18. Were you one of the guys in the line asking to be handcuffed?
  19. I always pay cash and when I have to use a credit card I use my Chase Card. They stopped charging a foreign transaction fee a long time ago.
  20. KhorTose

    Ed Snowden

    I love what you said in Part 1. Perfect summation. I am glad you saw the interview and yes, Brian could have been more aggressive at times. I would have loved to ask him some other questions myself. I sort of disagree with part two for a number of reasons. One lit is clearly against the Geneva Convention on espionage. However, we never ratified that treaty and some people interrupt that part of the convention to only mean in war time. Howevver, in ASA school we were taught that it did apply to us and that is the reason we never wear are unit badge in a war zone. Also Snowden's information revealed one thing that is illegal, and another where the way they go about it shows NSA thinks it is also illegal. I also have a story from my time in the service were the military did something illegal by Nixon's orders and swore everyone to additional secrecy showing they knew or thought it was also illegal. 1. According to Snowden's information we spied on the UN. This is illegal under treaties and agreements that we have signed and/or ratified. (1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the 1947 agreement between the United Nations and the United States, and the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. ) 2. Once again according to Snowdlen we asked England and other allies to spy on our citizens and in return we agreed to spy on theirs as a quid pro quo. The fact NSA took this route means they know what they wqanted done is illegal and conspiracy to break the law is the same as breaking the law. 3. Now public knowledge (no longer a secret) but top Secret then. ASA did spy on the anti-war Vietnam "March on Washington". I did not participate but know some who did. They were told it was a matter of National Security and had to sign a special statement never to reveal that they had done this. Clearly showing that the ASA General in charge (who personality lead the effort) knew what they were doing was illegal. The march was clearly a political movement that was opposed by Nixon who then used his powers as Commander in Chief to do yet another illegal action that had no justification in law. Yes, because of things like this, I do not trust our government with this information. Interesting side note in that Oliver Stone announced today that he is going to do a movie on Snowden. Tongue in cheek, I am sure he will be impartial in telling the story.
  21. Actually that may be more information then I need. What i think he means is are you looking for butch guys or fems? Want to meet them in bars or saunas? Hopefully you have checked out gay romeo and grinder, et. al. Do you want to know about gay accommodations and joiner policies? Narrow your question down and someone out there i hope can answer it for you. As for me, I don't know about India, but would like some input myself from someone.
  22. KhorTose

    Ed Snowden

    Strange, i think it is consistent in that I do not know what the government is doing with that information, and it is illegal for them to have it in the first place. Bob, you really should watch that interview as many of these questions where covered. How about you giving me the justification for spying on Americans without a court order. Please sight the court decisions that allow this act.
  23. I know, holy mother of god. I tried to change it but it was too late.
  24. KhorTose

    Ed Snowden

    Very good article in the Guardian about Daniel Ellsberg wherein he states that he thinks Snowden would not get a fair trail. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/30/daniel-ellsberg-snowden-fair-trial-kerry-espionage-act
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