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Everything posted by KhorTose

  1. As someone who has lived in Chiang Mai for the last five years, I find little to disagree with in your review of Chiang Mai or Adams Apple for that matter.. Yes, if you are looking for easy sex with a bottom, then Chiang Mai is probably not you best bet. I truly believe that you will be in heaven in Pattaya as it is filled with willing, able, and (most importantly) available bottom boys. However, should you ever get tired of the bar/massage scene, want one special boy to be with, or plan to retire in Thailand, then you really should give Chiang Mai another chance. If you take the time to get to know the town and the local scene you will find that there are plenty of really nice, willing bottom boys here in town. The best boys have not all gone off to work in BKK or Pattaya, but remain here in town and would love to meet a nice farang with a good heart (that sounds like you from reading the above). Yes, you can find a boy special in Pattaya or BKK, but because of the sex scenes in these cities I have found it very hard to meet someone I could really connect with. Not true for me and others in Chiang Mai, where there are a lot of gay bottom boys not into either the bar or massage scene. Regardless of what you decide to do, I enjoyed reading your report and hope each and every trip you make to Thailand is special and you have all the best of luck.
  2. PJ's Place is still the best gay B&B in Chiang Mai in MHO. The place is very comfortable, great garden, spacious with breakfast "made to order", close to two malls (Central/Maya), delightful friendly hosts, near SOHO where you can ask and/ior follow the locals to the action, and only 20 baht away from the night market by red cab. http://www.pjs-place.com/
  3. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You never told me when we met that you had a winged penis. Boy you must get a lot of dates.
  4. The above is what I really took away from this long post. Exactly, the way I feel you should handle most disputes, and I do appreciate this policy. As for Fountainhall, you have given me way to much information. In his defense I will say that many people including Surf think Michael is still running this board, and you are not real. Rules about PM and such really don't seem to bother Fountainhall, but what is important to him is how he is treated on a board. Fountainhall is now one of Surf's friends so he is safe and protected and that is what is important to him. Until he finds out that Surf is really Beachlover , I think he will be happy on that board.
  5. Hello, Vinapu, Yes, not being able to post on one of these boards definitely qualifies as a tempest in a teapot, but that is not really the issue here. Surf lies to every person that signs up. He tells them, follow these rules and you can post on this board. What he should be doing is adding a rule that says, "If you do not kiss my ass, you are off the board." Then I would agree he can do what he wants. Kiss asses like Bon Ton see nothing wrong with him lying to posters. Knowing the man I can understand why he thinks this way. However, I believe when you make a contract with someone, you keep your word if you have any integrity at all. As far as being vindicated, most of the posters that complained about Firecat being kicked off, have backtracked and said something nice to surf like Smiles. I do remember when he use to scream his head off at not following the rules, but I guess getting tossed by Neal DE-balled him.. I really have to laugh at most-but not all- of SGT posters.. For some of them that board is their whole life and the only way they have to bolster their low self-esteem. SAD Finally, Surf, AKA Neal II, is not really sane. .Only in the crowd that inhabits SGT is this not obvious. Everything he posted about Firecat's and his clash is wrong and misrepresented, as it was what he posted about me. I asked to leave the board in a private message, I was not thrown off like he stated yesterday on SGT.. He posted my request (against his own rules on private messages), and then lied about the reason. In both cases I really think he believes the misrepresentations and is not deliberately lying. One Neal is enough for me, but I do feel sorry I did not give Neal more credit. His insanity about others was misplaced, but not about surf.
  6. I often agree with your comments, and admire your restraint and sense of right and wrong, but this time I take an exception. Michael has just said that it is insane to ban someone from one board for what he says on another board. GB already knows I have posted on this thread and I sure that he really isn't interested in getting back to the topic, but trying to head me off from pointing out that is exactly what he did to me when I mentioned that he took favors for touting places, and doing web work for businesses in Pattaya. As you say ,"it's rather a bad show". Firecat is right, and you must really know it too, but I do realize that Pattaya is not that big of town. To deny that GB is a hypocrite is to ignore way to much history. Zee, you are one of my favorite posters, but really GB not a hypocrite, and not deserving attacks when he blatantly demonstrating his hypocricy --come on.
  7. Firecat, I feel I must warn you that surffy means what he says. I went after surf on this board, and his own board, about being just as crazy and fucked up as Neal was. In return, he told the world that I was leaving his board, and said it was because I did not agree with his removal of a post. In fact, that was a lie. Not only did he post part of a private message but changed it to a lie as I told him I was leaving his board because he played favorites and was not even handed in how he did things. In ten years of posting I have never objected to having any post I made edited or removed. Of course, he would defend gaybut, as they both cannot take any form of criticism, but feel free to give it to others.
  8. Wow, you are correct. Ireland is a small country but many different names for this. Too far off topic so sent you a PM.
  9. Find a boy you enjoy being with. Take him to the aquarium, visit the interesting wats and tourist attractions. Believe me, he hasn't seen them even though he lives in the town. Go to the Cinema, and dine with him for lunch or dinner. Sex doesn't have to be part of it, but if you do have sex I think you will fine you enjoy it more knowing who you are with. Many of these boys have much more to offer then their bodies.
  10. I know the feeling and I am very happy for you. Hope it last and last. I know that feeling also. Do I really miss it? Not sure, but I am far from unhappy.
  11. Michael, I have spent time in Colorado. Beautiful state, but outside on Denver, or Aspen very very conservative.. Home of the conservative Airforce Acedemy, and James Dobson's anti gay "Focus-on-family". Check out how many counties and cities have opted out of the Marijuana sales to get an idea of the grass root conservatism of the countryside. That said the statistics are proving what advocates of MJ have been saying for years. Tax money is not only being made , but with the reduction of arrests and incarcerations tons of tax money is being saved. Heck, even the conservative governor is coming around.
  12. No latkas? which the Irish wrongly call poundys
  13. Where? When? If too far off topic can answer by PM.
  14. I've tried Sunee hotels once. Convenient but not my style. I will always stay in Jomtien when in Pattaya. I have had great stays and fun times at the Poseidon, the Bondi, Tui's, and the straight Rabbit Inn with its private bungalows. While I would never swim in that water, I do like the beach, and Jomtien has great host bars and food. In fact, when Passcal ran the restaurant at Poseidon it was my all time favorite. Bruno's is another great place to dine, and tui's is great for Thai food.
  15. Amen to that. It took me seven years to find my finance. Worth the wait and I must admit I enjoyed the search. However, things do not go smoothly all the time. Obviously you are in the honeymoon stage.
  16. On the up side, if there is one to this mess, is that hotel prices in Bangkok are the lowest I've seen. I had to make two trips to Bangkok last month for business and I have got real bargains on first rate hotels. As Firecat points out, I am not worried about the hotel owners but the people who depend on tourist for their incomes. That includes the hotel workers and the people in the sex industry, etc. Glad to see there is some recovery, but if trouble starts it could get worse.
  17. KhorTose


    I know you did not mean this as a joke, but sometimes you have have the ability to really make me laugh. Don't take this as a criticism. I actually respect your frugality, and understand the need for it when one is on a limited budget. I also admire how you travel and see so much (I do look at your blog), but sometimes, I sort of know what you are going to say before you say it and it does give me a laugh.
  18. He is better looking then many of the models you have posted. Enjoy you lucky devil.
  19. I always prefer to stay at service apartments. If may not be your style but I would recommend the Center Point Hotel near the BTS Saphan Taksin. The internet and staff are great and it has an 8.7 rating on Agoda. Sounds like you are ready for Chiang Mai
  20. Not if you do one at a time. I also have to wake up to eat, see the trays removed, go to the BR, etc. To be honest the Alprazolam helps a lot with the sleep.. Is a book like a Kindle?
  21. Me, i put on a mask, fluff up my bucky, install earplugs and sleep all the way to where I am going.
  22. For those interested in Colorado's and Washington's recent experiment: http://blog.seattlepi.com/marijuana/2014/06/22/recap-heres-30-recent-studies-on-the-effects-of-marijuana/#24367101=3
  23. So we can now assume that your real name is "Chuck"?
  24. KhorTose


    We loved Singapore. Yes, it is expensive, but they have a international range of quality food, a first class playhouse, a good museum that attacks excellent art exhibits, a good transportation system, a great airport hub to everywhere, they speak English, and they have reasonable taxi fares. What more could anyone ask. If you have the money to live there, I could think of few nicer places.
  25. There are some expats in Thailand that would be angry at your tipping so many boys that way. As for me, I applaud your generosity and kindness. Well done firecat.
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