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Everything posted by KhorTose

  1. I agree completely with your thoughts above. What we really need is a "QUIT BORING ME" button. When you get so many clicks of that button you know you are just boring the hell out of everyone, and it is time to quit or for the moderator to end it. Yes, I am all for free speech until it is painfully loud, painfully boring, or painfully childish. Petty fighting becomes like a drunk singing outside your window at 02:00 AM. Free speech or not you should be able to take the hose to him .
  2. How in the hell did we get from Hillary to guns? ALL prohibitions are wrong. Prohibitions I may believe in are just as wrong as the ones you believe in. In 5000 years we have discovered that you cannot ban: Prostitution drugs of any kind including alcohol guns or weapons of self defence Homosexuals religious beliefs Etc. All we are doing with prohibitions is creating a new class of criminals. In this case gun owners (thanks god it is not queers anymore in the US), and please violent crimes have not gone done in the UK. Award winning political fact organization exams a Facebook post and its true.http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2013/jun/24/blog-posting/social-media-post-says-uk-has-far-higher-violent-c/
  3. How sad, your source must be a gay man living in the Russian Federation. Try using Unknown when it is obvious that something is a repost, I agree with emailbroken this is a tempest in a teapot in that I, unlike BKK, do not in anyway think you posted this to take personal credit for it. Just a mistake. Please keep posting things you think we might like to read.
  4. Actually she was in charge of the tasks force on healthcare in 1992-1993, giving her one more year of executive authority. Her plan was sound, but way too complicated, and it allowed the insurance companies to issue the policies. No single payer, but even without the single payer it was shot down by the insurance companies, the doctors, the pharmaceuticals, and the republicans. Sad, in a way, as it was a very good plan if it had been simpler and had a single payer. I don't know what anyone else is planning to do, but I am voting for Hillary. Sorry Firecat, I sure the shit am not doing it out of love or even admiration. If you want to run off and spend passionate moments with her, please be my guest. I still find many of her actions over the past 30 years and at the DNC this year, display very questionable ethics. Of course, the fact she has any ethics at all, places her above Donald Trump.
  5. Steveboy and Firecat, both of you might look at how the house and Senate rules apply to the members. Briefly everything goes to a committee and the committees are run by the majority party. Bernie is an independent, and thus really does not have a great opportunity to introduce a bill that can make it out of a committee. He has been responsible for many positive things in his career and--very important--no negatives. Also he won 80% of his states primary. The only thing Vermonters seem to agree on is Bernie, and even if he did nothing, he did do it with great integrity and honesty. Hillary, has already been caught trying to undermine Bernie at the DNC against the Party rules, Please do not talk to me about her integrity. Firecat you are correct about Brexit and the younger voters, and I wonder if the same thing will happen here. Something is seriously wrong when elections are won or lost by people not voting.
  6. The first point is very valid, but this quote is hard for me to deal with. Large parts of America are controlled by people who think the only values that count are THEIR Christian values, and right now these people control our house and Senate. I really do not want to share a government with them either, If this is part of what you say is your rational for leaving the EU, what I would say to you is that your understanding of democracy is very different than my understanding of democracy. To return to the topic here, you can bet these recent bombing are going to help Mr.Trump in a big way. I would say there is now a greater chance he will get elected.
  7. I know you follow business and economics. My second Question to you would be, "where do you think the United States would be today if we were a collection of 50 different independent nations joined by a free trade zone. I ask this because it is a common belief in non-racist America, (who are the great majority--http://ijr.com/2014/04/133024-10-charts-show-racist-america-really) that our great diversity has made us the economic powerhouse we still are today. New ideas rarely come from people who all think exactly alike. For this reason, I cannot agree with Brexit, as it runs counter to what makes sense to me. All of Europe is stronger today then they were in 1972 and I do not understand why you would let some stupid regulations get in your way to moving forward with what has worked so well. I am sorry but I strongly think racism in Britain had more to do with this decision then economic or democratic reasons. People can change democratic institutions, and have been successful for years in doing so. That makes far more sense to this American then taking your ball and going home because they are letting people you do not like into your country. I feel the need to add that I am not calling you a racist, as I personally doubt strongly that you are, but the majority of voters I saw--and their spokesmen-- seemed far more interested in keeping others out then complaining about regulations.
  8. So how would you run the EU?
  9. I do not see Farang is in any way derogatory, but in my experience Thais definitely have a problem with most black people, and they really do look down on people from Issan. While it is not racism, I see a very strong sense of classism in Thai culture, which to my way of thinking is just another form of bigotry.
  10. One academic has done studies on why people voted for Brexit. I think this is an outstanding article that proves that academics really do live in their own world, and they do get it wrong because of that. I cannot remember reading anything as stupid as this nonobjective study and proposal. What he is really proposing is called meritocracy. Ethicist Jason Brennan: Brexit, Democracy, and Epistocracyhttp://blog.press.princeton.edu/2016/06/24/ethicist-jason-brennan-brexit-democracy-and-epistocracy/
  11. I agree, It is possible Trump could win. As to why the Trump supporters do not see the man for the demigod he is, it is because he has tapped into real issues that people are concerned about. The problems he emphasizes are real, it is his solutions that suck. Something does has to done done about 11,000,000 illegal immigrants, as it makes a mockery of our border, our laws, and jeopardizes our national security and screws the thousands of people who spend the required years and money going through the system to become citizens. I have a degree from college and the paperwork involved is nearly overwhelming. Average fee a lawyer charges to do it for you is $5000 - $10,000, just for their time. However, breaking up families is not an answer, but then ignoring the problem is not an answer either. Secondly he has emphasized crime in the minority communities, and suggests teaching minority parents how to raise their children. His solution is racist, Instead we should have Federal day care for all families where early intervention could be one without singling out any one group, as there are many white parents who can't raise kids properly. Third, is the Moslem problem. It does disturb me that Muslims raised in the West become terrorist and I am not alone in being disturbed by see this.. Banning Muslims from the USA is no solution, but ignoring that something is wrong and something needs to be done is just plain stupid. Trump says we need to ignore what is Politically correct and take a hard look at the problem, and it is hard for me not to agree, even for this left wing liberal (go Bernie). So yes, the man is a dangerous idiot, but the problems he mentions are all to real and dangerous to ignore. Truthfully, I would be happier if Hillary would offer her solutions to these real problems rather then just knock Trump, but I won't hold my breath waiting for her to do so. I was spoiled by the last two elections, as they were the first time in my life where I got to vote for the best person and did not have to choose from two bad candidates. I will vote for Hillary, and I do hope that others will too, as the Donald could really win.
  12. KhorTose


    Philippines author Emita Sonil Jose talking to a female prostitute. “The obscenities of this country are not girls like you. It is the poverty which is obscene, and the criminal irresponsibility of the leaders who make this poverty a deadening reality. The obscenities in this country are the places of the rich, the new hotels made at the expense of the people, the hospitals where the poor die when they get sick because they don't have the money either for medicines or services. It is only in this light that the real definition of obscenity should be made.”
  13. KhorTose


    I met a well educated, middle class Thai young man, whose only goal in life was to meet a nice man and become a loving housewife. So I married him, and now he is gainfully employe
  14. It is hard for me to believe, but Bill Clinton said it very well the other day. Give him this message. "If you live long enough, you will make mistakes. But if you learn from them you will be a better person. It is how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit." --- William Clinton Oh course I would be more impressed if those were not the very words he shouted at Monica.
  15. I am in complete disagreement with your premise that most "left wing" Westerners mock Christianity but respect Muslims and Buddhist temples (Strange you left out Jewish and Hindu temples). 1. The vast majority of these other religions are not in the West where you are free to criticize. 2. Many countries that are not Christian have laws against saying anything bad about their religions in their clountries. 3. The normal human response when entering a place of worship, where you do not know the rules, is caution and not arrogance. 4. Any institution is made greater by criticism and in no way should constructive criticism be construed as mocking. 5. Many of the Christian Protestants and Catholics Churches have fully entered into politics, thus making them fair game for criticism. Ditto for Jewish Temples in the West, especially concerning Israel. 6. The disdain most people feel about Christianity has nothing to do with the distaste for the Christian religion, but actual actions of the religious institutions involved. Nice of you to dismiss the pedophilia of the Catholics, and the money machine of the Protestants, or the hypocrisy of a faith that at one time said slavery was okay, homosexuals should be killed, and women should obey their husbands in all things. I will condemn these actions with all my voice, and will continue to do so., and in no way accept your charge that I am mocking Christianity. If anything I am making Christianity more relevant to the vast knowledge we have gained about human behavior, and psychology. On a personal note, I can tell English is not your first language and I believe you, or your minisiter, have been listening to a very right wing new channel where the big issue is giving Christians more rights then other Americans, by granting a public business the right to discriminate against homosexuals. The right wing says they need this law so Christian businesses will not have to serve Homosexuals as serving them violates their religious beliefs.. It is a falsehood--okay a lie--to keep homosexuals as second class citizens without equal rights. If you can follow logic you will see it would first apply to homosexuals, then maybe Muslims, Jews, agnostics, and why not blacks--children of Ham, and Spanish people because they are mostly Catholics and Protestantism is the only true religion. We would soon become a nation of public bigots with neighbor pitted against neighbor. The West is NOT a tribal society, but take great pride in the fact that we are a society that is a mixture of many cultures, and religions Most Westerners welcome diversity and the challenges and change it brings to our society, while some people are terrified of change and will always be, the bottom line is there can be no progress without change. Most Westerners are allowed to believe in what ever they want to believe--religion or superstition--but because we are a secular society with guaranteed civil rights, we are also free to criticize what we see as wrong--even in religion. Such criticism is not mockery, but part of a ongoing dialogue that the West is free to engage in. This may no be the case in places like Africa, where homosexuals can be killed by the "good" Christians, but not in the West---THANK GOD.
  16. Actually they have got exactly what they deserve, and they did it to themselves. Great NYT Editorial http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/01/opinion/how-the-stupid-party-created-donald-trump.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0
  17. Christian--I am on the east coast of USA right now. I am sorry, but cannot reply at this time, but many good answers already. Thank you though for replying.
  18. Unfortunately you can win, when only White men vote. White men = 12% of the population = 40,000,000 votes. So you might say his election turns on voter turnout. Everyone of these Trump supporters will vote in November. How many Hillary voters will vote? All to often minorities and liberals do not turn out to vote, and even I don't feel any BURNie--at all--when it comes to Hillary. So, it might be a very good idea that liberals do not become complacent and say he can't win, because he can, and very well may. Michael Moore thinks Trump can win. http://michaelmoore.com/trumpwillwin/
  19. This actually sounds like a good question, if you ignore the fact that the implication is that all drug users are drug addicts. I have no idea where Christian got this, but I think that the fact that he see hundreds of people drinking, and only a tiny percentage of these drinkers become drunk drivers might have impacted his awareness, but I guess not. People use drugs, some even Heroin, and never ever get into trouble. People who get into trouble with drugs-like getting a DUI--are considered addicts, and they are often everyday mothers and fathers with jobs. They do not need to be killed--as you suggested--but need drug counseling. By the way, I am using alcohol as an example as it is the most commonly abused drug by far, with far more abusers then all of the other drugs combined. So if we legalize all drug usage--like Portugal did--does that mean that we will not get hundreds of drug addicts driving on the road? Well based on Portugal and America's experiences in Vietnam, I would say absolutely not. Portugal experienced no increase, and actually had a decrease in Heroin usage, so actually less heroin users who might drive were out there. Second, I know from direct observation and dozens of studies that at one time 66% of American soldiers were using marijuana in Vietnam and 50% had used opiates, with 25% of those opiate users showing signs of addiction (tolerance and withdrawal). Well, most of them came home (sadly not all), and in the end only 2% of these users stayed addicted--exactly the same percentage as we find in the general population of user addicts in America. User does NOT equal addict. Users who can't pay bills, take care of family , break the law to support their habit, or drive in such a way to get into a wreck or get the attention of the law; these people are addicts and they need help. Maybe I am too compassionate, but I believe in treating them, and not shooting, them. Christian, I know you are smart, and I love your blog, but I am astonished that an intelligent European like you could have such backward and truly uninformed beliefs about drugs and drugs addicts. I have always admired Europeans, as I have found them to be, in general, far more progressive and less dogmatic then our large population of bible-thumping ignorant rednecks who have inflicted this expensive, stupid and futile "war on Drugs" on the American population. I am really wondering if you have a personal story to tell us about why you have such draconian views of drugs. I would really like to hear this story if you are willing to share.
  20. On your web site blog at the moment you are talking about the pleasures of porn and wanking. I know a whole bunch of people who would say you should be killed for advocating sexual exploitation and filth. Don't worry they are just as wrong about porn as you are about drugs. For a science major you sure have gone out of your way to avoid studies on drug use, and users that make your suggestions sound like babbling of a redneck nutcase.
  21. Ouch..........................true. Hell, we even reelected George W.
  22. Well they are certainly off to an interesting start.
  23. Yes, and She and Dalton McGuinty are the type of quality politicians Canada has, while we have.................
  24. Well we can agree to disagree, soon all will be reviled and I really do hope I am incorrect in my assumption. Right now I see a long hard haul for Merry olde. Mty apology to Alex. That is his map and not Irish's. Still would like to hear more from Irish and maybe scotty on where they think Northern Ireland and Scotland will end up, and whether there is any real talk about a union within the union. By the way, now is a very good time to visit England. I do not think there will ever be a better exchange rate, or should I say I hope the pound does not tank much more then it has already.
  25. True, but Chiang Mai has truly handsome Thai men, friendly farangs (gay and straight), a large local community that is in touch with all elements of the available and excellent restaurants, travel opportunities, treks, hiking, etc, Chiang Mai has everything Bangklok has, without the noise, the pollution, the incredible horrible traffic, and the touts,. I met my partner 7 years ago and we have now been married for two years and are happily living in the USA. My partner is not a money boy, and I doubt I could have met him anywhere else but Chiang mai. Give Chiang Mai a long look.
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