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Everything posted by KhorTose

  1. I agree vague, but why not answer the main meanings. Marriage equality in general---Great idea, with many legal rights attached. Marriage for gays in general---Depends on the people involved. Marriage between young and old--Depends on the people involved. Marriage between members of different cultures--Depends on the people involved. Marriage for me and a Thai man--working out so far 7+ yrs
  2. KhorTose

    Richard Burk

    I liked Richard, even though I am a charter member of the "I ate at the Amor and I am still living" club of survivors.
  3. ABANG 1961 quote: "Chinese lessons for those who are interested to describe the weird behaviour of that man who Madman Feng zi 疯子 Shen jing bing 神经病 Beyond comprehension wu li qu nao 无理取闹 bu ke li yu 不可理喻 " end quote No much more like this when you realize he has the power to destroy the whole world. frightening /fr'ɑɪtənɪŋ/ /fr'ɑɪtnɪŋ/ 共發現 5 筆關於 [frightening] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) Source(1): pydict data [pydict] frightening (adj.)令人驚嚇的 Source(2): 看影片學英語 [VoiceTube] thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening me [譯] 雷電交加,我非常地害怕 《網路瘋傳!三個女生的波希米亞狂想曲-SketchShe》 ebola is a big deal and it should be taken very seriously, but the most frightening adversary is the one we don’t understand. [譯] 伊波拉病毒不容忽視而且我們應該認真看待這問題,但我們卻對這可怕的敵人一竅不通。 《伊波拉病毒的真相 (Ebola: The Full Story)》 Source(3): XDICT the English-Chinese dictionary [xdict] adj. 令人惊吓的
  4. I am sure you could and wish you would. I know I would enjoy reading it. Just don't make it about your relationships with Thai boys---talk about errors.
  5. SCINI Sounds like the perfect solution to the (?)forthcoming(?) break-up. The Irish Times: http://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/fintan-o-toole-three-state-union-may-be-answer-to-brexit-1.2734041
  6. It may be real this time. Real heat from the Bangkok Post, great article. http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/special-reports/1205077/no-sex-please-were-thai
  7. Centre Point Silom has a very good Buffet Breakfast for only 300 Bhat, and downstairs in the mini mall you have several more great choices.
  8. I asked this question, as at the time, it looked like the English were having second thoughts. I now agree that Scotland will probably leave, and after America's disaster with the right wing, I think they should, Sorry Forky, but here I believe that Scottishguy is correct, and I think this will be a great loss to England, while of course, you do not. I do understand where you are coming from, and at first I quite agreed two or three months ago. Not now. Time for a good shot of 16 year old Singleton and a "BERNIE" toast to the independent nation of Scotland. Here’s a bottle and an honest man – What would ye wish for mair, man. Wha kens, before his life may end, What his share may be o’ care, man. So catch the moments as they fly, And use them as ye ought, man. Believe me, happiness is shy, And comes not aye when sought, man.
  9. I agree, and I backed off hard because this IS DTump's topic and I have no right to hijack it from him.
  10. not on topic let us use PMs
  11. Not what your country said to the west. Here also is the Budapest Memo. in Russian. Here is what Lavrov said to the west in English and here is a citation where it was said again in Russian and this is on the web. Please what kind of moron thinks history and how it works changes in 40 years. It is called history for a reason. Who dresses this moron. However, this does not belong on this topic as Dtrump correctly stated,. This does remind me of Trump voters. They are not stupid people. They are believers who want to believe a certain way so badly that they never really challenge their own belief system. Political Jehovah Witnesses rather then dumb people. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/russia-deletes-treaty-promises-over-ukraine-claiming-it-only-pledged-not-use-nuclear-weapons-1540440 http://www.bbc.com/russian/rolling_news/2014/05/140520_rn_medvedev_ukraine.shtml
  12. Actually Alex it is not taught well in High School, but you can say nothing at the college level without documentation. Where history DOES have a problem is not, not having the facts, but what facts you choose to use. Often you can get different opinions by selecting what facts you choose to say are important and what are not. Take George Washington for example. A slave owner, a whiskey distiller, not a great general, charged congress for every dime he spent---a Bad Man? No, he may have been a poor tactician, but he devise a brilliant strategy, he was a inspirational leader, he had a great eye for talent picking some of the most brilliant men to be his generals (Green, Arnold, Lafayette, Gates, Knoxs and very gay Von Stuben), he did not have control issues and once America was on an even keel he stepped out of power where he could have ruled until death had he wanted to--actually a very great man. See what I mean?
  13. Please Alexx is correct. I am not talking about the media, and you should know that a lot of Americans do know about how tragic, stupid and unnecessary our invasion of Iraq was/is, and history will surely portray it that way. The particular area I majored in- in history-was the Middle East, and I told everyone that would listen that dumb ass Bush was making an incredible stupid mistake and yes ISIS is a direct result of that, along with Wahhabi teachings. Unfortunately academics cannot control politicians, as they do what they want. In the case of Iraq it was a dumb president wanting to avenge his dad, and a vice president that wanted to earn his old/present company a ton of money. I am defending History in America and not the press, public or politicians. Now tell me that Russia did not sign a treaty with the Ukraine, never to attack and then when the Ukraine destroyed the nuclear weapons they had, Russia turned and annex Crimea, imported troops, and weapons to Eastern Crimea, which all lead to the shooting down of a Malaysian plane. Yes, the documents and evidence exits. Go to your nearest college and you will find that kind of proof. Or ask and next time I am at UW I will send the treaty, the radar photos and the picture of the 9M38 series BUK missle truck leaving the Ukraine right after the plane crash. Documents, first hand accounts and physical evidence. You might also study Adolf Hitler who constantly annexed neighboring countries claiming Germans were being persecuted. Putin isn't even original with that tactics, and academics in that field know he is lying, and the conditions before Putin's invasion are very well documented. No persecution of Russians and in some areas in the Ukraine under attack have almost no Russian in them.
  14. Your English is rough, but understandable. Anyone who speaks five languages has my respect. I am sure SGT got better when YOU took it over as your two predecessors (one of whom is your partner) left you such a low bar. All you really had to do, was to be a normal person, and at that you have succeeded quite well. My only complaint is that you have apparently not taken advantage of a free press and knowledge base that is available to you in the West.. Having majored in History, I can tell you that in the West (college level) history is seldom biased, but based on documents, first hand personal accounts, and physical evidence. This kind of evidence never changes because of political influence. I cannot say the same about History as it is taught, and often manipulated in your native country. I have seen you cite things on a couple of occasions that are pure crap--not history at all--that I am sure you learned in school. I have never corrected you on your errors, because I know that is what you have been taught. Please do not regard my comments in any way as a put down on you. I think you are a fascinating man and I would enjoy a long talk with you some day. Keep plugging away on your English and keep working on making SGT a good site to read. You truly do have my respect.
  15. I often think of this boy every time I meet one of these incredibly bitter mama sans.
  16. My favorite democracy cynic said it nearly 100 years ago. As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the white house will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.” H.L. Mencken The Baltimore Evening Sun July 26, 1920
  17. Now at 800,000, not two million, but you have to put this in perspectives as in many states absentee ballots are not counted unless they make a difference in the outcome. The Donald did not even campaign in California and other West Coast states. and in many states Hillary or Trumps absentee votes did not get counted.
  18. I for one do not encourage wait and see. I am 100% behind Michael Moore's five suggestions. https://www.good.is/articles/moore-five-point-plan
  19. You are not even close to spelling Pennsylvania No problem as this word is an American construct of a mans last name and the German word for forested land. No, when you run a campaign and you have cheated to be the head of the ticket, the half of your party that you cheated to get your victory will have a tough time believing in you anymore. Your comment about Sheriff Arpalo losing and the fact that 4 states approved recreational MJ, and three more approved medical MJ proves that liberals were out voting. They just did not vote for her, and if you look at idiot Johnson's vote, that made the difference between victory and defeat in every state.. I voted for Hillary, but many Bernie backers were mad----not only at her--- but at the silence of her backers when it was found out she cheated to win the primaries. If you want some old fashioned misogyny, women often decide things by consensus, and when the consensus is strong--right and wrong can go out the window. Too many women in this country wanted a women as president, and damn the rules. I hope they are happy with the results.
  20. When I went to bed the networks had not called it yet, but the obvious is that Trump won. As I said in the thread closed by the mod, Trump's issues were genuine issues to many Americans. Furthermore, they really wanted change and the man who represented change in the Democratic party lost the primary, in part, due to manipulations by Hillary Clinton who even accepted answers from someone who was suppose to be neutral. Sorry you Hillary or bust fans, but you have managed to screw the democratic party, if not America as a whole. First results: futures down 700 and trading frozen. The Canadian immigration web site has crashed----TRUE A bit of advice for American expats. You may be safer in Thailand then back in America
  21. I am not one to call you beachlover, as I have always thought you were cdmatt/ronthai.
  22. The nuclear option is not on the table unless the Dems capture the Senate. The GOP haws stopped that option by never allowing the senate to be in recess.
  23. Thanks Scottishguy. Great analysis of what can be....... from a very nationalistic viewpoint(?). I do believe you are overpresuming but do thank you for your reply. While I am really grateful for your reply, recent events beg another question. If the UK stays in The EU, won't this practically end the Scottish Independence movement as it will actually draw Britian and Scottland closer together.
  24. How can you say that the most powerful country on this planet would choose two people who are of such low character that the election would come down to who is the lessor of two evils. Yes, Hillary will win as she has only, rigged the DNC to support her over Bernie, and cheated by getting the questions from the first Dem. debate. Thank god the GOP and Trump are concentrating on the emails on her server that she might have compromised, and not on the duplicity that she has not denied doing. Yes, Hillary will probably be the first women president, but I would not be proud of her accomplishment if I were a women. There is little difference in my mind between Nixon and Watergate, and this """LADY""".in that she will let nothing get in her way to gain power. If she was running against anyone but Trump she would lose, but the lucky ""Lady"" has found an opponent that is actually more sleazy then she is. Please, next time I put down the Thai government, remind me to shut up until my own comes up to some decent standards.
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