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Everything posted by KhorTose

  1. I think you can draw some generalities about who does and who does not find the dream, and I think there are some real positive reasons to leave Thailand and return home. I would like to think I married one. Great article.
  2. Actually sglad, people say exactly the same thing at the personal level. You can never fully understand any individual, let alone a collective of individuals that were raised a distance apart from you. Sometimes the best you can do is a generality which you know --even while relating it--it is not totally accurate.
  3. Steveboy’s rant about a oppressive Thai regime is true, but it has little or nothing to do with the two idiots who bared their asses at the temple. Yes, the regime is oppressive to its poorest people, but we farangs are free to be as stupid and as truly disrespectful as we can AFFORD to be. In this country, money is freedom, and if these two jerks want to contribute to some police captains retirement-----well more power to them.
  4. I would like to think that with all of these incredible language skills, he could find a better paying job then being a guide for foreigners. Heck if he adds German and Hindi he could guide you nearly anywhere in the world.
  5. Absolutely true, but I, unlike you, would hesitate to state such a self-serving take on the condition of the Thai people. You must have misspoke, because I know you are better then this statement makes you sound.
  6. Wary?....Yes, Old?....Yes, Dirty?....NEVER!!
  7. It seems to be as there are less people in Malate at night, and rogue cops are also doing robberies. Also, told that because of the crime and the tensions in the area that most tourist are now staying in or near Makati and not Malate anymore, but would love an update from someone going to Manila. My information comes from a friend who lives in Angeles City and rarely gets to Manila.
  8. . The Pan Pacific in Malate is perfectly situated and I had no problem with joiners, but this was 15 yrs ago. FYI A friend told me that Malate is no longer safe at nights because of the legal killings
  9. There is no doubt that American needs to seriously talk about guns. The problem is that we are just to divided to talk. If we tried to talk about this issue--even on this board of milk toast and expats---the whole thread would soon come crashing down.
  10. I would like to recommend a trip up North to Bagio. This city is also known as the PI's summer capital. It sits up in the hills of the Northern PI, cool, near the old US military base of Camp Hay. It is a medium size town with one very big college and several small ones. They do not advertise but their are gay bars, hustlers, and clubs to find at night. The countryside and the near by Banaue area are worth the trip all by themselves.
  11. You can call accusations speculation all you want, Changing a word in this case does not change the the intent. You are accusing without evidence. Yes, we all do it, and this is a great place to do that provided that nothing but the truth as you see it is told. I don't know about you guys, but I sometimes think some of the people on this board are not quite real. Other, I sometimes think are only on the board to promote their business or tear down a competitor. Still others, I know this is amazing, think that people who are not white and Werstern can be delt with however one pleases and might just slam a boy or a bar because they failed to recognize how "important" they are. So yes, if you got screwed and wish to vent, I might want to hear it--if I know you, if you sound reasonable by providing something like eyewitness testimony, and this is especially true about a restaurant, store, or hotel. Accuse a person or speculate about him on this board without evidence and I will be hard pressed not to think you are a total jerk . I know that some of you are sure to see me as incredibly stupid, but I think human beings--unlike buildings, food or merchandise--always deserve the benefit of a doubt. This should not have to be said here or anywhere, but people are not objects.--they can really be hurt.
  12. Let us take a moment of silence to remember one brave Australian who meet his death in Thailand. Beachlover Gone but not forgotton
  13. Alexx and Vinapu--You two are my two, "I wish I would have written that pair." Reader, that took guts and character. One thing everyone here does seem to agree on is that you should not accuse anyone of theft unless you are 100% sure. Why stop there? I do not think anyone should be accused of any kind of crime unless you are willing to charge them openly and take your chances. I think living in a country where even the accusation of a certain crime, can get you held in jail without a trail for a great period of time, would have made us all aware of that.
  14. It is not just Capital Hill, it is in all America. It is a very hard issue to explain, even to an American. For one thing, personal protection is actually only a small part of the issue.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/us
  16. Chiang Mai is expected to have a model of the royal funeral pyre at the International Exhibition and Convention Centre as a monument of the late HM King Rama IX by October 10th 2017.
  17. Just as important, but not as recognized was U. S. Grant's victory at Vicksburg, on that same July 4th, which allowed the North to cut the South into pieces.
  18. http://www.wftv.com/news/local/man-caught-with-child-porn-at-oia-allegedly-claims-it-was-for-educating-school-children-agents-say/492009015 http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/05/16/prison-time-for-legal-immigrant-caught-at-border-with-child-porn/ https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g1-i10702-k1983490-US_Customs_Agents_Can_Check_Laptops_etc-Air_Travel.html https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/us-customs-is-required-to-seize-your-dick-pics-when-you-cross-the-border You are dangerously naive. It does not matter if they are legal, it matters what customs and the PD think. The least you will get is one heck of a background investigation. Hope all of your friends and neighbors think you REALLY are attracted to adults.
  19. Never too late. Just go to your nearest leather bar, and I am sure you can find a surrogate mother/father to give you all the punishment you deserve. Oh course this is one bit of advice where I can't say, "try it, it can't hurt."
  20. Jawohl
  21. Sorry Steve, this is a song lyric and not a quote by Cervantes. However, one of the things you do discover on reading this book is just how many quotes by Cervantes have entered the English Language. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Miguel_de_Cervantes#Don_Quixote_de_la_Mancha_.281605.E2.80.931615.29 https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/121842-don-quijote-de-la-mancha Koko not the quote I would have used. Look up the meaning of the German word Schuft if you have time.
  22. I admire all of you for trying to help this man, but how can you believe he is real. What ever happened to don't feed the trolls. Christian, you especially, know what Schuft means and I would have expected you to catch on that you are being trolled. What the hell if you guys are bored, and have the time ---why not.
  23. Having never owned, or ran a site, or my own web page I must admit I have little idea what you just said. Can you or someone please translate for me?
  24. Also know as, "Cheap Charlies" or by the Thais as Farang Kinok (kinoo)
  25. As a gay male in America, I often hear almost the same viewpoint expressed by the leaders and clergy in the Black Community. The black community has been fighting for their rights a lot longer then the gay community, but with marriage equality we are closer now to total acceptance then many blacks are. Yes, their attitude is short sighted, but understandable. I am pretty sure the same thing is going on with the people who have fought for democracy in this country, and who are not even close to achieving it by Western standards.
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