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Everything posted by KhorTose

  1. Edging, I think they are going there at full gallop. I think someone younger then me should start a boycott on investing in Russia by American corporations. What they are doing is as bad as apartheid
  2. No, I was just kidding. I do love meat, but I also know two great vegan restaurants in Chiang Mai and have, dined at both often. If you come to Chiang Mai, PM me and I will treat you. Check out gay owned and ran Anchan on trip adviser. http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g293917-d3602277-Reviews-Anchan_Vegetarian-Chiang_Mai.html
  3. I agree, seven is too young for any parent to tag their children. i doubt the boy has any idea of what he is talking about but is responding to some clues that come from his mother. On the other, hand I have heard many Thais tell me their folks knew they were gay at an early age. As for me, I need to see a control study before I will buy a seven year old knows anything about his sexuality other then the basic male, female.
  4. Very strange as Starbucks is in over 44 cities in Germany with over 30 stores in Berlin alone. I had coffee at the one at the Brandenburg Gate, and the one at Alexanderplatz, and they both were standing room only inside and out. So what country are you talking about, certainly not Germany.
  5. I think I would rather become a cannibal then a vegan. i love meat. By the way, why don't you drop by my place for dinner some time.
  6. Actually I am not sure it was in use. I put two words together but I may be wrong. sesqui is one and a half, and pes (ped) is a foot, but I think they had another word for a foot and a half, because I know they had others words for fractions of a foot. Too lazy tonight to look it up and too old to remember, but I think these two words did not go together to mean one and a half foot.
  7. No animal should be handled this way. In America these people may get away with this, but if someone else or the authorities see them do some of these things in this film they would be guilty of a crime in most every state in America and arrested and fined. No excuse for this under any circumstances. By the way, while we are discussing eating Lassie, I have to mention that I first ate "My friend Flicka (horse meat) as a delicious steak tar tare in France. Now I order it whenever I can.
  8. I have a double standard. I am an expert shot with a gun, but i don't hunt or kill animals. If i had to kill animals to live, I know I could, and that is all that it is necessary to know. My employee cleaned, skinned and dressed them---not me. All for $5.00 a rabbit--twenty five years ago.
  9. Knowing Latin did not help. I saw the multiple choices and did not translate, but now know that means gigantic long word fear, How one and a half foot becomes long words is beyond me, but that is what I found when I finally looked up sesquipedalion. One who uses long words. Duhhhhhh. There is a laguage drift over 2000 years.
  10. Yes, yes, yes. When i lived in Hanford, California I always used to buy fresh rabbit from one of my workers. Marinated and bbq'd, roasted, or in a stew it is one the world's best tasting and healthiest meats you can eat.
  11. Christians eat Pork = Ok Jews do not eat pork=not okay Westeners do not eat bugs=OK Asians and some Africans east bugs = not okay Thais do not eat dogs==Okay Vietnamese eat dogs = not okay Christians today do not engage in Holy wars =Okay Moslims practice holy war=not okay BUT: Christians used to practice Holy war, even on their fellow Christians. People in the West have eaten dog and rat when times are tough. Just look at WWII. The Swiss still eat dog meat. Thais do not eat dog because it is unclean but have no problem with bugs, and many Jews are now eating pork. You are judging one culture by another and determining that your (Western culture) is best. While I happen to agree with you that it is okay to condemn that other culture for the differences that cause human suffering, you are using your Western outlook to judge what is truly superficial. Yes, human rights should be Universal, but what foods we eat, what religion we belong too, what practices we engage in that do not cause direct human suffering. are none of our business. Sorry Z, you are one of my favorite posters, but that sounds a little bit arrogant of you.
  12. Number 2, I was paying attention as I posted it. Number one without looking it up reads as over a foot and a half or longer then a foot. I have no idea what it has come to mean but that is the latin. Ped=foot sesqui when combined means one and a half. In Caesar's commentary, Caesar is always using this word and I had to look it up almost every time. Now it is stuck in my head. It is often used in land measurments and measurements of gold and money
  13. Actually there is a tool unlike a knife or a fork for this. Often the local casinos in the Seattle area have shrimp buffets where you have to peel your own and this is what you should use. If plastic is too plain for you, I have seen them in stainless steel and silver. This tool will both split the shell and devein the shrimp.
  14. I think you are right many of these different meats, including alligator, are often said to taste like chicken. So close your eyes, and hope the fur has been removed, and enjoy.
  15. KhorTose

    Pope To Resign

    Since we are talking about Stephen Fry today, I thought I would post this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ryw6kUDKPX4
  16. Yes, there is an article today about that in the "Gaurdian", where it talks about his bi-polar illness. Sad as he is one of my favorite Atheist advocates. http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2013/jun/05/stephen-fry-attempted-suicide-bipolar
  17. The Gaurdian had a great little filler piece about long words in English. It was easy to guess what they meant from the multiple choices you were given. I think some of the wrong choices you could have picked were worth a smile, so I am posting the link here. Oh, I had never heard of any of these words. Am I alone? http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/shortcuts/2013/jun/04/longest-words-english-what-they-mean
  18. Your advice is the same as I have heard. After an age is is useless to get the shots. However, as a maker of the great American Mom and Apple pie, I applaud its progenitor the Irish Apple tart, and would want to be the biggest one around.
  19. Yes, you can download it from torrents. http://torrentz.eu/search?f=vicious Yes, but that was my initial point. These characters are from that day and age when many gays did act like bitchy queens. Especially in the USA where we had the court with its incredible backstabbing, bitchiness, and ridiculous pomp and ceremony. Like Scotty, I know people of an age that are just like these two.
  20. With the exception of the slapstick comedians like Benny Hill or Mr. Bean, I have always thought the the United Kingdom has the best and most sophisticated comedy in the world. I have enjoyed immensely the various comedies and comedians that the UK has produced from Monty Pylon, to you have been served,etc. (too many to name) to all the original and American spinoffs of your TV series etc. The UK has given us genius like Peter Sellers, Graham Chapman, John Cheese, etc. etc. etc. In other words way to many really great comedians and comedies to name. The other day I found a new one called "Vicious", and I adored it. So, it seems, did the live audience. It is about two old gay men who have been together 46 years and it is very campy as the actors (Ian McKellen, Derek Jacobi, Joan de la Tour) go back to those campy days when gays acted like that. I laughed continuously, and I was completely surprised to find that the program received mixed to very poor reviews. I love this program and the actors and the characters and think it is something that will help humanize gays more in the eyes of the people who watch it. I am at a lost to see what is wrong with it, nor can I agree with the reviewers analysis of what is wrong with it. So I would appreciate your thoughts as I think I am looking at one of those strange cultural differences.
  21. Yes, but it is becoming less and less every day with every death of these old stuck in the mud Christians. Most of the youth in America do not share their parents homophobia according to recent studies, and that included the youth members of the BSA.
  22. I too agree with Anonone. It is a first and very positive step. What is great is that the places (mostly public entities and states), and businesses that boycott them now will probably continue to do so, as their adult leader stance is still discriminatory. Also the most bigoted group inside the boy scouts may very well leave over this and form their own groups, which will make the remainder even more liberal. Given a certain amount of time, I am sure the adult leadership issue will also resolve itself. I am with Anonone on his one step at a time marathon rather then a splint. A s an aside, I am shocked that the Mormon Church (one of the biggest groups inside the BSA) took a neutral stand on this. Prior to this they have been far more homophobic then even the Babtist church. Maybe Romney's loss in the recent election finally sent them a message. Look for a new revelations to come out of their--connected directly to God--leadership.
  23. I have the government bluedcross called Regence blue cross and I have yet to find a better plan or an easier insurance to use. Once in Mexico I was hospitalized and they paid 100%, even after i told them they were charged for things that I did not receive. It turns out it is easier to pay then to fight bad charges, same is true in Thailand.
  24. I am in a minority on this board, but I have always enjoyed his post and check out his blog at least once a month. He is not always right on and I have disagreed with him about somethings and some people, but he is always worth reading. I agree that his funnies are very funny.
  25. Koko, you made me look and NO, his head is clearly turned away from the man's groin. If seeing one man in a monument blowing another turns you on I suggest the Marsalis (le dipart de 1792) on the side of the arc de triomphe. Heck, it even has a naked boy.
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