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KhorTose last won the day on June 6 2014

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  • Gender
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    Seattle/Chiang Mai
  • Interests
    Married to a Thai-together for 10+_ years as of 09/2019

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  1. Seattle's Pride parade drew 300,000 people. One of the largest turnouts I've seen in 33 years.
  2. My partner really likes living in Seattle. He has not been the least bit homesick. Nevertheless, we will return for a month in November just to get back in personal touch with friends and family. Seven plus years since we left Thailand. Will we be shocked?
  3. All of the vaccines are better then no vaccine. The one exception is the Chinese sino-vac is ineffective against the virus. You really think the Chinese would have had the best as they had a headstart on everyone.
  4. Anything for a dime. Greater sell if romantic interest is more "mainstream".
  5. Second this recommendation. She is very real and extremely intelligent and talks to her listeners on an almost one to one basis. Trump knows he has lost, but he says he is raising money to fight the election. In truth the 207 million he has raised only 9 million has been spent on fighting the election results. The rest will be to pay his back taxes and debtors, to keep him out of jail. He is ripping off his own supporters, and you would think some of them might be smart enough to catch on. America's democracy is failing because somehow our educational system is really lacking. No longer "Ugly American", but dumb American.
  6. First off, I voted for Biden and I have a very generous retirement, but I am not some rich lawyer with enough money to travel the world. As Z said there is no-way that 70,000,000 Trump voters are all racist or morons. I really feel like calling you out Michael. How dare you assign such a simple cause to what is most of Rural America. Most of these Trump voters are blue collar workers who have seen their jobs go overseas and all they hear from the Democratic party is " globalization is great for America". Yes, it is great for investors, people with inherited wealth and high paid white collar workers and parasite lawyers, but not for them. Others are farmers who have been treated well by the Republican President and Senators. They got bailed out when Trump took on China, the same way the banks got bailed out during the Bush financial crisis. Blue collar workers got nothing and they are seeing the few jobs left, not only being low pay, but find themselves competing with people from other nations who are more then willing to work for less pay, and companies skirting the law to hire them. If these things are not enough you might remember that many Americans DO take their faith seriously. They don't believe in abortion, gay rights, illegal drug and many believe the man leads his family. In rural areas (outside of four seasons for you) they ARE the majority and they see these these things as, not an extension of freedom, but as an attack on their religion. I loved the Obama presidency, but-in truth- he did little to help these people other the the Affordable care act. Say what you want about Trump, but he recognized this and it propelled him to the presidency, and if not for Covid he would have been re-elected by a landslide. So next time you are having your one too many cocktail at the Vertigo in the Banyan Tree, try to remember that IMHO that you really aren't to intelligent yourself to comment on others peoples lives as a self-described expert on spas and boys with big dicks. I really would love to tell you what I really think about you and your comment, but there are rules
  7. So after 3 years you have spent a total of 3 months with him--tops, and you want to marry him. No information about supporting him during that time and many other things left out, like Letters, mail messages, his job, his education, where in country he is, pictures, and a lot of other things. BS then and now. Now you get to come back on and troll away, and produce all kinds of things as "proof", and I am positive enough idiots of this site will defend you and damn me for calling a fake a fake. You are definitely on the right board. Troll away and good luck. KT out.
  8. KhorTose

    Gay Da Nang

    Saigon?? So we must have won that war after all.
  9. No matter how good an invest6igator is, he must learn who you can and who you can't investigate.
  10. Actually, the opinions of leaders and personalities are exactly what does matter. Boycotts are only effective if they gain a lot of media attention over a long period of time. So the more leaders and personalities you can get behind a boycott, the better chance you will have it will succeed. Witty, I really don't think you have to worry about this one lasting long enough to matter. At the present time we are boycotting KFC for PETA, Israel for the pro Palestine movement, Sinclair News for right wing distortions, Arizona for a racial profiling law, my neighbor for being a drunken creep, etc. So many boycotts have been called that the attention span of the average American has reached it true potential of the average 10 year olds.. I would like to start a poll on how long before this boycott is forgotten, but by doing so I might prolong it.
  11. Same law in almost all Moslem countries, but truthfully not enforced unless you are doing it in the streets and scaring the horses. Just stop and think about it for a minute. Stoning for adultery? You would soon have a population of 50. As bad as Islam proscribes public life, it does have the saving grace in that private life is private. Truthfully, I never feel SAFE in Islamic countries, but I have been in islamic countries with my partner, and as long as there are no public displays, they ignore the obvious.
  12. Thanks Koko, Great film. However, 1906 SF had no traffic control system, In Pattaya they just ignore the one in place.
  13. where did you get this photo of George Washington this young?
  14. !!!!Really!!!! Good subway and taxis are cheap. I would move there if the gay community was accepted.
  15. I have lived four years in the states with my very young looking partner. We have had no problems with hotels, restaurants, or people in general. Yes, we do live in a very liberal city, but we have had no hassles elsewhere when we travel in the USA. Yes, people do look and they are curious, but they mind their own business. I do not know if Americans are now more relaxed about gay couples, or if it is our attitudes, but people usually are very nice, even extra nice to us. Our attitude is centered on the fact that we are legally married, we are doing nothing wrong, and if there is a problem, it is not our problem.
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