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Everything posted by PattayaMale

  1. one of the nice things about this form is that if you want you can add your own poll. That way you can add any personality you wish. As for me, I think it would be a very interesting discussion to have Obama, Bill O'Reilly, and Fidel Castro at the table at the same time. I say this because I would like to see the difference in their views and how they react to each other. Rich LB I think this was an interesting post. Thanks
  2. I think kokopelli's post puts forth good points. Maybe because I struggled with this situation also with my BF. It was difficult for him to understand also, which lead to a good business lesson. There is a good software program called YNAB (You Need A Budget). It is not a checkbook program but a budgeting program and simple to use. He and I sat down together and did a budget. Since the program can be in baht it was simple for us. We took the amount I have sent to Thailand from my pension each month and converted it with a calculator to baht. This is our money in each month. After entering that, I just asked him (since he pays the bills), How much electric, how much your truck payment, how much water, how much insurance, etc. We estimated groceries for the house because he usually goes shopping with me a few times each week. We entered all of that into budget categories. Then put in his allowance. This let him see how much was left for me to spend on ME each month. Then we left the budget in tack, did not change any category, except for the amount we "USE TO" get in. When the program showed the remaining amount his eyes got wide and he said that he sees that today there is a big difference. He studied it a bit and said, "You need to make more money!" I looked at him and said, "I am retired, how can i do that?" He looked at me like I was ting tong, and said, "Give me a smaller allowance!" With a little tear, in one of my eyes, I looked at him and said, "I love you." He looked at me and said, "Bah, I go feed the dogs now". What a guy!
  3. It is my experience that it is the farang (as in I was at a meeting discussing what the rate should be) that sets the rate and then posts that the rate is now XXX. When someone say "Cheap Charlie" to those that pay what they negotiate with the boy if the rate is below a certain amount. Let me give an example. I was at a food court recently just relaxing. A Thia guy walked by and I just nodded "hello". I had no intent on taking anyone nor was I there looking for someone. The boy circled back and said "I go with you", to which I replied "No Thank you, I just sitting". So he sat down(???). I said "No time", "Not want". He said ok, "I sit and talk to you". I then said "you want water?" He said, " No Thank you. I just eat". After the necessary questions: What your name, where you from..", I said "I think I go now". He said, "can I go with you". I said "Can not, No money". He said, "how much you have?" I pulled out my money to show him that I really had only a few hundred baht with me. He saw I had 300 baht and said, "I go short with you 300 baht ok". I said to him, "I want to but 300 baht not enough, sorry." He said, "Enough" He was a fairly good looking guy (compared to me, gorgeous), and since I had a unit I rent out that was vacant across the street from where we were I said "Ok, short time". I found no problem giving just 300 baht. Yes I know ATM machines abound, but I have decided to cut back because of where the baht is. It was his choice and others might have handled it differently. But I have a feeling many farangs are sitting on their wallets a bit more right now, so many boys are getting nothing at all. How do they live when many of us are watching our budgets? They know that not as much money is coming their way, so they are happier with something than nothing.
  4. During "wet" it is usually not that difficult to live. True last night after midnight there was a hard rain, but by early morning there was no rain. The weather was very nice and people were off to the beach the shopping malls and every other place. In four years of living here I have only been caught off guard two or three times. If you carry a small umbrella, and if it rains too hard just duck into any business entrance of coffee shop. Sometimes you meet some great people that you would never have met had it not been for the rain. Trying to guess the weather to decide what city to be in or region is like throwing dice. Never can be sure what will come up. I do not get to Bangkok very often so am not sure about there. But Pattaya is no problem
  5. I think what Scooby is saying is reasonable, if I understand it correctly. One time I posted about a trip I took to Cambodia. There were a couple of replies adding some other information about things in Cambodia. The next post then said something like, "There are handsome boys in Vietnam and here is where to find them". The next few replies ended up talking about Vietnam. Then as RichLB mentioned the next 5 or 6 posts were between 2 people. Each arguing their point until the Cambodia "Theme" was not even recognizable! The poster that had information should have just started another post on Vietnam. There are many other examples, but as Gaybutton said, it can be a difficult task.
  6. You may be correct. But to me it would be more important to be in an area that already has good traffic. If you look at the area by Marine Plaza Hotel, people walk right past those bars in that area. From what I see, the bars with the most traffic are those by Come In and Duc bar. I would take the chance there rather than almost any other spot. The demise of Memories Music Bar is a good example of a spot that once had many customers, but failed miserably despite Ting Tong's constant web support and promotion. So even taking on a location that once did well is not as important as the talents of the new owners.
  7. The raids are a necessary part of Pattaya. There are extremely conservative groups that can not stand people having sex or even lusting in their hearts. Without the sex scene Pattaya would never have developed into a city that brings untold millions into Thailand. Look at the condo, housing, shopping malls, restaurants, etc. that have spring up over the last 15 years.
  8. STOP! Posting pictures of such gorgeous men from Brazil! I can not concentrate on my drinking. Has YaYa offered Mojito? (SP?)
  9. I also like the idea of a profile for each boy. I think the group that owns Dream Boys does this also. I know I get an email every once in a while from them. They also have it set up so you can email the boy through their website. I never did this and don't know if you get a reply back! Could this be the reason so many of the boys have their smartphone with them while on stage? Many just tuck the phones in their dancing shorts. Maybe it is the vibrate function.
  10. If I understand, the post where not deleted. They were made invisible. They are still there. And I am so happy that they are invisible. One night I posted 20 in less than 10 minutes. Which shows any Jackass can do it!
  11. I am set up to have GT.com topics that I am watching, send an email to my inbox when someone has posted a reply. I like that Each time I click the link in my email it takes me to the new post. I like that. If I want to reply to that post, I get an ERROR saying I can't post. I do not like that I get the ERROR because I mus AGAIN log in. To do so the program takes me away from the post and to the main page. Then I wait for the "You are being logged in" page to do whatever it must do for sometimes 10 seconds. Then to the forum page. Then I must try and find the post I was going to reply to. I don't like that at all!! Then I forget what I was going to write! Scooby.....do...get this fixed...please.
  12. In todays Database section of the Bangkok post there is an article that claims Porn has made the internet produce new IT progress. 12% of all sites on the internet are pornographic and GT (the person) owns 50% of them. almost $3,100. is spent a second on internet porn and GT (the person) gets 50% of it. About 1/3 of the viewers of internet porn are women and GT (the person) is one of those. 2.5 BILLION emails a day are pornographic in nature and GT (the person) send out 50% of them. if you don't believe it check out the Sept 1, 2010 edition of the Bangkok Post, Database
  13. This was originally posted in June10 2010. Beachlover brought it back to life at the end of Aug 2010. I wonder how many might have changed their mind since then. I would have. Now that I have visited Cambodia a few times, if I was a tourist I would go to Cambodia if there were no bars in Thailand. I have met several really nice farangs to talk with in Phnom Penh, so I feel though I have met some really nice farangs here, I think the same would happen in Phnom Penh
  14. I don't get the intent of the post. I do not understand how this contributes to anything gay or non gay. Is there an explanation for the post?
  15. In my view, even if it is ok but some cultural standards, it is wrong and unnecessary. There are many other ways to deal with these student problems that enforce a child's own self worth. When someone is treated badly, they will strike back in some way.
  16. I am sorry if I contributed to this issue by my posting tirade last night. I have always felt that this Board has been one of the best to post on. Some things certainly take time to sort out. No complaints.
  17. If I was looking for a place to open in Sunee Plaza, I would open next to Corner Bar. It is a large space with rooms above and surrounded by bars that are doing well. There are owners in Boyztown that have done well for years. However things have been changing. I think that the places that have problems with the police are those that try and break the rules. They bring in under legal age boys, they have sex shows. I think this is done instead of running a bar well. Take a look at Come In bar in Sunee. It has done well for years. They do not employ under legal age boys. In fact some of the hosts have been there for years. The owner doesn't just sit in a chair and chain smoke. He appropriately greets customers and occasionally buys them a drink. Corner Bar is fairly new, but also greets customers, has good food, and has many customers. I do wish they had a few more Macho boys but it is true they are a more valuable commodity than lady boys to the majority of customers and need to be treated well to keep them. Corner Bar does well though and knows how to run a bar. I think one of the reason many bars have a predominance of fem boys is that as LMTU said, they don't know how to take care of them. They don't appreciate their value.
  18. Oh, shit! I have not visited Gaybuttonthai for weeks as I was trying to get my post numbers up on this board! He certainly is a profligate poster! But if he stays busy on GBT. I have a chance at here!
  19. My Thai Friend and I will be visiting Yangon (Rangoon) Burma towards the end of September. I saw here that the military has cancelled "visa on arrival". We are going for just 4 days, but the reason for the post is to again encourage the new owners to think about making a separate forum for each close Asian country like, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Myanmar. I did a search to find information on traveling to Burma and if any gay scene. The search engine here is not fantastic, but there were a couple posters that I sent a PM too that provided some helpful information. I will post after our trip in the Asia forum, unless new forums appear. But if anyone has some tips please send me a PM if you don't want to post here.
  20. I don't if this is old news. I went through some of the new posts, but so many new posts or replies appear I might have missed that Memories Music Bar and Euro Boys have closed. I saw this in the PG weekly report. I know that the owners of Memories Music Bar lived in the floors above their bar. I believe at least one of them was a moderator on Ting Tong. Have they left the area? Last time I talked to them they mentioned they may move to Phnom Phen.
  21. I believe Brisn was one of the first to be allowed to take pictures at many Gay Venues. I believe when he started he actually smeared the faces of farangs in the audience out of respect for their privacy. Not all visitors to Gay Thailand were "out" in their home town. Brian understood this. He was a wonderful guy.
  22. Trying to compare different cultures, standards of living, and laws of different countries as though they are the same makes little sense. When we think of Thailand, think that only 6.4% of the population makes enough money monthly to pay income taxes. Those making less than 20,000 baht a month don't need to pay. Only 11% have at least a high school education. Much of the rural population have never been in an elevator or in a tall building. Many that work here in the bar business have learned that a way to make money is to ask the tourists for some help. Many farangs in Thailand make over 2,000,000 baht a year at today's exchange rate $62,500 a year. while 94% of the Thais makes less than $7000 a year, many less than $90 a month with no welfare. No comparison
  23. Each of us that live here are felling the strong baht. My monthly car payment is now up 33% since I first financed my car. My electric bill, water bill, food, drinks etc. are all much more expensive. But I still love it here and no plans to leave.
  24. We started with a number of 17 detained and now down to 3. I am also interested in who "funded" the raid. I feel competing business had something to do with it. If that is true, they are damaging there on business. There simply are NOT enough customers to go around right now.
  25. We all have different tastes. I find others much better looking in Thailand. Others may find my choices not as good looking.
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