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Everything posted by baobao

  1. That's probably the most logical way to roll with this. Who really cares if folks from a different place join in here or on another forum to participate with a change of handle (or attitude), as long as they can be civil. My feeling is that while some sites are keen to drive their numbers up for more of a profit when selling it off I don't feel this is one of them. Since he doesn't have any advertising I'd say Gaybutton isn't beholden to anyone, either. I don't have a problem with his posting frequently on his own board; it's called conversation, and that's what most boards encourage. Some members on other forums post on a dozen threads in a row, too, but so what? I'm relatively new here myself, but I'm happy to see other new folks. After almost seven years on SGT I decided not to participate there nearly a year ago, should memory serve. I wish it well - always have.
  2. That's the sort of thing you can try to get across via the mamasan, although I admit that doesn't always work. 9 out of 10 can understand "soft" or jep (hurts) A friend told me early on that Thai for "gentle" or "gently" was bao bao, and I liked the sound of that. Works for me.
  3. Welcome to the forum, Austin55. Most any of the male-for-male massage places have guys with varying skills, both in massage and other add-ons. Take a look at the three links in the post above yours and you'll get a better idea. Is this place any good? Looking for a full body massage including lingham and prostrate If you have specific wishes you need to explain this to the host/mamasan/receptionist in advance and then be willing to go with their recommended choice(s) and not simply pick someone yourself. That'll give you a better chance, but it's still no guarantee. I have no idea what you mean by "lingham", but unless you want a massage standing up the odds are you'll be prostrate (lying face down) - at least to start with
  4. I've also been a fan of Agoda for quite a while. I don't use them exclusively, and they can be somewhat problematic if you need to do anything other than choose and pay for a room, but while they've been a bit clumsy to deal with they have been able to resolve a few things over the years in a fair manner. While I haven't used them through other sites if they were available here I'd click/book through the banner here to give the forum it's small share, no problem at all. As for the reduction of porn and thumbnails at the top of the pages I'm more than fine with that, too. Thanks!
  5. An acquaintance worked there - not sure if he still does or not, actually - but we had a couple of nice dinners out a while back. This is how the place looked one evening back in January of 2011.
  6. Agreed. Give us a little more to go on - like KhorTose and foutainhall suggested - and you're bound to see suggestions come rolling in!
  7. baobao

    The Thai Wat

    Excellent start for a thread, Bob. It sounds like you gather enough information (and photos?) to add to this every so often, and that would be welcomed by more than a few of us, I dare say. I'm willing to occasionally add to it myself, if that's OK, and hope others would, too. Sometimes a another set of eyes can see the same place differently, so I wouldn't object to several others commenting on the same place. Chiang Mai is especially rich with interesting spots. Thanks for posting this!
  8. baobao

    Happy Landings!

    Back in my more colorful college days we used to go park our cars under the approach traffic at San Francisco International, lie on our backs on the hoods of our cars and get high, enjoying the thunderous roar of the jets as they flew very low overhead, just before they touched down a hundred yards or so past our feet. I seriously doubt you can still drive and park that close any more, but at the time it was quite an experience.
  9. Chithai, to be completely honest here, there is no reasoning with - or gentle responses possible from - the person I referred to, but it's nothing that needs discussing further on this forum and I'm sorry I brought it up. I support your line of thinking, though, and also feel that the gentle approach is usually the best one - hence the nickname "bao bao", which I was told long ago means "gently". If you read my blog you'd quickly see that, and you're welcome to visit (and comment) any time. The person I mentioned visits regularly and comments, though I can't for the life of me figure out why if they despise me as much as they claim to - that's what I didn't make clear. Sorry.
  10. Humor and sarcasm don't translate well from language to language or culture to culture very often. That may be part of it. Not seeing or hearing the exchange it's difficult to help you here.
  11. shamahan - It's nice of you to stand up for the friend you feel has been wronged, but I hope you understand that your version of this carries no more weight than anyone else's does. This is really a matter between the person banned and Scooby, if he's the decision maker. IP addresses are easily seen on most any site by the site owner, and even if a person's using a "ghost" go-between site to hide their address, their style (or behavior) will usually give them away soon enough. The way I see it...if they behave, who cares if they remain a member. I know personally of one flaming a**hole that slings mud at me and my blog and still posts constructive and kind comments. Go figure.
  12. Thank you, Scooby. There are posts there about a variety of restaurants and hotels/guest houses in Bangkok, Pattaya and other spots I've stayed in Thailand. Nice of you to mention it.
  13. Not really, no. Nothing against the folks who are, but that's not the case for a lot of folks.
  14. Some folks I know say this place is pretty "touristy" - and perhaps it is - but I've enjoyed several meals there with Thai and farang friends over the years. I was taken there on my first visit to Thailand by a Thai friend, should memory serve. Reservations during busy times is usually recommended. If you have time while outbound at Suvarnabhumi International there's a location there, too... past the security check points. This is what it looks like at night:
  15. At the risk of tooting my own horn, I did a post about it on December 10th 2010 - with a few pictures and comments the Bug & Bee folks left. http://khunbaobao.blogspot.com/2010/12/bug-bee-restaurant-bangkok.html
  16. It's not bad at all if you're short enough to have sufficient leg room and aren't too wide to fit the seats, or are OK to be in tight quarters. On a longer flight I'd suggest asking your doctor about something to help you sleep. I'm not happy sitting anywhere for 12 hours, myself... I sleep. I'm also with z909... that extra for the upgrade to business or first class just isn't worth it to me. I do enjoy the slightly larger areas provided by Economy Deluxe or similar class seats that some airlines offer. $100 additional per trip leg for seems worthwhile.
  17. To that I'd add Beachlover's oft-repeated "heh... totally agree!" There aren't too many gay forums; they all serve a purpose - even the worst of them, and even if sometimes I can't for the life of me figure out why that sort of purpose is necessary in the first place. Would you rather have those hydras and trolls here? This forum could use a few more members starting threads, but the efforts of thaiworthy and Michael to start the ones they do isn't a bad thing at all. I'll make an effort to join in, too. I appreciate the overall tone here, myself. If someone wants "edgy" or "spirited and lively" forums there are a couple of them out there spewing on an hourly basis. My guess is that most here would prefer informative and conversational.
  18. Oddly enough, a couple of expat friends usually ask me to bring "proper chocolates that will melt in your mouth", but I got the joke.
  19. If you're taking nominations for the best sounding words in the English language I'd add lullaby.
  20. Condoms are very light to bring in quantity to worthwhile groups like this and can be purchased through Amazon or other sources in bulk for very little money... much less than in 12-packs at the pharmacy. At street fairs and other events where condoms are given away I used to talk to the people in the booth, tell them where I'd be taking the supplies and ask if they wanted to make a donation. It's a little like trick-or-treating on Halloween - I'd hold a bag out, and they usually scoop up a handful or two to drop into it. Lately I've just been ordering bulk online to bring. Easier to just donate the money, I suppose, but that's how I've preferred to do it. One trip I dropped off a box of 700+ condoms at the Thais4Life bookstore to help Dr. Philippe, and another time I left a bag of condoms and sachets for Dale at Gaymede the night before a fundraiser, since I was leaving town the next morning. One of these times I'll meet him, I suppose. There are several worthy groups in Thailand who can use such supplies, but Take Care seems to be doing about the best job of stretching a baht.
  21. As well as Obama's brave comments, the committee's selection of gay poet Richard Blanco to do a reading and Rev. Leon from St John's church (a gay-friendly Episcopal church near the White House) to deliver the final benediction were also welcome additions to the ceremonies, in my opinion. Although there's still a long way to go, it was an encouraging morning of television.
  22. What I'd add to what KhorTose said - and I agree with the above, overall - is that regardless of why you'd suspect your BF or the reason you'd be upset by your suspicions it really comes down to what you'd find acceptable in your relationship with him. If it's a closed relationship in your mind and that was the initial agreement between the two of you, you'd need to re-open the negotiations (and those results might still be difficult to believe), break it off or accept that he's going to stray. If the emotional, material or financial benefits make it easier to take, so be it, but my thought is it might be better overall to be alone than to continually be knotted up by the possibilities. I would not hire a detective except in extraordinary circumstances.
  23. I've posted a couple dozen accommodation reviews, but since these are more bullet items I'll take the risk of repeating myself... LIKES Free WiFi or good LAN speed Reasonable attention to detail by housekeeping Nice view of more than another building - and facing East is good for me No problems when I ask for extra towels or pillows (tipping the bearer a bit, of course) DISLIKES Poor water pressure or hot/cold valve problems in the shower Toiletries that give new meaning to the word "minimal" Housekeeping cleaning the glasses and cups with a cloth rather than swapping them out with "clean" ones Management allowing smoking in no smoking rooms or areas Buffet lines with food not kept at a safe level (or just plain cold) Since "this is Thailand" any of the above can happen in places with various "star" ratings. All part of the adventure, overall - but some of it I could do without.
  24. I agree with most all of that, Bob. It was the nasty writing style that earned my vote. Sarcasm is one thing - character defamation is entirely another. A friend who teaches overseas tells their students "if you can find it online, so can I", and I'm not at all sure what he posts is actually all his, but he can be entertaining when he chooses to be, and I don't mean the times he's just being a bully from behind a high fence. But, this IS the internet, and there's room for all types. There are those who don't care for my blog, but so it goes. I don't do attack posts. Takes the fun out of things, I think.
  25. I've really been enjoying the pictures in this thread - especially the night photos - and it's high time to say thanks. Thanks!
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