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Everything posted by Up2u

  1. Some more perspective. Maybe we can travel to Thailand sooner than thought. My doctor in Pattaya said I could get the vaccine jabs in May or June with the anticipated opening of the AstraZenega plant here. Private hospitals can purchase vaccines on their own so Moderna and Pfizer should be available in August. Can't wait. https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30404871
  2. Carpaccio has been replaced with an Indonesian restaurant called Trindy's. Very popular when it first opened; good food, hope it's a success.
  3. Bf likes Nara at T21.
  4. There are also pro-democracy demonstrations scheduled for Pattaya.
  5. Like HK, demonstrations in Thailand will be young people yearning for democracy and nothing related to covid pandemic. The right wing demonstrations remind me of the smoking wars debates. I have a right not to wear a mask (i.e.; no you don't) or I have a right to smoke as I please . As I told friends, your right to smoke ends at the tip of my nose and you have no right to spread a serious or deadly disease.
  6. thepattayanews.com has posted articles and videos on the influx of domestic tourists to our fair city for the long weekend. Walking St, Soi Buakaew and Koh Larn businesses should be happy.
  7. 600 facing quarantine after Thailand’s first locally-acquired COVID infection for 100 days https://www.thaipbsworld.com/600-facing-quarantine-after-thailands-first-locally-acquired-covid-infection-for-100-days/
  8. Leading Walking Street business owners warn of “total collapse” of tourism industry in Pattaya if Thailand has no foreign tourists for another 3-6 months https://thepattayanews.com/2020/09/05/leading-walking-street-business-owners-warn-of-total-collapse-of-tourism-industry-in-pattaya-if-thailand-has-no-foreign-tourists-for-another-3-6-months/ I ran this topic by my bf and the Thai lady that runs a travel agency in our condo (Pattaya). The resiliency of the Thai people and the patience always amazes, just ride out the storm seems like the appropriate metaphor, no matter how long it takes.
  9. I found the link.... (IMHE = Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) http://www.healthdata.org/covid/estimation-updates-united-states
  10. Covid-19 deaths from the IMHE model. This model is used by the White House and has historically understated the deaths.
  11. France is spiking in recent days and don't forget Spain. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/europe/france-coronavirus-cases.html&ved=2ahUKEwj9g5vo7NDrAhUFeisKHWkeBYoQFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw368YBG5F3u26w25Lm0Rxsa Reading the various forums, I note there are are many posters giving advice to Thailand on how to deal with the virus. Looking at their own country's track record on managing (or lack of) the virus they lack any credibility. Shortly, flu season will arrive in the northern climates and with it predictions of another covid wave. In America, a forecaster the White House uses is predicting 410,000 deaths by Jan 1 with a worst case scenario of over 600k. Think of that, hundreds of thousands of lives needlessly lost because of government mismanagement and selfish people not wearing masks and following well established guidelines. Thailand got it right; and one wonders who is the third world country, Thailand or my home country? Trust science, be patient, vaccines will be here shortly and we'll all be traveling again.
  12. Let them cancel the flight, that way you will get a full refund without any hassles.
  13. I know khaosod news has been forced to remove articles about the demonstrations. The ultra-royalist will not share power and I only hope my fears of an unforgiving government and violence do not come true. Btw, for those who wish to follow the developments the https://www.khaosodenglish.com/ provides far more insight than the kowtowing Nation or Bangkok Post. Also Scottish journalist, Andrew MacGregor Marshall, banned from Thailand posts on FB and Twitter and is no friend of the government/junta.
  14. Do not conflate a successful and public support for government covid-19 response and policy with economic recovery and anything that resembles democracy. Prayut is a dictator that serves at the pleasure of you know who. If HK style protests lead to Prayut's "dismissal" then we should all become acquainted with the name of ultrar-oyalist, Army commander-in-chief General Apirat Kongsompong.
  15. Not really. My buddy plays this game with United and EVA. They let you book RT ticket but a week or two before travel dates they cancel (with the option of full refund or change dates). This has happened five times during covid-19 crisis.
  16. NZ now has four new community transmitted cases and Auckland will shutdown again. Compare their response (and some other Asian countries) with that of America, Brazil, UK, etc. If only America had a leader who would lead and take responsibility.
  17. It works both ways. I am in covid-19 free Pattaya and cannot visit family in covid California for Xmas.
  18. I hope you are right but we must not forget history and only have to go back 100 years and study the Spanish Flu. Four waves and it mutated over several years and killed 50 million and 675,000 Americans. We are still in first wave and some are forecasting 300,000 by November. Just think flu season isn't even here.
  19. One could say the same thing about the Black Death.
  20. A friend got a quote of 28,000 THB about two years ago from Bumrungrad which was still the highest price in Thailand. Hospitals here give you quotations on the high end and then run your cc to put a "hold" on it. The patient is usually happy when it's time to settle up.
  21. The average price of a colonoscopy in the USA is about 3000 dollars and that equates to the Bumrungrad estimate which is the best but the highest priced hospital in Bangkok. The price for this procedure is 18,000 THB at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.
  22. I think you are being a tad bit hard on us expats here. I always enjoyed the high season here especially seeing my friends who are making their regular holiday visits. I miss them terribly and anxiously look forward to their visits again. Yes, us old farts gripe about the Chinese tourists and their buses, and complain about our favorite beach chair being taken but that's all part of the fun of getting old.
  23. I both empathize and am disappointed with some opinions of your informal family poll. My family who ( I cannot visit because of covid-19) would poll differently. My family is much smaller and consists of doctors, teachers and their children. Because of covid-19 they would shut down economy again AND do it right this time. Schools closed with no reopening ; however my nephews schools will reopen shortly for on-line instruction only. With the USA case load rising and deaths at 160k and rising I simply cannot understand why some people (other than Trump) want to reopen the economy (despite financial concerns). After all it was re-opening prematurely that got America in its current predicament.
  24. Assuming you have already seen IconSiam then the new MRT line will offer new experiences. The new Sanam Chai station is fabulous and let's you explore Chinatown. Both the new MRT and BTS lines offer new shopping opportunities (new Megamalls too) not known to most tourists.
  25. After reading his earlier posts, I think the OP has another career writing one-handed novels for gay gentlemen.
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