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Everything posted by bucknaway

  1. I always wake-up in a good mood once I started reminding myself that if I am not enjoying my life, it is my own fault. I remind myself of that so often that it is what I think of when I am closing my eyes for sleep and often what I think of when I wake-up. It just happened that for some reason I had more energy and a lighter attitude this morning I just wonder what I am going to do to make the most of tomorrow? I can't wait to find out!
  2. I know.. I was in such a good mood this morning when I woke-up and made that reply.... I wanted to do a cheeky type of tongue in cheek reply that would foster some cyber-male bonding but with your note to me I can tell that I fell face down on my keyboard! And you are right about one thing... I have read enough of your stories to know that your one hell of a slut! I am told that you have your own line of condoms.. hehehehe Ok, That is not true... but maybe I will start that rumor for you...
  3. Why thank you! I think you are calling me a cheap-skate... but you dressed it up so nice that I will dance with it! (Puts hand over heart...) You think I am interesting? Well God bless your cyberheart! Most times I write about my experiences and have to tone them down to stop others from thinking that what I am telling them is utter fantasy, but now that I am single and have to answer to no-one, I plan to tell the full story of times in Thailand. And if I ever do find a boyfriend.... Well he won't have to know that I am blkcuteguy & Bucknaway.... And if this imaginary boyfriend in my life were to ask if I am either of them I will impersonate an offended person and ask... "You think I am one of those WHORES?"
  4. I do declare that this is the cute little message board place! It is decorated in such a nice way! Not to campy and not to computerish.. (Did I just make a new word?). I like the click-able smiles off to the side just waiting there to be selected much like the guys in a massage house when I am trying to decide on who will get my tip... but as I was saying, I love the layout here! I see I can add an image to a post! I love features like that! I see the board has a text justification feature! You don't see that too often! Look at me typing in the center of the page! WOW! I visited this place when it first opened, had a look around now I am back! And look at you all here! All grown up! And look at all the topics! (Pinches all of you on the cheek). You guys have been busy! I love it here! I am going to try to come back here more than I have been! Yes-Sir-Ree-Bob! I will be back! And look at the colors here! White, gray, black lettering, greenish and there is an orange'ish type color... Another greenish color... Darker than the other kinda green I mentioned earlier.. And there is a grayish type of blue... And up top is all the reds... I dare say there are maybe 4 or 5 different shades of red up there. All together the colors are not hideous... The board is laid out in a way that you don't feel as if your typing into a old box. Yeah... I like it here... I think I will come back... again....
  5. Oh GOD! This post truly made me laugh out loud! Yes, I will use it on the beach also LOL Thank you! This helps me a heck of a lot!
  6. I am bringing my laptop with me... I wonder if anyone knows if there is an option for visitors to rent a mobile internet laptop card that can be used around Thailand?
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