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Everything posted by bucknaway

  1. Anyone care to know how the scam worked or how they pulled it off?
  2. I just remembered another scam. Two Americans and one Philippine walk into Pantip plaza...... (This is a synopsis of a post I posted on sawatdee during my 2015 trip) We decided we would buy copy phones. To make a long story short, they switched the phones with the lower quality copy and not the higher quality copy we paid for. It's difficult to tell from the outside unless you look at it with a fine tooth comb. ... I still have the phone. I'm afraid to sell it or give it away. I think someone will try to pass it off as the real thing and try to sell it.
  3. The best scams are those that happen without the victim knowing they were cheated or scammed. When you spot the scam and avoid it, it's not a good scam.
  4. Do I need to comment? No..... I just gave the facts to be interpreted any way the reader chooses.
  5. I was trying to find a post by smiles that told the story of how he met his husband. I hope it is not a post that got deleted along the way. If anyone saved it, it would be great if they could post it.
  6. When I was in Pattaya, a friend was staying in a condo at View Talay 7C and their safe stopped working. The safe had a keypad and a place for an key. The renter would not find the key and called someone to open the safe. I was there when 2 guys arrived. One looked to be a teenager and the other in his early 20's. They kicked off their shoes, went to the safe. Pulled off the plastic casing. Took a punch and a hammer and in 5 minutes they safe was open and it took them 5 more minutes to put everything back and make it look as if they were never there.
  7. I have been visiting Thailand for about 15 years, 4 weeks at a time. For the last few years I have been coming twice a year for a total of 6 weeks at a time. Enough about me... The topic is about scams....
  8. Deleted.
  9. I went to sawatdee and looked up some of my old posts and a few reminded me on how much fun I had on these forums and talking about thailand. My challenge is for each of you to find one old post you enjoyed and created and share it here for us new people to read. Come on! Let the copy and pasting begin!
  10. No. Your reply was about me being un lucky and on and on. I guess this is going to be the 2nd thread you haunt and try to destroy. This was a fun place till you got on this crusade. Well I'm moving on and hoping for a thread without debate or board member drama.
  11. I live life to the fullest. I do as much as I can and go where the wind blows me. I meet many people and find myself in countless situations. You want to make this about me but I'm not going to get baited into an argument about me. These are my life experiences and I am thankful to have them. And these events have been documenTed over the years and can be found on the sawatdee network under my name bucknaway or my old screen name blkcuteguy.
  12. I just remembered 2 more events. Pattaya. I invited a guy from the beach to my condo. He needed to use the bathroom. My bathroom had 2 doors. One that is at the front of the condo facing the kitchen and another door leading to the bedroom. He entered the bathroom and I started to settle in. I walked around the dividing wall to the bedroom and found him with his hand on the closet sliding door. He jumped when he saw me and beat it back to the bathroom. When he came out I asked him to leave. Another. I knew a guy from Dj station in Bangkok. We talked once and I bought him a drink with my extra drink ticket. When I was in pattaya I saw him on the beach and we talked. He told me a sad story and we made plans to go shopping the next day at the tesco lotus. We met and i baught him clothes, backpack, shoes, medication and massage supplies as well as giving him money. Once done shopping we ended up in my room. Something didn't seem right with him. I remember he came out of the bathroom in a towel and laid across my bed. I was fully dressed and declined his advances. Instantly his face showed anger and I think after some thought it instantly changed back. He went into the bathroom as I straightened my bed. I found him dressed with the backpack I bought him in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. He was keen to leave and we said goodbye. Later that day I decided to organize my bags to make room for the things I purchased. I went to pack the bottle of 100 pipers I purchased for my boss as a gift and found the box it came in was empty. It took me a second to realize my friend had stuffed it in his backpack when he was in the kitchen. I saw him on the beach. He flirted and I asked him why he took the bottle. He told me it was only little baht for me. I run into him often and he always begs for my generosity and I continue to tell him I can't help him.
  13. At this point what is there to gain by arguing more? Has anyone ever won a message board fight? Has anyone ever changed his mind due to stubborn posts from either viewpoint? This was an awesome thread and look what we did with it....
  14. The other scam that seems to be reported often is boy meets girl, boy gets drugged by girl, girl steals from boy. Police look for girl who turns out to be a boy..... This one may not be a scam but when I was in pattaya riding on a baht bus, I remember seeing cars for rent and the sign touted they can be insured! Then I pass another one that said they rent cars with PROPER insurance! And cheating in bars? I love that Dreamboys announces that they will not cheat you!
  15. I'm not trying to get into a argument and I am not going to reply to your innuendo. It seems like you have something to prove in this thread and I am not going to guess or insinuate what I think it may be. I only hope that we can avoid personal attacks, it's just a message board where we share thoughts related to Thailand. This thread isn't about me or you. It's about scams in Thailand.
  16. It's possible, but life goes on. I was waiting to see what you would post. I think you are going to have a comment on every post but I don't think you will offer any scam experiences for others to be aware of.
  17. These are some of the Scams I experienced. Patpong. I entered a 2nd floor bar after being told my drink would cost 200 Baht. When I sat down I ordered my drink and watched the nude ladyboy walk on the raised counter-top that could have been a bar. My beer came and I gave the money for the drink. The lady came back and I found my change was in coins and the coins were glued to the plate! When I tried to pry them up, she yelped in surprise and ran away with the tray. A lady came up and put a bill in my cup. I told her I paid for the drink and she said it was for the show. I left it there and soon they were stuffing another bill in my cup. I decided it was time to go so counted the total and put the cash in the cup and handed it to the passing waitress and made my way out. Guys at the door were blocking my exit and I turned to see a waitress waiving another receipt for me. I puffed out my chest and stood tall as I pushed my way out the door. I heard them talking but all I could understand was one of them saying Army! Army!. For some reason people in Thailand think I am either in the Army or on the Police force. Silom. I stopped at a guy selling magic items. It was my last night in Thailand and I thought the rings and the hidden dice trick would be a good gift for my nephews. The guy demonstrated the tricks and just through our chitchat I told him it was a gift for my nephews. He gushed that I had a good heart and said he would wrap them up nicely for me. When I got home and unwrapped them, you guessed it. Empty boxes. DJ Station. One incident with a guy trying to pick my pocket. Another incident. Met a guy at DJ. We went to my condo and he stole My old laptop I only use for travel to Thailand and a pair of my new Nike's. Pattaya: Baht bus demanding 200 baht for the same ride that other Thai passengers paid 10 baht. Often when their is a lady sitting next to the baht bus driver, they often try to keep my change. When I don't pull my open hand back, the driver will often indicate to them to give me my change. Met a guy on romeo. Spend many days with him. Once I let my guard down, he stole around 6000 baht out of my wallet. It may have been more. I would have to look at my post on sawatdee network to get the exact amount. Phuket. Was in boat bar when a woman tried to pick my pocket. It got so bad that when I went outside, she seemed to follow me and tried to pick my pocket again. I had to tell her. "Please stop trying to pick my pocket!" Airport. Once I got in a taxi that had a rigged meter. The other scams came when the driver didn't want to turn on the meter and lied saying no meter for airport taxi, or holiday, no meter today. I know I have run into more scams than this. Some were too insignificant to mention and others have slipped my mind......
  18. Just a side note... in Saudi Arabia when you speak of pigs it has to be in a derogatory way. You just can't say "I saw a pig," you would have to say something like "I saw a dirty pig!" I hope we don't have to justify statements made to us, by others, in our reports. I'd hate to see reports that are written as if they were written by a Philadelphia lawyer.
  19. I'm glad your not arguing about the facts of your post. Years ago I posted about a frozen beer in a bar, not thinking much about it. When I came back to the thread I found a debate in full swing. I was even called a liar. The board owner attached me and then locked the thread and sent me a pm warning not to comment further..... I appreciate your posts where you allow us a glimpse into moments of your life and I hope you continue to share as you have in this thread.
  20. I'll share when I get home. I hate posting from NY phone and it's error correction that seems to screw up my posts.
  21. I'm sure enough people had met a busboy at the pinnacle who would offer sex at a ridicously high rate hoping to snag a sucker haha. If that failed he would offer taxi service from a friend. The taxi looked nice from the outside but was a wreck inside and the cost was more than the norm..... Yeah, he got me on that one lol
  22. What about hotel staff that try to pick up customers? Are they rude? (Pinnacle Hotel). What about Thai guys trying to pick up foreigners at the weekend market? Are they bad people? What about other Asian guys here on holiday coming on to travelers on walking street in pattaya? Oh, and what about Thai guys and women trying to pick up guys while in the baht bus? I think we just need to be proud that we are in the company of guys that others desire.
  23. Just because something has not happened to you or I does not make it ridiculous. Just take the warning and file it away for future reference should you need it. I was lucky to chat with a Thai guy on yahoo messenger before I came to thailand. He warned me about the guys telling me they loved me, about the taxi cheats. About the bar cheats along with other ripoffs. I didn't experience all of them on my first few trips but I did end up experiencing them. I had to smile about the phone scam. I didn't know it was a scam and I remember a guy leaving his phone on the edge of the bed and pulling me to him. I was aware of the phone and stopped to move it to the nightstand and plug it into my charger. That's when he told me phone no good. I didn't give it a second thought. I'll never be upset by too much information.
  24. In the real world there is hotel staff having sex with resident customers. It happens on cruise ships, in prisons and in hospitals. Yes, people are having sex and a lot of it. While in Thailand I have been propositioned by hotel staff while staying there. I have also crossed paths with hotel staff who took off like a road runner once they learned I was still a resident at their hotel. Of the 2 guys I have had sex with at their hotels, I think we both knew the risk they were taking. The second guy was concerned and mentioned that there were cameras in the halls so he would have to be very careful. Away from the hotel we went out a few times to local restaurants and to Silom but I began to find it difficult to bring guys back to my room without hurting his feelings. His constant calls and notes slipped under my door was a bit of a worry for me. He knew I was changing hotels and I was breathing a bit easier once the move was made. Now when I would come into the hotel the staff would stop me to give me a note left by him and I could not answer my phone in the room out of the fear that it would be him. It is because of him that I won't have sex with hotel staff anymore. When I stayed at the Regent in Silom. There was a very good looking guy at the front desk. I noted him and I also noticed the way he looked at me. Once when I walked by he looked at me in such a way that the older lady behind the counter with him gave him a look as if to tell him that he was being far too obvious in his admiration. I kept my distance from him during my time there and on my last day I gave him a gift. I remember the younger girl with him seemed surprised by my gift to him but it seem to make his day. Can you get lucky with hotel staff? Yes. But you may regret it.....
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