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Everything posted by bucknaway

  1. When I first planned this trip, it was with the idea I would be coming with a friend. I wanted them to experience the parts of Thailand they have not seen yet. Also, I wanted to give the areas another try. At this point I wish I had spent more time in Phuket and less time in Chiang Mai. I am not much into sight seeing. I have been to Thailand too many times to count and have never seen the Palace. I come for the social fun and relaxation. I don't do much shopping anymore. Everything they sell here I can get back home at a far cheaper price and my closet can't fit anymore clothes... But the real reason for this whirlwind is because this may be my last trip to Thailand. There are other places for me to see.
  2. I'm told that the 12am closure is being enforced but some bars are dimming the lights, lowering the gates and turning down the music while still serving the customers inside. I don't know how long that will be allowed to continue.
  3. Let it go..... Turn the page.... Haha
  4. Monday night in Chiang Mai. Lets just say that I feel like Chiang Mai is not even trying. Well one bright spot is Ram Bar in the Night Bazaar area. Small Singha 80 baht or big bottle for 120 baht. Fashionable and lively place with an open air feel but well protected if the rain comes. The show started at 10pm and looked well rehearsed but I am no fan of cabaret so I left after the second number. I went next door to Secrets Bar. It s host bar with a pool table. The bar first seemed empty when I entered but noticed a few costumes mixed with the guys. I had a 80 baht coke and watched the guys play pool for a while. One customer had a group of guys around him and the other guys seem to be unaware of the customers arriving and we all sat unbothered by the host staff there. I could imagine some of the guys in that bar could get employment at natureboy bar in Bangkok but I don't think any could work at Soi Twilight. My next stop was Circle Pub. My Sinha was 260 Baht. The show was a mix of cabaret and borderline erotic. I do have to give one performer credit for coming out and performing an erotic scene. If I had a muffin top I don't think I would have the courage to do his job. Anyway.... It seemed as if there was about 6 or 7 guys to choose from. I could see some of the guys working at soi twilight. One guy was offed by some Indian guys. I liked Circle pub when I was there a few years ago but I won't be back this trip. Tonight I will give Adams Apple a try. Oh... I went to bed alone last night. I was not feeling horny. I tried explaining that to guys on the apps and they didn't seem to understand the concept of not being in the mood for sex hahaha
  5. Just a quick note. I arrived in Bangkok Friday evening and it was a breeze getting through immigration and my bag was the first on the belt. Got a taxi and the driver turned on the meter before I had to ask. I checked into Babylon around 9pm. Seemed quiet there but they put me on the 4th floor so i guessed the rooms were filled with guests and that was evident at breakfast with a lot of guys eating. I visited the silom area and the streets were cleared of the vendors and the sidewalks were open for pedestrians. The vendors were using the windowsills of the shops to display the items they are selling. The army has tables setup on the sidewalk similar to what you see in Pattaya on walking street. I walked through Soi Twilight but didn't go into the bars. The walkway was not crowded and the touts were not as pushy as they were in April. I went into Naturboy, sat with a cute guy and touched and groped with him for about an hour. I just got him all worked up and I figured he would give someone a spectacular cum show after our time together. Surprise of all surprises.... I walked out with sticky underwear! I can't believe how much pre-cum I produced myself so the joke was on me! While walking the streets I met a guy from Washington DC. He was interested in some fun but we settled on my showing him all the areas he knew nothing about. I said goodnight to him after helping him find a moneyboy on silom road. The fun for me started in Phuket. I will cut to the chase. Drinks at MyWay gogo. 140 Baht and 200 Baht for gogo worker. Guys start in white jeans and tennis shoes. After the first show the guys come back in Latex shorts and tennis shoes. The show is a mix of erotic with a little cabaret thrown in, Off fee 300 baht and they promote minimum tip of 1500 but tell you it is up to you and the guy. The guys would be right at home in Jupiter 2000 or Dreamboys. The bar Moo 2 was a smaller gogo bar. the drinks were 150 baht for Singha. Same price for staff. I had fun in Phuket and I look forward to my time in Chiang Mai... I just landed here 1 hour ago. Till next time,,,,
  6. The wildest thing I've done? It had to be my first trip to Chiang Mai. I somehow got involved with a young farang guy. I remember I was staying at the lotus hotel. It was late at night and the Adam's apple was closing and the guys leaving. We ended up at the pool hall playing pool. One thing g led to another and we were playing strip pool. When we were down to our underwear the other guys there warned us but we assured them we were not going to have sex there. I lost and soon we were headed back to my room at the lotus with 2 Thai guys following us. Me and my guy were having fun but the other 2 were in the shower and argued so the Thai guy with him left. The young farang guy got in bed with us and shortly fell asleep. We had no choice so we had sex on top of him.
  7. Love the reports but hate to hear about you turning all the hot guys into bottoms hahaha
  8. Have your friend have a look at duolingo. It also has an app along with a Web page that will help him learn english. https://www.duolingo.com The best new way to learn a language. Learning with Duolingo is fun and addictive. Earn points for correct answers, race against the clock, and level up. Our bite-sized lessons are effective, and we have proof that it works. See how we do it Gamification poured into every lesson. Read, Listen, Speak Each lesson includes a variety of speaking, listening, translation, and multiple choice challenges.
  9. Oh.... Around the corner from Tawan bar are a few small bars that have drink prices around 100 baht. They are not the most classy of places but they can be fun.
  10. In Bangkok, I don't often go into the gogo bars. I did make it into Hot Male one or 2 times and Dream Boys once. But I only go to the bars in Bangkok for the show, I don't go there to off any of the guys. The drink prices in Dreamboys has become so high that I will only enter the bar once a year in the hopes that the show has changed. This years show has not changed from last years show when I was there. I'll bar hop a little in Pattaya and I plan to buy a bottle when I am in Eros and plant my butt in a seat for a while. I will also give it a try in Jomtien Complex just to be able to say I did it. I think I am going to still be healing from surgery this trip so I won't be as wild and crazy as I have been in the past.
  11. You can open a bottle at Eros but if you don't tip the guys, they won't stick around. They may stop by for a drink from your bottle but once they twist the cap back on the bottle they will be gone once they set the bottle down. LOL The Thai guy that hipped me to the bottle deal was a gogo guy at Eros after I had purchased yet another beer for one of the guys.
  12. I dont mind it either. I may be jealous if they are having too much fun
  13. I know, but no one is going back and looking at old posts with old information that may or may not be relevant to today's situation. I've been on many boards where the posters don't even want others to talk about things that have been talked about in years past. We love trip reports but we just want to argue about how much was tipped. Yeah we are all have been around the block a time or two in thailand, it would just be nice to share what we learned for those who have yet to visit or are just now exploring. Not all of us are looking to buy sex. I'm looking for a good time in thailand. Have I hired guys before? Yes. But I go into a gogo bar for the show, i dont expect to come out with a hired guy. So it's my hope that this forum has room for people like me also. I'm sure many like me read these posts.
  14. I am what I am, I like to have fun but if I waste money it will ruine my mood. Each of us is different and we enjoy life in different ways. All I hope to do in this thread is let others see what fun is available too them without having to break the bank. I don't want to tell them what to do or how much to spend, i just want them to see there are many options on how they can enjoy their time out. For the longest time I looked at the price for a bottle on a drink card and ignored it. It was a Thai guy that opened my eyes to the fun that a bottle could bring without having to shell out 200 baht per guy plus tip. And if there was still enough left in the bottle for another night, all I had to pay was a small fee for the mixers the following night. Is there any way to get you guys to share info or are yall just going to what you like or don't like about my info on opening a bottle?
  15. You guys don't understand. I like going into Eros bar, buying a bottle and sharing it with the guys. I still tip them the same as I would in other bars. Often I tip more in there when the guys share in my bottle. It saves me from having to buy each guy a separate drink. I think we tend to become jaded on the internet and the forums. You read the post and found the glass to be half empty. I was hoping you would read the post and find the glass to be half full. Nothing will stop anyone from tipping the guys. Tips are always up to you. I find the guys more friendly when there is a bottle from which they can share a drink. They tend to come over. Chat and drink and maybe mess around for fun. They get a tip and they will often go to another customer for a bit and will find their way back to you if give off the right vibe. I buy the bottle, but I only have one drink from it. The guys in the bar have a party from it. More times than I can count, I have had guys crawling all over me as they play with each other. Even one time there I was giving out the last of my tips and another guy snatched it from me and his friend tried to get it from him. He tried to get away and stood up on the sofa to step over a guy sitting in my crowd. The other guy on my other side stood up to stop him and they playfully wrestled. One guy has his crotch pressed into my face and the other guy had his pressed into my shoulder. Yeah, they were a little drunk! haha. But that is why I love doing it there. I will often go to a money exchange booth and ask for 2000 baht in 20 baht notes to give to the guys throughout the night. Besides.... I would much rather read about your fun and how you get value for your baht. It's a waste to judge my exploits either good or bad. Just share your exploits and maybe we all will learn a thing or two.
  16. What are you baht stretching tricks? What advise can you share with fellow travelers? My money saving tip? If you want to have fun in a gogo bar for a good amount of time, consider opening a bottle. In pattaya it may only cost 1200 baht and mixers may be free. If you want to share time with many guys than a bottle can be a money saver! I don't know what the bottle price and policy is at boys boys boys.
  17. Oh, and Pakistan https://youtu.be/dQBKNUg9fqA
  18. https://youtu.be/j2C3JBdv520 https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=j2C3JBdv520 Don't forget the dancing boys of Afghanistan
  19. I always keep a certain amount of your mergency money with me but that has nothing to do with the money that I had with me at that time. I was in the thick I'm doing my own Home Remodeling. Even now I have 5 $100 bills neatly folded and hidden in my wallet for emergency purposes.
  20. My first trip to Thailand, my Thai friend took me to JJ Weekend Market. As we walked around he noticed that the woman walking infront of us had a backpack (On her back) and one of the zippers was open presenting a gaping opening into the pocket. She shimmied it of quickly and dug her hand into the pocket. You could see the dispair on her face when she told her husband her wallet and money was gone. On another trip, I took the bus from the airport and forgot my laptop and wallet on the bus. I had to race back to the airport and the bus ticket seller called the bus back to the airport and there was my laptop. Everyone got a 1000 baht tip, the 2 bus ticket sellers, the driver and my cab driver. In the USA... I forgot my pants at the gym and it had my wallet with $1500 in cash. In the morning on my way to work, I stopped at the gym and asked them if anyone turned in $1500? The girl pulled out a wad of money. I looked at it and told her my cash was in hundreds and fiftys. I told her I forgot my pants and my wallet was in my pants. She asked me if they were black jeans? I told her yes and she bent behind the counter and gave me my jeans with my wallet on top. Every single dollar was in there. I didn't give a tip but I did say thank you.
  21. Thanks.... Maybe I'll just bite the bullet and stay at connect guest house. It's only for 2 nights. I should just go with the flow right?
  22. Well it looks like my options are dwindling. Is there something going on in Phuket in October? The K Hotel seems to be booked. My backup option is the Royal Paradise Hotel. Has anyone stayed there before?
  23. I'm going to walk back in there like i'm John Wayne. And I will tell them to... "Bring it on Pilgrim!" To say. Bring on the hot guys! I didn't mention that I have met some of the hottest guys in my life in Phuket! That is also the place where I met a guy that worked at boat bar. He reminded me of my old boyfriend from Bali. We spend a good time together. There also seem to be another Thai guy hanging around. I was told it was his cousin. So I included his cousin in our fun. We ate together and went out drinking together. They had a few hushed angry words at times and that is what tipped me off to the fact that they were BF's and not cousins. When the guy I liked was not around, I asked the other guy how long they had been together and he told me 3 years. When the guy at Boat bar found out he told me, They argued but I just laughed and hugged them both and told them now that there were no more secrets, we can all have fun. Oh and the fun we had. We stayed at the K hotel and that night we didn't get any sleep. When one of the guys left the room to go smoke, the other and I would get into the heavier sex for a while till it was 3 of us again and then it was just jerking and sucking. But when the other one went into the shower, the fucking started again. Oh.... and then there was the HOT guy... I was leaving Myway gogo bar headed back to my room for some reason when I noticed a very attractive guy walking next to me. He asked with a whisper, "Where you from" and I whispered back that I was from America. We didn't stop to talk, and continued in our stride. "Where you go?" He asked. "To my room, K Hotel." I said. "Ok, I go with you." He said. "I am bottom." I confessed. "I Top, have big cock, you will like. I fuck good." We picked up the pace to my room at the K Hotel" Oh... And then there was the time I ate some salad from the Sizzler Salad bar at the mall in Phuket... IT gave me Montezuma's revenge! I was crawling from the bed to the cold tile floor of the bathroom and praying for death!. I prefer to remember the sexy guy at the K Hotel and the couple from the boat bar. Yeah... If they can dish it..."I can take it .... Pilgrim!" Besides, I think this may be my final trip to Thailand. It's not as cheap and festive as it use to be. That is part of the reason I am only spending a small amount of days in Bangkok and the majority of my time in Pattatya.... and there are some Latin destinations calling my name that don't require a 22 hour flight. 400 and 500 baht for a drink at a gogo bar? I have to cry uncle. Time for me to see more of the world. The gay red light parts of the world! haha
  24. Stay at a condo along Jomtien Beach. Try: http://www.asian-escapes.com (Asian Escapes - Rents Condo's at Jomtien Complex and the View Talay 5's &7) also try Gay friendly https://www.agoda.com/view-talay-condominium-7-by-vlad-property/hotel/pattaya-th.html (Vlad Properties - View Talay 7) The larger rooms come with a washing machine which truly came in handy for me. Something about the water in Pattaya that made my clothes smell Thai-Fresh! Often when I came back to the Condo at night, the guard was asleep and me and my friend just got in the elevator and went up to the room. If the guy your with walks in like he belongs there, he won't be bothered. But if he looks timid and eyes the security guard, the guard will want his ID.
  25. When I was on www.gaypatong.com doing some research... I came across this and liked it so much I thought I would post it here. Meet onlineTimes have changed quickly also here in Thailand. Just yesterday the hook-up world was very different. For a forty+ year old, the physical world is the real world. The digital world is mostly an annoyance that vibrates in your pocket. For a twenty year old it is just the opposite, the digital world is the real world. Gay's just don't hook up in the "old" real world anymore - They hook up in the apps and then meet in the physical world. If youʼre looking to maximize your interactions with locals and other tourists start now. The most popular ways to meet is by these apps. You can even line up your persons of interest before you start travel. - Grindr - Planet Romeo - Hornet - Growlr
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