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Everything posted by bucknaway

  1. Here is a thought for you Christian. In Thailand your charged higher prices because you're a foreigner and to top it off they expect a generous tip on top of it. In Dj Station, the staff is greatful if I tip 20 baht or 100 baht. In Sunee, the waiter that brings me a drink is happy if I tip 20 or 100 baht. It's only in a few locations that expect champagne level tips just for delivering me a glass of water or beer to my seat. Hell, if it would make things easier, they can let me get my own beer, I won't mind. Now I will carry a supply of 20 baht notes to put in the envelope. The workers have their tricks to get a bigger tip like putting a bunch of 5 and 10 baht coins in the check-bin, or putting 50 baht notes in the folder or they take an exceptionally long time to bring the change. In my mind, I think they are using that trick hoping you will leave before they return with the change you are do. My trick will be to empty the wallet of coins and 50 baht notes and put a fresh, crisp 20 baht note in the wallet. I still laugh about the bar in PatPong that had the coins glued to the plate
  2. This is a post I'd written about a tout I met and tipped on my final night in bkk. https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?16155-Ever-let-a-Tout-lead-the-way&highlight=Tout Oops, that is not the right thread. I think my original post may be lost. I'll try to find it tomorrow. Sleep now...
  3. Reader, please stop trying to push this thread off topic...
  4. Hold on there Jasper! Lets put on our detective hat and inspect the picture. Notice how there are no other drinks or coasters on the bar? Nothice how the bar shows no reflections of people and no shadows of people? Notice the wastebasket turned upside down in the top left of the photo? The bright morning sun shining in at the top right of the photo. I submit to you that the photo is STAGED! Once the photo was taken, the notes were collected and the drinks funneled back into the bottle and the sealing tape re-applied to the bottle to make it look new and unopened! We Queer folk are still the better tippers! Yes, even Christian... Well.... Maybe not Christian.... Anyway, this solves the case of the Shot to the Baht caper! Elementary my dear Jasper.
  5. Is that how the police are conducting the pee test?
  6. Ouch! You wound me sir! LOL So snippy about such things... Who threw sand his lube?
  7. Advantages for me as I see them. Jomtien: * Great morning location. * Close to the gay beach * Able to see nice thai bodies in Speedo's and underwear * Close to the gay host bars * Breakfast on the beach. * Massage in the sand, * Able to easily meet other people in a relaxed beach setting. * flirt with the guys on the beach and collect phone numbers of handsome massage workers for personal massages. * easy access to baht bus taxi * At night, going back to your room, you can meet some truly fun guys. I will get off at Jomtien complex and walk through it as I head to my rented condo. Boyztown * I love being able to hire a guy from a bar and end up just steps away from my hotel. I try to brush off the thought that the guys see me parade many guys to my room haha! * I love being close to the bars * I love being close to the Malls * I love being near walking street * I love the party atmosphere vibe of the area * I love being near Sunee Plaza * It's a great area for shopping. * At night, when the bars go dark, you can take a stroll on Walking street. * The street food vendors! At night they are all around! And the day/Night area near Tuk.com is a foodies paradise! You can't get that in Jomtien!
  8. I see 3 in the thread with STRONG opinions, but the majority are just talking about their tip practices. Does that make it a controversial topic? Only for those that hate to see others live their life as they choose. Does my tipping change related to the circumstances at hand? You bet your bippy it does. When we write our opinion on a message board, that is what we are doing. We are not chiseling it in stone or vowing to live the remainder of our days as if a post on a message board was our blood sworn vow. If I were to hang out with Christian, I am sure I would cringe with his tipping methods, but would that stop me from hanging out with him or being mad at him? Nope. If it bothered me that much I would add to his tip to put a smile on the face of the server, but if his tip was closer to my tip then... Oh well..... And just for the record, I created this topic in the hope that it would lead to a discussion on odd tipping habits to people that you would not ordinarily tip. Like the lady pushing the mop between your legs as you stand at the urinal. The mini bus driver that takes you to the airport or the big bus driver that takes you to Pattaya from Bangkok. Maybe you give a tip or spare change to the 7-11 staff? I know have giving money and bought food and drinks for the 7-11 staff. It just happened and I did it. Maybe you have done something so random? I bet we all have. Maybe someone got pushed into tipping a tout that promised to take them to a gogo bar and was being ignored till both of you arrived at the bar you were going to and him demanding a tip for "escorting" you to the bar. Tipping is not a controversial topic. Hot heads in a post that can't sway opinion... They are what makes a topic controversial.
  9. Thank you. God has truly favored me my whole life. I'm surprised you noticed.
  10. Tipping in Thailand seems to mainly happen in tourist areas. I can't count how often tips have been returned to me. Now when I go out with my Thai friends, I take direction from them on when to tip. If the place serves tourist then we tip the server. If it's mainly a Thai eatery then no tip is given. Disco bars where you try to find a table to claim for the night that comes with a dedicated server.... I don't know what is expected there at all... It boggles the mind!
  11. I'm not changing the guys tips in gogo bars, but when I go to hotmale or boys boys boys, I'm not tipping 100 baht to the guy that bring me a 200 or 300 or 400 baht beer. I'm only going to tip 20 baht. If they want more they will have to find a way to earn a bigger tip from me. He didn't read the post or I failed to be clear that I was not going to overtip bar waitstaff anymore. I bar hop too much to waste money. Cheap Charlie? I've heard worse names. I may even let staff know I'm cheap Charlie but I'm sure many would laugh at that title on me.
  12. I think you are right. I remember seeing a show where a reporter worked with hotel cleaning staff in "Phuket?" and she had only a few minutes to clean the room and the pay was heartbreaking. They were given just enough supplies to do the rooms and had to pay for anything missing on their carts. There were a few other things that happened in the video but those were the main things I remember. Now I try not to make a big mess in my room. and if I do, I try to reduce the amount of work necessary to straighten it up. That, and I increase the daily tip I leave. After all. She or he knows all my secrets. I know they are counting the used condoms in the wastebasket! haha!
  13. For feedback and to read others thoughts. I like the info. Even your position I found helpful, it told me a little about you. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I know tipping has gone too far when I heard a suggestion that airplane cabin crew should be tipped if the flight didn't suck. Well, they didn't put it that way. They "The voice on a youtube video" suggested that if you had a good flight, consider tipping the cabin crew. Well I refuse! I am not going on vacation to tip every person that looks my way! I'd be broke before I got to my hotel! With that being said... I am going to do my best to reduce my non-gogo boy bar tips down to 20 baht. No more 100 baht tips just for bringing me a beer. I don't even tip 3 dollars to a beer server here at home. The bank of Bucknaway is closed and undergoing renovations!
  15. When I'm in Chiang mai, once I find a good driver, I ask his number and ask him if he will be my night driver for 500 baht to take me a few bars and back to my room. It's worked out well for me.
  16. It sucks to be catfished by Thai guys hehe
  17. How long do I have to wait? I'm dying over here! come on! Feed us!
  18. Le Cafe Royal use to be a part of Throb. Throb use to be a show bar but that was 10 years ago when it use to have a show, now is a beer bar, but not for Lola... Um this is going off the rails so I'll stop.
  19. It was a hotel in Pattaya Le Cafe Royal
  20. Years ago, at night, I was walking by the park along the sidewalk with only the fence separating me from the park itself. As I passed a dark area crowded with Bush and trees, a voice whispered to me offering me sex and challenging that if i no cum, i no pay... i kept walking.
  21. He writes awesome reports and the pictures are the cherry on top. I have an app on my phone that reads out the text I choose and his posts are a treat to listen to.
  22. I still tell people about my train experience in Thailand. I took the a first class sleeper train from Bangkok to Chiang mai. Everyone made it sound so special. Get on the train and when you wake-up you will be in Chiang Mai. Well I took the train and first class was kinda nice. I slept in the top bunk and the guy that shared the cabin with me slept on the bottom bunk. When I woke-up we were still 2 or 3 hours away from Chiang Mai. I think the train was moving at 5 or 6 mph. When I got off the train and checked into my hotel I had them get me a plane ticket back to Bangkok and when I got there I took my ticket back to the train station and got a refund for the unused return ticket. That was one boring train trip!
  23. A 6 year old flip razor phone. BAD DEAL hehe
  24. Now the guy probably has a mean demanding wife, 6 kids and a crappy old phone that he had to blow you to get....
  25. Let me tell you a story about a guy. It was a few years ago. I was exploring Pattaya and wandered into Xboys. It was when they had 2 bars in operation, one across from the other. The bars entertainment rivaled those you would find in Bangkok. I focused on 3 guys that drew the greatest response from the audience and they seem to be in competition with each other. If one of them got a tip the other 2 would pour it on until they got a tip as well. My attention was focused on #2. That was not his number but I would guess it was his popularity ranking in the bar. He had model looks but an average endowment. #1 in popularity had looks and an impressive tool between his legs. Mr. #2, what he lacked in dick size, he made up for in looks, confidence and that certain something. Over time I watched #2. I thought I he didn’t notice but he did. On my return the following year, as I walked into the bar, he nodded his head as if to acknowledge me. I smiled and took my seat. Once again he was offed by a guy heavy, youthful, fem westerner who seem to never close his wallet. The next night, I was wondering if I would see #2, I did and I then decided that he was a one night only type of guy. Either by his choice or by the customers. On this night I sat alone and sipped on my beer. (I am not a fan of beer but I drink it when in Thailand). I saw #2 walking past me and before I realized it, he was sitting next to me. His bear leg pressed against mine. He looked at me, placed his hand on the side of my face to pull me in for what I thought was to be a kiss but it turned out to be a whisper with his lips so close that with every word his lips touched my ear sending shivers down my spine. The host appeared, I agreed to his drink and soon he had a beer in hand and we soon tapped bottles in a quiet toast. He pulled my hand to his firm leg, just below the opening of his shorts. “You like me?” He asked. I then realized just how good his english is. I said nothing and just smiled. “You drunk?” He asked. I told him no but he didn’t believe me. I think it had to do with my contact lenses being worn all day and my taking allergy medication. My balance is thrown off a little when my allergy affects my inner ear. Up close Mr. #2 looked even better and my body felt a certain chemistry next to his body. I asked him how much does he ask for a tip? 7,000 Baht he whispered. Immediately I no longer had any chemistry with him. I think he was able to read my chemistry and dropped the request to 5000 baht. His drink was done, the hosed appeared to ask if I would buy him another drink and I declined. Then I was asked if I would off him. I declined and tipped him 100. He was gone as magically as he appeared when he sat next to me. Early the next year I returned to Pattaya. I was entering Xboys 2, the sister bar across from the main bar. As I entered the host told me that my friend was there. Soon #2 was next to me treating me like an old friend. I remember thinking that he was now a big fish in a little pond working in this smaller bar. Anyway, my old friend is now joking and laughing and asking me again if I was drunk. Soon I was asking him again how much he would accept for a tip? 1,500 he told me. I agreed and once the show was over we got on his motorbike and we were on our way to View Talay 5C. He asked my direction to get there and when I told him he had to make a u-turn once we reached Jomtien Complex, he told me I was drunk and he stopped to get direction ignoring my direction. Well we got to my condo and once in the room I showered but he declined. I won’t go into what we did but I can say I had better. I told him I wanted us to come together. He lied and told me he came already and asked me, “Don’t you remember?” I told him he didn’t come but he assured me he did. I let it go… We got dressed, I gave him his tip, he asked for a little more, I was tempted to play his game and say I already gave him extra but I just told him no because he didn’t come and didn’t deserve extra. With that he left. I hopped on line and soon had a romeo guy over to finish what Mr #2 Started. Later, Mr. #2 would always seek me out when I was in his bar just to personally say hello and angle for me to buy him a drink and offer me another chance at his hot body. I still found him attractive but that one night told me more about him than he realized. Now every part of me is telling me to keep my distance. When Prisma bar opened, I found Mr. #2 there. He looks hot in shorts and hotter in black jeans. As I was walking into Boyz Town, Mr #2 was next to me asking me if I remembered him? I told him I could never forget him. He asked me to enter his bar, I thought it over and in doing so he attempted to reassured me that the drinks were not expensive by telling me the cost of a beer.. I told him maybe later but I never did take him up on his offer. I hope I never waste my time with him again, but I still think of Mr. #2. I him walk the stage in his underwear. Walk the stage in the nude, perform in a sex show and lay across my bed, legs spread, dick standing at attention, him laying back supported by his elbows and softly telling me that I can suck it if I want… But the thing I remember about him when I think about him, is him in his black jeans, climbing onto the back of a motorbike with 2 other gogo guys, his small, perfect ass perfectly situated on the seat, his lean arm muscles lightly flexing as he gripped the bar behind his seat, his head slightly turned to smile at me as the ride off. Ahhh, Mr. #2...
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