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Everything posted by bucknaway

  1. Right now I have only looked at long-term Airbnb rentals and a few property rentals on Viva local. I found some very nice furnished places for less than $30 a day if rented for 3 months on Airbnb. As far as my health goes I am flexible on that but they will not be getting it as their private home because I will be coming and going with little notice. But they will be expected to maintain the lawn and stay on top of any minor repairs. I am not sure if I will ask a friend or a family member to take on that burden. This morning when I woke up I was thinking of just living at home and taking monthly trips to wherever the wind blows. That may be my first year of retirement. Im also wondering what work I can do from my laptop to keep myself focused and my mind active? I may try to do something in the crypto field since it's a new growth area. As for now I'm still at the chalkboard taking note of the best ideas and suggestions.
  2. Thanks to some investments in crypto currencies, I am in the position to consider an early retirement and I am thinking of spending a good portion of my time in Brazil. This idea has me wondering if there is any advice from others in the Gay community on Retiring in Brazil? I have not decided if I plan to spend most of my days in Brazil or spend it hopping around the world from country to country every 3 months? Something like 3 months in Thailand, 3 months in Brazil, 3 months in Vietnam & Cambodia and 3 months in the USA... At this point I am simply exploring my options and wondering out loud what I should do before I put a serious plan together. I know it may seem like I am rushing things and a month ago I would not even think about it retirement for another 5 years or so but after watching my investment grow and one of my investment buddies just announce his retirement today.... It has me wondering what I am waiting for? I don't like to take risks and I know I could lose half my investments and still be ok. I would not even need to touch my investments for 2 or 3 years from the un-invested savings I have. Still, I am worried about the unknown, but I think I just want to be sure I am ready and besides, the best time to enjoy life is NOW.... Right? Well, right now, besides all that stuff from above, I am trying to figure out my monthly Budget as well as my housing budget. If I can get a better deal on a 4 month lease in a building and it works out that I can get a Visa that works well related to the lease then I would bend to that advantage and go with the flow... I plan to keep my house here in the USA. I am not sure if I will lock it down while I am away or if I will allow a friend to live in it for me and just pay the utilities they use and maintain the place so that I will have a place to come back to when I am in the USA for my short stay. I may even keep my car... But that may change. At this point, I am too young to touch my 401K and there won't be any Social Security coming my way till I am at least 62 and I would have to consider getting my own medical insurance. All that being said... For those of you who have quit your jobs and retired to Brazil, what advice do you have?
  3. I prefer the boy from Ipanema
  4. Being in a Brazil sauna and not allowed to engage with hottest guys available while Dear Boyfriend is working.... This must be what Hell is like...
  5. Thanks for the reports and keep them coming! I've been stuck here in the USA for over a year and had to cancel 3 or 4 trips since. I was willing to venture out until my employer read us all the riot act regarding travel outside of the country. I could travel to a few places but going to Brazil was a "No-No!" Going there could put my job at risk and going to Thailand would mean that I would spend my entire vacation in quarantine ending in time for me to fly back home. Reading your adventures is a welcome change reminding me of the possibilities that await me this summer.
  6. I'm wondering if anyone read this thread back in 2017 and figured they would put a little money in Bitcoin and held onto it?
  7. Doubt that would happen, but if the gay men get hugged up with the male staff... Bthat could happen. This is just a chat for shots and giggles. A bar will do what it has to to stay profitable.
  8. I wonder how straight people feel when us gays visit their bars and shops.
  9. This is one of the guesses from a guy on Twitter . I use Google translate to translate it to English
  10. It was a pic I came across in my gay Twitter feed. The poster often posts army guys in underwear or flashing their endowments. He posted one hot video of a army guy in short, sitting and cutting into some meat. His legs are ooen and if you looked closely, you saw more than he bargained for haha.
  11. Anyone care to guess what these guys are waiting for? I think this is Bangkok? [IMG]https://thumbs2.imgbox.com/ba/fb/zM4H2p34_t.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  12. When I was in brazil, my guard was up the first few days but days later I was strolling the dark deserts streets of Ipanema brazil. But if I keep my mouth shut I can be mistaken for a local. In Thailand I'm often asked if I'm military or police haha!
  13. Using your phone or tablet, open your web browser and go to PlanetRomeo website and log in. Using the web version you can view escorts and nude pics
  14. I guess I have champagne taste and Beer barrel pockets..
  15. I've had cash and belongings stolen from me in Bangkok and Pattaya bit I got the lock box for Brazil. If I come back to Thailand I'll bring it with me since it's light and could come in handy. I also forgot to mention the times people attempted to pick my pockets in Phuket and Bangkoks DJ station.
  16. All anyone needs is time and knowledge to empty any safe or walk away with any luggage. The lock box I purchased is used as a gun safe for the car or home. I look at it as a speed bump to slow down any potential theft. I added the motion alarm to it to notify me if it was tampered with while I was sleeping or on another room. I guess you can say I purchased peace of mind. I was with a poster here when their room safe in Pattaya stopped working. A service call was made and it took the guy less than 15 minutes to pop the safe open and put it back together as if he was never there.
  17. While planning for my vacation I did not know if the places I was staying had a room safe or not. When I contacted the hosts of my Airbnb they would answer every question I asked but would not answer my question regarding a safe in the room. So before I arrived I ordered a lock box to keep my passport in credit cards safe. SnapSafe TrekLite Lock Box https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XQVYY24/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_dSW5DbZNW8BYK https://www.dobermanproducts.com/products/se_0210.html
  18. Consider using telegram. It's like line but it can be used on any of or cell phone. You can use the app or access it from a web page. It also offers some moderator controls
  19. Today I was trying to explain to a friend that visits Thailand what a sauna in Brazil is like. Imagine going to arena massage and when you arrive you go to the counter and they give you a towel and flip flops. You change and you enter arena just as it is now but the guys will not be standing around waiting for selection. They will be doing anyting they feel like that may entice you to talk to them or even buy them a drink or something to eat. They may put their body on full display for you or just indulge in some touching feeling and kissing. If you decide that you want to have sex, find a private place in the shadows or you will go to the counter and tell the mamasan that you want to rent a room that will cost about 15 US dollars and you will have 40 minutes in the room. The room will have a bed and a shower at minimum. The prices for drinks and food are very affordable and the tip for the guy will usually be around 100 to 150 reals. So imagine sitting on the sofa in arena wearing a towel, drinking a beer while watching near naked, sexy guys trying to get your attention in the hope that you will take them to a suite for sex. Once you are done and you are ready to leave you would have to pay arena for your room rental and the food and drink you consumed. You would have already paid the guys you had fun with separately.
  20. Yeah, you can meet hotter guys and pay less in Brazil and bar drinks in Brazil are cheaper than Thailand. I look at Thailand as being gay Disney Land and Brazil as being a gay discount mall offering quality at discounts without the party feel of Thailand.
  21. I'll post it here rather than post it privately. In Sao Paulo, I visited Lagoa Sao Paulo. I was not ready for this place. It was crowded with hot guys all over the place. When I say hot guys, I mean HOT guys! Relaxed nudity by many of the guys advertising their body. most of the showers were out in the open and it seemed as if the guys needed little excuse to shower out in the open. I don't like it when there is so much choice because its impossible for me to make a choice. I was rescued by a tall, dark guy offering to show me around. The place was bigger then I expected and my new guide led me around the place. As we made our way around some guys would say something but I didn't know if they were talking to me or my guide. When my guide showed me the 2nd floor, he dropped his towel, backed me into a corner and frenched kissed me. I'm shy so I pushed him away halfheartedly and he grabbed my wrists, placed them over my head before directing my hands to his erection. I should say his big erection. There was nothing I could do with his big, thick uncut dick. And as far as screwing me, I have to think about the next guy and his cock was too big. I also am not a fan of facial hair and he had too much of it. Too much facial hair and too much cock. He wanted me to get a suite with promises of fucing me in every position. I just giggled and told him I was just looking around. He snatched off my towel, spun me around and he was frenching my ass. I broke our contact and told him I can't. He grabbed my hand and put it on his cock and asked if he could just put the head in. Keep in mind his english is not that good and I was about to pull turn on my phone translator till his finger entered me and he said the crown or tip or something when I finally understood. I told him I can't and that I didn't bring enough money. He suggested I pay him whatever I wanted after the sex. I told him to follow me to my locker. He followed me but would not enter the locker area. I fished out a 50 real note to give to him. He ignored the money and went back to seduction mode but I was able to slip away. Everytime a guy would talk to me, he would seem to be watching or just looking. Later in the night, I was wondering around and my guide friend stopped me and asked for 50 reals for us to have fun together. I declined with a smile and we moved away from each other. I met another guy that dreams are made of. He was the guy my mind imagines when I jerk off and I have to imagine a guy... This would be the guy but there were so many guys of my dreams there that I didn't want to commit to him. We found a corner and were french kissing. I am not a fan of kissing but I went with the flow. our towels are on the floor and once again my ass is getting french kissed. My guide friend found us... I had the 2nd guy follow me to my locker area and fished out 50 reals for him. We went to the bar and shared a drink. My guide friend was now dressed and came over to say goodbye but offered to stay if I wanted him to. Guy #2 went to get dressed and he was even hotter in clothes then he was in a towel. I went to walk around some more and was pulled into a side room. I think it was a bathroom. The guy that pulled me into the room was a guy that had to be a body builder. He was in speedos and pulled out his big cock and layed it in my hand as it quickly grew hard and thick and asked me if I liked it. I did but it was getting late and I decided to head back to my hotel. When I got back to the hotel, I invited a college guy I was talking to on Grindr. He came over and we had what I would call rough sex. With these guys hung so large I need to lean how to say "Wait, Hold on, Stop a minute and take it out" in Portuguese. Otherwise it will just be rough sex with them forcing it in. I went to bed a little sore and 150 reals poorer. The next night at Lagoa I saw my guide friend again and he made his offer of doing everything to me. I came back with what I thought was my best way to say no without saying no. I told him I was a cheap-skate as I smiled and walked away. bumped into the #2 guy from yesterday and we went to the got a drink and talked a little. He was so hot in his towel but other hot guys were sitting around in towels. One guy was sitting across from me. His legs were open in my direction and his towel parted just enough. His cock hung down between his legs resting on the seat with the head almost draped over the edge. It would have been a perfect porn magazine shot. I wondered just how big it got. There was too much action and eye candy for me to focus on guy #2 so I got up and walked around. I flirted with a few guys and when my guide friend stopped me and told me we could have sex and I would not need to pay him anything. How do you say no to that without hurting his feelings? The best I could do was tell him I just came there to flirt and relax, no sex. He took that answer and we parted. I took a seat in the back section, past the lockers for the guys and near the TV. when HE showed up. I was kinda looking at the TV while looking at the guys walking by when one guy with a very tight body stopped as if he was interested in the TV screen. He opened his towel to re-adjust it but all I saw was his long dick. He just stood there giving me time to take in his body. His body reminded me of a Lion or Panther in his prime, lean, tight, built for endurance... I thought I was checking him out but he was hunting me. He turned and walked over to me and asked if he could sit with me and made himself comfortable. His english was not so good, I pulled out my phone to translate for us but he wanted to do it in english. Later he told me he wants to go to Thailand, I didn't ask why. As we talked we slowly moved closer. As we talked more in english and using my phone, he slid closer and pulled my leg over his leg and began to massage my thigh. While his hands massaged my my leg, his dick grew hard was tapping at my theigh. before long my skin was painted with pre-cum and he apologized but I didn't care. We then used the translation app to talk about sex, that went to what was the wildest sex we ever had and that went to what was the kinkiest sex we ever had and then we talked about what we would like to do to each other. Next thing I know we are entering a suite and we didn't finish there. We decided to take the fun back to my room and as we were leaving we passed my guide friend. When we got back to my hotel we did everything I ever wanted to try in sex and he was eager to please. Too eager and too ready to use that big dick of his. After about the 3rd orgasm I was ready for him to leave. I had to pack and be at the airport in the morning and my rear was tired and needed a rest. He was not done, it's about 4am and he is in the nude performing a fighting type dance. Then he wants to teach me some dance moves and that turns to touching and him trying to push me on the bed. When I would not get into position he decides head would good enough for im giving head but my mind was telling me this was going to take forever. His cock was too big, my jaw hurt, my butt hurt, I was sleepy, Everytime he starts to get dressed something happens and we are having sex again. After a while I stopped trying and just relaxed hoping he would loose interest in an unresponsive mouth. No such luck. The choking, gagging, slobbering and whimpering seemed to turn him to the point of him rising up on his toes for another orgasm. I was getting turned on again but I couldn't take anymore. I gave him 150 Reals plus a $5 US note. We exchanged numbers on whatsapp and kissed goodbye. Once he left I jerked off remembering our sex and went to sleep.
  22. Oh, the drink price in the sauna with the guys and a show at Point? A hinaken beer was 18 reals. Local beers are half the price. 16 reals was less than $4 USD.
  23. I'll tell you about what happened to me in Sao Paulo when I get home from work. I don't want to get any backlash so I'll send it to your box
  24. I've been back from Brazil for over a week now and i'm ready to talk about the trip. I hope to do it a little different than I have given reports in the past. I started a few reports but they became too wordy and i want to make this report more informational and less personal. I flew in from Philadelphia on American Airlines in economy. The seats were better than expected and offered free entertainment. The food was basic. Breakfast was juice, fruit and yogart... Landing in Brazil was a breeze. Going through customs was fast and easy and luggage showed up quickly. Heading out to the main airport you pass drivers touting for customers. The free wifi was spotty in the airport and my t-moblie service was frustrating until I updated my service for 10 gigs of 3g for 10 days for $35 on the tmobile network. It got me streaming video. When i go back, i'll do it again. I took $5,000 cash with me and some credit cards. I changed $100 for local cash and I returned home with the remainder of the cash, i used my travelwise card and atm for spending money. For my 9 days there I spent a total of $1,000 looking at my atm transactions that show my withdrawals and transfers to my transfer wise credit card. I took a prepaid taxi to my AIRBNB to Copacabana at a cost of 40 Reals. An uber would have cost me 22 Reals. Traffic was slow but it was fine. If the windows were clean I would have taken some pictures. Copacabana reminded me of downtown Washington DC. I had my guard up in Brazil but i never had a problem with anyone or anything from start to finish. Nobody tried to scam me, cheat me or steal from me. Often I was mistaken for a local. Here in the USA im mistaken for Latin and in Thailand I am mistaken for Indian. Ubering around is so easy and cheap it makes it hard to walk and use the subway. The subway is cheap and cleaner than what you will find in New Jersey or NYC. The guys... Hot. Handsome guys everywhere. Its as if being young and handsome is the norm in Brazil. Not many spoke english but using google translate went a long way. I used it in the restaurants, bars, sauna, apps and reading menu's. Google maps was the app I used the most next to Grindr. The other apps seem to be active but all the action for me seem to come from Grindr and Vivalocal. Saunas.... I heard a lot of good things about Club 117 and I visited often untill I visited Point 22 Sauna. Club 117 was nice but Point 22 was like a gay bar with hot guys in towels flashing their ass and dick often. If I was going back with friends Id take them to Point 22 before i took them to Club 117. Sao Paulo Sauna was EVERYTHING! The guys are hot and aggressive. My first 5 minutes in the place, I met a guy that offered to show me around and next thing I know in a corner stairwell being french kissed, spun around and my ass is getting the french kiss treatment...... I loved the guys of Sao Paulo. I was so comfortable in Brazil that I took the subway to find a guy on vivalocal living near Club 117. Google helped lead me to his door and we had over an hour of mind-blowing sex that set me back 100 Reals or $24 usd. Food... I didn't care for the food in Brazil so I lost a lot of weight while there and I'm sure it helped with my time with the guys. I ate mostly from Subway and sandwiches from the local grocery store. Knowing all this, if there were 2 planes waiting for me, one headed to Rio for a week and one headed to Pattaya for a week, I would get on the plane to Pattaya. Yeah I like the masculine big dick latin guys but I like the lean hot guys found in Thailand as well. Being in Rio was fun but Pattaya is like being on Fantasy Island and there is always something about to happen. Rio, you could talk to a guy and be ready for sex and he will say he is on his way and after 90 minutes he will send you a text telling you he is close and after an hour he will tell you he is walking to your place and after an hour he will text you and say he is right outside. In pattaya, 500 baht can get a guy to your door in 30 minutes at 4am in the morning. I plan to go back to brazil with a friend in May for a week. I also plan to go to Pattaya in October for a week.
  25. Friday I went to the beach to watch the hot guys play volleyball and to people watch.bbso far I'm not enjoying the traditional Brazilian foods. I may try to find a Chinese takeout. While on the beach I began to chat on the phone apps with several guys but decided to meet a guy I talked with for a while. In person his style didn't match what I expected from our chats. He came a long way so we hung out for a while. We went to my room and had goofball sex. I didn't want to ask him to leave out of fear of hurting his feelings. We said goodbye when I was heading to club 117. At the club the place was packed and there were many hot GPs there. One GP just seem to be all over me the moment I sat at a table in the back room. I only remember sitting down and him shaking my hand. Before I knew what was happening he pulled my hand and wrapped my fingers around his big thick cock and his toungw was in my mouth. It was too much all at once and I managed to get away but he followed me but left when I told him I wanted to look around. I saw some me very hot guys there, even a few gps I've lusted over from online sights. One very sexy guy with dreads and a tight body. He had my mouth fall open and just go stared at him as he prepared to leave. I was headed to a suite with Alex from Thursday. The rest of the night was uneventful and not much to write about. Todays events will depend on who messages me and when they plan to meet me. It's all the luck of the draw.
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