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Everything posted by TotallyOz

  1. Sorry, these did not upload first time.
  2. I told a few of the massage boys I was looking for a BF and not a massage and they have all been telling me how they are gay and love me and want to live with me and be the boyfriend. One high at the top is a boy I love watching getting fucked and fucking others. He is from Laos and just loves sex. But, little English. Another is a Thai lad. But, looking forward to seeing who comes out of the woodworks in the coming months.
  3. Just one spa in Bangkok and look at these boys! Who can't find someone they don't like from this selection? Thailand is alive and well and the boys are waiting!
  4. Thanks.
  5. Other than Bangkok Bank, does anyone know of a bank in Thailand that has a US branch for easy transfer that requires a branch in USA?
  6. It is OK. I went to Silom Dental as I have since a good friend Firecat recommended them to me. They are great, fast, reliable, and cheap. Two days in the dental chair and less than 400 USD. It would really be 5-10 times that in USA.
  7. Thanks. And, btw, can I borrow some money for my BF's water buffalo? It was hurt during the dentist appointment as well?
  8. Crown fell out and got to be replaced. I hate Dentists more than I do anything. So, going to be a long week. But, at least I was out last week with a friend and he "encouraged" me to go to a weed store and at least I was a bit woozy waiting for dentist.
  9. It was a fuck up. I started to upgrade the forums. Went to eat, broke a tooth, forgot about the upgrade and then went to dentist today. When I logged in, I saw the boo boo. Sorry.
  10. Such an optimist. It is done, it is over. Nothing more can possibly be done. Right? Gifts a plenty but it ain't Christmas. HoHoHo
  11. Be kind and gentlemanly. One poster given warning and suspended for 30 days.
  12. Shocking I tell you. Absolutely shocking! Never would I have guessed he would return when his party took over and get a good deal.
  13. I love hearing about your holiday. Thank you for the great reports! I recently sent 2,000 baht to an Instagram guy in Chonburi I wanted to meet. This was for a taxi to BKK (Know 1,000). But, I wanted to try anyway. 10 minutes later, he asked if I could send him again as his mother stole the money. I refused. Then, he wanted me to meet him at a mall in BKK, and again I refused. 100 conversations later, he told me his university was starting and needed shoes and could I help. I politely told him to get the money his mother stole from him back and buy 4 pairs. He said he was not lying and he wanted a life with me (never met). I told him I am not one to make the same mistake two times (again not true as I have before). But, that stopped his messages about life, love, and the pursuit of a date. Shocking I have not heard from him. Like you, I don't mind if it is legit and it is often a hard call but some are so so fucking obvious it is nuts. At least get in a fake taxi and say the driver would not drive you past the mall (or something).
  14. It is available for active / contributing members and not guests.
  15. I love Cruise Ships and have taken over a dozen trips over the last 30 years. I have never had a bad experience on one (a few staff encounters) but it is always fun and enjoyable for me.
  16. Cert is up to date. Is is the forums or the city guides on main site?
  17. At my age that is possible.
  18. I can help you. They are going to double the price and it is for massage only.
  19. 4k for a handjob is a good package if you ask me.
  20. Third time is a charm. Not learning lesson from 1st or 2nd time, I went again and again useless. Poor massage and no additional services offered other than hj. IMHO, never again for me.
  21. Yes, and this seems different than the other Zoo Spa and Onsen. I hope better service as well.
  22. https://twitter.com/Zspawellness Twink
  23. Several of these lads now work at District39
  24. Minimum tip is 200 baht they said.
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