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Everything posted by TotallyOz

  1. At the very top banner you will see a link called Newest Photos It will showcase the last images that escorts upload to their profile on a page where you can see the latest eye candy fast. Hopefully, this will also encourge escorts to post new images often and to visit the site regularly. Present photos may not be in the latest because we have not stored the time of previous approved photos before Jan. 24, 2006. But now onwards when any photo approved it will come in this list. We hope that you enjoy this new area. It was created as a request from a user and we are working hard to make this a community site where all have input. Keep the suggestions coming guys! Thanks! Oz
  2. >Sorry Rico, false alarm ... better check the meltdown meters >elsewhere Holy Shit. A Meltdown? OMG. Why didn't someone tell me? Mistakes happen. I make them all the time. As they say shit happens. Yesterday, I was riding my motorcycle down a street that I knew was one way. However, I was only 20 feet from the other end where I parked. I thought it was no big deal. Well, needless to say, shit happens when you least expect it. All of the sudden I was pulled over by a policeman. I had to pay a fine. It took hours to sort out. In the heat of things I thought that was a meltdown. After I got back to my place, I had a glass of wine and knew that it was not even a heat stroke. Shit happens to the best of us.
  3. The programmers are having a hard time integrating DCForum with the site. It is not as easy as other software programs would have been. It has taken about 50% of their time for the site build which is a great loss. We choose this as we thought it would be easier for members familiar with the software and it has threaded views. I am beginning to think it was a mistake and to try another program totally.
  4. I think a lot has to do with the version and the system. I use Mac OS with all the newest versions. I cannot get Firefox to work with many sites as it seems to store cookies in an odd way. I have no problem with other browsers on Mac exp. Safari. I also use Firefox on my Toshiba. It works fine as well but I have to log in and out 2 times before it recognized me. Thank you for your patience guys! Oz ---Life is here, life is now. Life is soooo short... and sex is just too delicious! Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne and Strawberries in one hand, Diet Coke and Godiva Chocolate in the other, a personal bottle of Eros, A BOX OF TROJAN MAGNUMS, and a good Cuban cigar in the your pockets (ALL partially used), a wallet ALMOST empty of currency but noticeably used from the rainbow colors of THE SEVERAL bills THAT REMAIN from a multitude of countries and cards charged to the max from the joys of life, body thoroughly used up, OLD AS TIME ITSELF, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO - what a ride!---
  5. My favorite forum for politics is: http://www.democraticunderground.com/ Oz ---Life is here, life is now. Life is soooo short... and sex is just too delicious! Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne and Strawberries in one hand, Diet Coke and Godiva Chocolate in the other, a personal bottle of Eros, A BOX OF TROJAN MAGNUMS, and a good Cuban cigar in the your pockets (ALL partially used), a wallet ALMOST empty of currency but noticeably used from the rainbow colors of THE SEVERAL bills THAT REMAIN from a multitude of countries and cards charged to the max from the joys of life, body thoroughly used up, OLD AS TIME ITSELF, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO - what a ride!---
  6. Great suggestion! It is in the works. Oz ---Life is here, life is now. Life is soooo short... and sex is just too delicious! Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne and Strawberries in one hand, Diet Coke and Godiva Chocolate in the other, a personal bottle of Eros, A BOX OF TROJAN MAGNUMS, and a good Cuban cigar in the your pockets (ALL partially used), a wallet ALMOST empty of currency but noticeably used from the rainbow colors of THE SEVERAL bills THAT REMAIN from a multitude of countries and cards charged to the max from the joys of life, body thoroughly used up, OLD AS TIME ITSELF, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO - what a ride!---
  7. Apparently, there was an error in the Advanced Search feature that caused an indefinite loop. The programmers have fixed this and the site freeze issue should not reappear. We do apologize for the inconvenience. If you ever have any issues, please let us know and we will work on fixing the problem. Thanks! Oz ---Life is here, life is now. Life is soooo short... and sex is just too delicious! Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne and Strawberries in one hand, Diet Coke and Godiva Chocolate in the other, a personal bottle of Eros, A BOX OF TROJAN MAGNUMS, and a good Cuban cigar in the your pockets (ALL partially used), a wallet ALMOST empty of currency but noticeably used from the rainbow colors of THE SEVERAL bills THAT REMAIN from a multitude of countries and cards charged to the max from the joys of life, body thoroughly used up, OLD AS TIME ITSELF, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO - what a ride!---
  8. >Oz, I don't know if TY has told you, but he and I have been >having a daily email exchange as I identify glitches, typos, >etc. I'm trying to do my part. Yes, he told me and your input has been very valuable. Thank you! Please keep it coming. This week and next we should have all the tech bugs worked out and can start on additional features. Thanks again! Oz
  9. TotallyOz


    From what I have heard the gay scene in Vietnam is not what it is in Thailand. But, not many places are. I have a few friends that live in Vietnam and they say that there are several gay bars but it is more underground and not as public as Thailand. I have not found any good websites that give good information on that scene. I know many expats that go there and have a good time but they meet guys in more traditional places. If you find some good sites or any good information, please post it as I would love to know more. I also know many guys from Thailand that are from Laos and that work in the bars in Thailand. They say that Laos is going to be the next Thailand with regards to gogo bars. I had a friend from USA that visited me last year and spend 4 months with me in Thailand. They took a backpack trip around Asia and had a fabulous time. He enjoyed Vietnam and said he met some of the hottest guys there that he had met on his journey.
  10. Sao Paulo is one of my favorite cities. I do love Rio and enjoy the saunas there. Sao Paulo is a bird of a different feather. Sure, everyone likes to go to Rio de Janeiro to sit on the sandy beaches and check out the well tanned beefcake that always seems on display. But, there is much more to the Brazil gay scene than just the Copacabana in Rio! In fact, one of the most intense gay friendly cultures in the world exists in Sao Paulo – following generations of immigration from Europe and smaller South American countries by people who did not fit in back home, and were attracted to the strong, business friendly economy. Because of this, there is a wealth of languages spoken in the city – and you can easily get by in almost any native tongue, even if you don’t speak Portuguese That said, like anywhere, it is a good idea to learn at least a few key phrases in case you end up in an unexpected situation and to show respect for your host country. Sao Paulo was founded in 1554 by Jesuit missionaries who wanted to convert the native population to Catholicism. It became and independent recognized city in 1771 and has kept growing ever since. Most gay travelers who know Sao Paulo come here for the first time because of the legendary International Gay Pride Parade. This festival is beyond anything you may have seen anywhere else in the world. Every June more than 1.5 million gay, lesbian and transgendered travelers descend on Sao Paulo to hold what has become the largest Gay Pride Festival anywhere in the world – making similar events in New York and San Francisco seem like a cruise in the park! The parade starts in front of the Museu de Arte de São Paulo and moves along the Avenida Paulista towards the Praça da República. It covers a distance of a little more than 3 kilometers over more than five hours. It starts at 2 pm, but most people start showing up in the early morning hours to avoid the last minute rush. In addition to the parade, there will be cultural events and musical shows with live bands. The parade itself is hosted and opened by mayor. What’s truly amazing about the Sao Paulo International Gay Pride Parade is that it is so new. The first parade, in 1997, only attracted about 3,000 people. But it has grown exponentially over the years into an enormous carnival like atmosphere. This is a huge change in gay cultural acceptance from the late 1930s when members of the Institute of Criminology used to come to study the “passive pederasts” (as bottoms were then known) and the “real men” (read, “butch tops”) who they had sex with. Today, gay culture is well enshrined in the city, which boasts numerous gay and lesbian film festivals and a tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality that is surprising given the macho culture. One of the most exciting events, Sao Paulo Fashion Week is held twice a year in Bienal de São Paulo. In recent years it has started attracting some of the world’s top models and designers, who party hard amid the gorgeous locals. Be warned that getting around Sao Paulo can be difficult – always allow as much extra time as possible to get to any meetings or rendez-vous. The city was built without a well organized planning system – so traffic jams are common at nearly all hours of the day and night. The city itself is an anomaly for South America – it is huge, pro business and supports a giant, successful economy. There are more than 33,000 industries represented in the city – which boasts a population of more than 10 million people – making it the fourth largest, if least known, city in the world! For decades the largest industry in Sao Paulo has been coffee production. In fact, it was this industry that attracted much of the working migrants from Europe who settled here in the late 19th and 20th centuries, looking for secure jobs at decent wages in a city with a comparatively low cost of living. Sao Paulo is very spread out – covering an area of more than 530 square miles. This means that there is always room for new immigration and the gay and lesbian cultural scene is constantly expanding. Like Rio de Janeiro, one of the most popular activities in Sao Paulo is hitting the dozens of beaches that dot the 622 kilometer coastline. Here you can find any type of beach you want – from large and crowded meat markets, to small intimate shores to simply lay down in the sun and work on getting as brown as the natives. By 2004, there were more than 100 recognized gay bars, restaurants, cultural centers and other rainbow themed establishments. With nearly 300 movie theaters, more than 70 museums and dozens of open parks, you are not apt to ever get bored in Sao Paulo, even if you are not in the mood to look for the 10s of thousands of hot studs that roam the streets at night looking for fun. You will also have a much wider choice of “types” to choose from than you would in other cities around the world. Because Sao Paulo has been such a magnet for immigration from around the world, it has become a true mish mosh of cultural characteristics and looks. In other words, while there are any number of tall, dark traditional looking Brazilian men, there are also blondes, brunettes, blacks and backpacking Euroboys to choose from! The newest and trendiest sector of the gay community is called Frei Caneca where you can find any number of gay friendly theaters, restaurants and cruising bars. Speaking of cruising, if you are looking to hook up with random studs and eager guys, we suggest Park Ibirapuera. Not only are there lots of crusiers in this area, it is also home to tons of male eye candy. From joggers, to roller bladders to cute bike boys to fuel your fantasies! Just be sure to always practice safe sex. The ever changing community and thousands of tourists make practicing safe sex in Sao Paulo mandatory. The largest gay area is downtown around Praça da Republica and Largo do Arouche . This is where you will find the largest concentration of gay bars and clubs, gay friendly shopping and hot guys. This is also where you will find tons of drag shows (frequented by both a gay and straight clientele) and, of course, the ever present hustlers. Like any tourist heavy community in the world, you need to keep aware of your surroundings here to avoid getting ripped off – but it is the place to go when you are in the mood to go down. If you have a fat wallet – and fabulous clothes to go with it – take a stroll down to the Jardins part of town. This is where the richest and chicest gays in Sao Paulo hang out. While there are wonderful gay bars and super exclusive restaurants in the Jardin’s area, it can also be a seriously bitchy culture to hang out in. That said, if you like hanging out with the cool boys and have the clothes and looks to pull it off, you can have a fabulous time! No matter what you are looking for, Sao Paulo is a great destination for any gay traveler. You will be in the heart of a huge cultural center, with a gay friendly native population and tons of different types of studs to choose from. cc MaleEscortReview.com 2006
  11. > Give us >something new and exciting and different. Thank you. We will have many new features and will try to make things different. We are already at work integrating a live Chat and Instant Messaging system into the site. There are other things in the works as well. We will bust our Asses to make this site different and exciting. However, we do need input from others. Any suggestions you have are appreciated. We have full-time programmers that will work on future enhancements in the next few months. What did you have in mind?
  12. >So, what is so special about this site? You are here! That makes it special to me. >Kind of like comparing Dial soap and Palmolive soap. Ya know, I have always preferred Dial. Palmolive gives me a bit of a rash. >Same old same old, nothing new or original. Well, this posting is most surely new. Original? Not sure yet. But, thanks for trying. > If this site can't do that, then >what is the purpose of its existence? World Peace of course. Isn't that the goal of all sites? jk. The purpose is to inform, amuse and entertain. Thank you for this morning's dose of amusement. Oz
  13. >Find Eyki, Oz. Find him! I do accept this mission from you Oh Wise One. I will not fail you! I will stay in Brazil until I either meet up with him or I am too tired to leave the saunas.
  14. Marc, I enjoyed both Escape and Pino’s. I found guys at both places I enjoyed. Since I had a companion from NYC with me on my last visit, I will have to say that his beauty helped me attract some of the most beautiful guys. I am sure that I would have been OK on my own, as I have made the trip a few times but he certainly added to the mix. My favorite guy was from Escape. He had a great body and a fun personality. If I remember correctly he was in his mid 20's and very tight abs. He did tell me that he was a top only but that changed the first night and he spent some time with me every day I was there. I am looking forward to seeing him on my next trip to Prague. Did you perchance wander out of Prague? I want to take some side trips this summer and will spend a few weeks in the area. Anyone have any suggestions for being based out of Prague but being able to travel around the region?
  15. We apologize for the slugggish speed of the site this past weekend. We have the programmers on top of this and it should be fixed soon. My apologies for any delays you were experiencing. Oz
  16. >To Barry: A sincere and heartfelt welcome. Marc, you could not have said it any better. Welcome Barry. Thank you for your assistance!
  17. >Does this mean Barry has left Neverland? To my knowledge, Barry has not left Neverland. He has not been asked to leave by us and for me it is not an issue that is working with both sites. He has been loyal to the other site out of respect for Hooboy. He is honorable and honest and is an asset to any and every site he participates in. I do not know what the future holds for him but I know that we welcome him with open arms!
  18. >I have fallen with love with Thailand, I now try to get there >twice a year, wish it could be more. It is an amazing place. I wish I had found it years ago but am happy that I have gotten to visit here often this past year.
  19. Future Boys is one of my favorite bars in Thailand. They run a nice place and it seems to have some of the most beautiful guys in Thailand. I have rarely went wrong there.
  20. No message
  21. We don't have the option to add files to the forum. However, you can put a http hyperlink in the message and hit preview, it should appear as the photo. I hope this helps! Welcome to the site. Oz
  22. Brazil is one of my favorite destinations. To start this forum off, I thought I would share a bit of history with you. Oz Brazil - Land Of Mystery Brazil, South America’s largest economy, has a rich history steeped in mystery, dating back more than 8,000 years when the first Native American’s chose to settle on its warm shores. Where exactly these Native American’s came from is a subject of debate by archaeologists. Many feel they were migrant hunters who came into the Americas from Siberia, across the Bering Strait. Others believe they arrived much earlier and argue that archaeological evidence suggests they were genetically distinct from the Asian hunters. Instead, they argue, they were African and Australian natives, who were later killed by displaced or absorbed by the Siberians. Most modern historians agree that by the 15th Century most of the country was inhabited by nomadic tribes that lived on hunting and fishing, from the nation’s rich bounty. No one agrees on when Brazil was discovered by Europeans. Some claims state that the nation was first explored as early as the 1300s, but the official history of Brazil claims that it was really first claimed by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500. What is known is that there were no Portuguese settlements until 1532 when Sao Vincente was incorporated south of the Tropic of Capricorn. During the 1600s, the Dutch tried to stake a claim on the country in Recife in the northeast corner of the country, but were quickly driven out. In the mid 1500s the Pope helped negotiate the Treaty of Tordesillas, which divided South America into Spanish and Portuguese territories – in an attempt to prevent war over the land of the New World. The French at one point tried to violate the treaty and annex Rio de Janeiro as part of the French Empire, but they were soon ousted and the city was returned to Portuguese rule. To date, Portuguese is still the official language of Brazil, making the country something of an anomaly in South America. The Portuguese were interested in the country because of the plentiful supply of Brazilwood and sugarcane – both immensely popular on the European trading routes. For most of the 1500s the Colonial governors ran Brazil under a feudal system that rewarded their friends with large blocks of land in which to grow sugar and Brazilwood. At first these feudal lords tried to enslave the native population to become their farmhands. The natives proved difficult to domesticate, however, so in short order they decided to bring slaves over from Africa – who proved to be far easier to manage. During the 16th and 18th centuries most of the native population was killed or bred out of existence, while hordes of African slaves were brought in for manual labor. It is the mix of African and Portuguese blood that gives Brazilians their unique and beautiful skin tones. It was on Sept. 7 of 1822 that the country declared its independence from its Colonial masters and set itself up as a constitutional monarchy. This system of government was not destined to last and in 1889 a coup d’etat established the first Republican government. In the 19th Century, coffee started to gradually replace sugarcane as the nation’s chief export. To this day Brazil is known for growing some of the best coffee beans in the world. It was also at this time that word of the beautiful beaches and mountains of Brazil started reaching normal Europeans. This resulted in a huge influx of immigrants from both Germany and Italy. The German and Italian influence is still very strong to this day. Brazil is also known for rarely extraditing criminals back to First World Countries –so the nation has become a haven for various exiles from around the world. The nation is also known as the birthplace of the thong bikini – and this is perhaps why women, who have their pubic region waxed, refer to the procedure as “A Brazilian.” After all, if one is going to wear a thong, one must make sure that you first remove any unsightly hair. The nation has alternated between democracy and dictatorship ever since. The last dictator was overthrown in 1985 and there has been some form of elected – though sometimes contested – government to this day. The darkest part of Brazil’s history began in 1964 and ran until 1985. Concerned about the spread of Worldwide Communism, the CIA helped establish a right wing Pro-America government in Brazil in 1964. This government was known for torturing, killing and imprisoning large sections of the population. Blanket censorship laws were also put into place that led to many artists fleeing the country to avoid prison and/or death squads. It is widely accepted that for most of its history the real rulers of Brazil have been oligarchs – for the most part rich farmers who have been able to use their money to influence nearly all parts of life in this enormous nation. While this has crated some sense of stability, it has also meant that there is a small wealthy ruling class and then a much larger group of very impoverished people, with almost no middle class. Brazil has a divide between the rich and poor that is almost unknown in the rest of the world. This h as benefited the wealthy farmers, who have had a nearly limitless supply of cheap labor, but been a cancer on the poor, who live in a country that lacks basic infrastructure, social protections and long term economic hope. For most of its history, Brazil has been plagued by runaway inflation that has discouraged even basic savings practices. The government tried to fix this in 1994 by introducing a new currency, the Real. This measure worked for a brief period of time, until the currency was devastated by the Asian financial crisis of 1999. The Real was then devalued and the nation sunk deeper into poverty, despite a $41.5 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund. This led to union leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva being elected president in 2003 by promising to reform the system. Alas, his government has been plagued by a series of corruption scandals. The good news is that the court system, for the first time in its history, seems to be taking the scandals seriously and there is some promise of reform in the coming years. This may be small comfort to the millions of poor people who live in Brazil – the fifth most populous country in the world. Today more than one in four people in Brazil live on less than one dollar a day. The minimum wage of Brazil is still less than $125 a month – leaving many people unable to ever get ahead. Of course this is great for the farmers, who are able to grow and export coffee cheaply, because their labor costs are next to nothing. Under Lula, many social investment programs have been devastated in an effort to pay off some of the country’s massive debt obligations. He has cut retirement benefits and changed the tax code. That said, Lulu did create the Zero Hunger program, which promises every Brazilian three meals a day. Still, the poor here have always been exploited – the sugar fields and gold mines of the Colonial Era were so dangerous and deadly that the Portuguese had to continually import new slaves – who generally died before they could reproduce and naturally augment their population. When the slaves tried to revolt and create their own colonies several hundred years ago, they were quickly destroyed by merciless artillery. What the future holds for Brazil is a mystery. Still, it is a welcome place for tourists, who love to lounge on its beautiful beaches and explore its mountains and vistas – while paying less than they would in almost any part of the First World.
  23. There is a bit of controversy as to who are the owners of many sites on the Internet including this one. For those of you that don’t know, I am the owner of the domain name and I do own many websites. Actually, I own over 300 active live websites. Some are gay, some are straight and some are bisexual. Some are even not related to the adult industry. I started collecting domain names years ago. I currently own over 4k prime domain names. I have been in the business for many years. I have only sold 2 domain names in the last 10 years. Both were to good people whom I have known and trusted. My typical MO is to buy a prime domain name, find someone who has an interest in it and that I really trust and know has good business sense and then let them run the site. I normally, put forth the money for the making of the site, hold the domain name in my name, let others run the site and they share the revenues they generate with me. That is true for every site I have ever developed and owned. I am a businessman and I am not in the business to censor what people want to participate in. If there is a market for a site and it is legal, I am interested in working on it. There are so many areas of gay life that other gays discriminate against. I hate it when someone says that 2 consenting adults cannot participate in something that is legal because they don’t like that particular thing. For example, I hate when someone who says that anyone who barebacks with others is doing something morally wrong when they often hire escorts. I hate when those that want to stop someone from hiring escorts rant and rave but think that it is OK to “party and play.” I hate when someone says that it is ok to dress in drag but it is disgusting to dress in leather. I know that in the above, there are many odd examples. But, I believe that any two consenting adults should be able to engage in any activity that they want without the hatred of others in the community. To that end, I do not withhold development of any site because others view it as morally wrong. I firmly believe that adults should be allowed to make their own decisions and that it is better for the gay community as a whole to have a variety of sites that cater to all those interests and fetishes. I have developed many sites that are not popular with this in mind. Don’t get me wrong; first and foremost, I am a businessman. I do not develop sites because I have some need to help those less fortunate. It is business and I find people who are passionate about the site to do the rest. In the case of this site, I have found a group of guys that wanted to develop the site, had the desire and motivation but lacked the financial backing and the experience to build a site. I brought what they were lacking to the table and they will do the rest. Hooboy knew the names I owned and we often laughed about it as he tried to buy a few of them from me over the years. I actually had this site in the works years ago and it was a fully developed site. I then met Hooboy and became friends with him. I was ready to launch the site and decided that I much preferred my friendship with him than competing with him. I gave up the site plans. That was over 3 years ago and I have not regretted my decision one time since. My friendship with Hooboy developed over the years and in over 4 continents traveling together. He knew that I owned many controversial sites and his response was always, “so what.” When Hooboy died, my goal was to help his lover get the site and help him make a living from it. To that end, I send an offer to Hooboy’s best friend on the day of his funeral. As someone on the other site pointed out, it was a real class act. I knew that a few people who had an interest in his site had flown to Hawaii to the funeral. Some of these people had only met him one time. I also knew that many wanted to get his site without justly compensating the family for it. I was worried that this would happen and that Hooboy’s family would not get what was rightly theirs. I then sent an offer that was over 6 figures to Hooboy’s best friend. This caused much controversy to those that wanted the site for free and thought they would get it for little to nothing. For the first time, the estate knew they had something of value. I kept the offer on the table and even upped the offer at one point. After the “great meltdown” I lowered my offer as the site was slowly being destroyed. I kept lowering my offers to them as I felt the site was being poorly managed and maintained. I also felt that many administrative decisions were happening that were meant to devalue the site. With all of this in mind, I have kept a good offer on the table for the estate and to my knowledge it is the highest offer. My post on the Hooboy site a couple of months back caused many people to get upset as I got tired of the complaints of working without just compensation. As I said, there are reasons for that and anyone that knows the history of the negotiations knows that there is more to the story than is public. Hooboy’s site was a moneymaker. He did well with it. Others will do well with it. For those of you who have difficulty understanding my position, I’ll try to be even clearer. I love making websites. I enjoy the process from start to finish. I also enjoy making money from them down the road. I have no issue developing a site that is legal and that adults participate in an area they desire. To that end, people I have known and trusted for years started this site. They will do a great job with the site and I will move into the background with the administrative stuff after they get the site working the way they want. I won’t move into the background as a member of the site as this is one of the few sites I have had a passion for the content. I own other sites that are controversial. I will develop more in other areas. I do not have a moral problem with people who are adults making decisions regarding their body that is informative and if chosen to do with another adult consensual. I hope that this clarifies a bit about this site, other sites and me in general. I hope you enjoy this site as many have spent a great deal of time, effort and energy on it! TotallyOz
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